Its almost strictly better Tuinvale Treefolk mixed with Greater Sandwurm. I think that if you support counters matter theme in your cube, as I do in mine, it is playable as an instant, albeit expensive way to put counters on something like Sharktocrab, thats still a creature. Also apparently it's the first time we got "can't be blocked by creatures with power 3 or less" on a creature that doesn't have 1 or 2 toughness.
I personally dont like multi-player themed mechanics in my cube (will of the council, monarch, initiative), so Im hesitant to call it staple. But I can see the appeal.
I'm also not sure whether or not I want to add Initiative cards, since I recently decided to cut the Monarch cards, due to feedback from my playgroup. Mechanics, which just stay in the command zone and can't be interacted with outside of combat can make it impossible for a deck, that is slightly behind to ever catch up.
Btw. Will of the Council isn't really a multiplayer mechanic in 1 vs 1. I really like Custodi Squire. The text could basically be reduced to "When Custodi Squire enters the battlefield return an artifact, creature, or enchantment card in your graveyard to your hand." Apart from that it and Tyrant's Choice are the only commons with that mechanic anyway.
Astral Confrontation - Bad. Hard removal is almost never terrible, but in 1v1 you can only reduce the cost by 1 for 4 mana which is still overcosted.
Bane's Invoker - Bad. I'm trying to be a harsher critic of cards since in recent years there has be a lot of power creep in the average power of commons, so this would have definitely been a borderline card in the old rubric. 2/2 for 2 is fine, but isn't enough to make cards playable these days. 8 mana is simply too much for an effect that doesn't win you the game. Not to say that the ability is bad, but it is very expensive. This is going to be a similar story with all the invokers.
Blessed Hippogriff - Borderline Cubeable. Both halves of this card are fine, but neither excel. If either side was 1 mana less then this would be pretty good, but as it stands the flier comes down a little late and 2 mana is a lot to hold for a trick. Umm turns out I didn't read the card. 1 mana indestructible is fine as an adventure. Then the flier side is good offensively. 4 mana is okay costed considering that essentially an extra card strapped onto this.
Dawnbringer Cleric - Borderline. 2 mana etb destroy enchantment with upside. This is good sideboard tech, or would be better in a environment with more enchantments. The other modes give this flexibility which is what a lot of enchantment hate cards are lacking. The 1/3 body is big enough to impact the board, but mostly will be blocking.
Flaming Fist - Terrible. The first truly awful card from the set. I don't know what to say about this other than there are no commanders in a non-commander format.
Flaming Fist Officer - Cubeable. The potential for growth on this card is impressive. This goes well with flicker and tokens. Three mana come down early and the ability compliments what white is typically trying to do. Your opponent has to respect the threat that this presents.
Goliath Paladin - Staple. Yeah... All of this initiative cards are bonkers. They are comparable to monarch cards, but the effect stacks with monarch! While to do think the pure card draw is stronger of the two, the cards that grant initiative are not weak either, but they are typically priced at 5 mana which means they do very little to impact burn match ups. The downside of these cards is always your opponent can play to the board as well and take the initiative. But they give a lot of late game staying power to a deck with relatively little cost. This card specifically is bulky are won't die to anything that isn't hard removal. Vigilance is fine at hold monarch and initiative, but doesn't do a lot to stop evasion creatures. 5 mana also puts it on the expensive end. Not too many people run Staunch Throneguard which is a comparable card.
Greatsword of Tyr - Cubeable. This equipment to cheap to cast and even cheaper to equip. Tapping creatures when attacking is good at holing the beatdown, plus counters are a bonus, not to mention that they stick around when to shuffle around the equipment. This does more or less what white wants from an equipment.
Guardian Naga - Borderline. The adventure part is fine, more sideboard tech, but crucially it deals with bridges. The creature part has undoubtably a strong ability, but costs 7, which is pretty much a death kneel for all cards much weaker than Ulamog's Crusher. I guess this has vigilance too.
Guiding Bolt - Weak. 3 mana removal with scry 2 seems like it should be very good, but it's simply too narrow.
Icewind Stalwart - Weak. Hill Giant is ummm pretty bad. Flicker attached potentially can be good, but this requires a lot of support to be consistently fine and probably isn't worth it in the long run.
Martial Impetus - Bad. This is probably the most viable on of the goaded enchantments for pauper cube because it is fine on your own creature. Still enchantments are typically bad and this is no exception. It's worth mentioning at this point that goading creatures forces them to attack it possible regardless of the number of players, so it does mechanically do something in 1v1.
Pegasus Guardian - Borderline. 6 mana is a lot, but the tokens do have flying. The adventure is fine and the creature side plays into a flicker deck. But flicker decks never really needed much more late game because of all the card advantage they can accrue, they need more early game. Still this is probably the best six mana white creature we've seen to date. (Imperial Oath isn't technically a creature so I'm excluding it.)
Recruitment Drive - Borderline. This is too luck based. Either 50% of the time it's good and 45% it's bad. Of course there is 5% of the time where it is bonkers. It might be fine in terms of pure power level, but it seems too rage inducing.
Roving Harper - Cubeable. It cantrips. This seems to be a standard mechanic on white creatures these days. Creatures that replace themselves tend to be decent if they are appropriately costed. This is pretty solidly middle of the pack as far as these creatures go. Just remember that Llanowar Visionary and Inspiring Overseer are both 3 mana, but better.
Scouting Hawk - Bad. The land catch up mechanic is much weaker in lvl than multiplay because of the lack of consistency. If this was consistent it would be fine, but otherwise its a three mana 1/1 flier.
Steadfast Unicorn - Bad. The activated ability is in okay when you are going wide, unfortunately a 1/2 for 1 is just too small to impact the board in any significant way even with this ability. Many some swarm strategies have a use for this, but I'm just not seeing it.
Tabaxi Toucaneers - Bad. Myriad doesn't do anything in 1v1, and all your left with is a overcosted flier.
Your Temple Is Under Attack - Overcosted to save your team and puts your opponent in too much of an advantage by striking a deal because it essentially 2-for-1s yourself.
You're Confronted by Robbers - Cubeable. Captain's Call at instant speed or taps down your opponents board (probably). This seems very good. Maybe getting close to staple. We'll have to see...
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
There's no word in the goblin language for "strategy." Then again, there's no word in the goblin language for "word."
Aarakocra Sneak - Easy Staple. This is probably the best of the initiative cards because it is 4 mana and has evasion. 1/4 fliers are good when you have a powerful ability to back it up; 4 toughness keeps this out of bolt range, flying is good for gaining initiative and holding initiative. I just had a look at the initiative rules and it is nowhere near as broken as monarch because you need to hold it throughout you opponents turn to get to get to your upkeep rather than just getting the bonus end of turn. On further reading: you delve the dungeon when you gain initiative and during your upkeep. I had to clarify it to myself because the initiative keyword is opaque. In terms of the Undercity: the two +1/+1 counter, 5 life loss and draw a card route seems like the go to. The other side of the dungeon is fine if your not going to use the buff and the life loss isn't a big deciding factor — it depends if you are going to use the skeleton. The middle chamber goading a creature is going to be more useful than people realise because you can force a bad attack. Plus if you go that route you get to decide which side to venture to. The final chamber will be strong in most decks. Chances are any creature you hit in the top 10 cards is going to be good with +1/+1 counters and hexproof until your next turn. There is a lot to say about initiative and the main point is it's a strong mechanic especially on a 4 mana creature.
Blur - Bad. Three mana is so much for flicker. Cantripping is fine, but still you'd rather Ephemerate in this place.
Contact Other Plane - Bad. Instant speed draw is ok, but in order to make this card decent that relies on a dice roll. Failing the dice roll makes this an overcosted Hieroglyphic Illumination.
Draconic Lore - Bad. We have Treasure Cruise if you want to draw 3. Dragon is not a common creature type at common.
Dragonborn Looter - Borderline. Looting is strong. Two toughness is pretty nice, keeping this out of Fireslinger range. But you are better off with the 3 common looters (Looter il-Kor, Merfolk Looter and Thought Courier) as they don't have a mana cost associated with their looting.
Dream Fracture - Borderline. Counter magic with card draw is a dangerous combo. But three mana is a lot to pay for counter magic. Arcane Denial costs less, though gives your opponent and extra card; and still isn't good enough for pauper cube these days. It's nice to see this downshift, but I don't think it's going to make many lists.
Goggles of Night - Borderline. An Ophidian equipment at common has been a long time coming and this one essentially Opts each time it connects. It seems like it should be good, but it costs blue mana (I mean fair enough) and 2 to equip means juggling it around is mana intensive. Still this is a fine card and I'm sure it will see play in the right decks.
Gray Harbor Merfolk - Terrible. This card has the word commander on it which is an instant red flag.
Kenku Artificer - Borderline, maybe cubeable? This might actually be playable because of bridges, Ichor Wellspring and treasure. It gives flying too, so in the right deck in the right cube it's going to be pretty sweet for 3 mana.
Lapis Orb of Dragonkind - Terrible. Another red flag is seeing the word dragon in the rules text on a common. Dragons just don't really exist at common. Hypothetically if you could consistently scry this would be quite decent.
Nimbleclaw Adept - Borderline. Understandably wizards have to be extremely cautious with any card that could potentially repeatedly untap permanents. Once per turn is understandable, but also limiting it to sorcery speed shows a lot of caution on their behalf. Mana acceleration in blue is also potentially very dangerous. I'm taking the view that this card has the potential to be very good, but the average usecase this is going to be too clunky.
Oceanus Dragon - Borderline Cubeable. 6 mana to getting expensive, but the etb upfront makes up a lot for the obvious critique: it dies to Doom Blade. 3/5 flier is pretty decent, but 4 power would have been chef's kiss. Goading a creature gives the dragon an easy snack. On second examination goading a creature doubles as removal if your opponent hasn't got an appropriate answer ready which bumps this up a pay grade.
Psychic Impetus - Bad. It's an aura. Goading your own creature is just kind of bad, even if you probably want to attack every turn already. Scry 2 can get out of hand if this card is not answered.
Run Away Together - Bad. Sure you can leverage this card to be ok, but wouldn't you rather Curfew nine times out of ten.
Sea Hag - Cubeable. This is just a good card. Aquatic Ingress is strong enough on it's own and Sea Hag has a strong etb, good enough to justify random flicker. Combined this could even be staple. Also adventure is much better when the creature doesn't cost something ridiculous. A 3/5 body is going to contribute to the battlefield.
Stunning Strike - Staple. Blue is pretty stacked this set. Blue is lacking hard removal at a reasonable cost. The fact you can use this as a combat trick is frosting of a already pretty decent cake. Sure 2 mana would be the dream, but I'll settle for 3 mana to have good removal in blue. Also being pauper you can just ignore the legendary text.
Sword Coast Serpent - Borderline/cubeable? This is almost great. Capsizing Wave is a pretty standard 2 mana Unsummon. The creature body closes games, no question about that. The only real downside is that it costs 7, which means it is unlikely to impact the aggro match ups. Maybe this is cubeable.
Tymora's Invoker - Bad. Well this card isn't inherently terrible, it is a mana sink that eventually wins you the game (by card advantage). But 8 mana is too much and the vanilla creature body is not particularly relevant to most board states.
Young Blue Dragon - Borderline. This has all the components of a perfectly borderline adventure card. Neither side is really worth it, but you'll play it in a pinch.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
There's no word in the goblin language for "strategy." Then again, there's no word in the goblin language for "word."
blur is a very good card. seem cubable to me Draconic Lore is also very solid. a draw 3 is not that common at common.. especially not at instant and for mv4 if you happen to run some changelings Stunning Strike is okay, but no staple at mv3 for a removal. Sea Hag and Oceanus Dragon are just awful
your blue evaluation seems off
changelings are dragons!
we have a common commander now: Faceless One
So in addition to the new Thriving Land Cycle we now also got another cantripping white 3 drop:
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
T2 powpercube Value
T2 powpercube Value
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
so it takes 2 turns to pump
T2 powpercube Value
Apaarently the first effect takes place immediately.
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
Btw. Will of the Council isn't really a multiplayer mechanic in 1 vs 1. I really like Custodi Squire. The text could basically be reduced to "When Custodi Squire enters the battlefield return an artifact, creature, or enchantment card in your graveyard to your hand." Apart from that it and Tyrant's Choice are the only commons with that mechanic anyway.
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
This is very interesting. A pump and tapping effect on a reasonably costed equipment.
T2 powpercube Value
a 4/4 flying for 4 in green is pretty insane. unfortunately its a defensive creature. might still run it
T2 powpercube Value
I like the instant and flexibility. Decent for go wide strategies.
another pyroclasm. nice. at this point i might consider a red control archetype
T2 powpercube Value
A protrction spell and jumper in one card
stunning strike
Instant speed claustrophobia
winter Eladrin
Oo a new man-o-war
Druid of the Emerald Grove
The 4 cmc is tough, but does an interesting impression of Civic wayfinder.
set gives us 2 more sweepers, which starts making toughness<2 creatures a liability
T2 powpercube Value
I like Guildsworn Prowler a lot too. Its comparable to boot nipper, but its great for attacks and doesnt like to be hit with a lot of removal.
Astral Confrontation - Bad. Hard removal is almost never terrible, but in 1v1 you can only reduce the cost by 1 for 4 mana which is still overcosted.
Bane's Invoker - Bad. I'm trying to be a harsher critic of cards since in recent years there has be a lot of power creep in the average power of commons, so this would have definitely been a borderline card in the old rubric. 2/2 for 2 is fine, but isn't enough to make cards playable these days. 8 mana is simply too much for an effect that doesn't win you the game. Not to say that the ability is bad, but it is very expensive. This is going to be a similar story with all the invokers.
Blessed Hippogriff -
BorderlineCubeable.Both halves of this card are fine, but neither excel. If either side was 1 mana less then this would be pretty good, but as it stands the flier comes down a little late and 2 mana is a lot to hold for a trick.Umm turns out I didn't read the card. 1 mana indestructible is fine as an adventure. Then the flier side is good offensively. 4 mana is okay costed considering that essentially an extra card strapped onto this.Dawnbringer Cleric - Borderline. 2 mana etb destroy enchantment with upside. This is good sideboard tech, or would be better in a environment with more enchantments. The other modes give this flexibility which is what a lot of enchantment hate cards are lacking. The 1/3 body is big enough to impact the board, but mostly will be blocking.
Flaming Fist - Terrible. The first truly awful card from the set. I don't know what to say about this other than there are no commanders in a non-commander format.
Flaming Fist Officer - Cubeable. The potential for growth on this card is impressive. This goes well with flicker and tokens. Three mana come down early and the ability compliments what white is typically trying to do. Your opponent has to respect the threat that this presents.
Goliath Paladin - Staple. Yeah... All of this initiative cards are bonkers. They are comparable to monarch cards, but the effect stacks with monarch! While to do think the pure card draw is stronger of the two, the cards that grant initiative are not weak either, but they are typically priced at 5 mana which means they do very little to impact burn match ups. The downside of these cards is always your opponent can play to the board as well and take the initiative. But they give a lot of late game staying power to a deck with relatively little cost. This card specifically is bulky are won't die to anything that isn't hard removal. Vigilance is fine at hold monarch and initiative, but doesn't do a lot to stop evasion creatures. 5 mana also puts it on the expensive end. Not too many people run Staunch Throneguard which is a comparable card.
Greatsword of Tyr - Cubeable. This equipment to cheap to cast and even cheaper to equip. Tapping creatures when attacking is good at holing the beatdown, plus counters are a bonus, not to mention that they stick around when to shuffle around the equipment. This does more or less what white wants from an equipment.
Guardian Naga - Borderline. The adventure part is fine, more sideboard tech, but crucially it deals with bridges. The creature part has undoubtably a strong ability, but costs 7, which is pretty much a death kneel for all cards much weaker than Ulamog's Crusher. I guess this has vigilance too.
Guiding Bolt - Weak. 3 mana removal with scry 2 seems like it should be very good, but it's simply too narrow.
Icewind Stalwart - Weak. Hill Giant is ummm pretty bad. Flicker attached potentially can be good, but this requires a lot of support to be consistently fine and probably isn't worth it in the long run.
Martial Impetus - Bad. This is probably the most viable on of the goaded enchantments for pauper cube because it is fine on your own creature. Still enchantments are typically bad and this is no exception. It's worth mentioning at this point that goading creatures forces them to attack it possible regardless of the number of players, so it does mechanically do something in 1v1.
Minimus Containment Borderline. Just run Oblivion Ring over this.
Pegasus Guardian - Borderline. 6 mana is a lot, but the tokens do have flying. The adventure is fine and the creature side plays into a flicker deck. But flicker decks never really needed much more late game because of all the card advantage they can accrue, they need more early game. Still this is probably the best six mana white creature we've seen to date. (Imperial Oath isn't technically a creature so I'm excluding it.)
Recruitment Drive - Borderline. This is too luck based. Either 50% of the time it's good and 45% it's bad. Of course there is 5% of the time where it is bonkers. It might be fine in terms of pure power level, but it seems too rage inducing.
Roving Harper - Cubeable. It cantrips. This seems to be a standard mechanic on white creatures these days. Creatures that replace themselves tend to be decent if they are appropriately costed. This is pretty solidly middle of the pack as far as these creatures go. Just remember that Llanowar Visionary and Inspiring Overseer are both 3 mana, but better.
Scouting Hawk - Bad. The land catch up mechanic is much weaker in lvl than multiplay because of the lack of consistency. If this was consistent it would be fine, but otherwise its a three mana 1/1 flier.
Steadfast Unicorn - Bad. The activated ability is in okay when you are going wide, unfortunately a 1/2 for 1 is just too small to impact the board in any significant way even with this ability. Many some swarm strategies have a use for this, but I'm just not seeing it.
Tabaxi Toucaneers - Bad. Myriad doesn't do anything in 1v1, and all your left with is a overcosted flier.
Wyrm's Crossing Patrol - Terrible. This is just a vanilla 1/1 in 1v1.
Your Temple Is Under Attack - Overcosted to save your team and puts your opponent in too much of an advantage by striking a deal because it essentially 2-for-1s yourself.
You're Confronted by Robbers - Cubeable. Captain's Call at instant speed or taps down your opponents board (probably). This seems very good. Maybe getting close to staple. We'll have to see...
Excavating Anurid < Avenging Hunter
Dreamtail Heron < Aarakocra Sneak
Apostle's Blessing < Blessed Hippogriff
Tah-Crop Elite < Goliath Paladin
Raffine's Guidance < Greatsword of Tyr
Repeal < winter Eladrin
Epicure of Blood < underdark explorer
Cavern Whisperer < Vicious Battlerager
Read the Bones < arms of hadar
Staggershock < Breath Weapon
Territorial Scythecat < Carefree Swinemaster
Dauthi Horror < Guildsworn Prowler
12 new cards seems excessive. crazy set. rip mutate i guess
T2 powpercube Value
Aarakocra Sneak - Easy Staple. This is probably the best of the initiative cards because it is 4 mana and has evasion. 1/4 fliers are good when you have a powerful ability to back it up; 4 toughness keeps this out of bolt range, flying is good for gaining initiative and holding initiative.
I just had a look at the initiative rules and it is nowhere near as broken as monarch because you need to hold it throughout you opponents turn to get to get to your upkeep rather than just getting the bonus end of turn.On further reading: you delve the dungeon when you gain initiative and during your upkeep. I had to clarify it to myself because the initiative keyword is opaque. In terms of the Undercity: the two +1/+1 counter, 5 life loss and draw a card route seems like the go to. The other side of the dungeon is fine if your not going to use the buff and the life loss isn't a big deciding factor — it depends if you are going to use the skeleton. The middle chamber goading a creature is going to be more useful than people realise because you can force a bad attack. Plus if you go that route you get to decide which side to venture to. The final chamber will be strong in most decks. Chances are any creature you hit in the top 10 cards is going to be good with +1/+1 counters and hexproof until your next turn. There is a lot to say about initiative and the main point is it's a strong mechanic especially on a 4 mana creature.Blur - Bad. Three mana is so much for flicker. Cantripping is fine, but still you'd rather Ephemerate in this place.
Contact Other Plane - Bad. Instant speed draw is ok, but in order to make this card decent that relies on a dice roll. Failing the dice roll makes this an overcosted Hieroglyphic Illumination.
Draconic Lore - Bad. We have Treasure Cruise if you want to draw 3. Dragon is not a common creature type at common.
Dragonborn Looter - Borderline. Looting is strong. Two toughness is pretty nice, keeping this out of Fireslinger range. But you are better off with the 3 common looters (Looter il-Kor, Merfolk Looter and Thought Courier) as they don't have a mana cost associated with their looting.
Dream Fracture - Borderline. Counter magic with card draw is a dangerous combo. But three mana is a lot to pay for counter magic. Arcane Denial costs less, though gives your opponent and extra card; and still isn't good enough for pauper cube these days. It's nice to see this downshift, but I don't think it's going to make many lists.
Goggles of Night - Borderline. An Ophidian equipment at common has been a long time coming and this one essentially Opts each time it connects. It seems like it should be good, but it costs blue mana (I mean fair enough) and 2 to equip means juggling it around is mana intensive. Still this is a fine card and I'm sure it will see play in the right decks.
Gray Harbor Merfolk - Terrible. This card has the word commander on it which is an instant red flag.
Kenku Artificer - Borderline, maybe cubeable? This might actually be playable because of bridges, Ichor Wellspring and treasure. It gives flying too, so in the right deck in the right cube it's going to be pretty sweet for 3 mana.
Lapis Orb of Dragonkind - Terrible. Another red flag is seeing the word dragon in the rules text on a common. Dragons just don't really exist at common. Hypothetically if you could consistently scry this would be quite decent.
Nimbleclaw Adept - Borderline. Understandably wizards have to be extremely cautious with any card that could potentially repeatedly untap permanents. Once per turn is understandable, but also limiting it to sorcery speed shows a lot of caution on their behalf. Mana acceleration in blue is also potentially very dangerous. I'm taking the view that this card has the potential to be very good, but the average usecase this is going to be too clunky.
Oceanus Dragon -
BorderlineCubeable. 6 mana to getting expensive, but the etb upfront makes up a lot for the obvious critique: it dies to Doom Blade. 3/5 flier is pretty decent, but 4 power would have been chef's kiss. Goading a creature gives the dragon an easy snack. On second examination goading a creature doubles as removal if your opponent hasn't got an appropriate answer ready which bumps this up a pay grade.Pseudodragon Familiar - Bad. Three mana for flying is kind of bad when you could just play Heavenly Qilin.
Psychic Impetus - Bad. It's an aura. Goading your own creature is just kind of bad, even if you probably want to attack every turn already. Scry 2 can get out of hand if this card is not answered.
Run Away Together - Bad. Sure you can leverage this card to be ok, but wouldn't you rather Curfew nine times out of ten.
Sea Hag - Cubeable. This is just a good card. Aquatic Ingress is strong enough on it's own and Sea Hag has a strong etb, good enough to justify random flicker. Combined this could even be staple. Also adventure is much better when the creature doesn't cost something ridiculous. A 3/5 body is going to contribute to the battlefield.
Stunning Strike - Staple. Blue is pretty stacked this set. Blue is lacking hard removal at a reasonable cost. The fact you can use this as a combat trick is frosting of a already pretty decent cake. Sure 2 mana would be the dream, but I'll settle for 3 mana to have good removal in blue. Also being pauper you can just ignore the legendary text.
Sword Coast Serpent - Borderline/cubeable? This is almost great. Capsizing Wave is a pretty standard 2 mana Unsummon. The creature body closes games, no question about that. The only real downside is that it costs 7, which means it is unlikely to impact the aggro match ups. Maybe this is cubeable.
Tymora's Invoker - Bad. Well this card isn't inherently terrible, it is a mana sink that eventually wins you the game (by card advantage). But 8 mana is too much and the vanilla creature body is not particularly relevant to most board states.
Winter Eladrin - Staple. Strictly better Man-o'-War is an auto-include into any cube I'm building. Losing by Aether Adepts feels bad, man.
Young Blue Dragon - Borderline. This has all the components of a perfectly borderline adventure card. Neither side is really worth it, but you'll play it in a pinch.
Draconic Lore is also very solid. a draw 3 is not that common at common.. especially not at instant and for mv4 if you happen to run some changelings
Stunning Strike is okay, but no staple at mv3 for a removal.
Sea Hag and Oceanus Dragon are just awful
your blue evaluation seems off
changelings are dragons!
we have a common commander now: Faceless One
T2 powpercube Value
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)