So I lost/had stolen my living end deck and I want to get back into modern. I looked at the lands I have and what I could build and the only Shocks I have a playset of are Godless Shrine and I also have a playset of Isolated Chapel so If I'm diving back in I think Black/White is my best bet. And I want to make something interesting and not spend 500$ to play FNM so here's what I got. Is there something here?
So the basic idea of the deck is play a shadow creature, mutate him to a 3/3 or bigger, and then protect him and chip away with a, basically, unblockable creature as I control the board with B/W removal spells and continue mutating to get bonuses. The idea is to have a B/W control suite and my an unblockable and protect it with whatever B/W can have against the meta. So my sideboard would kind of need to be swiss army
Tron- Vindicate and Break the Ice and just choke them off their lands
Control- More protective spells that make my creatures indestructible/Hexproof
Storm- More hand destruction and some graveyard hat eI put Thoughtsieze in the deck list, but this is budget so I would need replacements for that, if this deck works I would invest so I was thinking Duress
Burn- A good white life gain card, maybe Majestic Auricorn because its on theme, but I think there's a better solution to gain a little life or maybe an enchantment that prevents damage
Humans- Up the creature destruction with kill spells and maybe Zagoth Mamba to keep on theme
I figure between Vindicate and O-ring by turn 3 I can pretty much disrupt any permanent on the battlefield. But I'm really worried about control, this is a one creature deck, put one creature out and build him up protect him and swing in for unblockable every turn.
What about Giver of Runes I love that card and since I have a one creature strategy and I want to focus on protecting it would that have a place in the deck
Do I need more mana, what should I cut, maybe 1 copy of Necropanther, and put the outlyer in the sideboard to get another shadow creature out.
Can this work, I'm just trying to perform at FNM, Pioneer and Standard don't fire so Modern is pretty much the only game in my town
I played for a while and found some issues that can be eliminated:
Too few lands - Add creature or utility lands
Too few creatures - Play protection creatures
Nothing to get back with Necropanther means creatures would benefit more from Maul of the Skyclaves than from mutating.
Need to operate behind the curve in order to kill threats or thwart answers - Catch up or ignore things with lifelink
and others that can't:
High mana curve, glut at 3, and ideally wants to return 3-mana creatures
Need creatures but can't mutate humans
as well as strengths:
Can take advantage of creatures with bad stats and good abilities
A 4-mana 3/4 dodges a lot of removal
Can take advantage of creatures with sacrifice abilities
While deckbuilding is inflexible, mutate plays flexibly
I ended up with hate creatures, and it worked because most decks I play against are weak to Hushbringer and Leonin Arbiter. I played against decks like WURG Omnath and UR Murktide and did well, then tried the same thing against budget decks and got destroyed until I switched out Arbiter and Fulminator Mage for Lion Sash and Phyrexian Revoker, which were too narrow against the other decks. Your opponents may be a lot different than mine, but I won through hate + protection/pump and land destruction against my Lightning Bolt and elemental-filled meta. I also like that Hushbringer and Arbiter discourage playing money cards like Grief and Marsh Flats.
I kept 10 mutate creatures because that's the theme, but only used Necropanther and creatures that mutate for 3. Time was important and cards like Cavern Whisperer and Chittering Harvester disappointed me in Standard. Despite its pricetag, I went with Giver of Runes and Alseid of Life's Bounty for protection. Alseid's protection is useless early, but it doubles as a base creature.
Giver of Runes is important, but expensive. I owe a lot of wins to it. Selfless Savior has merits, but stops a lot less. I consider protection and Hushbringer key. Hushbringer fits "bad stats, good abilities" perfectly. Against some decks, it wrecks their gameplan, but even against trigger-free Burn or Murktide, a 3/4 lifelinker is effective. It is amazing how many decks fold to Hushbringer + Vulpikeet.
Regarding sideboard, are the decks you listed what you'll face at FNM? Are they standard lists?
I won a lot but wouldn't blindly recommend the deck. Giver of Runes is usable elsewhere, but a set is about $40. Mutate is one of my all-time favorites and I'll keep playing, but there must be easier ways to win. WB midrange can get by with Lingering Souls, Timeless Dragon, a cheap creature land (Mishra's Factory or Shambling Vent), and filling in the blanks.
You might be interested in deadguy ale.
the planeswalkers would have to be cut to fit in the budget, but its basically early disruption and some efficient creatures and spells
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
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So the basic idea of the deck is play a shadow creature, mutate him to a 3/3 or bigger, and then protect him and chip away with a, basically, unblockable creature as I control the board with B/W removal spells and continue mutating to get bonuses. The idea is to have a B/W control suite and my an unblockable and protect it with whatever B/W can have against the meta. So my sideboard would kind of need to be swiss army
Tron- Vindicate and Break the Ice and just choke them off their lands
Control- More protective spells that make my creatures indestructible/Hexproof
Storm- More hand destruction and some graveyard hat eI put Thoughtsieze in the deck list, but this is budget so I would need replacements for that, if this deck works I would invest so I was thinking Duress
Burn- A good white life gain card, maybe Majestic Auricorn because its on theme, but I think there's a better solution to gain a little life or maybe an enchantment that prevents damage
Humans- Up the creature destruction with kill spells and maybe Zagoth Mamba to keep on theme
I figure between Vindicate and O-ring by turn 3 I can pretty much disrupt any permanent on the battlefield. But I'm really worried about control, this is a one creature deck, put one creature out and build him up protect him and swing in for unblockable every turn.
What about Giver of Runes I love that card and since I have a one creature strategy and I want to focus on protecting it would that have a place in the deck
Do I need more mana, what should I cut, maybe 1 copy of Necropanther, and put the outlyer in the sideboard to get another shadow creature out.
Can this work, I'm just trying to perform at FNM, Pioneer and Standard don't fire so Modern is pretty much the only game in my town
Too few lands - Add creature or utility lands
Too few creatures - Play protection creatures
Nothing to get back with Necropanther means creatures would benefit more from Maul of the Skyclaves than from mutating.
Need to operate behind the curve in order to kill threats or thwart answers - Catch up or ignore things with lifelink
and others that can't:
High mana curve, glut at 3, and ideally wants to return 3-mana creatures
Need creatures but can't mutate humans
as well as strengths:
Can take advantage of creatures with bad stats and good abilities
A 4-mana 3/4 dodges a lot of removal
Can take advantage of creatures with sacrifice abilities
While deckbuilding is inflexible, mutate plays flexibly
I tried a few options. Tokens didn't need mutate or black. Dauthi Voidwalker (expensive) and Archon of Emeria didn't, either; their stats are fine. Valentin, Dean of the Vein, Tidehollow Sculler, and Skyclave Apparition were fine. Discard was disappointing because opponents had so long to find what they needed, but I wouldn't dismiss it. I didn't use cards like Arcbound Javelineer or Tethmos High Priest, but maybe. That might call for Undying Malice (the mutate stack comes back separately, each with a +1/+1 counter), but I figured Ephemerate decks did the same thing better.
I ended up with hate creatures, and it worked because most decks I play against are weak to Hushbringer and Leonin Arbiter. I played against decks like WURG Omnath and UR Murktide and did well, then tried the same thing against budget decks and got destroyed until I switched out Arbiter and Fulminator Mage for Lion Sash and Phyrexian Revoker, which were too narrow against the other decks. Your opponents may be a lot different than mine, but I won through hate + protection/pump and land destruction against my Lightning Bolt and elemental-filled meta. I also like that Hushbringer and Arbiter discourage playing money cards like Grief and Marsh Flats.
I kept 10 mutate creatures because that's the theme, but only used Necropanther and creatures that mutate for 3. Time was important and cards like Cavern Whisperer and Chittering Harvester disappointed me in Standard. Despite its pricetag, I went with Giver of Runes and Alseid of Life's Bounty for protection. Alseid's protection is useless early, but it doubles as a base creature.
Giver of Runes is important, but expensive. I owe a lot of wins to it. Selfless Savior has merits, but stops a lot less. I consider protection and Hushbringer key. Hushbringer fits "bad stats, good abilities" perfectly. Against some decks, it wrecks their gameplan, but even against trigger-free Burn or Murktide, a 3/4 lifelinker is effective. It is amazing how many decks fold to Hushbringer + Vulpikeet.
Regarding sideboard, are the decks you listed what you'll face at FNM? Are they standard lists?
I won a lot but wouldn't blindly recommend the deck. Giver of Runes is usable elsewhere, but a set is about $40. Mutate is one of my all-time favorites and I'll keep playing, but there must be easier ways to win. WB midrange can get by with Lingering Souls, Timeless Dragon, a cheap creature land (Mishra's Factory or Shambling Vent), and filling in the blanks.
the planeswalkers would have to be cut to fit in the budget, but its basically early disruption and some efficient creatures and spells
the shell would be something like
3 thoughtseize
4 lingering souls
4 tidehollow sculler
2 gideon, ally of zendikar
some other cards
1 smallpox
maybe a smallpox deck would be better?
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation