Fleetwheel Cruiser x Hell's Thunder makes this pretty aggressive. This has more raw power by itself right out of the gate than any other Rabblemaster variant right out of the gate, and the recursion makes this a strong closer. This plays closest to Squee, Dubious Monarch / Phoenix of Ash, and has some nice advantages over them like more raw power / being easier to recur. Most people would agree that the top 3 Rabblemasters (3-cmc red creatures that either have haste and / or can produce something that attack on the same turn) are Bombardiers / Gut / Laelia, but this has a solid argument for being in the next tier alongside Rabblemaster / Squee / Phoenix of Ash / Death Greeter's Champion / Screaming Nemesis / etc.
I really like this card - Truckload of damage, could be used to run down planes walkers and has strong late game recursion, which forces the opponent to leave up removal if they're at a low enough life total.
I always like how fleetwheel avoided the feeling of overinvesting in a vehicle before you get anything out of it. 3 drops are crowed but this is a contender
A 4/2 haste trample 3-drop creature would be unplayable, it just trades down way too easily with whatever 2-drop your opponent plays. The activated ablity from graveyard costs you a card, and even in red aggressive decks you now have access to so many looting abilities that you can't assume you will have a land available to pitch for free.
I want to like this card, especially because Imotekh the Stormlord is my not-good-enough for cube pet card, and this synergizes very well with it, but I feel like this is a very middle-of-the-pack fun police card, and this would never go into decks other than low-curve red aggro.
Fleetwheel Cruiser x Hell's Thunder makes this pretty aggressive. This has more raw power by itself right out of the gate than any other Rabblemaster variant right out of the gate, and the recursion makes this a strong closer. This plays closest to Squee, Dubious Monarch / Phoenix of Ash, and has some nice advantages over them like more raw power / being easier to recur. Most people would agree that the top 3 Rabblemasters (3-cmc red creatures that either have haste and / or can produce something that attack on the same turn) are Bombardiers / Gut / Laelia, but this has a solid argument for being in the next tier alongside Rabblemaster / Squee / Phoenix of Ash / Death Greeter's Champion / Screaming Nemesis / etc.
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I want to like this card, especially because Imotekh the Stormlord is my not-good-enough for cube pet card, and this synergizes very well with it, but I feel like this is a very middle-of-the-pack fun police card, and this would never go into decks other than low-curve red aggro.
I think the problem might be I'm so used to playing with Smuggler's Copter that I've found Crew 1 to be essentially "free".