First take with mono Green. SB changes with meta game. After seeing Rumti play Swarm Shambler I came up with the second version.
I watch Rumti and RintMS that I watch for updates to the archetype.
Another build I just thought up to increase the number of routes to a Turn 4 Henge is to remove 2 Yorvo for 2 Garruk and -4 Beetle adding 4 Lotus Cobra. T2 cobra, T3 untapped land makes 4 mana to cast Garruk, most likely make a token then on T4 +1 garruk to give +3/3 to either lotus cobra or the beast token and cast henge. It would look like this:
Creatures - 31 4 Stonecoil Serpent - T1/2 with T3 Razer enbles T4 Henge 4 Swarm Shambler - T1/2 with T3 Razer enables T4 Henge 4 Scavenging Ooze - auto include due to rogues and Kroxa 4 Ilysian Caryatid - replaces Cobra makes 2 mana regardless of landfall and enables Lovestruck 3 Garruk's Harbinger - 3 mana for 4 power to enable Caryatid, good against Rogues and Dimir 4 Lovestruck Beast - enables T4 Henge 4 Kazandu Mammoth - T4 land drop enable T4 Henge 4 Gemrazer - mutate on Shambler or Coil for 6 power on T3
The new cards I am going to be adding are: +3 Old-growth troll, -3 Garruk's Harbinger, +3 Battle Mammoth, +1 Vivien, Monster's Advocate, -4 Swarm Shambler. I sacrificed the possibility of playing T4 Henge by mutating on T1/2 Swarm Shambler for a better card in other stages of the game with Battle Mammoth. Being able to cast Mammoth on T4 then Henge on 5 is still good.
We'll see about Old-Growth Troll over harbinger as harbinger had a leg up on Rogues and Dimir and I have to worry less about not hitting GGG on T3 by play one of my 3 colorless lands.
So T4 henge with:
T4 land drop and Beast or Mammoth in play - 2 ways
Caryatid with 4 power creature; Razer(mutated requires 4th land drop), troll or Snake (land drop not required) - 1 required creature with 1 of 12 others
A 5/5 or 6/6 Gemrazer mutated onto a snake - 1 required creature with 1 of 4 others
I took out 2 Turntimber Symbiosis for 2 forest as when the Troll dies I need a forest in play and there have been times I didnt have a forest or not enough! Also it isnt too often that I would actually play the spell, more often then not I was dealing with the cons of the land side. ALSO I learned if you mutate onto Troll and it gets killed both the Troll and the mutate card can go onto a forest for DOUBLE ramp and double 4/4s.
Also I added 1 Primal Might main and moved a Ram through to the sideboard. I cut the forth Henge for a Vivien, I was drawing too many henges and my opening hand had too many in them. Vivien plays well with Henge, great fun.
Over time I am sure that those 2 sorcerous spyglass and 1 Questing beasts will turn into 3 Vorinclex, Monsterous Raider as that card is just insane!
Testing vorinclex over Battle Mammoth to see if I like it better, I am sure I will. Main deck answers for sagas and Ugin/planeswalkers, double counters for stonecoil and creatures from the henge, 6/6 haste(clear some spots in the sideboard). Poor Mammoth and poor wallet if this turns out better. I will be also adding 2 castles and removing 2 forests to ensure I can cast Vorinclex at 5 mana.
+3 vorinclex, -3 Battle Mammoth. Only 1 turntimber symbiosis, 4 castles for vorinclex, more forests, only 1 crawling barrens now. 2/2 split of ram through and primal might.
I am currently shopping for good deals on Vorinclex as it is the better card over Battle Mammoth. I know that is a completely obvious statement but my testing has 100% solidified it. To date I am 40-18 in 12 "Traditional Standard Event"s on MtgA, the event that costs 1000 gold and is best of three. Due to the power of Vorinclex's haste, it makes me think of a more aggro version of mono green that plays 4 questing beast, 4 Garruk's Harbinger and 6-8 removal spells main.
Since adding Vorinclex to the main I am 112-51, 69%(3/23/21)win rate, playing the "Traditional Standard Event" on Arena. I am interested in building my collection then I am climbing the ladder as I get more coin and cards playing that event.
In paper I have removed Battle Mammoths back for Swarm Shamblers until I get Vorinclex in paper, Mammoths just dont fit the curve.
I am seriously considering replacing Ilysian Caryatid with Tangled Florahedron as it will allow me to keep more hands. Too often I keep hands with like 2 lands and a caryatid hoping the caryatid can carry my hand until I draw more lands then it gets killed. If it is a Hedron then that would guarantee my 3rd land.
Another thing that occurred to me is having 4 Hedrons over Caryatids is that I would have 30 lands; maybe I could get rid of a forest and Turntimber Symbiosis for 2 more spells. 28 total lands then +1Primal might and +1Ram through or Snakeskin Veil??? That would make more room in the sideboard, for whatever, +2 Questing Beast??
It would look like this:
I fear keeping 1 turntimber symbiosis will affect my forest count for troll and castle so I will keep track how many times I miss it.
3/15/21: I jammed a lot of games on area this weekend with this configuration of removing Caryatids for Florahedrons and my theory played out. It was a little difficult determining whether or not Cary would have been better then Flora because some of those situations played out where I play Flora as a land Turn1 then draw lands. For example I have a hand with 2 lands and 1 Flora then play it turn 1 then turn 2 draw another land THEN it remains to be unknown whether or not the opponent had T2 removal. Despite that I counted many times where having the card in hand enabled me to keep my hand as Flora was my 3rd guaranteed land or it enabled me to curve into other spells.
The question is now what takes the 2 spots as I removed 1 forest and the Turntimber Symbiosis. Right now I got +1 Primal Might and +1 Wildborn preserver or Fiend Artisan ~ trying it out.
Fiend artisan seems good against rogues and untapping with it could be good if I had 7 mana and a chump then I could search out Vorinclex. Otherwise against rogues artisan could be huge and mutating Gemrazer on it would make it bigger and give it trample. With 4 ram through already being brought in against rogues it might be big enough to kill the opponent out right.
fiend artisan was never good, interestingly enough I never played it against Rogues but main decking a card that is only hypothetically good against 1 deck isn't worth it. Online I am playing 2 Wildborn Preservers and they are ok.
4/8/21: Taking Preservers out for Swarm Shamblers. Better gemrazer targets, cost less, more cards to turn on lovestruck Beast. Never really got to abuse a Preserver, all instances were extreme situations of 'win more'.
I've seen Selesnya and Gruul deck guides on CFB Pro - why do you think the mono Green version is better than having another color in there?
The mana.....
With the new set I have not looked at any new brews so maybe something is out there but even with Pathways I had games where I would get tripped on color requirements with Gruul Adventures.
So forgotten Realms has come out and with that Burning Hands has made a big impact and Naya Winota is the best deck. With that I think that my version or idea of running Vorinclex is negated at the thought of spending 6 mana to have it destroyed by a 2 mana instant. Moreover mono red will be a little faster with this direct removal and the game has to speed up with Winota being able to win on T4 and 5 with consistency.
With all the above being said i have switched over to a snow version with a lower mana curve and more removal:
Current deck list is:
If I were to stick with Vorinclex then my list would look like this with Realms of the forgotten out; -2 Old Growth Troll, +2 Werewolf Pack Leader, +2 Lair of the Hydra, -1 Crawling Barrens and -1 Forest = lowering the curve plus sideboard changes.
Current deck list is:
4 Stonecoil Serpent
4 Scavenging ooze
4 Nessian Hornbeetle
4 Lovestruck Beast
2 Garruk's Harbinger
2 Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig
4 Questing Beast
2 Gemrazer
4 Primal Might
1 Ram Through
2 Garruk, Unleashed
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 24
20 forest
2 Castle Garenbrig
2 Bonder's Enclave
4 Oakhame Adversary - Mirror
3 Destiny Spinner - counter heavy decks
2 Gemrazer - decks with man Arts. and or Enchants
2 Ranger's Guile - removal heavy decks/ control
2 Garruk's Harbinger - decks with a lot of black removal
1 Heroic Intervention - decks with sweepers
1 Ram Through - creature matchups
4 Stonecoil Serpent - T1/2 with T3 Razer enbles T4 Henge
4 Swarm Shambler - T1/2 with T3 Razer enables T4 Henge
4 Scavenging Ooze
4 Nessian Hornbeetle
4 Lovestruck Beast - enables T4 henge
4 Kazandu Mammoth - T4 land drop enable T4 Henge
2 Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig
4 Gemrazer
4 Ram through - kills cobra better
1 Garruk, unleashed - instead of QB, more trample for ram through finishes
4 Turntimber Symbiosis - good in flood, bury OP after henge
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 18
13 forest
2 Castle Garenbrig
2 Fabled passage - trying this for mammoths
1 Bonder's Enclave
4 Oakhame Adversary - Mirror
4 Garruk's Harbinger - decks with a lot of black removal
4 Primal Might - creature matchups
2 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Dimir Rogues
1 Heroic intervention - removal heavy decks/control
I watch Rumti and RintMS that I watch for updates to the archetype.
Another build I just thought up to increase the number of routes to a Turn 4 Henge is to remove 2 Yorvo for 2 Garruk and -4 Beetle adding 4 Lotus Cobra. T2 cobra, T3 untapped land makes 4 mana to cast Garruk, most likely make a token then on T4 +1 garruk to give +3/3 to either lotus cobra or the beast token and cast henge. It would look like this:
4 Stonecoil Serpent - T1/2 with T3 Razer enbles T4 Henge
4 Swarm Shambler - T1/2 with T3 Razer enables T4 Henge
4 Scavenging Ooze
4 Lotus Cobra - this T2, T3 land to Garruk, T4 henge with +1
4 Lovestruck Beast - enables T4 henge
4 Kazandu Mammoth - T4 land drop enable T4 Henge
4 Gemrazer
4 Ram through - non-fight removal
3 Garruk, unleashed - instead of Questing Beast, more trample for ram through finishes, pumps creatures to cast henge
4 Turntimber Symbiosis - good in flood, bury OP after henge
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 18
12 forest
2 Castle Garenbrig
3 Fabled passage - trying this for mammoths and Cobras
1 Bonder's Enclave
4 Oakhame Adversary - Mirror
4 Garruk's Harbinger - decks with a lot of black removal
4 Primal Might - creature matchups
3 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Dimir Rogues
Props to DarkNightCavalier 4 da banner and SGT_Chubbz 4 avvie, here
GRWNaya Purphoros
GWAggro Retired 9/19/2014
RGPrimeval Titan RIP
1/5/2010 - 9/30/2011
Top 4 Channelfireball Winter series 5k Feb. 2011
3rd at California National Qualifiers 2011
40th at GP SLC 2012
Find me on MTGO @ Ruslvmusl91
4 Stonecoil Serpent - T1/2 with T3 Razer enbles T4 Henge
4 Swarm Shambler - T1/2 with T3 Razer enables T4 Henge
4 Scavenging Ooze - auto include due to rogues and Kroxa
4 Ilysian Caryatid - replaces Cobra makes 2 mana regardless of landfall and enables Lovestruck
3 Garruk's Harbinger - 3 mana for 4 power to enable Caryatid, good against Rogues and Dimir
4 Lovestruck Beast - enables T4 Henge
4 Kazandu Mammoth - T4 land drop enable T4 Henge
4 Gemrazer - mutate on Shambler or Coil for 6 power on T3
4 Ram through - non-fight removal, instant speed, direct damage
4 Turntimber Symbiosis - good in flood, bury OP after henge
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 20
13 forest
2 Castle Garenbrig
2 Crawling Barrens - good card against Ugin and control, mana sink
1 Bonder's Enclave
4 Primal Might - creature matchups
3 Questing Beast - control, replaces harbinger or Gemrazer
3 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Dimir Rogues
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Sorcerous Spyglass - Ugin
1 Garruk's Harbinger - decks with a lot of black removal
The new cards I am going to be adding are: +3 Old-growth troll, -3 Garruk's Harbinger, +3 Battle Mammoth, +1 Vivien, Monster's Advocate, -4 Swarm Shambler. I sacrificed the possibility of playing T4 Henge by mutating on T1/2 Swarm Shambler for a better card in other stages of the game with Battle Mammoth. Being able to cast Mammoth on T4 then Henge on 5 is still good.
We'll see about Old-Growth Troll over harbinger as harbinger had a leg up on Rogues and Dimir and I have to worry less about not hitting GGG on T3 by play one of my 3 colorless lands.
4 Stonecoil Serpent - T1/2 with T3 Razer enbles T4 Henge
4 Scavenging Ooze
4 Ilysian Caryatid - replaces Cobra makes 2 mana regardless of landfall and enables Lovestruck
3 Old-Growth Troll - replacing Garruk's Harbinger
4 Lovestruck Beast - enables T4 Henge
4 Kazandu Mammoth - T4 land drop enable T4 Henge
4 Gemrazer - mutate on Shambler or Coil for 6 power on T3
3 Battle Mammoth - replacing Swarm Shambler
3 Ram Through - non-fight removal
1 Primal Might - green Fireball
1 Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - in stead of 4th Henge
2 Turntimber Symbiosis - good in flood, bury OP after henge
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 20
15 forest
2 Castle Garenbrig
2 Crawling Barrens - good card against Ugin and control, mana sink
1 Bonder's Enclave
3 Garruk's Harbinger - decks heavy with black removal
3 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Dimir Rogues
2 Questing beast
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Sorcerous Spyglass - Ugin
2 Primal Might - creature matchups
1 Ram Through - creature matchups
T4 land drop and Beast or Mammoth in play - 2 ways
Caryatid with 4 power creature; Razer(mutated requires 4th land drop), troll or Snake (land drop not required) - 1 required creature with 1 of 12 others
A 5/5 or 6/6 Gemrazer mutated onto a snake - 1 required creature with 1 of 4 others
I took out 2 Turntimber Symbiosis for 2 forest as when the Troll dies I need a forest in play and there have been times I didnt have a forest or not enough! Also it isnt too often that I would actually play the spell, more often then not I was dealing with the cons of the land side. ALSO I learned if you mutate onto Troll and it gets killed both the Troll and the mutate card can go onto a forest for DOUBLE ramp and double 4/4s.
Also I added 1 Primal Might main and moved a Ram through to the sideboard. I cut the forth Henge for a Vivien, I was drawing too many henges and my opening hand had too many in them. Vivien plays well with Henge, great fun.
Over time I am sure that those 2 sorcerous spyglass and 1 Questing beasts will turn into 3 Vorinclex, Monsterous Raider as that card is just insane!
Testing vorinclex over Battle Mammoth to see if I like it better, I am sure I will. Main deck answers for sagas and Ugin/planeswalkers, double counters for stonecoil and creatures from the henge, 6/6 haste(clear some spots in the sideboard). Poor Mammoth and poor wallet if this turns out better. I will be also adding 2 castles and removing 2 forests to ensure I can cast Vorinclex at 5 mana.
Here is Crokeyz's version of Mono green he tried out using The Ozolith
Here is an 8-1 list from Rumti:
Here is the list I am running on Arena
4 Stonecoil Serpent - ignores Binding of the gods
4 Scavenging Ooze - main deck for rogues and rakdos
4 Ilysian Caryatid - accelerate from 2 to 4, 4 to 6 for vorinclex with castle, enables lovestruck beast
3 Old-Growth Troll - no a bad mutate target for gemrazer
4 Lovestruck Beast
4 Kazandu Mammoth
4 Gemrazer
3 Vorinclex Monsterous Raider
2 Ram Through - non-fight removal
2 Primal Might - green Fireball
1 Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - instead of 4th Henge
1 Turntimber Symbiosis - better than a land late game
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 21
15 forest
4 Castle Garenbrig
1 Crawling Barrens - good card against Ugin and control, mana sink
1 Bonder's Enclave
4 Garruk's Harbinger - use against decks with heavy black removal
3 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Dimir Rogues
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Snakeskin Veil - trying this out
2 Primal Might - creature matchups
2 Ram Through - creature matchups
+3 vorinclex, -3 Battle Mammoth. Only 1 turntimber symbiosis, 4 castles for vorinclex, more forests, only 1 crawling barrens now. 2/2 split of ram through and primal might.
I am currently shopping for good deals on Vorinclex as it is the better card over Battle Mammoth. I know that is a completely obvious statement but my testing has 100% solidified it. To date I am 40-18 in 12 "Traditional Standard Event"s on MtgA, the event that costs 1000 gold and is best of three. Due to the power of Vorinclex's haste, it makes me think of a more aggro version of mono green that plays 4 questing beast, 4 Garruk's Harbinger and 6-8 removal spells main.
Props to DarkNightCavalier 4 da banner and SGT_Chubbz 4 avvie, here
GRWNaya Purphoros
GWAggro Retired 9/19/2014
RGPrimeval Titan RIP
1/5/2010 - 9/30/2011
Top 4 Channelfireball Winter series 5k Feb. 2011
3rd at California National Qualifiers 2011
40th at GP SLC 2012
Find me on MTGO @ Ruslvmusl91
In paper I have removed Battle Mammoths back for Swarm Shamblers until I get Vorinclex in paper, Mammoths just dont fit the curve.
4 Swarm Shambler - playing over Battle Mammoth, until I get Vorinclex
4 Stonecoil Serpent - ignores Binding of the gods now
4 Scavenging Ooze - main deck for rogues, rakdos, cycling
4 Ilysian Caryatid - accelerate from 2 to 4, 4 to 6 for vorinclex with castle, enables lovestruck beast. With power
3 Old-Growth Troll - not a bad mutate target for gemrazer
4 Lovestruck Beast
4 Kazandu Mammoth
4 Gemrazer
2 Ram Through - non-fight removal
2 Primal Might - green Fireball
2 Turntimber Symbiosis - better than a land late game
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 20
15 forest
2 Castle Garenbrig
2 Crawling Barrens - good card against Ugin and control, mana sink
1 Bonder's Enclave
4 Garruk's Harbinger - use against decks with heavy black removal
3 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Dimir Rogues
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Snakeskin Veil - trying this out
2 Primal Might - creature matchups
2 Ram Through - creature matchups
Props to DarkNightCavalier 4 da banner and SGT_Chubbz 4 avvie, here
GRWNaya Purphoros
GWAggro Retired 9/19/2014
RGPrimeval Titan RIP
1/5/2010 - 9/30/2011
Top 4 Channelfireball Winter series 5k Feb. 2011
3rd at California National Qualifiers 2011
40th at GP SLC 2012
Find me on MTGO @ Ruslvmusl91
Another thing that occurred to me is having 4 Hedrons over Caryatids is that I would have 30 lands; maybe I could get rid of a forest and Turntimber Symbiosis for 2 more spells. 28 total lands then +1Primal might and +1Ram through or Snakeskin Veil??? That would make more room in the sideboard, for whatever, +2 Questing Beast??
It would look like this:
4 Stonecoil Serpent - ignores Binding of the gods
4 Scavenging Ooze - main deck for rogues and cycling
4 Tangled Florahedron - accelerate from 2 to 4, 4 to 6 for vorinclex with castle, enables lovestruck beast
2 Wildborn Preserver - this is creature # 31, trying it out. Maybe fiend Artisan?
3 Old-Growth Troll - not a bad mutate target for gemrazer
4 Lovestruck Beast
4 Kazandu Mammoth
4 Gemrazer
3 Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider
2 Ram Through - non-fight removal
2 Primal Might - green Fireball
1 Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - instead of 4th Henge
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 20
14 forest
4 Castle Garenbrig
1 Crawling Barrens - good card against Ugin and control, mana sink
1 Bonder's Enclave
4 Garruk's Harbinger - use against decks with heavy black removal
3 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Rogues
2 Questing Beast - for Sultai, before they go off, other control
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Ram Through - creature matchups
2 Primal Might - creature matchups
I fear keeping 1 turntimber symbiosis will affect my forest count for troll and castle so I will keep track how many times I miss it.
3/15/21: I jammed a lot of games on area this weekend with this configuration of removing Caryatids for Florahedrons and my theory played out. It was a little difficult determining whether or not Cary would have been better then Flora because some of those situations played out where I play Flora as a land Turn1 then draw lands. For example I have a hand with 2 lands and 1 Flora then play it turn 1 then turn 2 draw another land THEN it remains to be unknown whether or not the opponent had T2 removal. Despite that I counted many times where having the card in hand enabled me to keep my hand as Flora was my 3rd guaranteed land or it enabled me to curve into other spells.
The question is now what takes the 2 spots as I removed 1 forest and the Turntimber Symbiosis. Right now I got +1 Primal Might and +1 Wildborn preserver or Fiend Artisan ~ trying it out.
Fiend artisan seems good against rogues and untapping with it could be good if I had 7 mana and a chump then I could search out Vorinclex. Otherwise against rogues artisan could be huge and mutating Gemrazer on it would make it bigger and give it trample. With 4 ram through already being brought in against rogues it might be big enough to kill the opponent out right.
fiend artisan was never good, interestingly enough I never played it against Rogues but main decking a card that is only hypothetically good against 1 deck isn't worth it. Online I am playing 2 Wildborn Preservers and they are ok.
Props to DarkNightCavalier 4 da banner and SGT_Chubbz 4 avvie, here
GRWNaya Purphoros
GWAggro Retired 9/19/2014
RGPrimeval Titan RIP
1/5/2010 - 9/30/2011
Top 4 Channelfireball Winter series 5k Feb. 2011
3rd at California National Qualifiers 2011
40th at GP SLC 2012
Find me on MTGO @ Ruslvmusl91
Current deck list is:
2 Swarm Shambler - more creatures to mutate on, earlier aggression
4 Stonecoil Serpent - ignores Binding of the gods
4 Scavenging Ooze - main deck for rogues and cycling
4 Tangled Florahedron - accelerate from 2 to 4, 4 to 6 for vorinclex with castle, enables lovestruck beast
3 Old-Growth Troll - not a bad mutate target for gemrazer
4 Lovestruck Beast
4 Kazandu Mammoth
4 Gemrazer
3 Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider
2 Ram Through - non-fight removal
2 Primal Might - green Fireball
1 Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - instead of 4th Henge
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 20
14 forest
4 Castle Garenbrig
1 Crawling Barrens - good card against Ugin and control, mana sink
1 Bonder's Enclave
4 Garruk's Harbinger - use against decks with heavy black removal
3 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Rogues
2 Questing Beast - for Sultai, before they go off, other control
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Ram Through - creature matchups
2 Primal Might - creature matchups
Props to DarkNightCavalier 4 da banner and SGT_Chubbz 4 avvie, here
GRWNaya Purphoros
GWAggro Retired 9/19/2014
RGPrimeval Titan RIP
1/5/2010 - 9/30/2011
Top 4 Channelfireball Winter series 5k Feb. 2011
3rd at California National Qualifiers 2011
40th at GP SLC 2012
Find me on MTGO @ Ruslvmusl91
The mana.....
With the new set I have not looked at any new brews so maybe something is out there but even with Pathways I had games where I would get tripped on color requirements with Gruul Adventures.
Props to DarkNightCavalier 4 da banner and SGT_Chubbz 4 avvie, here
GRWNaya Purphoros
GWAggro Retired 9/19/2014
RGPrimeval Titan RIP
1/5/2010 - 9/30/2011
Top 4 Channelfireball Winter series 5k Feb. 2011
3rd at California National Qualifiers 2011
40th at GP SLC 2012
Find me on MTGO @ Ruslvmusl91
With all the above being said i have switched over to a snow version with a lower mana curve and more removal:
Current deck list is:
4 Swarm Shambler - more creatures to mutate on, earlier aggression
4 Stonecoil Serpent - ignores Binding of the gods
4 Scavenging Ooze - main deck for rogues and cycling
4 Werewolf Pack Leader
4 Lovestruck Beast
4 Kazandu Mammoth
4 Gemrazer
4 Blizzard Brawl
3 Primal Might - green Fireball
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 22
18 Snow forest
2 Faceless Haven
2 Lair of the Hydra - enables Lovstruck to attack
3 Weathered Runestone - for winota. Once they start packing Artifact hate we're screwed
2 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Rogues
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Questing Beast - control, Sultai
2 Garruk, Unleashed - control, Sulltai
2 Garruk's Harbinger - use against decks with heavy black removal
2 Ram Through - Winota, replaces primal might
If I were to stick with Vorinclex then my list would look like this with Realms of the forgotten out; -2 Old Growth Troll, +2 Werewolf Pack Leader, +2 Lair of the Hydra, -1 Crawling Barrens and -1 Forest = lowering the curve plus sideboard changes.
Current deck list is:
2 Swarm Shambler - more creatures to mutate on, earlier aggression
4 Stonecoil Serpent - ignores Binding of the gods
4 Scavenging Ooze - main deck for rogues and cycling
2 Werewolf Pack Leader
4 Tangled Florahedron - accelerate from 2 to 4, 4 to 6 for vorinclex with castle, enables lovestruck beast
4 Lovestruck Beast
4 Kazandu Mammoth
4 Gemrazer
3 Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider
2 Ram Through - non-fight removal
2 Primal Might - green Fireball
3 The Great Henge
Lands - 20
13 forest
4 Castle Garenbrig
2 Lair of the Hydra
1 Bonder's Enclave
3 Weathered Runestone - Winota
2 Chainweb Aracnir - does work against Rogues
2 Thrashing Brontodon - cleave and henge
2 Questing Beast - control/Sultai
2 Garruk, Unleashed - control/Sultai
2 Garruk's Harbinger - use against decks with heavy black removal
1 Primal Might - creature matchups
1 Ram Through - creature matchups
Props to DarkNightCavalier 4 da banner and SGT_Chubbz 4 avvie, here
GRWNaya Purphoros
GWAggro Retired 9/19/2014
RGPrimeval Titan RIP
1/5/2010 - 9/30/2011
Top 4 Channelfireball Winter series 5k Feb. 2011
3rd at California National Qualifiers 2011
40th at GP SLC 2012
Find me on MTGO @ Ruslvmusl91