Hi, put this together for fun. Most of the deck are 1 and 2 cmc, so it can be surprisingly as fast as the traditional Stompy lists.
5 cantrips and 1 source of repeatable scry helps the deck to keep going, they are the 4 snake, 1 astrolabe, and marit lage.
the flying ice snake deals a good deal of damage when enchanted with rancor.
Plan A is to aggro the opponent.
Plan B is to transform Marit Lage, and win with the 20/20.
i like the idea but when i see slumber i see a control/ tempo finisher. (in the deck with growth spirals, mystic snakes and other tempo creatures)
the card i really like and think a stompy deck can abuse is Saddled Rimestag,
if you ran some more flash creatures like spellstutter sprite in a defensive spell slot alongside coatal this could give some serious power. (running quickling or vapour snag to reuse etb trigger creatures could also work)
i'm not in love with dungrove without a land ramp package (tribe elder, coiling oracle and growth spiral ect) but none of these are really very aggressive)
for the three drop id consider 2 copies of Nulltread Gargantuan, with the 4 coatals and spell sprites.
(if you could find another couple of solid aggressive artifacts for the deck the ensoul artifact could be pretty good with the golem)
i'm honestly not sure. the deck will need a lot of refining, but am interested
thanks. This deck is just a test and I do plan to make adjustments later.
added two winter's rest in the main, put the two dismember to the sideboard to increase snow count. Of course, there are creatures that are better dismembered like thing in the ice.. but winter's rest work's just fine in stopping other dangerous creatures like phoenix and death shadows. Also no lifeloss, so winter's rest is very usable against Burn.
the dungroves used to be two rimestag.. however, my meta is full of fatal push and bolts. They might get changed later, but the elder is there for now. The deck wants to have planty of snow lands in play to activate marit lage, plenty of forest in play makes the elder happy.
Might add a second marit lage slumber if testing shows I could transform her consistently.
It's hard to test with just proxies, Will report again when I'm testing the actual cards.
Ok, just found out today that transforming Marit Lage is like trying to get the "city's blessing". Only this time, it's much more difficult as not all my permanents are snow. But not giving up..
so it's -2 elder -1 breeding pool + 2 astrolabe +1 Marit lage. Feels a bit dangerous, since that only leaves one breed pool and 3 astrolabe as my sources of U, and there are a lot of field of ruins crawling in my meta. Might add one snow covered island, so I could fetch it when someone ghost quarter's my breed pool.
good thing I found out right away. Marit Lage isn't that hard to get rid of. Many exile removal, big teferi, jtms, and even a simple echoing truth from a merfolk deck is bad for Marit Lage. Having a 20/20 indestructible that still has to connect is not an instant win in modern.
With that found out. She still isn't a bad payoff for the deck. Although bringing marit lage back to one and bringing back in the two dungrove elders. And after several tests and retests, damn it's hard with just proxies. The strangle geists had to go, and I had to put in a playset of sakura tribe elders. The ste has two purpose, one is to gather snow covered forest faster for marit lage, and two is to gather forests for dungrove. The deck loses aggressiveness with the geists gone.. however, the deck still has some aggro potential with the 12 two power one drops, and 12 one cmc pump spells.
I personally like this deck as a more controlly style deck with Marit Lage as the finisher. This means that we get counters against removal heavy decks. In a control shell four-of Slumber is needed.
a control route is indeed another path for the deck to take. However, I prefer the deck to be partly aggro because Marit Lage itself is easy to get rid off for some decks. And some people still pack mainboard surgicals that can get rid of Marit Lage permanently if they catch one in the yard.
Currently the deck now has 8 cantrips = 4 snake and 4 astrolabe, 4 sakura tribe elders that help thin lands.. so the deck moves rather fast.
Hi, put this together for fun. Most of the deck are 1 and 2 cmc, so it can be surprisingly as fast as the traditional Stompy lists.
5 cantrips and 1 source of repeatable scry helps the deck to keep going, they are the 4 snake, 1 astrolabe, and marit lage.
the flying ice snake deals a good deal of damage when enchanted with rancor.
Plan A is to aggro the opponent.
Plan B is to transform Marit Lage, and win with the 20/20.
UG Marit Lage Stompy
4 Narnam Renegade
4 Dryad Milittant
4 Ice-Fang Coatl
4 Sakura Tribe Elder
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Dungrove Elder
4 Giant Growth
4 Rancor
2 Winter's Rest
4 Arcum's Astrolabe
1 Marit Lage's Slumber
2 Breeding Pool
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Windswept Heath
2 dovin, hand of control
3 Stubborn denial
2 Dismember
8 free slots
and lastly, flavor text of wooded foothills is "their bones now freeze" adds to the snow feeling of the deck.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
the card i really like and think a stompy deck can abuse is Saddled Rimestag,
if you ran some more flash creatures like spellstutter sprite in a defensive spell slot alongside coatal this could give some serious power. (running quickling or vapour snag to reuse etb trigger creatures could also work)
i'm not in love with dungrove without a land ramp package (tribe elder, coiling oracle and growth spiral ect) but none of these are really very aggressive)
for the three drop id consider 2 copies of Nulltread Gargantuan, with the 4 coatals and spell sprites.
(if you could find another couple of solid aggressive artifacts for the deck the ensoul artifact could be pretty good with the golem)
i'm honestly not sure. the deck will need a lot of refining, but am interested
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
added two winter's rest in the main, put the two dismember to the sideboard to increase snow count. Of course, there are creatures that are better dismembered like thing in the ice.. but winter's rest work's just fine in stopping other dangerous creatures like phoenix and death shadows. Also no lifeloss, so winter's rest is very usable against Burn.
the dungroves used to be two rimestag.. however, my meta is full of fatal push and bolts. They might get changed later, but the elder is there for now. The deck wants to have planty of snow lands in play to activate marit lage, plenty of forest in play makes the elder happy.
Might add a second marit lage slumber if testing shows I could transform her consistently.
It's hard to test with just proxies, Will report again when I'm testing the actual cards.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
so it's -2 elder -1 breeding pool + 2 astrolabe +1 Marit lage. Feels a bit dangerous, since that only leaves one breed pool and 3 astrolabe as my sources of U, and there are a lot of field of ruins crawling in my meta. Might add one snow covered island, so I could fetch it when someone ghost quarter's my breed pool.
Nexus MTG News // Nexus - Magic Art Gallery // MTG Dual Land Color Ratios Analyzer // MTG Card Drawing Odds Calculator
Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
With that found out. She still isn't a bad payoff for the deck. Although bringing marit lage back to one and bringing back in the two dungrove elders. And after several tests and retests, damn it's hard with just proxies. The strangle geists had to go, and I had to put in a playset of sakura tribe elders. The ste has two purpose, one is to gather snow covered forest faster for marit lage, and two is to gather forests for dungrove. The deck loses aggressiveness with the geists gone.. however, the deck still has some aggro potential with the 12 two power one drops, and 12 one cmc pump spells.
Nexus MTG News // Nexus - Magic Art Gallery // MTG Dual Land Color Ratios Analyzer // MTG Card Drawing Odds Calculator
Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
Currently the deck now has 8 cantrips = 4 snake and 4 astrolabe, 4 sakura tribe elders that help thin lands.. so the deck moves rather fast.
Nexus MTG News // Nexus - Magic Art Gallery // MTG Dual Land Color Ratios Analyzer // MTG Card Drawing Odds Calculator
Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
Nexus MTG News // Nexus - Magic Art Gallery // MTG Dual Land Color Ratios Analyzer // MTG Card Drawing Odds Calculator
Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread