You seen to be trying to go both Wizards and fairy's but without any of the wincons for either.
I would suggest you either go more fairy's and run mistbind clique (it's not cheap but it not to expensive)
Or drop Scion of oona and run favourable winds, instead.
The deck also has 0 removal, in standard this is kind of workable but in modern you'll loose and really struggle.
I suggest 4 vapour snags and 2 dismembers.
There are also some solid mono u Wizards devotions lists floating around.
Using Master of Waves, as a wincon.
Alot of your Wizards have powerful etb triggers. Maybe looking at ninjas or Familiar's Ruse would be very solid attions.
Also Sage's Dousing is just a bad card in modern as alot of decks win with combos and powerful synergies without combat so it's really just a 2 mana cantrip most of the time.
I would also consider both remand and smugglers copter, and maybe chart a course as card draw.
I would run 1 more land and add 2 fairy conclave and 2 feild of ruin to your mana base. And maybe 2 lonely sandbars.
// 21 Creature
2 Azami, Lady of Scrolls
4 Siren Stormtamer
4 Faerie Seer
4 Spellstutter Sprite
3 Scion of Oona
4 Faerie Miscreant
4 Curious Obsession
// 13 Instant
4 Wizard's Retort
2 Dramatic Reversal
3 Fated Infatuation
4 Dive Down
3 Sage's Dousing
19 Island
I would suggest you either go more fairy's and run mistbind clique (it's not cheap but it not to expensive)
Or drop Scion of oona and run favourable winds, instead.
The deck also has 0 removal, in standard this is kind of workable but in modern you'll loose and really struggle.
I suggest 4 vapour snags and 2 dismembers.
Another direction that would work well is looking more at Wizards pay off cards like
Naban lists
There are also some solid mono u Wizards devotions lists floating around.
Using Master of Waves, as a wincon.
Alot of your Wizards have powerful etb triggers. Maybe looking at ninjas or Familiar's Ruse would be very solid attions.
Also Sage's Dousing is just a bad card in modern as alot of decks win with combos and powerful synergies without combat so it's really just a 2 mana cantrip most of the time.
I would also consider both remand and smugglers copter, and maybe chart a course as card draw.
I would run 1 more land and add 2 fairy conclave and 2 feild of ruin to your mana base. And maybe 2 lonely sandbars.
Good luck
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR