Overview and History of the Deck
The <>Bx Eldrazi Processor decks were inspired by ETERNALLYRAMZA when he went 5-0 in an MTGO league with a BR version of the deck. Since then, the deck has been growing and making a rapid impact on the modern format, showing a very strong prescence in MTGO leagues. The deck was also helped popularized by Zac Elsik, stating the deck's legitimacy, and 4-0'ing an FNM with it.
So, what is the Eldrazi Processors deck? The deck is a midrange deck at heart, controlling the early game, and, with help from Eldrazi Temple, and Eye of Ugin, quickly pushes out the new Battle for Zendikar "Eldrazi Processors" that let the controller return cards from an opponent's exile to graveyard on cast or ETB, which in turn has an additional effect to benefit the controller. This deck uses these "Processors", and cards like Relic of Progenitus to attain large amounts of value, through creating tokens, to removal, and allowing the controller to achieve mana and card advantage. The deck hoses graveyard decks, as one of it's main objectives is to exile cards from the graveyard. It also preys on other midrange decks such as Jund and Junk, because you simply out-value them.
Wasteland Strangler - One of the reasons black is the main colour that the Eldrazi decks are based off of. Often, it will be a 1 for 2 upon entering, as it basically kills basically everything except for Siege Rhino. This effect bypasses keywords like indestructible as well. Run 4 Blight Herder - This card is straight value town. A 7/8 across 4 bodies upon entering, and it helps with colourless mana-fixing. Also, if they counter it, you still get the tokens, since the ability is on cast. Also, if your opponent Remand's it, start laughing. Run 4 Oblivion Sower - Much like herder, the ability triggers on cast, so if your opponent counters it, you still exile their cards and get their exiled lands. The sower helps enable our processors as well, because it exiles cards. It will often net 1-2 lands if there are no lands previously in exile. Also, a 5/8 for 6 is still alright, and eats basically everything in the format for breakfast. Run 4 Thought-Knot Seer - A new addition from Oath of the Gatewatch, the seer comes out on turn 2 or 3 a lot of the time. Being able to take any nonland card from your opponent's hand is a huge plus, and this effect also comes with a 4/4 body. It even, exiles the card, which works very well in conjunction with your processors. The drawback of your opponent drawing a card is much worth it, and they even only draw the card after it dies. Run 3-4 Reality Smasher - Another addition from OGW, a 5/5 for 5 with trample and haste is already SUPER good, and eats rhinos for breakfast. Now make it so that if your opponent wants to get rid of it, the are forced to lose on value, and card advantage, and make it so that they have to 2 for 1 just to kill your clock. Run 2-4 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - The goal of our ramp. The exile effect is also on cast instead of ETB, so even if they counter it, you can exile two of their permanents. Also, the satisfaction you get from killing your opponent with a 10 drop, or milling them out with it, is amazing. Run 1-2 if not playing Kozilek Kozilek, the Great Distortion - A new big boy from Oath of the Gatewatch, Kozilek might appeal to some players more than Ulamog, or you could always run both. Run 1-2 if not playing Ulamog Conduit of Ruin - Not the worst, as it slow tutors your finisher, and makes your creatures cheaper. A 5/5 for 6 also isn't too bad. Run 0-2 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - A bit too expensive for what we are trying to do, but you could build your deck as to include her Run 0-1
Other Spells
Doom Blade, Smother, Go for the Throat - All of these are solid removal options in black. Pick whichever is best suited to your meta. Run 1-4 Dismember - Also a solid removal option if you don't mind paying the life, and gets around indestructible. Run 0-2 Slaughter Pact - A good option for surprise removal, when that splinter twin player sees you tapped out, and tries to combo off. Run 0-1 Inquisition of Kozilek - Take your opponents threat on turn one, or take an essential piece to a combo. Run 3-4 Thoughtseize - A very good card, but Thought-Knot Seer will most likely replace it. If you really like it then play it. Run 0-2 Lightning Bolt - Bolt is good. Run 4 Magma Spray - It's a shock that exiles, so if you really want to process more cards, here you go. Run 0-2 Terminate - It's more reliable removal than Doom Blade,Smother, and Go for the Throat, but it's stricter on colours. Run 0-3 Kolaghan's Command - I really like this card. Having 4 relevant modes to pick from, it is rarely dead in your hand. Run 1-2 Expedition Map - It can fetch your Temples and your Eyes, and helps us get our Eldrazi out quicker. Run 2-3 Relic of Progenitus - This is what is going to be exiling cards the most, and enabling our processors Run 4 Nihil Spellbomb - One sided graveyard exiling, however it can only do it once. Run 0-2 Scrabbling Claws - If you need even more processing power, turn to this card. It cannot exile entire graveyards however, so you won't be able to always take that Lingering Souls or Snapcaster Mage target without sacrificing it. Run 0-2 Eldrazi Conscription That 4/5 Blight Herder? Oh, it just became a 14/15 trampling monster with annihilator 2. It is also a Tribal Enchantment - Eldrazi, so Eldrazi Temple and Eye of Ugin can help you get this out. Put it on Ulamog for laughs. Run 0-1 All is Dust - It is a one sided board wipe that has "Eldrazi" on it. your Eyes and Temples will make this easier to cast. Play it if it's your thing. Run 0-1
Bloodstained Mire - A fetchland in our colours, and it helps smooth out our mana base. Run 3-4 Blood Crypt - A shockland in our colours. You can use your fetchlands to fetch this out. Run 2-4 Blackcleave Cliffs - A fastland in our colours. In my personal opinion, I like the shocklands more, but it's always down to personal opinion. Run 2-4 Eldrazi Temple - Helps us pump out big Eldrazis at unfair speeds. Run 4 Eye of Ugin - Read Eldrazi Temple. Run 1-2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Allows Eye of Ugin to tap for black, so why not? Run 1-2 Bojuka Bog - If you REALLY hate graveyards, or if you REALLY want that processing power, go for it. Run 0-1 Ghost Quarter - Creates colourless mana for new OGW cards, and helps us hate on Tron, and the mirror. Run 2-4 Mountain, Swamp - I heard these were good. Run 1-3 of each
Sideboard Choices
Slaughter Games - Good against combo decks like Splinter Twin and Amulet Bloom. Run 2-4 in the side Shatterstorm - Don't like Affinity? Don't like Lantern Control? Here you go. Run 2-4 in the side Rakdos Charm - All three modes are relevant in this deck. The third makes Splinter Twin and Kiki Chord lose the game. Run 1-3 in the side Warping Wail - It's about time we got an Eldrazi Charm. Exiles many cards in the format, including all of Twin's threats. Run 2-4 in the side Pyroclasm, Anger of the Gods, Kozilek's Return - Your answer to basically every aggro deck in the format. Most of the time, it will be a one-sided board wipe. Run 3-4 in any combination in the side Damnation, Languish - If you want more board wipe, or to kill larger creatures, these are your wraths in black. I prefer Languish, because most of the time, it is a one sided board wipe, and only doesn't kill Siege Rhino and Wurmcoil Engine. Run 0-4 in the side in any combination Crumble to Dust - Your answer to Tron and the mirror. Getting rid of a piece of tron or their Eldrazi Temples can feel very satisfying. Run 2-4 in the side Surgical Extraction - Can be played in the mainboard in lieu of Nihil Spellbomb or Scrabbling Claws. Also hoses decks like Abzan Company. Run 0-3 in main or sideboard Void Winnower - Hoses many decks if they don't have any answers to it, however, it is a bit slow. Run 0-1 in the side Vampiric Link - Your answer to burn. If you are able to stick a creature, and attach this to it, there will be very little your opponent will be able to do. Run 0-3 in the side Ruin Processor - Another answer to burn. A bit slow, but is a viable option. Run 0-2 in the side'
Abzan/Junk - You absolutely decimate fair, midrange decks like this. Should be an easy game
Jund - Read Abzan/Junk.
UR Twin - Not that bad of a matchup. Game one, hold up mana and removal so they can't combo off turn 4. Post board in Warping Wail, Slaughter Games, Rakdos Charm. Games 2-3 should be easy.
Affinity - Game one isn't in your favor, as they can outrace you, however, board wipe and Shatterstorm post board should help out games 2-3.
Amulet Bloom - Game one you can attempt to disrupt their mana with Ghost Quarter, and hold removal for Primeval Titan. Post board in Slaughter Games for threats, Warping Wail for Summer Bloom and Serum Visions. Possibly Crumble to Dust for bouncelands, Slayer's Stronghold, or Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion.
Burn - They are very fast, but you can attempt to stick a large creature before you die, or kill their creature threats. Post board in Vampiric Link and Ruin Processor
GR Tron - By far your worst tier one matchup. Game one they will stick a large threat you can't deal with. Post board in Crumble to Dust to show them who's boss.
Naya Zoo - You can control them early game, and stick threats mid game when they're out of gas. Post board in Anger of the Gods if you have it.
Scapeshift - Game one you can attempt to race them, and take their Scapeshifts with Thought-Knot Seer. Post board in Slaughter Games, Warping Wail, and potentially Vampiric Link or Crumble to Dust.
Bogles - Game one, you need to take their creature with Inquisition of Kozilek or Thought-Knot Seer. You don;t have much sideboard-wise for this matchup.
Merfolk - Another of your worst matchups. Try to kill their lords, and don't let them spreading seas your Temples or Eye of Ugins. Post board inLanguish, Damnation, or a red board-wipe for creatures, and maybe Rakdos Charm for Aether Vial.
Overview and History of the Deck
The <>Bx Eldrazi Processor decks were inspired by ETERNALLYRAMZA when he went 5-0 in an MTGO league with a BR version of the deck. Since then, the deck has been growing and making a rapid impact on the modern format, showing a very strong prescence in MTGO leagues. The deck was also helped popularized by Zac Elsik, stating the deck's legitimacy, and 4-0'ing an FNM with it.
So, what is the Eldrazi Processors deck? The deck is a midrange deck at heart, controlling the early game, and, with help from Eldrazi Temple, and Eye of Ugin, quickly pushes out the new Battle for Zendikar "Eldrazi Processors" that let the controller return cards from an opponent's exile to graveyard on cast or ETB, which in turn has an additional effect to benefit the controller. This deck uses these "Processors", and cards like Relic of Progenitus to attain large amounts of value, through creating tokens, to removal, and allowing the controller to achieve mana and card advantage. The deck hoses graveyard decks, as one of it's main objectives is to exile cards from the graveyard. It also preys on other midrange decks such as Jund and Junk, because you simply out-value them.
Card Choices
Wasteland Strangler
Blight Herder
Oblivion Sower
Thought-Knot Seer
Reality Smasher
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Kozilek, the Great Distortion
Conduit of Ruin
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Other Spells
Doom Blade, Smother, Go for the Throat
Slaughter Pact
Inquisition of Kozilek
Lightning Bolt
Magma Spray
Kolaghan's Command
Expedition Map
Relic of Progenitus
Nihil Spellbomb
Scrabbling Claws
Eldrazi Conscription
All is Dust
Bloodstained Mire
Blood Crypt
Blackcleave Cliffs
Eldrazi Temple
Eye of Ugin
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Bojuka Bog
Ghost Quarter
Mountain, Swamp
Sideboard Choices
Slaughter Games
Rakdos Charm
Warping Wail
Pyroclasm, Anger of the Gods, Kozilek's Return
Damnation, Languish
Crumble to Dust
Surgical Extraction
Void Winnower
Vampiric Link
Ruin Processor
Sample Decklist
4 Relic of Progenitus
2 Expedition Map
Creatures- 18
4 Wasteland Strangler
4 Blight Herder
4 Oblivion Sower
3 Thought-Knot Seer
2 Reality Smasher
1 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Instants- 9
2 Go for the Throat
2 Kolaghan's Command
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Slaughter Pact
Sorceries- 3
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
Lands- 24
4 Blood Crypt
3 Bloodstained Mire
2 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Eldrazi Temple
2 Eye of Ugin
4 Ghost Quarter
2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
2 Mountain
1 Swamp
3 Shatterstorm
3 Warping Wail
3 Crumble to Dust
3 Pyroclasm
2 Vampiric Link
UR Twin
Amulet Bloom
GR Tron
Naya Zoo