I'm back, because I have to be.

I found this long post over on FARK that I believe cuts to the heart of why the Rethuglicans are being total asshats with the debt ceiling debate:

Quote from hubiestubert on FARK »

The sad thing?

That folks have been talking about the debt crisis for some time. Back when Reagan thought it was a good idea to start writing a LOT of checks. And the folks who were the recipients of said checks LOVED the idea, and then demanded MOAR deficit spending. To the point where we talked about the deficit more than we talked about the actual debt. This sort of thing was commented on by Presidential hopeful George Bush, but his crack about Voodoo Economics fell on deaf ears, because people knew that the consequences were down the road. And the SAME folks who cheered it on then, are suddenly looking at a Democratic President having to deal with the fallout of these insane spending policies, and fearing that we will have a rehash of the Clintonian reductions in our spending habits, and actually address the debt itself.

This is the real fear. That we address the actual debt. We not only make payments on it, but reduce the principle. There is fear that a Democrat will do this again and undercut the verbage that folks have been spewing about "fiscally Conservative" policy.

I consider myself a fiscal Conservative. What we've seen with these spending binges ISN'T fiscal Conservatism. It isn't fiscally Conservative to sell off government property and then rent it--yes, I'm looking at YOU Arizona. It's not fiscally Conservative to keep buying weapon systems that have been proven to not work, and aren't even needed anymore, but prop up a jobs market in states that are seeing downturns because they keep shipping jobs out, but supporting tax breaks for companies that keep token work forces while contracting out labor far and away.

The real fear is that real fiscal Conservatism hasn't been seen for some time, and it is time for it to return. To see investment in our infrastructure as not just attractive, but necessary. To invest in our futures with education. To invest in our futures with technologies that will mature and develop. It undercuts the grasshopper approach that fiscal Conservatives have been warning us about for nearly three decades. And instead of listening to these warnings, folks have taken "fiscal Conservatism" and branded it for "tax cuts" and "cutting waste" in programs that don't fit their ideological model, not actually based in figures or need.

This is why I am nearing the end of my Republicanism. Not because the Democrats are suddenly attractive. Not because I have had a change of heart. Not because I've softened on the ideals that I was weaned upon, but because the party has no interest in those ideals, and no interest in actually doing the fiscally Conservative thing. Has no interest in actually defending the Constitution. Has no interest in leading for that matter--just wailing about any ideas that don't fit into a narrow ideological niche that KEEPS FAILING WHEN IT'S PUT INTO PRACTICE.

Continuing to bang your head against a wall isn't brave or true, it's just stupid, and I am getting really tired of the party betting on stupid. There are some brilliant folks still in the Republican party, but they are getting fewer and farer between, and if this is the sort of brilliant analysis that gets folks knickers in a twist, then maybe it's time I left and supported folks who have the long term interests of the nation to heart, as opposed to massaging a tiny interest group that is hoping for a continuation of policy that serves them, and damns the rest of the nation, and requires cheerleaders like this to try to make it palatable for the rubes.

I can't really support the DNC, not as a whole, and not with much of the leadership, but individual candidates are becoming preferable to the ideologically proper GOP candidates, who haven't thought their grasshopper mentality through, and won't because that would mean taking steps to stem the tide of stoopid that has gripped the party.

We need a third party at this point. Not the TEA Party, because that's just an Astroturf campaign to keep going MOAR STOOPID. Bring on the Modern Whigs. Bring on less crazy Libertarians. Bring on anyone but these folks who are obsessed with continued tax cuts and Jeebus, because y'all are breaking the nation, the caucus, and the party.

I find it telling that Republicans, the "conservative" party, are acting like being fiscally conservative is the last thing they want. It WOULD be fiscally conservative to close the loopholes that lets companies save $$$ by shipping jobs overseas. It WOULD be fiscally conservative to cut spending to defense (we could cut it by half and still have the biggest military in the world. We would be forced out of Iraq and Afghanistan, but we want out of there anyway, right?) What is NOT fiscally conservative is to allow the country to default on debt, which would make inflation balloon even more than it already has. Driving down the value of the dollar is NOT fiscally conservative. We think that during the civil rights movement the two parties basically switched ideologies. Fiscally, they didn't.


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