Hello everyone! This is my first modern deck and I am looking for a little help. The know the first thing everyone is going to say is I need aether vial. I can't afford them right now. Any suggestion on what to put in in place of the aether vialwould be great. I'm also having trouble settling on my sideboard. Any inclusions or pull-outs I should make or different counts of the current list? I know my land base isn't the best. Fetches will come with time. So if there any other affordable lands you would suggest that would be great. Also, is the number of lands I have good?
I think triple red in a two color deck will give you a color screw. Having 10 cards over 3 mana looks like too much with 21 land. Also, card draw is good for the late game.
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Mane Deck
4XConspicuous Snoop
3X Boggart Harbinger
2X Kiki-Jiki,Mirror Breaker
1XGoblin Cratermaker
1XGoblin Piledriver
2xGoblin Warchief
1XGoblin Chieftain
3xSling-Gang Lieutenant
4XMunitions Expert
4XMogg War Marchal
1XGoblin Chainwhirler
1XKrenko, Mob boss
4XGoblin Matron
4XGoblin Ringleader
1XGoblin Chainwhirler
2XPlage Engineer
1Xgoblin Trashmaster
2XTormod's Crypt
1XBoggart Harbinger
2XDragon's Claw
2XBlood Moon
4XBlood Crypt
4XDragonskull Summit
1XPrismatic Vista