Oh yeah I missed the Fiery Canonade vs Goblin Surprise. I think for a 360 card cube Breath Weapon and Sulfurous Blast is enough. I'm not a huge fan of Goblin Surprise. If you want an interesting way to pump your creatures, I kinda like Wildfire Elemental. It's a very unique effect, that works great with stuff like Thermo-Alchemist and Fireslinger, but also allows you to get extra value from burning your opponents face. Weapon Surge is another card, I recently kind of rediscovered. I think it has very high potential.
Btw. I quickly glanced over your current list and these card choices, I would reconsider/put on your short list for cuts:
-Wall of Runes: Defender and 0 power is a huge downside, as this card is useless, unless your opponent is aggressive. Walls don't have a lot of flexibility and I don't think, that Scry 1 outweighs this. People often forget how important it can be for a control deck to be able to attack sometimes. I would much rather have a cheap creature, that simply trades, rather than a Wall, that can e.g. die as collateral damage from a Trumpet Blast-type effect, without even trading.
-Madcap Skills: This card can be fine in a low removal environment, but for pauper any kind of aura is a big risk.
-Migratory Greathorn: Mutate is a really bad ability. You always have to calculate the difference to the creature you are targeting. It sounds like a good idea to target a mana elf, but in that case you are losing the elf as a mana source you want to tap for mana during your turn, as you would rather use this for attacking or blocking. Yes you get a land in exchange, but mana elves are very prone to be killed and if that happens you don't the the land. Also you often want to keep your mana elves around in the early to midgame, where you would want to cast this. If you target anything but a 1/1 with it, e.g. a 2/2, the stat difference is only +1/+2, which seems like a way worse deal for the 3 mana.
-Tocasia's Dig Site: I think this land is awful. The overpriced Surveil isn't worth playing a colorless land, IMHO.
When I did a "goldfish" draft with CubeCobra, Goblin Surprise did feel bad cost/curve-wise when I wanted it for the tokens for Rakdos sacrifice, so it's really just a vanilla pump all. -> Wildfire Elemental.
My auras for controller's creatures are: Rancor (Staple), Armadillo Cloak, Sentinel's Eyes (Escape), Hyena Umbra (would be nicer with Flash like Dog Umbra), Elephant Guide, Moldervine Cloak (weakest, because Dredge isn't great). I'm okay with the risk of auras if the risk is mitigated (like Sentinel's Eyes) or if they give enough upside (like Armadillo Cloak). Madcap Skills gives evasion, but the +0 toughness (especially on a red creature) means it dies easily to combat (if opponent has two blockers) or spells, even if the opponent can't respond on the stack. But, for its replacement, I'm not super excited about Thriving Grubs or Brazen Wolves (I already run Skophos Reaver)... I'll test Weapon Surge.
My thinking with Wall of Runes was that it could act like a Flagbearer, since 4 toughness would require a removal spell (whereas 3 power is faster to reach). But, I guess red and white swarm around it, green builds its board to 4 power, and black aggro isn't supported (in my cube, and I think in Pauper cube's card pool in general). -> River Herald Scout.
I also took Tocasia's Dig Site in that test draft, but didn't maindeck it, because I can spend 3 on other things for many turns before it makes sense to Surveil. I know folks run Quicksand, but isn't it a big tempo loss to sacrifice a land (before late game)? Looking at artifacts to add: Some lists use Pierce Strider, but it's competing with the other 4-drops that are very good. I could treat a Phyrexian card as colorless, but in my experience drafters don't pick them unless they are on-color, even though they will always cast Porcelain Legionnaire with 2 life. Opaline Bracers needs a lot of fixing to consistently cast with 3 (or more) colors; I think it'll mostly be sideboarded. -> Candy Trail for now.
Here are the cards in my 360 that aren't in your 450. I explain my black section, which I'm least confident about (sacrifice archetype is new to the cube). The different cards are 10 Landscapes, plus:
Carrier Thrall, Putrid Goblin: When doing a "goldfish" draft, I felt like I needed more sacrifice "builder" cards to be able to consistently use my sacrifice "spender" cards. If they're too much, I can add another removal spell.
Voracious Vermin <-> Plagued Rusalka: At 360, I can cut a sacrifice "spender" in favor of another synergy card (that comes with a token).
Rift Bolt: I haven't played it yet. Not sure if it gives up too much information. Options: instant-speed creatures-only Galvanic Discharge, or sorcery-speed any-target with either 3 damage, kicker-able Roil Eruption or 2-damage, split-able Forked Bolt.
Rift Bolt is actually bad as a removal spell. It's fine for a constructed burn deck, since you want to hit the opponent with it anyway, but most burn in limited is targeted at creatures and I neither want to wait a turn for that, nor spent 3 mana at sorcery speed. Forked Bolt is really strong. There is barely anything more punishing, than killing 2 creatures for only 1 mana in th early game.
Is a +1/+1 counter archetype still not quite viable? My feeling is that the only payoff is being able to Proliferate (first strike from Ainok Bond-Kin, trample from Gnarlid Colony, Temperamental Oozewagg and others, and reach from Longshot Squad are the only other G/W "payoffs" I can think of... Akki Ember-Keeper and Ambitious Assault are red that has fewer +1/+1 counter generators). And to get those payoffs, you need to cast creatures whose bodies are below rate, but that make up for it by putting counters on one or more other creatures... except you need to be confident you'll have creatures in play.
That said, I've never tried it, and there have been more green cards printed that proliferate on "enters", so I'm curious to know if it's better supported than it seems
Edit: Also is Mwonvuli Acid-Moss good now? I guess green ramps into it, and gets a nice tempo swing if cast on an early turn.
In recent playtesting, my cube has basically been all "midrange". I'm adding more 1-drops to make sure that aggro can start the race on turn 1. Essentially, aggro needs cards that are cheaper than removal in order to "go under" midrange and control. Since most removal is 2MV, that means having a lot more 1MV cards, to have good odds of drawing some on turn 1. I think single-card evaluation tends to push toward midrange, because aggro cards have drawbacks.
The problems with a +1/+1 counter-theme aren't the amount of cards, that can get counters, but rather that the payoff isn't worth it. Except for proliferate, which requires a lot of creatures with counters for it's full potential. Also the good proliferate cards are widely spread amongst all colors, especially the ones, that don't really need it (Thrummingbird/Volt Charge/Experimental Augury/Whisper of the Dross).
Especially red doesn't have a lot of good 1 drops. While white good a big amount of good aggro 1 drops in the last few years, red mostly has 1/1s. The highest impact red 1 drops have been Bloodlust Inciter/Goblin Motivator for me. While they don't attack themself, they are basically equivalent to a 1 mana Fervor, because haste is a unique keyword. First of all it doesn't do anything except for the turn the creature is played and second, most of time you don't need to give more than 1 creature haste each turn. Sure this creature isn't well suited for token producers, but for the average aggro start it does the job. Rather than attack for 1 on turn 1 and 2, you can simply swing with your 2 or 3 power 2 drop on turn 2, which deals the same amount of damage if not more. This is great from turn 2 all the way till the late game. At some point the opponent always has to deal with these, because they can never attack back, because you could always topdeck a creature of the top with guaranteed haste and you are mostly fine with the opponent needing to spend mana and a card to deal with your 1 drop. Most of the 1 drops you currently run are too easily stopped by a 2/2.
If you feel like aggro is too weak, you could also reduce the amount of 1 mana removal. Forked Bolt/Disfigure and alike are really good at stopping aggro starts mana efficiently. Stuff like Thraben Inspector and Shambling Ghast can also be a nightmare for an aggro deck with very few points of toughness and especially go wide aggro is really weak against the all the Pyroclasm-like effects we have nowadays. Reducing the amount of cards, that are good against aggro is certainly an alternative approach, rather than trying to improve aggro with impactful red 1 drops, that simply don't exists in pauper.
I'll give the 1-drops a shot once the cards arrive, and see what happens.
The haste-givers are nice, but there are only two of them. There's only a 32% chance of having one in an opening hand. Aggro's game plan starts on turn 1 - it can't just play a land and pass turn. For 1-drops to stay relevant longer, there needs to be equipment (goes well with first strikers), evasion (like Menace), 2-toughness (to not trade with tokens), or other abilities, like Goldhound being a Treasure to pay for a 2 or 3 drop.
I did do a draft with my current cards without the red 1-drops, and my opponent's Gingerbrute into Bonesplitter into Phyrexian Rager, etc. made for a pretty explosive start against by blue-black tempo deck, which only turned the corner once I was at 4 life. Of course, without more 1-drops, that kind of performance can't easily be replicated. I think a high-enough density of 1-drops and equipment, etc. could make aggro interesting, even at common.
Edit: Reducing the efficiency of removal would have a big impact on the cube as a whole. Instead, I've been removing lifegain cards like Campfire and mediocre cards that don't do much besides provide high toughness (Calcite Snapper probably next). These cards aren't part of a proactive strategy to win the game; they are very much for Control to stay out of Aggro's reach. Removing them leads to more interesting games without slowing down the environment.
I agree, that I really like Calcite Snapper. Shroud is a powerful keyword, that removes the risk of having 1 toughness. Pauper creatures are also small on average so 4 toughness blocks a lot. This card is very good with the wraths of the format, like Fiery Cannonade and Pestilence. This card isn't for every deck, but high density removal decks, probably UR/UB can actually use this as a finisher. Also the board doesn't have to be empty, you can simply punish your opponent for attacking all out and having only tapped creatures. I do often tend to hold a land in hand in the later stages of the game, just to bluff, which can be used for an attack with the Snapper, when the time is right. It also works nicely with the MH3 Fetch lands. You can of course cut this, if you see it as too much of a roadblock against aggro decks, but that is definitely a loss for blue.
Yup, it’s definitely a control card for U/B or U/R and is a fantastic wall except in the few turns when it attacks. But single-card evaluations tend to bias toward midrange and control, because aggro cards are often just so underwhelming in isolation. I think it needs to go. If aggro becomes too strong, I know I can add it and other high-toughness, low-power creatures back (for example, I cut Crocanura for Stickytongue Sentinel as an optional ETB recurrer with better initial stats).
Btw. I quickly glanced over your current list and these card choices, I would reconsider/put on your short list for cuts:
-Wall of Runes: Defender and 0 power is a huge downside, as this card is useless, unless your opponent is aggressive. Walls don't have a lot of flexibility and I don't think, that Scry 1 outweighs this. People often forget how important it can be for a control deck to be able to attack sometimes. I would much rather have a cheap creature, that simply trades, rather than a Wall, that can e.g. die as collateral damage from a Trumpet Blast-type effect, without even trading.
-Madcap Skills: This card can be fine in a low removal environment, but for pauper any kind of aura is a big risk.
-Migratory Greathorn: Mutate is a really bad ability. You always have to calculate the difference to the creature you are targeting. It sounds like a good idea to target a mana elf, but in that case you are losing the elf as a mana source you want to tap for mana during your turn, as you would rather use this for attacking or blocking. Yes you get a land in exchange, but mana elves are very prone to be killed and if that happens you don't the the land. Also you often want to keep your mana elves around in the early to midgame, where you would want to cast this. If you target anything but a 1/1 with it, e.g. a 2/2, the stat difference is only +1/+2, which seems like a way worse deal for the 3 mana.
-Tocasia's Dig Site: I think this land is awful. The overpriced Surveil isn't worth playing a colorless land, IMHO.
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
When I did a "goldfish" draft with CubeCobra, Goblin Surprise did feel bad cost/curve-wise when I wanted it for the tokens for Rakdos sacrifice, so it's really just a vanilla pump all. -> Wildfire Elemental.
Migratory Greathorn's plan is to mutate a mana dork, but I see now how that's an easy 2-for-1, since the opponent can respond. My maybes are Mosscoat Goriak, Thriving Rhino, Treetop Ambusher. -> Nature's Lore for now.
My auras for controller's creatures are: Rancor (Staple), Armadillo Cloak, Sentinel's Eyes (Escape), Hyena Umbra (would be nicer with Flash like Dog Umbra), Elephant Guide, Moldervine Cloak (weakest, because Dredge isn't great). I'm okay with the risk of auras if the risk is mitigated (like Sentinel's Eyes) or if they give enough upside (like Armadillo Cloak). Madcap Skills gives evasion, but the +0 toughness (especially on a red creature) means it dies easily to combat (if opponent has two blockers) or spells, even if the opponent can't respond on the stack. But, for its replacement, I'm not super excited about Thriving Grubs or Brazen Wolves (I already run Skophos Reaver)... I'll test Weapon Surge.
My thinking with Wall of Runes was that it could act like a Flagbearer, since 4 toughness would require a removal spell (whereas 3 power is faster to reach). But, I guess red and white swarm around it, green builds its board to 4 power, and black aggro isn't supported (in my cube, and I think in Pauper cube's card pool in general). -> River Herald Scout.
I also took Tocasia's Dig Site in that test draft, but didn't maindeck it, because I can spend 3 on other things for many turns before it makes sense to Surveil. I know folks run Quicksand, but isn't it a big tempo loss to sacrifice a land (before late game)? Looking at artifacts to add: Some lists use Pierce Strider, but it's competing with the other 4-drops that are very good. I could treat a Phyrexian card as colorless, but in my experience drafters don't pick them unless they are on-color, even though they will always cast Porcelain Legionnaire with 2 life. Opaline Bracers needs a lot of fixing to consistently cast with 3 (or more) colors; I think it'll mostly be sideboarded. -> Candy Trail for now.
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
That said, I've never tried it, and there have been more green cards printed that proliferate on "enters", so I'm curious to know if it's better supported than it seems
Edit: Also is Mwonvuli Acid-Moss good now? I guess green ramps into it, and gets a nice tempo swing if cast on an early turn.
Especially red doesn't have a lot of good 1 drops. While white good a big amount of good aggro 1 drops in the last few years, red mostly has 1/1s. The highest impact red 1 drops have been Bloodlust Inciter/Goblin Motivator for me. While they don't attack themself, they are basically equivalent to a 1 mana Fervor, because haste is a unique keyword. First of all it doesn't do anything except for the turn the creature is played and second, most of time you don't need to give more than 1 creature haste each turn. Sure this creature isn't well suited for token producers, but for the average aggro start it does the job. Rather than attack for 1 on turn 1 and 2, you can simply swing with your 2 or 3 power 2 drop on turn 2, which deals the same amount of damage if not more. This is great from turn 2 all the way till the late game. At some point the opponent always has to deal with these, because they can never attack back, because you could always topdeck a creature of the top with guaranteed haste and you are mostly fine with the opponent needing to spend mana and a card to deal with your 1 drop. Most of the 1 drops you currently run are too easily stopped by a 2/2.
If you feel like aggro is too weak, you could also reduce the amount of 1 mana removal. Forked Bolt/Disfigure and alike are really good at stopping aggro starts mana efficiently. Stuff like Thraben Inspector and Shambling Ghast can also be a nightmare for an aggro deck with very few points of toughness and especially go wide aggro is really weak against the all the Pyroclasm-like effects we have nowadays. Reducing the amount of cards, that are good against aggro is certainly an alternative approach, rather than trying to improve aggro with impactful red 1 drops, that simply don't exists in pauper.
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)
The haste-givers are nice, but there are only two of them. There's only a 32% chance of having one in an opening hand. Aggro's game plan starts on turn 1 - it can't just play a land and pass turn. For 1-drops to stay relevant longer, there needs to be equipment (goes well with first strikers), evasion (like Menace), 2-toughness (to not trade with tokens), or other abilities, like Goldhound being a Treasure to pay for a 2 or 3 drop.
I did do a draft with my current cards without the red 1-drops, and my opponent's Gingerbrute into Bonesplitter into Phyrexian Rager, etc. made for a pretty explosive start against by blue-black tempo deck, which only turned the corner once I was at 4 life. Of course, without more 1-drops, that kind of performance can't easily be replicated. I think a high-enough density of 1-drops and equipment, etc. could make aggro interesting, even at common.
Edit: Reducing the efficiency of removal would have a big impact on the cube as a whole. Instead, I've been removing lifegain cards like Campfire and mediocre cards that don't do much besides provide high toughness (Calcite Snapper probably next). These cards aren't part of a proactive strategy to win the game; they are very much for Control to stay out of Aggro's reach. Removing them leads to more interesting games without slowing down the environment.
I feel like if the opponent's board is empty, I have a lot of options to finish them.
Pauper Cube & Artifact Peasant Cube
Interested in building your own Pauper Cube? Take a look at some of the lists and the following project: The "Evaluate Everything" Project (updated to M21/JMP)