I think I would like 4 rounds of Swiss most of the time to ensure I got a good number of matches in. (I don't always make the top cut, and often play decks that are barely tested or not at all). I would be ok with just having the top 4 play it out if we had an extra round of Swiss. I'm not sure that's less rounds than a cut to top 8...
8-16: 3 rounds of swiss with a top 4 cut
17-24: 3 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut
25 or more: 4 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut
My problem with this is that more then half of the X-1 will be out of the top. For example, for 16 players, with 3 swiss rounds you will have 2 players with 9 points and 6 players with 6, and only 2 of those will make the top. 33% of the X-1 do the top and 66% doesn't...
And I would prefer to always do top4. If we are having players play more rounds they should be the ones getting the prizes, so I prefer more swiss rounds for a clean cut and then top4.
I just don't see how to do it without playing endless rounds. Is this the best solution we have?
In my opinion, if you have a 66.7% match win percentage, you shouldn't feel entitled to the playoff elimination.
How about this?
8-12: 3 rounds of swiss with a top 4 cut
13-24: 4 rounds of swiss with a top 4 cut
25 or more: 4 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut
Could Hypergenesis be a thing in the new format? I've been starting to put a frame of a GU Hypergenesis deck together but I'm not sure if it's legit or just a pipedream.
ts banned. Although I was working on potentially building a eureka deck a while back that could win on turn 3. but most of the "kill cards" were mythics that were over a dollar each so I passed up building a 25 dollar deck to build like 4 other decks :).
but Eureka AKA the real hypergenesis is legal.
Thank you for mentioning this. I built Eureka and played it today. I have replays of my matches up on YouTube. I did not bother to do an instant win version, but just went with just giant creatures and reanimate as a backup plan. It was a ton of fun.
The problem is its not about 66% being entitled its about X-1... If I lose round 1 I should be able to run the table in any event and still make the playoffs thats why top 8 with X rounds per player is Set to to that many people by WOTC for any official sanctioned tourney. The problem we have is no prize support for 5-8 so for us people get butthurt when they lose in top 8 after going unbeaten...
If we want to do top 4 100% of the time here is what you would have to do to gaurentee x-1 doesn't miss top 4 and what would be the most fair way to do top 4 every event and make where losing round 1 isn't a auto drop.
8-12 3 rounds top 4 (you cannot guarentee x-1 in a event this low)
12-16 4 rounds top 4 (3-1 is auto)
17-24 5 rounds top 4 (4-1 SHOULD be auto)
25+ 6 rounds top 4 (5-1 is auto)
Also would like to Bring something up with EMA Invigorate is getting Low enough that there is a chance it might rotate into Heirloom... Can we please Preemptively ban it if this becomes the case? Infect would become capable of turn 2 kills with a Counter Backup. I'm usually not one for lets ban something (I even want stuff unbanned) but 100% telling you right now if this rotates in I'm most likely playing nothing but infect till its banned.
Also would like to Bring something up with EMA Invigorate is getting Low enough that there is a chance it might rotate into Heirloom... Can we please Preemptively ban it if this becomes the case? Infect would become capable of turn 2 kills with a Counter Backup. I'm usually not one for lets ban something (I even want stuff unbanned) but 100% telling you right now if this rotates in I'm most likely playing nothing but infect till its banned.
There is a reason its banned In pauper and alot of other formats.....
Glistener elf is going up enough that it may rotate out (It's currently 13 cents on MTGOTraders). Can we wait and see if this is actually a problem before talking about bans?
Groundswell also rotated out making the turn two kill options of this deck even less consistent.
Also would like to Bring something up with EMA Invigorate is getting Low enough that there is a chance it might rotate into Heirloom... Can we please Preemptively ban it if this becomes the case? Infect would become capable of turn 2 kills with a Counter Backup. I'm usually not one for lets ban something (I even want stuff unbanned) but 100% telling you right now if this rotates in I'm most likely playing nothing but infect till its banned.
There is a reason its banned In pauper and alot of other formats.....
Glistener elf is going up enough that it may rotate out (It's currently 13 cents on MTGOTraders). Can we wait and see if this is actually a problem before talking about bans?
Groundswell also rotated out making the turn two kill options of this deck even less consistent.
i'm fine with playing it for a few weeks if it comes in when EDM hits. i'm just saying that Blazing shoal (I assume) is banned for the same reason of turn 2 Infect wins. this will be the same. Also Glistener elf won't rotate It spiked to 30 cents when it won the Legacy GP last week. its since dropped from 30 back to 13 and still going down (it usually sits at 5 cent's where I assume it will end up again).
i'm fine with playing it for a few weeks if it comes in when EDM hits. i'm just saying that Blazing shoal (I assume) is banned for the same reason of turn 2 Infect wins. this will be the same. Also Glistener elf won't rotate It spiked to 30 cents when it won the Legacy GP last week. its since dropped from 30 back to 13 and still going down (it usually sits at 5 cent's where I assume it will end up again).
Interesting, I don't pay attention to legacy events. I had no idea why the elf was up, but what you're saying is that I should have sold mine so I can buy them back cheap later.
You may be right, I just don't like to worry about these things until they show up and prove to actually be consistent AND a large percentage of winning decks. If someone comes in with infect and wins one week I don't think it's a problem but if it's winning every event, then that's an issue. Right now it looks to me like it might gain a new tool with invigorate, but it's losing one with groundswell. We also don't have the nice consistent enters untapped leagcy mana base. I tried infect a couple of times, and when I was playing it I was running Temple of Mystery and evolving wilds. Games felt pretty interactive. No doubt that the deck felt like it was strong, but it never felt unfair. We also don't have Mutagenic Growth right now either, but we might get rancor with the post EMA rotation and that card could make the deck good enough.
So I know were still discussing the future of cloudpost and that decision may come soon if it wins again sunday. and Zoo has to be getting a hard look after that as top 4 lately is ZOO+Cloudpost basically 1-2 every week.
But I want to ask if we are close to a decision on STP. For the 2nd time this month I was working on a URW deck with basically no counters (had 4x mana leak maindeck with 4x Negate 4x Blue Ele Blast SB. and went to build it and went oh wait I can't run STP. and stopped building it because the deck didn't run right without it.
So I know were still discussing the future of cloudpost and that decision may come soon if it wins again sunday. and Zoo has to be getting a hard look after that as top 4 lately is ZOO+Cloudpost basically 1-2 every week.
But I want to ask if we are close to a decision on STP. For the 2nd time this month I was working on a URW deck with basically no counters (had 4x mana leak maindeck with 4x Negate 4x Blue Ele Blast SB. and went to build it and went oh wait I can't run STP. and stopped building it because the deck didn't run right without it.
I really want it unbanned, and someone mentioned it today again in the chat. The poll a couple pages back has had 9 votes so far.
Votes to ban it in all decks - 2 (22%)
Votes to unban it - 4 (44%)
Votes to ignore it and do nothing (what we keep doing anyway) - 3 (33%)
So I know were still discussing the future of cloudpost and that decision may come soon if it wins again sunday. and Zoo has to be getting a hard look after that as top 4 lately is ZOO+Cloudpost basically 1-2 every week.
But I want to ask if we are close to a decision on STP. For the 2nd time this month I was working on a URW deck with basically no counters (had 4x mana leak maindeck with 4x Negate 4x Blue Ele Blast SB. and went to build it and went oh wait I can't run STP. and stopped building it because the deck didn't run right without it.
I really want it unbanned, and someone mentioned it today again in the chat. The poll a couple pages back has had 9 votes so far.
Votes to ban it in all decks - 2 (22%)
Votes to unban it - 4 (44%)
Votes to ignore it and do nothing (what we keep doing anyway) - 3 (33%)
Total 9 votes.
my post was from before heirloom today and since i had a nice talk with TLR. and got a bit of a understanding in what is going on I no longer fully feel the way I did. I'll leave the announcements of what is going to happen with STP and Post to when TLR announces it. but at least in the meantime there was a bit of a understanding where I showed up today ready to play 12 post too and once Far decided not to play it I did as well as Much as i'd love to win another event we were politely asked to not play it while things gets worked out behind the scenes for TLR to be able to make a few crucial announcements regarding heirloom. Rather than him making 1 announcement here 1 there so Just sit back and wait a bit and things will be coming soon. and we can continue to enjoy one of the best PRE's in all of MTGO.
my post was from before heirloom today and since i had a nice talk with TLR. and got a bit of a understanding in what is going on I no longer fully feel the way I did. I'll leave the announcements of what is going to happen with STP and Post to when TLR announces it. but at least in the meantime there was a bit of a understanding where I showed up today ready to play 12 post too and once Far decided not to play it I did as well as Much as i'd love to win another event we were politely asked to not play it while things gets worked out behind the scenes for TLR to be able to make a few crucial announcements regarding heirloom. Rather than him making 1 announcement here 1 there so Just sit back and wait a bit and things will be coming soon. and we can continue to enjoy one of the best PRE's in all of MTGO.
I may be a minority here, but I don't actually want cloudposts banned. It's a strong deck, but it's not unbeatable, and I'd hate for the format to be all aggro decks.
I didn't mean it like a shot at you. As a host or as a player the exact words when I said I was going to play cloudpost control were "can you please not play that today I have to drive somewhere after this" As a host or just saying that as someone I play against and respect either way I wasn't going to play it when you asked me nicely not too so its not something you need to explain yourself over.
(Remember the only reason I was going to play it in the first place was to help get it banned because I like building new decks and when every deck I build loses to post it makes me just want to play zoo or mono red and not care rather than build new entertaining decks).
Either way its a Mute Point. Post will be gone soon enough Farfisher is not playing it and Im not playing it for the fact we don't want to kill the event we love. and thats the end of story. Although I may play a new control deck this week
That is so nice of people to choose to refrain from using Cloudpost, out of compassion for their fellow Mages.
I also will abstain from Cloudpost this week, choosing to become a pure Black Mage.
I discovered that the card NECROPOTENCE is showing as Legal when I searched the Heirloom Legality Checker. And it is not listed as a banned card on page 1 of this forum (as at the time of posting this message). Does this mean that I can go wild with 4 copies of this card and go to card advantage heaven?
That is so nice of people to choose to refrain from using Cloudpost, out of compassion for their fellow Mages.
I also will abstain from Cloudpost this week, choosing to become a pure Black Mage.
I discovered that the card NECROPOTENCE is showing as Legal when I searched the Heirloom Legality Checker. And it is not listed as a banned card on page 1 of this forum (as at the time of posting this message). Does this mean that I can go wild with 4 copies of this card and go to card advantage heaven?
We use the Legacy filter, in which Necropotence is banned.
That is so nice of people to choose to refrain from using Cloudpost, out of compassion for their fellow Mages.
I also will abstain from Cloudpost this week, choosing to become a pure Black Mage.
I discovered that the card NECROPOTENCE is showing as Legal when I searched the Heirloom Legality Checker. And it is not listed as a banned card on page 1 of this forum (as at the time of posting this message). Does this mean that I can go wild with 4 copies of this card and go to card advantage heaven?
Necro is banned in legacy.
(On that Note when we make a new thread or Berlin Updates or w/e Please add a link to the legacy ban list on the front page)
I just started looking at the format today after seeing it mentioned on Reddit (in teh $2 Legacy thread). Reminds me a lot of when I got into Pauper years before the filter...PRE community, budget and cool looking decks.
How is price determined for cards printed at multiple rarities? If its price legal in any printing its in?
Are there people testing/playing outside the actual events? My next couple Sundays are gonna be tied up, so if there is a 'test night' or w/e, I could try and find that to learn more and try a couple decks.
I just started looking at the format today after seeing it mentioned on Reddit (in teh $2 Legacy thread). Reminds me a lot of when I got into Pauper years before the filter...PRE community, budget and cool looking decks.
How is price determined for cards printed at multiple rarities? If its price legal in any printing its in?
Are there people testing/playing outside the actual events? My next couple Sundays are gonna be tied up, so if there is a 'test night' or w/e, I could try and find that to learn more and try a couple decks.
Are there people testing/playing outside the actual events? My next couple Sundays are gonna be tied up, so if there is a 'test night' or w/e, I could try and find that to learn more and try a couple decks.
There's events on Fridays usually
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8-16: 3 rounds of swiss with a top 4 cut
17-24: 3 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut
25 or more: 4 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut
pretty much agree.
though I prefer 17-24 to be 4 rounds and top 4 instead.
In my opinion, if you have a 66.7% match win percentage, you shouldn't feel entitled to the playoff elimination.
How about this?
8-12: 3 rounds of swiss with a top 4 cut
13-24: 4 rounds of swiss with a top 4 cut
25 or more: 4 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut
Thank you for mentioning this. I built Eureka and played it today. I have replays of my matches up on YouTube. I did not bother to do an instant win version, but just went with just giant creatures and reanimate as a backup plan. It was a ton of fun.
If we want to do top 4 100% of the time here is what you would have to do to gaurentee x-1 doesn't miss top 4 and what would be the most fair way to do top 4 every event and make where losing round 1 isn't a auto drop.
8-12 3 rounds top 4 (you cannot guarentee x-1 in a event this low)
12-16 4 rounds top 4 (3-1 is auto)
17-24 5 rounds top 4 (4-1 SHOULD be auto)
25+ 6 rounds top 4 (5-1 is auto)
turn 1 elf
turn 2 Holding Dispell (Invig Berserk) GG
There is a reason its banned In pauper and alot of other formats.....
Glistener elf is going up enough that it may rotate out (It's currently 13 cents on MTGOTraders). Can we wait and see if this is actually a problem before talking about bans?
Groundswell also rotated out making the turn two kill options of this deck even less consistent.
i'm fine with playing it for a few weeks if it comes in when EDM hits. i'm just saying that Blazing shoal (I assume) is banned for the same reason of turn 2 Infect wins. this will be the same. Also Glistener elf won't rotate It spiked to 30 cents when it won the Legacy GP last week. its since dropped from 30 back to 13 and still going down (it usually sits at 5 cent's where I assume it will end up again).
I haven't received my prizes for event 10.67 , 10.69 , 10.73 btw ..
Interesting, I don't pay attention to legacy events. I had no idea why the elf was up, but what you're saying is that I should have sold mine so I can buy them back cheap later.
You may be right, I just don't like to worry about these things until they show up and prove to actually be consistent AND a large percentage of winning decks. If someone comes in with infect and wins one week I don't think it's a problem but if it's winning every event, then that's an issue. Right now it looks to me like it might gain a new tool with invigorate, but it's losing one with groundswell. We also don't have the nice consistent enters untapped leagcy mana base. I tried infect a couple of times, and when I was playing it I was running Temple of Mystery and evolving wilds. Games felt pretty interactive. No doubt that the deck felt like it was strong, but it never felt unfair. We also don't have Mutagenic Growth right now either, but we might get rancor with the post EMA rotation and that card could make the deck good enough.
idk why. but mtgo keeps force closing here.
But I want to ask if we are close to a decision on STP. For the 2nd time this month I was working on a URW deck with basically no counters (had 4x mana leak maindeck with 4x Negate 4x Blue Ele Blast SB. and went to build it and went oh wait I can't run STP. and stopped building it because the deck didn't run right without it.
I really want it unbanned, and someone mentioned it today again in the chat. The poll a couple pages back has had 9 votes so far.
Votes to ban it in all decks - 2 (22%)
Votes to unban it - 4 (44%)
Votes to ignore it and do nothing (what we keep doing anyway) - 3 (33%)
Total 9 votes.
my post was from before heirloom today and since i had a nice talk with TLR. and got a bit of a understanding in what is going on I no longer fully feel the way I did. I'll leave the announcements of what is going to happen with STP and Post to when TLR announces it. but at least in the meantime there was a bit of a understanding where I showed up today ready to play 12 post too and once Far decided not to play it I did as well as Much as i'd love to win another event we were politely asked to not play it while things gets worked out behind the scenes for TLR to be able to make a few crucial announcements regarding heirloom. Rather than him making 1 announcement here 1 there so Just sit back and wait a bit and things will be coming soon. and we can continue to enjoy one of the best PRE's in all of MTGO.
I may be a minority here, but I don't actually want cloudposts banned. It's a strong deck, but it's not unbeatable, and I'd hate for the format to be all aggro decks.
(Remember the only reason I was going to play it in the first place was to help get it banned because I like building new decks and when every deck I build loses to post it makes me just want to play zoo or mono red and not care rather than build new entertaining decks).
Either way its a Mute Point. Post will be gone soon enough Farfisher is not playing it and Im not playing it for the fact we don't want to kill the event we love. and thats the end of story. Although I may play a new control deck this week
I also will abstain from Cloudpost this week, choosing to become a pure Black Mage.
I discovered that the card NECROPOTENCE is showing as Legal when I searched the Heirloom Legality Checker. And it is not listed as a banned card on page 1 of this forum (as at the time of posting this message). Does this mean that I can go wild with 4 copies of this card and go to card advantage heaven?
We use the Legacy filter, in which Necropotence is banned.
Necro is banned in legacy.
(On that Note when we make a new thread or Berlin Updates or w/e Please add a link to the legacy ban list on the front page)
How is price determined for cards printed at multiple rarities? If its price legal in any printing its in?
Are there people testing/playing outside the actual events? My next couple Sundays are gonna be tied up, so if there is a 'test night' or w/e, I could try and find that to learn more and try a couple decks.
Magic scoresheet for download
Turn reference chart for download
http://www.gatherling.com/eventreport.php?format=&series=Classic Heirloom&season=&mode=Filter Events is a good place to find deck. not many people testing outside events but there are a few of us that if you catch us online will play with you almost anytime myself included. (TheUsualSuspect in game for me).
Price is determined where if one printing is legal the card is legal.
There's events on Fridays usually