2019 Holiday Exchange!
A New and Exciting Beginning
The End of an Era
  • posted a message on My Magic Club is too Casual!
    This thread makes me laugh. Casual players usually stay casual. Back when I started playing in 9th grade (1994), my classmates were my usual opponents during lunch. They were practice for the weekend tourneys. While all their decks were never competitive, and they hated playing against me ( "I'll counter that... Power Sink that... "), they were still someone to play against. Not to mention the source of most of my early Power 9. No these kids weren't the ones who'd trade a lotus for a craw wurm, but I did buy my first lotus for $90 w/ Christmas money.

    Be nice to them.
    Posted in: Magic General
  • posted a message on # of Land Odds Simulator
    nope.. doesn't require compiling. sometimes windows has wscript set as default causing output to display in message boxes. if that's the case type:

    cscript //h:cscript (enter)

    then to run the script:
    landodds (enter)

    the explicit way to run it:
    cscript.exe landodds.vbs (enter)

    if you have any questions feel free to ask me. =)

    Posted in: Third Party Products
  • posted a message on Magic Slang
    back when i used to play regularly there was a ridiculous amount of slang.

    pile, broken, tech, luckbox, mise(r), etc.

    what are ppl saying nowadays?
    Posted in: Magic General
  • posted a message on # of Land Odds Simulator
    feel free to alter it or convert it to javascript (i'd do it but my first language is VB =P). i run it thru the windows script host. i prefer not to send params thru the command line. i find it quicker to edit the params in the script itself. after i make a change in notepad, alt + f then s, alt+tab (into command prompt), up arrow (enter), alt+tab (back to notepad), make a new change, and repeat. quick and works for me. 100k simulations takes approx 6sec on a 3.7ghz athlon II x2. i'm using verbose variable names because they self comment.

    right click save: http://www.cpixel.com/sickz/landodds.vbs

    in notepad: edit values to your liking

    in command prompt type:
    cscript //h:cscript (enter)
    landodds (enter)

    option explicit '//written by g@cpixel.com
    dim x,i,LandsDrawn,TotalLandsDrawnInSimulation,LandRuleMetCount,isLandRuleMet
    const CardsInDeck = 40
    const LandsInDeck = 17
    const CardsDrawn = 7 '//if going first 9 = turn3, 11=turn 5, etc.
    const SimulationsToRun =  12415
    const LandRules = "LandsDrawn >= 3"
    'const LandRules = "LandsDrawn > 2 and LandsDrawn < 6"
    'const LandRules = "LandsDrawn = 2"
    'const LandRules = "LandsDrawn = 0 or LandsDrawn = 7"
    '//populate deck. land = 1, spell = 0
    execute "dim Deck("&CardsInDeck-1&")"
    for i = 0 to ubound(Deck)
    	if i < LandsInDeck then	Deck(i) = 1 else Deck(i) = 0
    dim CardsDrawn2 : CardsDrawn2 = CardsDrawn - 1 '//keeps unnecessary math out of loop
    for x = 1 to SimulationsToRun
    	Shuffle Deck
    	LandsDrawn = 0 : isLandRuleMet = 0
    	'//sum of cardsdrawn gives us landcount since land=1 and spell=0
    	for i = 0 to CardsDrawn2 : LandsDrawn = LandsDrawn + Deck(i) : next
    	Execute "if " & LandRules & " then isLandRuleMet = 1"
    	if isLandRuleMet then LandRuleMetCount = LandRuleMetCount + 1 
    	TotalLandsDrawnInSimulation = TotalLandsDrawnInSimulation + LandsDrawn
    wscript.echo "Simulate: " & LandsInDeck & " lands in " & CardsIndeck & " cards"
    wscript.echo "LandRule: " & LandRules & " in " & CardsDrawn & " cards"
    wscript.echo "Average Land Per Hand: " & TotalLandsDrawnInSimulation / SimulationsToRun
    wscript.echo "LandRuleMetCount: " & LandRuleMetCount & " of " & SimulationsToRun & "  (" & formatpercent(LandRuleMetCount / SimulationsToRun) & ")"
    sub Shuffle(byref somearray)
    dim a,b,temp
    dim arrsize : arrsize = ubound(somearray)
    for a = 0 to arrsize
    	b = clng(((arrsize - a) * rnd) + a)
    	if a <> b then 
    		temp = somearray(a)
    		somearray(a) = somearray(b)
    		somearray(b) = temp
    	end if
    end sub
    Posted in: Third Party Products
  • posted a message on Javascript Shuffler code
    computers are fast enough nowadays to where sloppy code does not really matter in terms of performance. especially if you're running iterations of just 100k or so.

    awhile back i used to work for a pathetic software company who's philosophy was: beefupservers > optimizing code

    beefing up the servers was cheaper for the company.
    Posted in: Third Party Products
  • posted a message on MTG Image - Provides high resolution card images
    still available on archive.org. the 4 allsets zip files are available to download as well.


    Posted in: Third Party Products
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