So, I've now realized that yesterday I was wrong when I said that one could have 6 points after 3 rounds and be out of the top. I've run the numbers and worst case scenario, only one would be out. But the more players we have, the worst it becomes.
I've also protested before against the low number of swiss rounds vs the number of players (check here how it should be). But given the late hour, this is not compatible with this number plus top 8. So I have a suggestion:
We play the proper number of rounds like in the link I provided and split the prize pool among undefeated and players with one loss. With the appropriate number of rounds we will have only one undefeated, so 40% of the pool goes to him, and 60% is divided by the ones with one loss. Even without changes in the prize pool (currently 9tix), it would pay like this:
16 players (4 rounds): 1 player 4-0 gets 3.6tix, 4 players 3-1 get 1.35tix
24 players (5 rounds): 1 player 5-0 gets 3.6tix, 3 players with 4-1 get 1.8tix OR 4 players with 4-1 get 1.35tix
32 players (5 rounds): 1 player 5-0 gets 3.6tix, 5 players with 4-1 get 1.08tix
I know this pays less to the top players, but more people get prizes and we don't have to play until almost sunrise. And also, getting to play 4-0 in the swiss and the losing in the top8 gets you nothing. I believe this rewards players better. This is more effective then double elimination and faster. I'm thinking specifically for the Friday event because it starts super late. I'm not so worried about Sunday event, but wouldn't mind the changes as well
I didn't add the door prize to the prize pool, so either that would be added for the prize pool, or could stay the same.
Of course, this is dependent on sponsor agreeing to this. And if the prize pool could be related to the number of players like modern ou pauper, even better.
What do you guys think?
I'd personally love a no top 8 swiss only format could be really fun.
SO wall of text below I wanted to mention something to you after last night I decided to see what was actually in this format and you may want to considering leaving cephalid unbanned because it is only turn 3/4 combo and there is actually ALOT of ways to beat it in all colors and even colorless (alot were printed since I quit so I didn't know about half of them lol). it also has bad matchups. WB hate that I lost to in the finals was the one deck I didn't want to face because personally its a 50/50 matchup game 1 and game 1 is the game i'm supposed to win vs any deck because after board hate I just scoop to hate cards pretty much.
so figured i'd comprise a list List of cards that beats cephalid breakfast.
sudden shock kill my creature split second no way to go off Dryad Militant (100% cannot go off if they play this) Samurai of the Pale Curtain(100% scoop to this breakfast runs no creature removal maindeck) ethersworn canonist 100% cannot go off unless I remove it. suppression field 1W 100% cannot go off unless I remove it. damping matrix 3 100% cannot go off unless I remove it. sudden death 1BB kill my creature split second no way to go off engineered plague 2B 100% cannot go off
any discard that targets creatures Despise comes to mind. faerie macabre FREE targeting gaea's or narco can sometimes fizzle the combo if going off with shuko version.
there are more if you just look.
Its kinda like old dredge. Game 1 I have a 70-30 matchup vs almost any deck. game 2/3 I have a 30-70 matchup when they actually run sb hate cards.
honestly I feel the reason the deck looked so unbeatable last night was that no one knew what to play against it (tapping out and letting me go off, not holding counter magic when they had it ect.... naming the wrong thing on engineered plague in top 8) I really think you should leave it in the format and see what happens and if it proves to be unbeatable ban it later on but i'm 1000% sure that its not a deck that can survive people hating it out. as I stated last night having people afraid of a combo deck and using their SB slots to "hate" out that deck is good for a format as a whole because it means sideboard slots are used for their purpose and not used to just oh I run control then sb in 15 board sweepers vs agro. And when it comes to combo decks breakfast is one of the easiest combo decks to hate out when people know about it.
as for me I might play the deck sunday but I already have another deck that to me atleast is alot more scary than cephalid for next week.
True but unlike most combo decks for breakfast you only need 1 answer lol. if opponent dropped turn 1 Dryad Militia I would probably scoop right there. I could sb in a shriekmaw and try to tutor it up i guess but overall this deck has no removal.
and as to Sudden shock and sudden death you say "if you play it properly" but having silence on turn 4 with no tutors for it that are legal is not something that is reliable. its roughly a 35ish% chance of having it by turn 4. so your turning a 2 card combo into a Must have 3 card combo if your opponent has sudden death or sudden shock and most likely if your opponent sided in sudden death he's running duress (since every black deck runs duress)
and as to being able to come back from discard. Yes I can come back but if im going off on turn 7-8 then A I should be dead if my opponent is running a tempo deck, B my opponent should have a hand full of counters and 7 untapped lands if he is running control, or C I could be playing a standard pauper combo deck and still be winning the game because its turn 7 :P.
My main point is if people used only 4x sideboard slots vs cephalid its probably better than a 50/50 matchup for almost any deck and if you used 6x sb slots its probably more like a 60-40 matchup for the non cephalid player.
also last thing Samurai of the Pale Curtain used to be one of the strongest white 2 drops in the game just from what I played against last night if i was running a white based creature deck i'd probably have some in my sb or mainboard just because so many things I saw had abilities when they died.
anyways just wanted to put my 2 cents in on whether the deck should be banned which as I stated I think you should leave it unbanned and see if the metagame can react :).
You guys are already talking about bans after only one event? I have to go look at these deck lists now! O.o
I'm entirely with you there! +1 hehehe.
They need know a Rakura's Deck control
Although I do have a mono black control deck in the works
However I did want to ask you. I finished 2nd last week and won the door prize and am yet to get any credit on cardstock and its been 6 days. Cardstock is still the sponsor for friday's right? just wanted to check on that as I was going to use it to build my next creation for Sunday since I have to work during friday's event.
Nice to see Eggs won this week. I actually have been brewing an egg deck as one of the 3 decks ive been working on but mine was going to be built around squandered resources which is currently broken on MTGO so it was put on the back burner.
Im talking with Berlin for Host today. If he can, today we will have the Event. If not, next week I will be 100% available for host.
In a few days, i will put a new post with good news. I leave you a preview: we have a new tournament (annual tournament) for best 16 players of Heirloom with 70 tix in prizes and promotional cards!! (Mtgotraders is the sponsor!)
Im talking with Berlin for Host today. If he can, today we will have the Event. If not, next week I will be 100% available for host.
In a few days, i will put a new post with good news. I leave you a preview: we have a new tournament (annual tournament) for best 16 players of Heirloom with 70 tix in prizes and promotional cards!! (Mtgotraders is the sponsor!)
Thats great news. I would however like to ask something as we go forward and possible as we "expand" as a format with a Championship.
I think that as we go into the next rotation The Ban List should be looked at with a Possibility of adding or removing cards. Specifically from what I see Swords to plowshare and counterspell. Now I didn't play when this format was originally made to see why/what happened that lead to these on the ban list but what I have seen since ive been playing is that Control is really weak. Creature decks are too fast able to win turn 4 sometimes. Duress/Hymn to Torach is too OP in midrange decks and combo's just silences you before going off. For Control to have an ability to even be viable one or both of those cards should be allowed back into the Metagame (and if it becomes a problem they could be rebanned just as fast). I'm assuming that brainstorm and other control staples that are now too expensive to be legal were legal back then.
Anyways just my thoughts best wishes to you and your family.
Edit didn't realize counterspell wouldn't even be legal price wise anymore. But my argument still stands for STP being unbanned to help control decks :).
Im talking with Berlin for Host today. If he can, today we will have the Event. If not, next week I will be 100% available for host.
In a few days, i will put a new post with good news. I leave you a preview: we have a new tournament (annual tournament) for best 16 players of Heirloom with 70 tix in prizes and promotional cards!! (Mtgotraders is the sponsor!)
Thats great news. I would however like to ask something as we go forward and possible as we "expand" as a format with a Championship.
I think that as we go into the next rotation The Ban List should be looked at with a Possibility of adding or removing cards. Specifically from what I see Swords to plowshare and counterspell. Now I didn't play when this format was originally made to see why/what happened that lead to these on the ban list but what I have seen since ive been playing is that Control is really weak. Creature decks are too fast able to win turn 4 sometimes. Duress/Hymn to Torach is too OP in midrange decks and combo's just silences you before going off. For Control to have an ability to even be viable one or both of those cards should be allowed back into the Metagame (and if it becomes a problem they could be rebanned just as fast). I'm assuming that brainstorm and other control staples that are now too expensive to be legal were legal back then.
Anyways just my thoughts best wishes to you and your family.
Are you asking for holica's UW control back? Please no. Really, forget it.
Im talking with Berlin for Host today. If he can, today we will have the Event. If not, next week I will be 100% available for host.
In a few days, i will put a new post with good news. I leave you a preview: we have a new tournament (annual tournament) for best 16 players of Heirloom with 70 tix in prizes and promotional cards!! (Mtgotraders is the sponsor!)
Thats great news. I would however like to ask something as we go forward and possible as we "expand" as a format with a Championship.
I think that as we go into the next rotation The Ban List should be looked at with a Possibility of adding or removing cards. Specifically from what I see Swords to plowshare and counterspell. Now I didn't play when this format was originally made to see why/what happened that lead to these on the ban list but what I have seen since ive been playing is that Control is really weak. Creature decks are too fast able to win turn 4 sometimes. Duress/Hymn to Torach is too OP in midrange decks and combo's just silences you before going off. For Control to have an ability to even be viable one or both of those cards should be allowed back into the Metagame (and if it becomes a problem they could be rebanned just as fast). I'm assuming that brainstorm and other control staples that are now too expensive to be legal were legal back then.
Anyways just my thoughts best wishes to you and your family.
Are you asking for holica's UW control back? Please no. Really, forget it.
Control is part of a healthy format. Back then it was the best deck, but now there is a lot more diversity in the format, and counterspell isn't even legal due to price. I think swords should be allowed personally.
Lightning bolt is gone, counterspell is gone, condemn doesn't answer splinter twin, and Vendetta has become one of the best removal spells. What's wrong with trying out swords in blue control (as opposed to combo) in order to give blue control a boost?
Im talking with Berlin for Host today. If he can, today we will have the Event. If not, next week I will be 100% available for host.
In a few days, i will put a new post with good news. I leave you a preview: we have a new tournament (annual tournament) for best 16 players of Heirloom with 70 tix in prizes and promotional cards!! (Mtgotraders is the sponsor!)
Thats great news. I would however like to ask something as we go forward and possible as we "expand" as a format with a Championship.
I think that as we go into the next rotation The Ban List should be looked at with a Possibility of adding or removing cards. Specifically from what I see Swords to plowshare and counterspell. Now I didn't play when this format was originally made to see why/what happened that lead to these on the ban list but what I have seen since ive been playing is that Control is really weak. Creature decks are too fast able to win turn 4 sometimes. Duress/Hymn to Torach is too OP in midrange decks and combo's just silences you before going off. For Control to have an ability to even be viable one or both of those cards should be allowed back into the Metagame (and if it becomes a problem they could be rebanned just as fast). I'm assuming that brainstorm and other control staples that are now too expensive to be legal were legal back then.
Anyways just my thoughts best wishes to you and your family.
Are you asking for holica's UW control back? Please no. Really, forget it.
Control is part of a healthy format. Back then it was the best deck, but now there is a lot more diversity in the format, and counterspell isn't even legal due to price. I think swords should be allowed personally.
Lightning bolt is gone, counterspell is gone, condemn doesn't answer splinter twin, and Vendetta has become one of the best removal spells. What's wrong with trying out swords in blue control (as opposed to combo) in order to give blue control a boost?
Did yo played while holica played UW Control? If the answer is no, belive me... it was not healthy, really.
People that did now saw that deck underestimate it's power, unban that cards it is not a option.
I played esper control while holica was playing UW control, I know what I'm talking about, it's not healthy.
Did yo played while holica played UW Control? If the answer is no, belive me... it was not healthy, really.
People that did now saw that deck underestimate it's power, unban that cards it is not a option.
I played esper control while holica was playing UW control, I know what I'm talking about, it's not healthy.
I did play then, and I tried to beat him every week, and most weeks I failed to even win one game against him. I was playing hate bears at the time and trying to dodge the counters with loxodon smiters. We are playing a different game now. We even have splinter twin in our format! There's no reason not to try removing the 'non-blue' clause from swords to plowshares.
Did yo played while holica played UW Control? If the answer is no, belive me... it was not healthy, really.
People that did now saw that deck underestimate it's power, unban that cards it is not a option.
I played esper control while holica was playing UW control, I know what I'm talking about, it's not healthy.
I did play then, and I tried to beat him every week, and most weeks I failed to even win one game against him. I was playing hate bears at the time and trying to dodge the counters with loxodon smiters. We are playing a different game now. We even have splinter twin in our format! There's no reason not to try removing the 'non-blue' clause from swords to plowshares.
Loxodon Smiter is not a problem for the deck, it can be StP'ed or DoJ'ed, easy to deal...
That deck was a fair deck? Man, Splinter Twin is not a great deck, it did not won any event until now lol
Splinter Twin is not a problem, a Slaughter Games > Splinter Twin is GG, and it is not new information. There is tons of BRx decks in currently metagame.
Did yo played while holica played UW Control? If the answer is no, belive me... it was not healthy, really.
People that did now saw that deck underestimate it's power, unban that cards it is not a option.
I played esper control while holica was playing UW control, I know what I'm talking about, it's not healthy.
I did play then, and I tried to beat him every week, and most weeks I failed to even win one game against him. I was playing hate bears at the time and trying to dodge the counters with loxodon smiters. We are playing a different game now. We even have splinter twin in our format! There's no reason not to try removing the 'non-blue' clause from swords to plowshares.
Loxodon Smiter is not a problem for the deck, it can be StP'ed or DoJ'ed, easy to deal...
That deck was a fair deck? Man, Splinter Twin is not a great deck, it did not won any event until now lol
Splinter Twin is not a problem, a Slaughter Games > Splinter Twin is GG, and it is not new information. There is tons of BRx decks in currently metagame.
What I'm saying is the format is good right now with a diverse range of powerful decks. I don't think letting swords to plowshares be played in a blue deck would break anything. It would however be more friendly to new players. I've seen several times where someone has had to change their deck due to not understanding this rule.
My strategy was a bad one. When I ran spirit of the labrinth to counteract the blue draw spells, Holica played fact or fiction... when I played can't be countered spells and tried to protect them he would still beat me. I tried playing control decks, he would gain card advantage somehow and beat me. I tried playing several strategies... All of them lost to Holica. He is a very good player and his deck was very strong. That doesn't mean the format is still broken if we allow swords with islands.
It's also worth noting that several of the cards from the deck are no longer legal due to their current price. All of the following are too expensive now.
Did yo played while holica played UW Control? If the answer is no, belive me... it was not healthy, really.
People that did now saw that deck underestimate it's power, unban that cards it is not a option.
I played esper control while holica was playing UW control, I know what I'm talking about, it's not healthy.
I did play then, and I tried to beat him every week, and most weeks I failed to even win one game against him. I was playing hate bears at the time and trying to dodge the counters with loxodon smiters. We are playing a different game now. We even have splinter twin in our format! There's no reason not to try removing the 'non-blue' clause from swords to plowshares.
Loxodon Smiter is not a problem for the deck, it can be StP'ed or DoJ'ed, easy to deal...
That deck was a fair deck? Man, Splinter Twin is not a great deck, it did not won any event until now lol
Splinter Twin is not a problem, a Slaughter Games > Splinter Twin is GG, and it is not new information. There is tons of BRx decks in currently metagame.
What I'm saying is the format is good right now with a diverse range of powerful decks. I don't think letting swords to plowshares be played in a blue deck would break anything. It would however be more friendly to new players. I've seen several times where someone has had to change their deck due to not understanding this rule.
My strategy was a bad one. When I ran spirit of the labrinth to counteract the blue draw spells, Holica played fact or fiction... when I played can't be countered spells and tried to protect them he would still beat me. I tried playing control decks, he would gain card advantage somehow and beat me. I tried playing several strategies... All of them lost to Holica. He is a very good player and his deck was very strong. That doesn't mean the format is still broken if we allow swords with islands.
It's also worth noting that several of the cards from the deck are no longer legal due to their current price. All of the following are too expensive now.
The other guy said for unban counterspell
switch counterspell for ponder
The other cards are not core cards from holica deck
TheUsualSuspect corrected themselves and said that counterspell is out of price range.
Edit didn't realize counterspell wouldn't even be legal price wise anymore. But my argument still stands for STP being unbanned to help control decks :).
The cheapest counterspell right now is VMA, it's 64 cents. Even as an uncommon that would be out of range for our format so I don't think it's even on the table. The core cards in the Holica deck were Fact or fiction, Day of judgment, Counterspell, and Decree of Justice. I also lost several games to top decked detention spheres, so I would argue that it was pretty key. I tried running duress and hymn to tourach, and he'd recycle his graveyard and draw cards faster than I could deal with them. His deck was great, and he is a great player.
If you wanted to rebuild it though, you'd have some work to do. The best dual land is gone, the best counterspell is gone, and several of the support cards would have to be changed, and you'd need a new kill condition. The cycling on decree was deadly, and I don't think anyone would care if that card was banned all together... The weird conditional banned in blue decks rules are really obnoxious, and not friendly to new players. I think we need to unban swords because it's not really a problem, and either unban or ban decree of justice entirely. I really don't care which, but think the conditional rule is stupid.
As some of you already know, finally we have an invitational tournament in Heirloom. This tournament has the same characteristics of the Tribal invitational.
Before moving forward in this tournament, I have to express my gratitude to our sponsor MTGOTRADERS, because without them the organization of this tournament would not be possible. I express my deep sense of gratitude to them for their collaboration and support which allow us to play and enjoy this incredible format.
Getting into the fun part, for those who do not know how this format works, I leave you the tournament rules and the incredible pool of prizes:
At the end of the year, the best 16 players of the standing will receive an invitation to participate in the event.
How can I be among the best 16 players?
you should participate and win the largest amount of matches during the year.
For every match won: 2 points
1st place: 10 points (in addition to the points got for winning the matches)
2nd place: 5 points (in addition to the points got for winning the matches)
3rd and 4th place: 2 points (in addition to the points got for winning the matches)
How do I know how many points I have? How do I know in which position I am?
You can check this out in . Here I leave you the link to the website.
Como algunos ya saben, finalmente tenemos un torneo invitational en Heirloom. Este torneo reúne las mismas características que el invitational de Tribal.
Antes de avanzar en el torneo, debo hacer un especial agradecimiento a nuestro esponsor MTGOTRADERS ya que sin ellos sería imposible hacer esto. Muchas gracias a ellos por la colaboración y el aporte para que todos nosotros podamos disfrutar de este increíble formato.
Pasemos a la diversión. Para los que no conocen, a continuacion les dejo las reglas del torneo y el enorme pool de premios:
Al final del año, los mejores 16 jugadores posicionados recibirán una invitación para participar del evento
¿Como hago para quedar entre los mejores 16?
Deberán participar y ganar la mayor cantidad de matchs durante el año:
- Por cada match ganado: 2 puntos
- 1 puesto: 10 puntos (Adicionales a los puntos obtenidos por ganar los matchs)
- 2 puesto: 5 Puntos (Adicionales a los puntos obtenidos por ganar los matchs)
- 3 / 4 puesto: 2 Puntos (Adicionales a los puntos obtenidos por ganar los matchs)
¿Como se cuantos puntos tengo o en que posición estoy?
To give my two cents, I don't care whether Swords to Plowshares is banned or not. However, philosophically I am completely opposed to any ban where a card is banned only for one deck. This reads too much like let's ban Holica instead of let's ban "X" card. Either Swords to Plowshares is too powerful or it isn't. It should either be banned universally or universally allowed. There should never be a ban applied only to "blue decks".
To give my two cents, I don't care whether Swords to Plowshares is banned or not. However, philosophically I am completely opposed to any ban where a card is banned only for one deck. This reads too much like let's ban Holica instead of let's ban "X" card. Either Swords to Plowshares is too powerful or it isn't. It should either be banned universally or universally allowed. There should never be a ban applied only to "blue decks".
WALL OF TEXT for you Pippa
And to add to this Look at the past 2 months results.. there not been 1 "control deck" to even top 4 outside Merfolk's and thats more a tempo deck. UB isn't viable because UB blink is alot better than UB control could ever be. and Honestly ive been trying myself to build a control deck and no matter how many iterations I toss together all seem like 4x STP would be the only way to live long enough in the format to even get to a board sweeper or have any control of the game.
Hopefully pippa looks at all the discussion we have had when the rotation happens and unbans STP in blue decks. and if wanted just ban decree of justice. Because STP is needed for any control deck in a format where Hymn to Torach is still legal (which is the card I think needs a ban) even if it doesn't show up in top 4 as much lately.
Also just wanted to add about the invitation Very nice but a little disappointing in single elim throughout :(. Why not run it like the Magic Invitational/Players Championship. I mean you dont have to run 15 rounds of swiss.. But running 3 rounds of swiss cut to top 8 so that everyone could atleast have a chance to play 3 games. 16 people playing 3 rounds of swiss will always end up with 8 people at 2-1 or better and 8 people at 1-2 or worse (assuming no drops)
It would literly change nothing in the structure of the tournament if we played 3 rounds of swiss with 16 people a clean cut to top 8. and still had a rule where you play 1 deck in swiss 1 deck in top 8 1 deck in top 4 1 deck in finals. That would make the invitational 6 rounds and give people a chance to actually enjoy themselves rather than lose a game in 3 minutes in round 1 and be done. and the prizes would not have to change any. 9-16=lost round 1. 5-8=lost round 2.
Anyways just my thoughts Ill be there either way ready to go. But id honestly be sad to see round of 16 single elim in a format where you can lose in 2 minutes like i did this week. Turn 3 ceph game 1, game 2 mull to 4 see 0 lands concede And like ive done to many people myself over the last 3 weeks :P. Turn 1 looting 2 reanimate primus turn 3 smallpox gg.
I'd personally love a no top 8 swiss only format could be really fun.
SO wall of text below I wanted to mention something to you after last night I decided to see what was actually in this format and you may want to considering leaving cephalid unbanned because it is only turn 3/4 combo and there is actually ALOT of ways to beat it in all colors and even colorless (alot were printed since I quit so I didn't know about half of them lol). it also has bad matchups. WB hate that I lost to in the finals was the one deck I didn't want to face because personally its a 50/50 matchup game 1 and game 1 is the game i'm supposed to win vs any deck because after board hate I just scoop to hate cards pretty much.
so figured i'd comprise a list List of cards that beats cephalid breakfast.
sudden shock kill my creature split second no way to go off
Dryad Militant (100% cannot go off if they play this)
Samurai of the Pale Curtain(100% scoop to this breakfast runs no creature removal maindeck)
ethersworn canonist 100% cannot go off unless I remove it.
suppression field 1W 100% cannot go off unless I remove it.
damping matrix 3 100% cannot go off unless I remove it.
sudden death 1BB kill my creature split second no way to go off
engineered plague 2B 100% cannot go off
any discard that targets creatures Despise comes to mind.
faerie macabre FREE targeting gaea's or narco can sometimes fizzle the combo if going off with shuko version.
there are more if you just look.
Its kinda like old dredge. Game 1 I have a 70-30 matchup vs almost any deck. game 2/3 I have a 30-70 matchup when they actually run sb hate cards.
honestly I feel the reason the deck looked so unbeatable last night was that no one knew what to play against it (tapping out and letting me go off, not holding counter magic when they had it ect.... naming the wrong thing on engineered plague in top 8) I really think you should leave it in the format and see what happens and if it proves to be unbeatable ban it later on but i'm 1000% sure that its not a deck that can survive people hating it out. as I stated last night having people afraid of a combo deck and using their SB slots to "hate" out that deck is good for a format as a whole because it means sideboard slots are used for their purpose and not used to just oh I run control then sb in 15 board sweepers vs agro. And when it comes to combo decks breakfast is one of the easiest combo decks to hate out when people know about it.
as for me I might play the deck sunday but I already have another deck that to me atleast is alot more scary than cephalid for next week.
and as to Sudden shock and sudden death you say "if you play it properly" but having silence on turn 4 with no tutors for it that are legal is not something that is reliable. its roughly a 35ish% chance of having it by turn 4. so your turning a 2 card combo into a Must have 3 card combo if your opponent has sudden death or sudden shock and most likely if your opponent sided in sudden death he's running duress (since every black deck runs duress)
and as to being able to come back from discard. Yes I can come back but if im going off on turn 7-8 then A I should be dead if my opponent is running a tempo deck, B my opponent should have a hand full of counters and 7 untapped lands if he is running control, or C I could be playing a standard pauper combo deck and still be winning the game because its turn 7 :P.
My main point is if people used only 4x sideboard slots vs cephalid its probably better than a 50/50 matchup for almost any deck and if you used 6x sb slots its probably more like a 60-40 matchup for the non cephalid player.
also last thing Samurai of the Pale Curtain used to be one of the strongest white 2 drops in the game just from what I played against last night if i was running a white based creature deck i'd probably have some in my sb or mainboard just because so many things I saw had abilities when they died.
anyways just wanted to put my 2 cents in on whether the deck should be banned which as I stated I think you should leave it unbanned and see if the metagame can react :).
I'm entirely with you there! +1 hehehe.
They need know a Rakura's Deck control
Although I do have a mono black control deck in the works
However I did want to ask you. I finished 2nd last week and won the door prize and am yet to get any credit on cardstock and its been 6 days. Cardstock is still the sponsor for friday's right? just wanted to check on that as I was going to use it to build my next creation for Sunday since I have to work during friday's event.
There is nothing to register a gatherling...
My grandfather die recently. Im in the cementery with my parents.
Today we will not heirloom. Sunday i think yes.
My condolences, its sad...
Im talking with Berlin for Host today. If he can, today we will have the Event. If not, next week I will be 100% available for host.
In a few days, i will put a new post with good news. I leave you a preview: we have a new tournament (annual tournament) for best 16 players of Heirloom with 70 tix in prizes and promotional cards!! (Mtgotraders is the sponsor!)
Thats great news. I would however like to ask something as we go forward and possible as we "expand" as a format with a Championship.
I think that as we go into the next rotation The Ban List should be looked at with a Possibility of adding or removing cards. Specifically from what I see Swords to plowshare and counterspell. Now I didn't play when this format was originally made to see why/what happened that lead to these on the ban list but what I have seen since ive been playing is that Control is really weak. Creature decks are too fast able to win turn 4 sometimes. Duress/Hymn to Torach is too OP in midrange decks and combo's just silences you before going off. For Control to have an ability to even be viable one or both of those cards should be allowed back into the Metagame (and if it becomes a problem they could be rebanned just as fast). I'm assuming that brainstorm and other control staples that are now too expensive to be legal were legal back then.
Anyways just my thoughts best wishes to you and your family.
Edit didn't realize counterspell wouldn't even be legal price wise anymore. But my argument still stands for STP being unbanned to help control decks :).
Are you asking for holica's UW control back? Please no. Really, forget it.
Control is part of a healthy format. Back then it was the best deck, but now there is a lot more diversity in the format, and counterspell isn't even legal due to price. I think swords should be allowed personally.
Lightning bolt is gone, counterspell is gone, condemn doesn't answer splinter twin, and Vendetta has become one of the best removal spells. What's wrong with trying out swords in blue control (as opposed to combo) in order to give blue control a boost?
Did yo played while holica played UW Control? If the answer is no, belive me... it was not healthy, really.
People that did now saw that deck underestimate it's power, unban that cards it is not a option.
I played esper control while holica was playing UW control, I know what I'm talking about, it's not healthy.
I did play then, and I tried to beat him every week, and most weeks I failed to even win one game against him. I was playing hate bears at the time and trying to dodge the counters with loxodon smiters. We are playing a different game now. We even have splinter twin in our format! There's no reason not to try removing the 'non-blue' clause from swords to plowshares.
Loxodon Smiter is not a problem for the deck, it can be StP'ed or DoJ'ed, easy to deal...
That deck was a fair deck? Man, Splinter Twin is not a great deck, it did not won any event until now lol
Splinter Twin is not a problem, a Slaughter Games > Splinter Twin is GG, and it is not new information. There is tons of BRx decks in currently metagame.
What I'm saying is the format is good right now with a diverse range of powerful decks. I don't think letting swords to plowshares be played in a blue deck would break anything. It would however be more friendly to new players. I've seen several times where someone has had to change their deck due to not understanding this rule.
My strategy was a bad one. When I ran spirit of the labrinth to counteract the blue draw spells, Holica played fact or fiction... when I played can't be countered spells and tried to protect them he would still beat me. I tried playing control decks, he would gain card advantage somehow and beat me. I tried playing several strategies... All of them lost to Holica. He is a very good player and his deck was very strong. That doesn't mean the format is still broken if we allow swords with islands.
It's also worth noting that several of the cards from the deck are no longer legal due to their current price. All of the following are too expensive now.
The other guy said for unban counterspell
switch counterspell for ponder
The other cards are not core cards from holica deck
TheUsualSuspect corrected themselves and said that counterspell is out of price range.
The cheapest counterspell right now is VMA, it's 64 cents. Even as an uncommon that would be out of range for our format so I don't think it's even on the table. The core cards in the Holica deck were Fact or fiction, Day of judgment, Counterspell, and Decree of Justice. I also lost several games to top decked detention spheres, so I would argue that it was pretty key. I tried running duress and hymn to tourach, and he'd recycle his graveyard and draw cards faster than I could deal with them. His deck was great, and he is a great player.
If you wanted to rebuild it though, you'd have some work to do. The best dual land is gone, the best counterspell is gone, and several of the support cards would have to be changed, and you'd need a new kill condition. The cycling on decree was deadly, and I don't think anyone would care if that card was banned all together... The weird conditional banned in blue decks rules are really obnoxious, and not friendly to new players. I think we need to unban swords because it's not really a problem, and either unban or ban decree of justice entirely. I really don't care which, but think the conditional rule is stupid.
As some of you already know, finally we have an invitational tournament in Heirloom. This tournament has the same characteristics of the Tribal invitational.
Before moving forward in this tournament, I have to express my gratitude to our sponsor MTGOTRADERS, because without them the organization of this tournament would not be possible. I express my deep sense of gratitude to them for their collaboration and support which allow us to play and enjoy this incredible format.
Getting into the fun part, for those who do not know how this format works, I leave you the tournament rules and the incredible pool of prizes:
At the end of the year, the best 16 players of the standing will receive an invitation to participate in the event.
How can I be among the best 16 players?
you should participate and win the largest amount of matches during the year.
How do I know how many points I have? How do I know in which position I am?
You can check this out in . Here I leave you the link to the website. Heirloom&season=10
From which event do we start getting points?
Since 8th, April 2016
What format will the tournament have?
It will be single elimination. I will put the rules about the decks (you will not use the same deck in each match)
Which are the prizes?
All players will receive prizes!!
well that's all folks! if you have any doubts dont hesitate to contact with me or put the comment here!
Spanish version:
Como algunos ya saben, finalmente tenemos un torneo invitational en Heirloom. Este torneo reúne las mismas características que el invitational de Tribal.
Antes de avanzar en el torneo, debo hacer un especial agradecimiento a nuestro esponsor MTGOTRADERS ya que sin ellos sería imposible hacer esto. Muchas gracias a ellos por la colaboración y el aporte para que todos nosotros podamos disfrutar de este increíble formato.
Pasemos a la diversión. Para los que no conocen, a continuacion les dejo las reglas del torneo y el enorme pool de premios:
Al final del año, los mejores 16 jugadores posicionados recibirán una invitación para participar del evento
¿Como hago para quedar entre los mejores 16?
Deberán participar y ganar la mayor cantidad de matchs durante el año:
- Por cada match ganado: 2 puntos
- 1 puesto: 10 puntos (Adicionales a los puntos obtenidos por ganar los matchs)
- 2 puesto: 5 Puntos (Adicionales a los puntos obtenidos por ganar los matchs)
- 3 / 4 puesto: 2 Puntos (Adicionales a los puntos obtenidos por ganar los matchs)
¿Como se cuantos puntos tengo o en que posición estoy?
Podran verificar esto en a continuacion les dejo el link Heirloom&season=10
¿A partir de que evento empezamos a ganar puntos?
Desde el 8/04/2016
¿Que formato tendra el torneo?
Será single elimination.
¿Qué premios se reparten?
Todos los jugadores reciben premios!!
Bueno, eso es todo amigos! si tienen alguna consulta no duden en ponerse en contacto conmigo o pongan sus comentarios aca!.
Saludos Facundo!
WALL OF TEXT for you Pippa
And to add to this Look at the past 2 months results.. there not been 1 "control deck" to even top 4 outside Merfolk's and thats more a tempo deck. UB isn't viable because UB blink is alot better than UB control could ever be. and Honestly ive been trying myself to build a control deck and no matter how many iterations I toss together all seem like 4x STP would be the only way to live long enough in the format to even get to a board sweeper or have any control of the game.
Hopefully pippa looks at all the discussion we have had when the rotation happens and unbans STP in blue decks. and if wanted just ban decree of justice. Because STP is needed for any control deck in a format where Hymn to Torach is still legal (which is the card I think needs a ban) even if it doesn't show up in top 4 as much lately.
Also just wanted to add about the invitation Very nice but a little disappointing in single elim throughout :(. Why not run it like the Magic Invitational/Players Championship. I mean you dont have to run 15 rounds of swiss.. But running 3 rounds of swiss cut to top 8 so that everyone could atleast have a chance to play 3 games. 16 people playing 3 rounds of swiss will always end up with 8 people at 2-1 or better and 8 people at 1-2 or worse (assuming no drops)
It would literly change nothing in the structure of the tournament if we played 3 rounds of swiss with 16 people a clean cut to top 8. and still had a rule where you play 1 deck in swiss 1 deck in top 8 1 deck in top 4 1 deck in finals. That would make the invitational 6 rounds and give people a chance to actually enjoy themselves rather than lose a game in 3 minutes in round 1 and be done. and the prizes would not have to change any. 9-16=lost round 1. 5-8=lost round 2.
Anyways just my thoughts Ill be there either way ready to go. But id honestly be sad to see round of 16 single elim in a format where you can lose in 2 minutes like i did this week. Turn 3 ceph game 1, game 2 mull to 4 see 0 lands concede And like ive done to many people myself over the last 3 weeks :P. Turn 1 looting 2 reanimate primus turn 3 smallpox gg.