Established (Standard) Forum Rules In addition to these rules, please read the General Forum Rules, which applies here as well. Violations of the forum rules will result in warnings or infractions.
Budget discussion is strictly forbidden. The objective here is to come up with the best possible deck, and any sort of budget talk only hampers that development. For the sake of the discussion, please pretend that you have all the required cards for the deck in question. Budget discussion is, for this forum, defined as any card availability issues whatsoever, regardless of the value of the rest of the deck in question (if applicable). If you want to talk about cheap replacements for cards, we have a subforum for that.
Anti-competitive discussion is prohibited. This includes complaints about netdecking, promotion of cards for reasons other than their playability, and suggesting objectively inferior decks and cards.
Do not post new threads in this forum with your decklist. This isn't the forum for new decklist discussion; please use the appropriate subforum for that. This forum is for the discussion of standard decks that meet the Established (Standard) criteria. New decklist threads will be closed.
Discussion of spoiled cards must be confined to the Standard New Card Discussion subforum. New sets are okay to discuss in the rest of the Standard forum the moment Wizards has published the entire spoiler. Post-rotation discussion is also not permitted until the new block has been fully spoiled.
Functional deck tags are required.This thread explains how to use deck/card tags.
Do not copy and paste deck lists from MWS, as they do not work within deck tags.
Doubleposting, provided it isn't spam, is allowed. That said, we encourage you to please use the "edit"-button in the lower-right corner.
If you want to quote multiple posts, use the multi-quote feature.
Posting just to bump threads is not okay, regardless of how much time has passed.
Excessive multiposting is considered poor internet etiquette.
If you have questions, concerns or comments regarding these rules, or anything related to how the Standard forum is run, please post them in the "Standard Forum Discussion and Help Desk"-thread, or message them to one of the Standard Forum moderators.
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In addition to these rules, please read the General Forum Rules, which applies here as well. Violations of the forum rules will result in warnings or infractions.
General reminders:
Happy posting!