I probably draft this about once a week and think it is pretty fun. The games are much more about creatures. I have a rare semi-powered cube and maybe 50% of the decks have 12-18 creatures. In this cube I'd say 75-80% of decks meet that requirement. Blocking also is much more common.
The power level of some cards really changes, Ribbons of Night is a TOTAL beating in this cube. Serra Angel is absurdly good, and Barter in Blood is possibly the best sweeper.
As far as archetypes go red, green, and white are the common bases for aggressive decks. I love UBW control though it is hard to put together. Can also get some pretty sick token decks going on. Five color is also around though I think it is kinda weak most of the time.
Like he said, we draft at least once a week with it, though it's also very good for quick T4/stack games. I tend to prefer the very aggressive strategies - mono red a lot. Though I think I've greatly improved control over the past few months. If I open Capsize or Sprout Swarm first pack I'd pretty much go all in control as they're the most insane cards ever - buyback is unreal.
Very nice, and with only 7 white bordered cards its ultra sexy! Its hard to tell from the pictures but is it almost fully foiled out (the cards than can be foiled of course)
I just want to point out if you add 5 more cards (one of each color) you could fit in another person if they wanted to draft and do an 9 man draft.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
That's the remarkable thing about life. It's never so bad that it can't get worse
Calvin and Hobbes Cube Tutor
I don't get it. Why would you not want to let a 9th person draft when you could?
8 is generally the preferred number. 4, 6, 10, or occasionally 12 work as well, but you usually never want an odd number as having a bye every round is very....unappealing.
Miraculous Recovery
Chinese Resounding Thunder
Jungle Lion
Foreign BB Demonic Tutor
Japanese foil Agony Warp
Japanese foil Hissing Iguanar
DCI Promo Sprouting Thrinax
Foil Sigiled Paladin
Foil Skullclamp
I can't believe I haven't had Jungle Lion in for so long - Rogue Elephant finally got the cut for it. I saw Miraculous Recovery before reading the Dark Horse thread so glad to see that card's going to be good. And some pimpage. Only something like 20 cards left to foil...
Also, here's some coolness I've had in the cube for a while but never fully appreciated:
This has to be like the most expensive cube I've ever seen that doesn't include a single rare in it. Heck, it's probably worth more than a regular "starting up" cube.
Now all you need to do is to modify some cards for even more pimpage. Btw, how are you sorting out the rarities? Because technically, Library of Alexandria would be an uncommon, since it was printed as a U3 in Arabian Nights, so would City of Brass, etc.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Check out my pauper cube! and thanks to PurpleD @ [<--- Left Play Design <---] for making this awesome banner!
This has to be like the most expensive cube I've ever seen that doesn't include a single rare in it. Heck, it's probably worth more than a regular "starting up" cube.
Now all you need to do is to modify some cards for even more pimpage. Btw, how are you sorting out the rarities? Because technically, Library of Alexandria would be an uncommon, since it was printed as a U3 in Arabian Nights, so would City of Brass, etc.
I try and leave the modifications for friends - mostly to finance this cube.
I'm open to using any card printed or reprinted at common/uncommon - Library is a card I've thought about but think is too powerful compared to the other cards. I hadn't thought of City though. I think it goes in! Thanks!
I try and leave the modifications for friends - mostly to finance this cube.
I'm open to using any card printed or reprinted at common/uncommon - Library is a card I've though about but think is too powerful compared to the other cards. I hadn't thought of City though. I think it goes in! Thanks!
As long as it is JSS foil not that 8th edition crap.
Also, I was running Sylvan Library for a while, but just felt it was: confusing to those reading it for the first time, time consuming, and just an unfun card.
This thread inspired me to make up my own peasant cube. One of my friends and I Winstoned it a bunch on Tuesday night and I must say those were some fun and unique games. I actually died once to an Empyrial Armor on a Sengir Vampire, which is probably the coolest thing I've seen since the Vampire went out of style in the '90s.
Have you tried out Field Surgeon? He was a total bomb back in Urza's draft, and since almost every sweeper is damage based he seems like he could be a huge asset to a WW deck. In addition, he makes combat math impossible for your opponent.
There technically were no rares in Arabian Knights. That said there were different levels of uncommon. I guess it is generally considered a rare. Really up to you I guess.
So we did a little bit of cubing in Kyoto and I think it's the most fun I've had with my cube in a while. I think cubing is the most fun when you're drafting with really skilled limited minds. When we got to the airport to fly back to the US all the American players were booked for the same flight. The terminal was like a mini Magic con with people drafting on the floor in every corner - awesome!
Thinking about the changes I've made in the past few months, I'm really glad I added Clone. Something I didn't realize when I put it in was that there are endless comes-into-play effect creatures in this cube and that's where Clone really shines. Also, a card that I was iffy on, Pit Trap, has turned out to be quite good. I recently put in Ashes to Ashes which has to be a house.
On a side note, I did a winston draft with Kenny Mayer in Kyoto where I drafted a sick U/W deck that was unbeatable vs. his aggro R/B deck. From what I can remember it was:
Yea, the UW deck was just insane versus my RB deck. It was like, Skullclamp+Lifegain dudes ftw. Definitely try out Centaur Glade. Card was so insane for us in a common cube down here, that I put it into regular cube. Once it goes active, it becomes very difficult for the opposing deck to win without direct damage or evasive creatures.
Here's my no-rare cube. It still features some powerful cards including those originally printed as uncommons/commons: Psionic Blast, Serra Angel, Maze of Ith, Control Magic, Demonic Tutor, Loxodon Warhammer, etc.
60x Each Color, 56x Multicolor, 26x Artifact, 45x Land = 427 Total
Card List:
Sprouting Thrinax
Ballynock Cohort --> Lone Missionary
Quest for the Gravelord --> Victimize
Pyrokinesis --> Cone of Flame
Ghazban Ogre --> Wild Dogs
Lash Out --> Searing Blaze
Welkin Tern --> Aether Adept
Opportunity --> Jace's Ingenuity
Child of Night --> Liliana's Specter
Twisted Abomination --> Arrogant Bloodlord
Tin-Street Hooligan --> Manic Vandal
Reckless Charge --> Chandra's Outrage
Slavering Nulls --> Ember Hauler
Borderland Ranger --> Cultivate
Dryad Sophisticate --> Garruk's Companion
Sensei's Divining Top --> Crystal Ball
Serrated Arrows --> Artisan of Kozilek
Search for Tomorrow --> Berserk
Leonin Bola --> Sensei's Divining Top
Prey's Vengeance --> Sylvan Library
Voyager Drake --> Concentrate
Plaxmanta --> Opportunity
Okiba-Gang Shinobi --> Skinrender
Rukh Egg --> Arc Trail
Tendrils of Corruption --> Necrogen Scudder
Mindstab --> Ravenous Skirge
Stratozeppelid --> Air Servant
Hyena Umbra --> Mistral Charger
Phyrexian Rager --> Phyrexian Reclamation
Pestermite --> Preordain
Pit Trap --> Perilous Myr
Sleep --> Narcolepsy
Cone of Flame --> Shower of Coals
Blade of the Sixth Pride --> Accorder Paladin
Terror --> Go for the Throat
Manic Vandal --> Goblin Wardriver
Wildsize --> Lead the Stampede
Pilgrim's Eye --> Wall of Tanglecord
Artisan of Kozilek --> Mortarpod
Akrasan Squire --> Porcelain Legionnaire
Lead the Stampede --> Mutagenic Growth
Boar Umbra --> Beast Within
Garruk's Companion --> Noxious Revival
Sudden Death --> Dismember
Pyrite Spellbomb --> Shrine of Burning Rage
Razor Golem --> Shrine of Loyal Legions
Battle Screech --> Master Splicer
Noxious Revival --> Vital Splicer
Blinding Beam --> Glimmerpoint Stag
Sejiri Merfolk --> Wing Splicer
Skirk Marauder --> Manic Vandal
Goblin Wardriver --> Stormblood Berserker
Goblin Ruinblaster --> Volcanic Dragon
Letherback Baloth --> Jade Mage
Elixir of Immortality
Tumble Magnet
Fireslinger --> Act of Aggression
Death Denied --> Pulse Tracker
Oubliette --> Fume Spitter
Victimize --> Duskhunter Bat
Skeletal Scrying --> Fledgling Djinn
Smother --> Wretched Anurid
Ravenous Skirge --> Blind Creeper
Aether Vial
Sigiled Paladin --> Fiend Hunter
Changeling Hero --> Spectral Rider
Accorder Paladin --> Cloistered Youth
Air Elemental --> Murder of Crows
Duskhunter Bat --> Diregraf Ghoul
Zombie Cutthroat --> Moan of the Unhallowed
Sengir Vampire --> Vampire Interloper
Chandra's Outrage --> Brimstone Volley
Changeling Beserker --> Reckless Waif
Arbor Elf --> Avacyn's Pilgrim
Spectral Rider --> Timely Reinforcements
Descendant of Kiyomaro --> Midnight Haunting
Faceless Butcher --> Unburial Rites
Sensei's Divining Top
Midnight Haunting --> Lingering Souls
Land Tax --> Loyal Cathar
Hearth Kami --> Torch Fiend
Yavimaya Elder --> Strangleroot Geist
Changling Titan --> Garruk's Companion
Silhana Ledgewalker --> Gatstaf Shepherd
Elephant Guide --> Leatherback Baloth
Su-Chi --> Galvanic Juggernaut
Isochron Scepter --> Artisan of Kozilek
Timely Reinforcements --> Midnight Haunting
Ghostly Prison --> Gideon's Lawkeeper
Griffin Guide --> Charge Across the Araba
Garruk's Companion --> Yavimaya Elder
Leatherback Baloth --> Viridian Shaman
10 Signets
Volcanic Fallout --> Goblin Patrol
Weatherseed Totem --> Mindstone
Phyrexian Totem --> Ulamog's Crusher
Cudgel Troll --> Wolfir Avenger
Vulshok Sorcerer --> Lightning Mauler
Pouncing Jaguar --> Overgrown Battlement
Wild Dogs --> Elves of Deep Shadow
Twinblade Slasher --> Utopia Sprawl
Vines of Vastwood --> Viridian Emissary
Errant Ephemeron --> Fettergeist
Lorescale Coatl --> Leafdrake Roost
Armillary Sphere --> Pristine Talisman
Arrogant Bloodlord --> Twisted Abomination
Impulse --> Forbidden Alchemy
Pyroclasm --> Desperate Ravings
Voice of All --> Cloudshift
Belfry Spirit --> Blinding Beam
Phyrexian Reclamation --> Reanimate
Yavimaya Ants --> Druid's Familiar
Crystal Ball --> Prismatic Lens
Volcanic Dragon --> Beetleback Chief
Snakeform --> Shardless Agent
Soul Manipulation --> Baleful Strix
Desperate Ravings --> Genju of the Spires
Stormscape Battlemage --> Mystical Teachings
Grab the Reins --> Stonewright
Loam Lion --> Nearheath Pilgrim
Sign in Blood --> Night's Whisper
Mire Boa --> Roar of the Wurm
Leafdrake Roost --> Snakeform
Aven Riftwatcher --> Attended Knight
Echoing Truth --> Augur of Bolas
Beastbreaker of Bala Ged --> Flinthoof Boar
Concentrate --> Talrand's Invocation
Howling Banshee --> Okiba-Gang Shinobi
Nearheath Pilgrim --> Leonin Relic-Warder
Lone Missionary --> Genju of the Fields
Whitemane Lion --> Brave the Elements
Meadowboon --> Doomed Traveler
Gatekeeper of Malakir --> Knight of Infamy
Hidden Horror --> Sinkhole
Demonic Taskmaster --> Choking Sands
Contagion --> Rain of Tears
Brainstorm --> Archaeomancer
Blinding Beam --> Accorder Paladin
Daze --> Dissipate
Mystical Teachings --> Mist Raven
Diabolic Edict --> Inquisition of Kozilek
Chainer's Edict --> Crypt Rats
Predatory Nightstalker --> Tragic Slip
Moment's Peace --> Explore
Imperious Perfect --> Explosive Vegetation
Overrun --> Howl of the Night Pack
Knight of the Holy Nimbus --> Azorius Arrester
Reckless Charge --> Guttersnipe
Lava Hounds --> Bloodfray Giant
Wild Mongrel --> Axebane Guardian
Ashenmoor Gouger --> Rakdos Shred-Freak
Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers --> Selesnya Charm
Dreg Mangler
Izzet Charm
Dryad Militant
Rakdos Cackler
Soul Manipulation
Savage Twister
Skymark Roc
Blind Hunter
Skyknight Legionnaire
Coiling Oracle
Bloodfray Giant --> Gore-House Chainwalker
Brave the Elements --> Apostle's Blessing
Reanimate --> Ultimate Price
Exhume --> Falkenrath Noble
Plumeveil --> Lyev Skyknight
Lightning Greaves --> Cathodion
Beetleback Chief --> Bloodfray Giant
Savage Twister --> Ghor-Clan Rampager
Snakeform --> Urban Evolution
Bull Ceredon --> Boros Charm
Soul Manipulation --> Dinrova Horror
Druid's Familiar --> Experiment One
Wildfield Borderpost --> Izzet Guildgate
Firewild Borderpost --> Golgari Guildgate
Fieldmist Borderpost --> Orzhov Guildgate
Mistvein Borderpost --> Boros Guildgate
Veinfire Borderpost --> Simic Guildgate
Wildsize --> Slaughterhorn
Tumble Magnet --> Dimir Keyrune
Sunscape Battlemage --> Caravan Escort
Roar of the Wurm --> Wild Dogs
Stingscourger --> Frazzled Editor
Fume Spitter --> Booster Tutor
Pulse Tracker --> Thrull Parasite
Faithless Looting --> Pyroclasm
Firespout --> Burning-Tree Emissary
Duergar Hedge-Mage --> Spitemare
Steppe Lynx --> Syndic of Tithes
Disfigure --> Dark Ritual
Nezumi Graverobber --> Carrion Feeder
Wretched Anurid --> Dregscape Zombie
Blind Creeper --> Reassembling Skeleton
Necrogen Scudder --> Bloodthrone Vampire
Oubliette --> Blood Artist
Slith Firewalker --> Goblin Bombardment
Pillage --> Kruin Striker
Unmake --> Cartel Aristocrat
Lightning Mauler --> Mark of Mutiny
Guttersnipe --> Beetleback Chief
Howl of the Nightpack --> Symbiotic Beast
Gathan Raiders --> Hissing Iguanar
Maul Splicer --> Overrun
Hurricane --> Brutilizer Exarch
Canker Abomination --> Korozda Guildmage
Jade Statue --> Rakdos Keyrune
Stalking Stones --> Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree
Sprouting Thrinax
Genju of the Fields --> Intangible Virtue
Caravan Escort --> Belfry Spirit
Dark Ritual --> Nantuko Husk
Goblin Patrol --> Pyreheart Wolf
Wild Dogs --> Young Wolf
Izzet Charm --> Turn // Burn
Selesnya Charm --> Enlisted Wurm
Spitemare --> Viashino Firstblade
Gerrard's Verdict --> Zealous Persecution
Cathodion --> Pierce Strider
Trostani's Summoner
Deputy of Aquittals
Spike Jester
Far // Away
Peace Strider
Alters Blog.
The power level of some cards really changes, Ribbons of Night is a TOTAL beating in this cube. Serra Angel is absurdly good, and Barter in Blood is possibly the best sweeper.
As far as archetypes go red, green, and white are the common bases for aggressive decks. I love UBW control though it is hard to put together. Can also get some pretty sick token decks going on. Five color is also around though I think it is kinda weak most of the time.
My secondary "cube".
Really out of date cube thread with pictures.
Alters Blog.
I just want to point out if you add 5 more cards (one of each color) you could fit in another person if they wanted to draft and do an 9 man draft.
Calvin and Hobbes
Cube Tutor
Well, I think I can say without a doubt that is the worst idea I've ever heard.
Not having the cards for 9 people seems better than having them if nine want to draft...
My secondary "cube".
Really out of date cube thread with pictures.
8 is generally the preferred number. 4, 6, 10, or occasionally 12 work as well, but you usually never want an odd number as having a bye every round is very....unappealing.
(list not current)
My Cube Google Docs Spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AibgWfz0ukmOdDNhOHlucjcxUi1wVy00NDhLbDUtUlE&hl=en_US#gid=8
(list is always current)
Miraculous Recovery
Chinese Resounding Thunder
Jungle Lion
Foreign BB Demonic Tutor
Japanese foil Agony Warp
Japanese foil Hissing Iguanar
DCI Promo Sprouting Thrinax
Foil Sigiled Paladin
Foil Skullclamp
I can't believe I haven't had Jungle Lion in for so long - Rogue Elephant finally got the cut for it. I saw Miraculous Recovery before reading the Dark Horse thread so glad to see that card's going to be good. And some pimpage. Only something like 20 cards left to foil...
Also, here's some coolness I've had in the cube for a while but never fully appreciated:
Alters Blog.
My secondary "cube".
Really out of date cube thread with pictures.
I had some questions about some cards I don't recognize...
Row 2 Cards #2 and #9
Row 4 Card #1
Row 1 Card #1
Row 2 Card #3 (Fire Whip?)
Row 3 Cards #8 and #9
Row 4 Card #1
Row 5 Cards #2 and #4
Row 3 Card #2
Row 2 Card #9
Row 4 Card #3
Row 3 Card #9
Thanks for your help!
icatian javaliners (DCI foil)
soltari priest (DCI foil)
sengir vampire (Beatdown foil)
pillage (DCI foil)
fire imp (Portal 1)
grab the reins (mirrodin)
arc lightning (Urza's Saga)
ancient hydra (nemesis)
ghitu slinger (Urza's Legacy)
changling berserker (Lorwyn)
allied strategies (Planeshift)
simian grunts (Urza's Legacy)
kitchen finks (Shadowmoor)
etched oracle (Fifth Dawn)
I cut a lot and added a lot:
Oh, and these too:
Alters Blog.
Now all you need to do is to modify some cards for even more pimpage. Btw, how are you sorting out the rarities? Because technically, Library of Alexandria would be an uncommon, since it was printed as a U3 in Arabian Nights, so would City of Brass, etc.
Check out my pauper cube!
and thanks to PurpleD @ [<--- Left Play Design <---] for making this awesome banner!
Limited is awesome, join us at [Limited]!
I try and leave the modifications for friends - mostly to finance this cube.
I'm open to using any card printed or reprinted at common/uncommon - Library is a card I've thought about but think is too powerful compared to the other cards. I hadn't thought of City though. I think it goes in! Thanks!
Alters Blog.
As long as it is JSS foil not that 8th edition crap.
My secondary "cube".
Really out of date cube thread with pictures.
I have some questions on what cards are what.
Row 1 Column 1
R1 C6
R2 C9
R3 C6
R2 C4
R3 C1
R4 C3
R4 C7
R5 C2
R5 C8
R3 C1
R3 C2
R5 C4
R5 C7
R2 C2
R1 C5
R3 C2
R3 C3
R4 C4
R4 C9
Teneb, the Harvester: Let there be life!
Drafting Aggro in the Cube: A Primer for Beginners
R1C1: Sunscape Battlemage
R1C6: Azorious Herald
R2C9: Soltari Priest (promo)
R3C6: Radiant's Judgment
R2C4: Soul Snuffers
R3C1: Incremental Blight
R4C3: Keening Banshee
R4C7: Cruel Edict
R5C2: Seal of Doom
R5C8: I don't know
R3C1: Burn Trail
R3C2: Furnace Whelp
R5C4: Changeling Berserker
R5C7: Flame Jab
R2C2: Biting Tether
R1C5: Manriki-Gusari
R3C2: Scuttlemutt
R3C3: I don't know
R4C4: Serrated Arrows (promo)
R4C9: Isochron Scepter (promo)
(list not current)
My Cube Google Docs Spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AibgWfz0ukmOdDNhOHlucjcxUi1wVy00NDhLbDUtUlE&hl=en_US#gid=8
(list is always current)
The remaining cards are:
R5C8: Phyrexian Defiler (Which got the cut for Predatory Nightstalker)
R3C3: Primal Clay
Also, I was running Sylvan Library for a while, but just felt it was: confusing to those reading it for the first time, time consuming, and just an unfun card.
Alters Blog.
Have you tried out Field Surgeon? He was a total bomb back in Urza's draft, and since almost every sweeper is damage based he seems like he could be a huge asset to a WW deck. In addition, he makes combat math impossible for your opponent.
Teneb, the Harvester: Let there be life!
Drafting Aggro in the Cube: A Primer for Beginners
My secondary "cube".
Really out of date cube thread with pictures.
Alters Blog.
There technically were no rares in Arabian Knights. That said there were different levels of uncommon. I guess it is generally considered a rare. Really up to you I guess.
My secondary "cube".
Really out of date cube thread with pictures.
Trying out Clone - not sure how good it'll be (but hey, it's Alpha). Also City seems awesome, just need to pick up a JSS foil.
Alters Blog.
Thinking about the changes I've made in the past few months, I'm really glad I added Clone. Something I didn't realize when I put it in was that there are endless comes-into-play effect creatures in this cube and that's where Clone really shines. Also, a card that I was iffy on, Pit Trap, has turned out to be quite good. I recently put in Ashes to Ashes which has to be a house.
Some of the next cards on my list to try:
Granger Guildmage
Centaur Glade
On a side note, I did a winston draft with Kenny Mayer in Kyoto where I drafted a sick U/W deck that was unbeatable vs. his aggro R/B deck. From what I can remember it was:
Alters Blog.
(list not current)
My Cube Google Docs Spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AibgWfz0ukmOdDNhOHlucjcxUi1wVy00NDhLbDUtUlE&hl=en_US#gid=8
(list is always current)