Better. But Avalanche Riders seems like a poor cut. As do the Sarcomancy and Vampire Lacerator cuts. Black aggro is getting better because they're increasing the quantity of playable beaters. Either purge black aggro completely (which I think is a terrible decision) or support it. Crippling the support and only running a handful of cards is the worst option of the three.
I might revisit black aggro someday, but I'm beginning to cut it now. I'm going to be completely revamping my black section. Reason I'm halfway doing it now is those are all cards that were removed when I went to black aggro so I have them on hand ready to add back in, the other swaps are going to be harder.
I wish black aggro had worked out for us but it just never came together and my group and I have run out of patience for it. So black is going back to being a control and midrange color.
Overall cube balance should still be okay though since blue tempo is a very viable archetype and Green can support an aggro deck decently even if 6 forests aggro isn't a deck here.
Edit: As for Avalanche Riders I agree it was a hard cut but I wasn't going to cut Kruin Outlaw and go down to two 3 drops in red. Plus I really like Kruin Outlaw been extremely good here. And I didn't know what else to cut to try Hellrider, who has been getting a lot of love.
So after a long time away (didn't really have internet access this summer as I worked at a summer camp as a camp counselor) I thought I'd drop by and give an update of my cube. A few notes this update includes M13, Planechase 2, cutting fast mana (but not other power), and removing most of the last vestiges of black aggro. It also moves a few hybrid mana cards out of white and into an unbalanced guild section, freeing up 2 open slots in white.
One thing that really worries me is I'm now down to very few 2 power 1 drops in red, I might have to cut some of the burn to get more dudes in. Will update the list in the OP later.
I'll ignore the removal of power because that's a personal choice; however, there is still a lot I don't like about this update. I definitely don't like the black aggro cuts at all.
I'll ignore the removal of power because that's a personal choice; however, there is still a lot I don't like about this update. I definitely don't like the black aggro cuts at all.
Agree with all of this. My two cents on the aggro cut: I think that at 360, a lot of the new 'midrange and control' black cards will see little play, as they are just not really that great. I can't speak for other cubes, but if I neutered black aggro in my own 320 cube, aggro would be in a bad, bad place, with only white as the only other colour with the requisite quality and bulk of good 1-2 drops and aggro support cards. Red's good stuff for aggro, besides the likes of Vortex and Guide (i.e. burn spells), gets snapped up by many archetypes. If you're dead-set against black aggro, then that's fine, but I can't concieve a cube that would benefit from its cutting. I'd sooner cut white aggro which has tons of super sick midrange and control cards that I can't currently fit in! At the same time you're lamenting the number of good 2-power one drops in red (hint: there aren't many) so it seems counterproductive. But whatever works for your group. However, Sorin Markov and Liliana Vess just don't make the cut at 360, aggro support or no. This might leave your average CMC rather high when all is said and done.
I would try to keep the cards rantipole suggested, although I can see a place for Markov Blademaster at 360; I really like that card it only recently cut it at 320.
Also, why is Murderous Redcap (a B/R card) replacing Vampire Lacerator (a black card)?
Black aggro was a complete joke in my cube, it very rarely won games, and I don't remember it winning a match in a non fluky fashion. I realize this runs contrary to what most on this board experience, but here I'm going to trust my results and they were that Black aggro was a terrible deck. Now it being a midrange and control color might actually be worse, but I'll have to test to find out.
I will keep an eye on there not being enough aggro in general but I suspect it will be okay, with White and Red supporting hard aggro, and every other color having some cards that can fit into an aggro deck. We'll see though, must test.
As for specific cuts...
Soltari Monk was a tough one, it basically boiled down to awkward casting cost and evasion seemed worse than easier casting cost and exalted. Could be completely off base here and am more than willing to swap it back in over the Knight if it performs poorly.
Siege-Gang is actually a subject of debate, half my playgroup wanted to keep it in, the other half wanted to keep Chandra Nalaar. I went with Siege-Gang as the cut as I was adding two other 5 drop creatures, I could easily back track there as well.
Kargan Dragonlord was a card I used to champion (I think I listed it as my top red two drop in the last power rankings) but fell heavily out of favor in recent months to the point where it was being left in sideboards frequently, and having almost no impact when played. Out for now as always though things can always work their way back in.
Kruin Outlaw has been the best red 3 drop for us and isn't near the cutting block, Chandra's Phoenix is likely to get cut before it.
Sakashima's Student seems really awesome and is definitely getting a slot, we love Clones, creatures that get played for 2 mana, and bouncing things for value. I think it will be a staple.
Meloku is a hard card for us and has been in and out more than any other card in the cube. Basically we realize it's extremely powerful, but it very rarely gets played for some reason. My theory is U/x Tempo is such a prevalent archetype here that the control decks want something with a bit bigger immediate impact than Meloku and the tempo decks don't want to play 5 for a 2/4. He'll find his way back in as cards don't perform up to snuff.
Murderous Redcap going into black was part of an experiment I decided failed to put hybrid cards into a color to free up more multicolor slots (Kitchen Finks was green for a while, and figure of destiny was white). That experiment has been undone.
Nuerok Commando was long gone already, and Fireball, and Markov Blademaster had recently bitten the dust.
Edit: Also got the list on the first page up to date.
-I think Cyclonic Rift is inferior to all of the other blue bounce spells, including Into the Roil since you can bounce your own permanents (and draw a card). The overload cost is too expensive for the card to be worth it, imo.
-Jace 4.0 playtested pretty poorly for us here. I wouldn't consider it in a 540 list, let alone 360. Can you explain the appeal? You're replacing a pretty mediocre card for a pretty mediocre card, so I think you can do better.
-Why are you cutting Keldon Marauders? It's been a house for us. Are we misplaying it, or are you?
-Cutting Sundering Titan means you're neutering Tinker, which, like Natural Order, needs 3 primary targets for it to be worthwhile. That might be a problem over the long run.
-Cursed Scroll is fantastic, cheap, colorless reach for aggro. Don't get the cut.
-Spectral Procession isn't great on paper, but you're running enough token pump effects for it to shine in a 360 list. I would find another cut. Maybe Ranger of Eos, since you run so few aggro creatures than a more orthodox 360 list.
There's no way cutting Keldon Marauders is the right cut. That card is absolutely sick. I'll just leave the Gore-House Chainwalker out, especially at 360.
I don't like cutting Chandra Nalaar, but I'll have to ponder on somethings similar in my cube since I want to get Ashes Zealot and Morars in for sure. I'll definitely try not to cut Chandra, though. I'll try to keep Devil's Play too. I'll rather cut Kruin Outlaw, Chandra (Firebrand), Forked Bolt, Destructive Force, Bonfire of the Damned instead of these two cards.
What's coming in for Sundering Titan? I don't like cutting the titan, and I don't think there's any colorless worth cubing 360 in this set.
I'll keep Hypersonic dragon out and keep Fire//Ice or Electrolyze. Depending on your taste. I myself would keep Electrolyze and move Fire/Ice to red, since it's pretty red card, at least in my cube.
Cyclonic Rift is going in purely to test whether it's actually good, as I have no idea and want to find out, I would guess Into the Roil is better and have actaully argued that on these forums but want to try it out.
Same goes for Jace, want to see it for myself. Also I think his +1 could actually be very strong.
Keldon Mauraders was a victim of wanting to cut a cheap red card and not knowing which one to cut. He's been very good but I ranked him lower than the other two drops and chainwalker seems like it could be better.
Sundering Titan was only played if the tinker decks didn't pick up the other targets and was usually underwhelming then. If I were to add another tinker target (trying to find out if two is enough) I would try Inkwell Leviathan over it. May end up going back to the Titan but for now it's out.
Cursed Scroll has been really poor, wasn't making decks and when it was it wasn't having a strong impact. It's entirely possible it's just my group misplaying it, but I don't think aggro will miss it.
Not cutting Ranger of Eos as while I don't run as much aggro support aggro is still very strong and Ranger is very solid. Actually the more likely cut will be Sublime Archangel but I want to give it more time to try and shine. But entirely possible that Procession will come back.
Edit @OP_Forever
Skyfisher just wasn't played once we cut moxen, disrupting your own tempo has been disastrous for our aggro decks.
Chandra has been fringe for a while imo, it's possible she's just better than Inferno Titan...
Titan's a victim to G/B being insane and needing find a cut in colorless.
Hypersonic probably won't stick but it looks really fun to try out. Fire//Ice will almost assuredly come back, but I want to instant speed some sorcereries first.
Thanks for the feedback guys makes me actually defend my positions to myself.
I think you're running way too many 4 drops in your red creature section. Your curve is way too high imo. I'd cut at least two of those, and leave Keldon Marauders alone (and bring in Lightning Mauler, too).
Lightning Mauler is in I guess I need to redo my list in the OP.
Not sure I agree about there being too many 4's but you may have a point. Which would you cut if you were to cut one (I can't stomach cutting two right now as they're all really powerful)?
Edit: Also adding Chromatic Lantern for Lodestone Golem.
Oh man, I was looking at your old list. Whoops! Which means that I think all the 4 drops are perfect, but that's only because it's an identical list to mine
Anyway my cube has been through like 10 different iterations in the meantime. But what I want to post is the differences between my in paper proxy cube and my MTGO cube. The differences are mostly about budget (but not strictly budget because I already had a ton of vintage and legacy stapes on MTGO.
Eventually intend to add Elite Spellbinder and Prismari Command as well as some C21 cards if MTGO ever adds them but for now this updates the list I'm running. Very excited for Baleful Mastery to cement itself. Just a flexible powerhouse.
[MID] Testing update
Intrepid Adversary > Angel of Invention
Adeline, Brilliant Cathar > Wall of Omens
Considering Fateful Absence for Path based on community excitement.
Suspicious Stowaway > Sower of Temptation? Minds Desire?
Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia > Makeshift Mannequin (I've decided I have 1-2 too many reanimation spells for my size)
So with all the recent talk about drafting on rails I want to make 3+ color good stuff a little more viable in my cube. I don't want to go too far because I really enjoy my key archetypes (Storm, reanimator, stax, and blink) but they don't overlap a ton. Supporting aggro is also of course a must to keep balance in the cube and punish greed. But now I've gone so far down that path that greed is basically dead. We don't really feel drafting on rails too keenly but we definitely feel like you can't just draft a tap out pile and compete.
So I'm looking at changes to try and bring back flexible control piles. One step is going to be taking out the pathways I have. While they are perfect for streamlined two color builds and I love them for that they are really bad for splashes. Second the Wildfire package is getting cut. It is entirely uncompetitive with anything but the piles and is by far the worst stax option in the cube. It's slow, weak, and just not played. I also think I want to try to make my green section less interested in playing 13+ forests but I'm not really sure how to go about that because the heavy green Rofellos, Nissa, GGG fatty package is so successful. Lastly I think I need to cut archtype support back a little bit. Storm is fun and we want it but in 360 with Underworld breach existing does it need Birgi or dark ritual? Does stax need Tangle Wire? Does flicker need reveillark? I don't know the answers but I'm going to try and find out.
I don't want to go all the way to the stone ages here but I do want the good stuff decks to be a bit more viable because part of what makes limited great is those decks without a super coherent plan just competing with each other on the board.
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My 720 Card Powered Cube
My Article - "Cube Design Philosophy"
My Article - "Mana Short: A study in limited resource management."
My 50th Set (P)review - Discusses my top 20 Cube cards from OTJ!
I wish black aggro had worked out for us but it just never came together and my group and I have run out of patience for it. So black is going back to being a control and midrange color.
Overall cube balance should still be okay though since blue tempo is a very viable archetype and Green can support an aggro deck decently even if 6 forests aggro isn't a deck here.
Edit: As for Avalanche Riders I agree it was a hard cut but I wasn't going to cut Kruin Outlaw and go down to two 3 drops in red. Plus I really like Kruin Outlaw been extremely good here. And I didn't know what else to cut to try Hellrider, who has been getting a lot of love.
Changes Out - In
Desolate Lighthouse - Izzet Signet
Black Lotus - Prismatic Lens
Mox Diamond - Everflowing Chalice
Mox Pearl - Guardian Idol
Mox Sapphire - Phyrexian Revoker
Mox Jet - Mimic Vat
Mox Ruby - Ajani, Caller of the Pride
Mox Emerald - Sublime Archangel
Sol Ring - Baleful Strix
Triskelion - Sundering Titan
Soltari Monk - Knight of Glory
Meloku the Clouded Mirror - Sakashima's Student
Carnophage - Liliana of the Dark Realms
Sinkhole - Disciple of Bolas
Gravecrawler - Griselbrand
Diregraf Ghoul -Puppeteer Clique
Dark Ritual - Knight of Infamy
Goblin Patrol - Searing Spear
Kargan Dragonlord - Flames of the Firebrand
Thunderous Wrath - Zealous Conscripts
Siege-Gang Commander - Thundermaw Hellkite
Wolfbitten Captive - Thragtusk
One thing that really worries me is I'm now down to very few 2 power 1 drops in red, I might have to cut some of the burn to get more dudes in. Will update the list in the OP later.
Soltari Monk, Meloku, Siege-Gang, and Kargan Dragonlord should not get cut. I'd rather have all of these cards than the cards you are replacing them with. Thundermaw is the only exception, and I'd just cut Thunderous Wrath for that. I agree on adding Flames of the Firebrand but I'd cut Markov Blademaster for it. Then, I'd cut Kruin Outlaw so I could keep Goblin Patrol and add Searing Spear. I'd cut Fireball or Chandra, the Firebrand for Zealous Conscripts.
If you want to try out Sakashima's Student (which I don't think really belongs in a 360 but whatever), cut Neurok Commando.
My Cube
Cube Tutor:
Agree with all of this. My two cents on the aggro cut: I think that at 360, a lot of the new 'midrange and control' black cards will see little play, as they are just not really that great. I can't speak for other cubes, but if I neutered black aggro in my own 320 cube, aggro would be in a bad, bad place, with only white as the only other colour with the requisite quality and bulk of good 1-2 drops and aggro support cards. Red's good stuff for aggro, besides the likes of Vortex and Guide (i.e. burn spells), gets snapped up by many archetypes. If you're dead-set against black aggro, then that's fine, but I can't concieve a cube that would benefit from its cutting. I'd sooner cut white aggro which has tons of super sick midrange and control cards that I can't currently fit in! At the same time you're lamenting the number of good 2-power one drops in red (hint: there aren't many) so it seems counterproductive. But whatever works for your group. However, Sorin Markov and Liliana Vess just don't make the cut at 360, aggro support or no. This might leave your average CMC rather high when all is said and done.
I would try to keep the cards rantipole suggested, although I can see a place for Markov Blademaster at 360; I really like that card it only recently cut it at 320.
Also, why is Murderous Redcap (a B/R card) replacing Vampire Lacerator (a black card)?
On spoiled card wishlisting and 'should-have-had'-isms:
I will keep an eye on there not being enough aggro in general but I suspect it will be okay, with White and Red supporting hard aggro, and every other color having some cards that can fit into an aggro deck. We'll see though, must test.
As for specific cuts...
Soltari Monk was a tough one, it basically boiled down to awkward casting cost and evasion seemed worse than easier casting cost and exalted. Could be completely off base here and am more than willing to swap it back in over the Knight if it performs poorly.
Siege-Gang is actually a subject of debate, half my playgroup wanted to keep it in, the other half wanted to keep Chandra Nalaar. I went with Siege-Gang as the cut as I was adding two other 5 drop creatures, I could easily back track there as well.
Kargan Dragonlord was a card I used to champion (I think I listed it as my top red two drop in the last power rankings) but fell heavily out of favor in recent months to the point where it was being left in sideboards frequently, and having almost no impact when played. Out for now as always though things can always work their way back in.
Kruin Outlaw has been the best red 3 drop for us and isn't near the cutting block, Chandra's Phoenix is likely to get cut before it.
Sakashima's Student seems really awesome and is definitely getting a slot, we love Clones, creatures that get played for 2 mana, and bouncing things for value. I think it will be a staple.
Meloku is a hard card for us and has been in and out more than any other card in the cube. Basically we realize it's extremely powerful, but it very rarely gets played for some reason. My theory is U/x Tempo is such a prevalent archetype here that the control decks want something with a bit bigger immediate impact than Meloku and the tempo decks don't want to play 5 for a 2/4. He'll find his way back in as cards don't perform up to snuff.
Murderous Redcap going into black was part of an experiment I decided failed to put hybrid cards into a color to free up more multicolor slots (Kitchen Finks was green for a while, and figure of destiny was white). That experiment has been undone.
Nuerok Commando was long gone already, and Fireball, and Markov Blademaster had recently bitten the dust.
Edit: Also got the list on the first page up to date.
Also I just decided to basically ignore color balance and play the cards that felt strong where they were sorted.
Precinct Captain - Kor Skyfisher Sent cutting moxen it just wasn't played.
Cyclonic Rift - into the roil solely on a test basis thinking roil will come back
Jace, Architect of Thought - Temporal Mastery I realized I was the only person in my group playing this card and decided to bow to their wishes to cut it, despite my long standing support of it.
Pack Rat - Ob Nixilis
Bloodline Keeper - Graveborn Muse
Smallpox - Black Sun's Zenith
Gore-House Chainwalker - keldon mauraders
ash zealot - Chandra nalaar
Mizzium Mortars - Devil's Play
Rakdos Cackler - Blackcleave Cliffs
Cryptborn horror - Destructive Force Was impressed today at the prerelease and am willing to give it a shot, don't expect great things out of it though.
Deadbridge Goliath - Chameleon Colossus
Deathrite shaman - Bloodgift Demon
Lotleth Troll - Twilight Mire
Varska - Sundering Titan
Armada Wurm - Sigarda solely on request from players, I'm thinking Sigarda is better.
Detention Sphere - Venser I know I had said I wouldn't cut venser but the last draft someone drafted the venser deck, and it sucked and we all decided it was basically a trap of a deck.
Supreme Verdict - Cursed Scroll
Dreadbore - Blightning
Hypersonic dragon - Fire//Ice
Izzet Charm - Electrolzye
Dryad Militant - Spectral Procession
-Jace 4.0 playtested pretty poorly for us here. I wouldn't consider it in a 540 list, let alone 360. Can you explain the appeal? You're replacing a pretty mediocre card for a pretty mediocre card, so I think you can do better.
-Why are you cutting Keldon Marauders? It's been a house for us. Are we misplaying it, or are you?
-Cutting Sundering Titan means you're neutering Tinker, which, like Natural Order, needs 3 primary targets for it to be worthwhile. That might be a problem over the long run.
-Cursed Scroll is fantastic, cheap, colorless reach for aggro. Don't get the cut.
-Spectral Procession isn't great on paper, but you're running enough token pump effects for it to shine in a 360 list. I would find another cut. Maybe Ranger of Eos, since you run so few aggro creatures than a more orthodox 360 list.
My Cube on Cube Tutor
There's no way cutting Keldon Marauders is the right cut. That card is absolutely sick. I'll just leave the Gore-House Chainwalker out, especially at 360.
I don't like cutting Chandra Nalaar, but I'll have to ponder on somethings similar in my cube since I want to get Ashes Zealot and Morars in for sure. I'll definitely try not to cut Chandra, though. I'll try to keep Devil's Play too. I'll rather cut Kruin Outlaw, Chandra (Firebrand), Forked Bolt, Destructive Force, Bonfire of the Damned instead of these two cards.
What's coming in for Sundering Titan? I don't like cutting the titan, and I don't think there's any colorless worth cubing 360 in this set.
I'll keep Hypersonic dragon out and keep Fire//Ice or Electrolyze. Depending on your taste. I myself would keep Electrolyze and move Fire/Ice to red, since it's pretty red card, at least in my cube.
Other cut looks fine to me.
My cube
My cube on Cube tutor
I'm OP_Forever. I'll be putting this in my signature for a while so everyone know I change my nickname.
Same goes for Jace, want to see it for myself. Also I think his +1 could actually be very strong.
Keldon Mauraders was a victim of wanting to cut a cheap red card and not knowing which one to cut. He's been very good but I ranked him lower than the other two drops and chainwalker seems like it could be better.
Sundering Titan was only played if the tinker decks didn't pick up the other targets and was usually underwhelming then. If I were to add another tinker target (trying to find out if two is enough) I would try Inkwell Leviathan over it. May end up going back to the Titan but for now it's out.
Cursed Scroll has been really poor, wasn't making decks and when it was it wasn't having a strong impact. It's entirely possible it's just my group misplaying it, but I don't think aggro will miss it.
Not cutting Ranger of Eos as while I don't run as much aggro support aggro is still very strong and Ranger is very solid. Actually the more likely cut will be Sublime Archangel but I want to give it more time to try and shine. But entirely possible that Procession will come back.
Edit @OP_Forever
Skyfisher just wasn't played once we cut moxen, disrupting your own tempo has been disastrous for our aggro decks.
Chandra has been fringe for a while imo, it's possible she's just better than Inferno Titan...
Titan's a victim to G/B being insane and needing find a cut in colorless.
Hypersonic probably won't stick but it looks really fun to try out. Fire//Ice will almost assuredly come back, but I want to instant speed some sorcereries first.
Thanks for the feedback guys makes me actually defend my positions to myself.
My Cube on Cube Tutor
Not sure I agree about there being too many 4's but you may have a point. Which would you cut if you were to cut one (I can't stomach cutting two right now as they're all really powerful)?
Edit: Also adding Chromatic Lantern for Lodestone Golem.
My Cube on Cube Tutor
Anyway my cube has been through like 10 different iterations in the meantime. But what I want to post is the differences between my in paper proxy cube and my MTGO cube. The differences are mostly about budget (but not strictly budget because I already had a ton of vintage and legacy stapes on MTGO.
Aspirational: Giver of Runes, Skyclave Apparition, Recruiter of the Guard, Enlightened Tutor, Emeria's Call, Land Tax, Court of Grace
MTGO: Mardu Woe-Reaper, Solider of the Pantheon, Thraben Inspector, Wall of Omens, Monatery Mentor, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Angel of Invention
Aspirational: Spellseeker, Urza, Lord High Artificer, Force of Negation
MTGO: Trinket Mage, Sower of Temptation, Inkwell Leviathan
Aspirational: Liliana of the Veil, Dismember, Collective Brutality, Necromancy, Volrath's Stronghold
MTGO: Nullpriest of Oblivion, Liliana, Death's Majesty, Whip of Erebos, Dance of the Dead, Necropotence
Aspirational: Eidolon of the Great Revel, Bone CrusherGiant, Goblin Rabblemaster, Seasoned Pyromancer, Shatterkull Smashing
MTGO: Feldon of the Third Path, Searing Spear, Arc Trail, Fiery Confluence, Outpost Siege
Aspirational: Hexdrinker, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Nature's Claim
MTGO: Den Protector, Tarmogoyf, Esika's Chariot
Aspirational: Knight of Autumn, Emiel the blessed
MTGO: Knight of the Reliquary, Renegade Rallier
Aspirational: Stonecoil Serpent, Golos, Tireless Pilgrim, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Mox Diamond, Grim Monolith, Tangle Wire
MTGO: Blightsteel Colossus, Ulamog, the infinte Gyre, Everflowing Chalice, Sword of Body and Mind, Sword of Steel and Sinew, Sword of Truth and Justice, Sword of Light and Shadow
Aspirational: Blightstep Pathway, Horizon Canopy, Silent Clearing, Riverglide Pathway, Nurturing Peatland, Sunbaked Canyon, Barkchannel Pathway, Rishadan Port, Prismatic Vista
MTGO: Wasteland, Temple of Malice, Temple of Plenty, Temple of Silence, Temple of Epiphany, Temple of Malady, Temple of Triumph, Temple of Mystery
Not bothering to update the Aspirational/Proxy list till I can play in paper again which is still months away in this unvaccinated country.
Out > In
Bone Shredder > Sedgemoor Witch
Necropotence > Callous Bloodmage
Consuming Vapors > Baleful Mastery
Ajani Vengeant > Rip Apart
Eventually intend to add Elite Spellbinder and Prismari Command as well as some C21 cards if MTGO ever adds them but for now this updates the list I'm running. Very excited for Baleful Mastery to cement itself. Just a flexible powerhouse.
[MID] Testing update
Intrepid Adversary > Angel of Invention
Adeline, Brilliant Cathar > Wall of Omens
Considering Fateful Absence for Path based on community excitement.
Suspicious Stowaway > Sower of Temptation? Minds Desire?
Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia > Makeshift Mannequin (I've decided I have 1-2 too many reanimation spells for my size)
Falkenrath Pitfighter > Monastery Swiftspear
Bloodthirsty Adversary > Siege-gang commander?
Augur of Autumn > Life from the loam
So I'm looking at changes to try and bring back flexible control piles. One step is going to be taking out the pathways I have. While they are perfect for streamlined two color builds and I love them for that they are really bad for splashes. Second the Wildfire package is getting cut. It is entirely uncompetitive with anything but the piles and is by far the worst stax option in the cube. It's slow, weak, and just not played. I also think I want to try to make my green section less interested in playing 13+ forests but I'm not really sure how to go about that because the heavy green Rofellos, Nissa, GGG fatty package is so successful. Lastly I think I need to cut archtype support back a little bit. Storm is fun and we want it but in 360 with Underworld breach existing does it need Birgi or dark ritual? Does stax need Tangle Wire? Does flicker need reveillark? I don't know the answers but I'm going to try and find out.
I don't want to go all the way to the stone ages here but I do want the good stuff decks to be a bit more viable because part of what makes limited great is those decks without a super coherent plan just competing with each other on the board.