2019 Holiday Exchange!
A New and Exciting Beginning
The End of an Era
  • posted a message on Crazy Plays in EDH.
    Well ****, I feel like an ass for taking the win now... thanks for the heads up, I'll remove the card from my deck now. haha!
    Posted in: Commander (EDH)
  • posted a message on Crazy Plays in EDH.
    I forced one opponent to kill another with Master Warcraft (effectively killing the guy before me, allowing me to take my turn next), then I stole his Platinum Angel with Enslave and won (since his life total was already below 0).
    Posted in: Commander (EDH)
  • posted a message on What's You Color? The Ultimate Three Color Test!
    Just throwing in my 2c.

    I had trouble grading myself since the instructions didn't quite match the formula (mathematically, since "/" is used to signify division), so I did what I thought was mathematically sound, given the formula.

    I originally took the formula literally, meaning dividing the item number by the item answer, then adding all three quotients up to get the score. This result ended up with ECA (Black, White, and Red) being my highest ranking score, followed by CAD, and EAB. this offered me the most consistency between colors since R always appeared, while W and B interchanged with each other, whereas the last color was always random. This means that the chances of your "top score" being accurate is higher, seeing as R appeared three times, while W and B appeared twice each. I'm still not 100% on this, but this has proved to be accurate for my friend and I.
    Posted in: Opinions & Polls
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