Underworld Dreams x Howling Mine. The Howling Mine only triggering only on your turn is huge since you get the first shot at the cards and your opponent can't profit off this if they kill it on their turn. This isn't the best draw 7 payoff, but I'm always looking for more turn 1 plays off Mishra's Workshop. Will probably test since it's a decent roleplayer for both (Workshop) artifacts and draw 7 shells.
Yeah this card is pretty interesting. The fact that the draw is on your turn is so much better so your opponent doesn't just get a card and kill it for nothing.
Pretty solid card to Mishras Workshop out turn 1 as well.
I just read my post over and realized I basically just took stevemans homework and changed the name on it.
I once farted during the final match for prizes at an FNM. It was a tense moment, everything was quiet, control vs control, I was about to mana leak, thought about it.. and farted. Then mana leaked.
I like what this card does to the game state - you feel like you’re getting ahead because of the repeating damage trigger, but you’re also reducing mana screw for both players resulting in a lower percentage of non-interactive games. It has applications in your-card-draw-matters decks, either mill deck (opponentmill or selfmill), mono-red to provide reach, or some sort of Sheoldred/Orcish Bowmasters opponent’s card draw matters burn deck. Fun and flexible across many archetypes is a good combination for cube.
I like this card a lot. A better Underworld Dreams and a better Howling Mine stapled to a 3-power body for 3 colorless mana is very sweet. Both an enabler and a support card for the draw-punishing shells out there too.
Definitely one of the most interesting cards of the set. I like to have a very large colorless section (equal to each color ideally), so I want as many good options as I can get. And if you have multiple versions around, Underworld Dreams effects can be a pretty fun build-around. This is a great card and I love it. Sheoldred, the Apocalypse on the other hand I would never touch. Terrible card design.
I have no idea how well this will play. It does look extremely bad when you are on the defensive (bad body and you're giving cards to the aggro deck), and aggro decks in cube have incredible 3-drops that push much more than 2 damage per turn. Without wheel deck support, my initial prediction would be that this falls short, but I could be very wrong here.
Really don’t know what to take out (Maybe Gilded Lotus), but additional aggro support and wheel support is nice. I think it needs need a 4th wheel spell for this, too.
Underworld Dreams x Howling Mine. The Howling Mine only triggering only on your turn is huge since you get the first shot at the cards and your opponent can't profit off this if they kill it on their turn. This isn't the best draw 7 payoff, but I'm always looking for more turn 1 plays off Mishra's Workshop. Will probably test since it's a decent roleplayer for both (Workshop) artifacts and draw 7 shells.
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Pretty solid card to Mishras Workshop out turn 1 as well.
I just read my post over and realized I basically just took stevemans homework and changed the name on it.
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