What do you think about the Abzan i recently built? my idea is playing it at FNM level, nothing too competitive, it´s the Liege version, the idea is hitting hard, with some removal and discard, nothing fancy, but neither the usual Junk with Goyfs and Bobs, do you think it's viable?
The hardest part was making the mana base work without Fetchlands, but since no card needs double of any mana color, and i run Birds of Paradise, it works 99% of the time, usually i get the three colors fast enough (usually turn 2-3 or even 1 with birds), Flagstones do a good "semifetch" job (although a bit slower), and with the new Triome i can fetch for colors even better.
Imho you need more interaction. You have a bunch of creatures that are good if someone makes you discard them (which is very unlikely to happen often, unless your lgs has a Jund/8-rack heavy metal), but modern is filled with decks that win if your opponent doesn't do anything.
You should up inquisition of kozilek to 4 copies and/or add thoughtseize, although that isn't a budget option. Your creatures are also not that big on their own, so you could try to add some plague engineer . I know you said not too competitive, but the risk I see with this list is just bricking when you draw too many lands, since you don't have a draw engine (dark confidant or any canopy land). You could try to add courser of kruphix to arginate that and to gain some life. wrench mind is a valid budget replacement for expensive discard spells too.
I try to compensate the possible mana flood with the three manlands + Gavony Township, but you're right, sometimes happens, i was doubtful about adding more discard since i dont know what to swap for it, in games against combo/storm i pull in the discard in the sideboard, i used to run one Anafenza the Foremost instead of the third Loxodon Smiter, problem was the triple colored mana (loxodon smiter is easier to cast) and i didnt like her anti sinergy with Ooze.
Plague Engineer sounds amazing as a 1 or 2 of in the sideboard, i'll give it a try.
Another card you should consider, which let's you run lesser 4-ofs, is Eladamri's Call, that can let you search for the creature card you need when you need it (being an instant)
Have considered it, havent tested yet but i plan on getting some copies soon. The card I'm most afraid of is Blood Moon, can screw my game since i can't fetch for basics (well, can flagstone fetch the basic plain but is not the same) and unless i have abrupt decay in hand to float mana in response, qasali or birds to destroy the moon/add mana im screwed.
I'd consider adding 2-3 ghost quarter for use with flagstones and for emergency land removal.
I'm unsure on lingering souls. As if you where going a little more gy (with Unburial Rites and satyr wayfinder) it would be a natural fit but without a discard requirement I'm not sure it fits.
Next I would consider some flicker effects as a fair few of your cards have powerful etb triggers or can be reset. For this reason is consider running knight of autumn over pridemage and 3-4 restoration angel.
I would also consider another mana dork (with noble hirach being out of budget I would go for Avacyn's Pilgrim as 2 or so copy's)
Lastly in the deck I wouldn't bother with fetch lands my first none budget card would be collected company. Which would act as ramp and card draw.
I already tested a version more focused on blinks with resto angel and thragtusk (also eternal witness, tidehollow sculler...) it was so fun to play but too slow, so i changed to the liege because of it, problem with ghost quarter is im not sure i can afford more colorless mana sources, i would run a second Gavony if i could, and i run too many 4 drops for CoCo to be efficient.
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4x Birds of Paradise
2x Scavenging Ooze
2x Qasali Pridemage
4x Voice of Resurgence
2x Kitchen Finks
2x Loxodon Smiter
1x Anafenza, the Foremost
4x Siege Rhino
3x Wilt-Leaf Liege
Spells (12)
2x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Path to Exile
2x Abrupt Decay
1x Maelstrom Pulse
3x Lingering Souls
4x Blooming Marsh
1x Razorverge Thicket
2x Temple Garden
1x Godless Shrine
2x Llanowar Wastes
1x Caves of Koilos
1x Indatha Triome
1x Stirring Wildwood
1x Hissing Quagmire
1x Shambling Vent
1x Gavony Township
4x Flagstones of Trokair
1x Plains
3x Forest
1x Inquisition of Kozilek
2x Duress
2x Burrenton Forge-Tender
2x Damping Sphere
2x Kataki, War's Wage
2x Gaddock Teeg
2x Choke
1x Maelstrom Pulse
1x Fracturing Gust
The hardest part was making the mana base work without Fetchlands, but since no card needs double of any mana color, and i run Birds of Paradise, it works 99% of the time, usually i get the three colors fast enough (usually turn 2-3 or even 1 with birds), Flagstones do a good "semifetch" job (although a bit slower), and with the new Triome i can fetch for colors even better.
You should up inquisition of kozilek to 4 copies and/or add thoughtseize, although that isn't a budget option. Your creatures are also not that big on their own, so you could try to add some plague engineer . I know you said not too competitive, but the risk I see with this list is just bricking when you draw too many lands, since you don't have a draw engine (dark confidant or any canopy land). You could try to add courser of kruphix to arginate that and to gain some life.
wrench mind is a valid budget replacement for expensive discard spells too.
Plague Engineer sounds amazing as a 1 or 2 of in the sideboard, i'll give it a try.
I'm unsure on lingering souls. As if you where going a little more gy (with Unburial Rites and satyr wayfinder) it would be a natural fit but without a discard requirement I'm not sure it fits.
Next I would consider some flicker effects as a fair few of your cards have powerful etb triggers or can be reset. For this reason is consider running knight of autumn over pridemage and 3-4 restoration angel.
I would also consider another mana dork (with noble hirach being out of budget I would go for Avacyn's Pilgrim as 2 or so copy's)
Lastly in the deck I wouldn't bother with fetch lands my first none budget card would be collected company. Which would act as ramp and card draw.
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