Standard Deck Creation Forum Rules In addition to these rules, please read the General Forum Rules, which apply here as well. Violations of the forum rules will result in warnings or infractions.
If you want to post a new thread in this forum, please check and make sure there isn't already a thread on the same topic. If you're unsure, please go ahead and ask.
Only moderators can add the [Official]-tag to a deck thread. Decks without the [Official]-tag will be archived after about a month of no new posts.
Discussion of spoiled cards just before rotation must be confined to the Standard New Card Discussion subforum. New sets are okay to discuss in the rest of the Standard forum the moment Wizards has published the entire spoiler. Post-rotation discussion is also not permitted until the new block has been fully spoiled.
Functional deck tags are required. This thread explains how to use deck/card tags.
Do not copy and paste deck lists from MWS, as they do not work within deck tags.
You are more than welcome to necro old threads in this forum.
If you have questions, concerns or comments regarding these rules, or anything related to how the Standard forum is run, please post them in the "Standard Forum Discussion & Helpdesk"-thread, or message them to one of the Standard Forum moderators.
In addition to these rules, please read the General Forum Rules, which apply here as well. Violations of the forum rules will result in warnings or infractions.
Happy posting!
BGStandard Green AggroGB
UWRGModern Saheeli CobraGRWU
UBRGLegacy StormGRBU
Wizards Certified Rules Advisor