I've been testing a deck recently that uses Bramblewood Paragon and Metallic Mimic in conjunction with Joraga Warcaller, Growth-Chamber Guardian, and Sylvan Messenger refill your hand to finish. In testing, I've found that while the deck has explosive draws, it really explodes into the late game with Messenger and Guardian giving you all the gas you need to finish the game. Here's the list:
The most explosive draws are when you have 1 drop, 2 drop lord, into Warcaller turn 3. Warcaller gives your whole team +2/+2, and you can swing in safely for at least 8 damage, with Pelt Collector, 9. Then next turn, you swing in for 12 which is technically turn 4 if uninteracted with, but that isn't where the deck shines.
The deck really excels in the long game where you can go wide with tokens from Dwynen's Elite, extra bodies from Growth-Chamber Guardian, and the card draw from Sylvan Messenger. In testing, I have ground out Jund, overpowered humans with multiple lords (on the play g1), and with a black splash, fought IP to a close 1-2 loss do to a miscalculation on my end.
I really don't have an aggro deck to sleeve up, and I thought this would be a really cool one to build. I have a couple Overgrown Tomb with 4 Wooded Foothills and some random BG lands so I could splash black if I wanted to, which could be good for removal and hand disruption out of board. Any thoughts?
Been running ba similar build with fetches for narnam and greenwheel which can increse the power quite a bit.
I also recommend Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, over an elf lord, as it works extremely well with jorga and growth chamber, and Hardened Scales which is insane if you get it down early. Rishkar, Peema Renegade, is another way to add counters after to jorga retrospectively. While also helping to generate huge amount of mana.
This is my list (very not budget but it may give you some ideas )
I started a thr ad about a similar list in sept. I think the deck is good, but it's hard to deploy a critical number of threats with any kind of interaction.
You really want aether vial in the deck imho. It's going to give you enough velocity to keep pace with some of the more unfair stuff and/or sweepers. hardened scales is surprisingly good here as well. I tested it and liked it a lot.
WAR is bringing us a couple of proliferate elves, one of which proliferates off a land ETB. This can get kinda silly with fetches, which you want with narnam renegade anyway.
now i have time ti include a little more.
i did have a thread on this for quite a while in deck creation. it seems to have been one of the threads that fell victim to the admins deleting all the european accounts and threads we posted on or created when the law changed (instead of just updating the Ts and Cs like every other site). i'll try to summarize what was said and learned.
first and most importantly the deck plays much closer to a mono G stompy or zoo deck that traditional elves. all builds we tried with elf lords and mana producing elves where just much worse builds of elf ball (which is a combo deck). so lords and coco ect where dropped pretty fast.
most build had to splash another color, the two most popular colors to splash where white for Dromoka's Command, Sunblade Elf and sideboard teck such as path, rest in peace, gaddock teeg and stony silence ect.
or black for push and other black sb teck ect.
so the one drops Joraga Warcaller: the reason to run this deck always run 4 Narnam Renegade: insanely strong, has sudo unblockable or is solid removal against big hard to deal with threats, he is the strongest agressive one drop in green hands down, and his creation is what drove the original elf/warrior builds Pelt Collector: still relatively new, but has proved a solid addition, have a native trample clause has made him the thrid 1 drop of choice (before there was a mix)
(obsolete one drops) nettle sentinel: the native 2/2 nature is nice and the ability to play it without splashing is also nice but the untap clause can be serious issue late game what trying to close and you top deck a land Sunblade Elf: another solid 2/2 for 1, but with some color restrictions and a rarly (but still usable) ability
(there are a few other options but they where much more subpaire than these)
two drops Bramblewood Paragon: again another of the main build arounds always run 4 Metallic Mimic solid back up lord, but can only ever be one of our relevant creature types (normally run as a 2-4 of) Growth-Chamber Guardian: the most recent newcomer to the deck. hes a solid body and has provided a sorely needed card advantage option, run 4
ok the flex 2 drop slot (most people choose one of these to help fit into there build normally 3-4 of) elvish clancaller: good in multiples but the small toughness and the lack of synergy with the other lords, and the heavy mana cost to use its extra ability means that this is generally not as strong as other alternatives dywnen's elite: two elves for the price of one (was mostly superseded by Growth-Chamber Guardian but still a solid option for those that are planning a go wide plan. Wren's Run Vanquisher used more in older builds. its a solid option for metas with heavy aggro and burn strategies, as it can skill pretty much any attacker and normaly (with a rlevent lord) absorbe bolts, the only real downside is that its a terrible top deck and paying the extra mana cost can be very difficult. Greenwheel Liberator: possibly the most powerful option but requires a heavily dedicated revolt/+1 counter build to properly utilize. it has huge synergy with paragon due to the native counters. Talara's Battalion need either vial but has similar downsides to wrens vanquisher in that it is impossible to cast is certain but common circumstances avatar of the resolute extremely solid in heavy +1 counter builds and can end games very quickly as well as allow interaction with flyers
sub par options thorn lieutenantthe halfway point between elite and wren but genraly weaker that both. can be useful in a meta with alot of rock decks or if you have large mana producers. Wolf-Skull Shaman very inconsistent and the tokens it makes are the wrong creature type to be properly utilised Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit needs a heavy white splash to cast consitantly. the +1 counters makes for a very strong effect but like the other 2 drops lord it doesn't do anything the first turn it comes down and it lack the relevant creature types or extra static pay offs.
three drops (the best lords use +1 counter sysgys that work well with jorga and growth chamber) Rishkar, Peema Renegade 2 counters spread where you need for maximum value, the mana tapping can occaionly be rlevent but lack the warrior subtype and is legendary. 2 max Nissa, Voice of Zendikar the -2 ability can generally be activated twice over three turns which can have a huge impact on the battlefeild, but again ledgandary so bad it multiples (no more that 3) Imperious Perfect can make tokens but is generally to slow for an aggressive build without ramp Elvish Champion, insane againt decks that run forest, meh when not. sb only
none creature cards harden scales in any build with even more that a glancing focus on +1 counters, run 3-4 aiether vial generally needed to be competitive in the current meta, and allows for maximum effectiveness of deathtouch creatures and lord Horizon Canopy is really important for maximum competitiveness as as it provides both color fixing and card advantage wich is sorly needed in the deck. it also works well with aiether vial builds. and adds another revolt trigger.
cards to avoid Gavony Township to slow Lead the Stampede/coco/cord: all these need 2 things to work well, ramp and combo poetical this deck has neither, don't fall for this trap. ezuri, renegade leader and other three drop lord: these need ramp, it you cannot play them turn 2 or 2 of them turn 3 they simply can't do enough constantly to close games, pendelhaven: we run no 1/1 that stay this way, so this is just a pretty forest that's to easy to bloodmoon.
this is my current build it not budget but it may provide some ideas
What the deck need going forward
a solid 3 drop, maybe a lord or just a card with solid synergy with the deck of the deck (an elf/warrior with strong +1 counter synygy ect
the decks been very lucky over the last few sets with the shear amount of solid extremely relevant cards that have filled important and previously need to be filled roles. (there may be potential in Evolution Sage but i suspect it may be to slow.)
I remember trying different approaches in regards to an Elves deck and the mana dorks' builds with Ezuri and Archdruid (paired with card draw like Stampede/Messenger/Whisperer or CoCo) have always been the best ones.
It is even better now after the printing of Elvish Clancaller which is both a lord and a mana sink payoff.
Replacing those with weaker cards like: Joraga, Mimic, Paragon, Guardian (and Narnam) just doesn't seem nearly worth it imho.
You get a much slower and less explosive build with only slightly better individual elves
"To keep things 100, anything I state is an opinion and not intended to be a fact. Any and all suggestions I give are a 100% opinion. If you need further clarification take the conversation to a PM. I am not in the business of assuming things. I'm only interested in 1 business and that business serves 2 things, Cold L's and Hot Dub's."
The beatdown elves is much closer to tradinal elfball, using the traditional ramp package and Imperious Perfect over ezuir and more card advantage. It is a really solid deck and I would argue is also a very different deck with a very different strategie strengths and weaknesses.
Just because it uses the subtype elves it dose not mean the decks play style is even close to the others and cards that work in one will not nessasraly work it the other (like the difference between 8whach and goblin storm with fucundadiy, despite both being goblin decks they are also very different decks. One hyper agrro one sacrifice storm)
Sure it plays differently (though you still assemble a critical mass of creatures and attack for the win) but I fail to see what makes it preferable to the dorks+Ezuri+Archdruid build and would be interested to read arguments in favor of this build.
I'm having a hard time seeing it outbeside it's really low to the ground approach and using Elf-warriors and cutting lords/coco cards. I think the more combo beatdown iteration featuring Beast Whisperer is what we want to aim for. Also I feel like the elf-warrior subtype was discussed in the coco thread...
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"To keep things 100, anything I state is an opinion and not intended to be a fact. Any and all suggestions I give are a 100% opinion. If you need further clarification take the conversation to a PM. I am not in the business of assuming things. I'm only interested in 1 business and that business serves 2 things, Cold L's and Hot Dub's."
why play this over ezuri elfball? same reason not everyone plays izzet phoenix, different decks have different strengths in different metas, and different people prefer different play styles.
in the current competitive meta no elf build is really viable. but that said
warrior builds fit into a similar meta slot as mono G stompy (on whose thread i think the idea for a elf warrior stompy build was first suggested) and revolt zoo (neither of which a good against phoenix, but both of which do well against deathshadow and hollow one). the deck also dose pretty well against rock and jund decks.
bolt based removal is fairly trivial and doesn't affect many of the elves if there is a resolved lord or scales (and with vial this is normally fairly easy to accomplish)
targeted discard or other spot removal is only middling effective as the each creature is a threat,
more resilient after board wipes due to only needed 1 or 2 creatures after a wipe to have a fast game winning clock.
the deck is far stronger against decks with big hard to kill threats due to the deathtouch
most opponents don't know how to attack the deck to begin with meaning it provides the surprise advantage in a unknown meta
down sides
is generally a little slower and has no turn 2-3 potential
can run out of cards if the game goes long,
it struggles to deal with go wide strategies
i get that people see elf warriors and say ohh elves but please just because another deck is more popular/better in certain situations does not mean that other decks are unplayable or bad (just like the threads for coco ally's isn't full of people saying just play humans or mono green control saying just play gruul ponza). and as most of this deck has been heavily added to over the course of recent standards i would highly recommend people play the deck before dismissing it or deciding that it should become elfball and call it a day, just like in many builds of magic there is potential and a place for more fringe strategies and this is a prime underexplored archetype with plenty of potential.
(sorry this was a little of topic for the budget brew nature of the thread)
ohh and on topic
another solid 3 drop that was explored was Renegade Rallier, as vialed in rallier at the end of a turn bringing back a jorga or narnam can be very explosive. the downside being is the lack of elf subtype. and the need for w splash
I made this deck looking for a budget strategy I could build into. I had the manabase, some of the creatures, and the sideboard shell already, so I just wanted to add some more budget options to be able to play a different style than I usually play.
I wouldn’t want to play this budget version to fight all the decks of the meta and spike FNMs, like most budget decks it is a starting point that can win sure but really is to either learn a format / about magic in general or is something that can ve built into something better over time.
To @AmicDeep’s point, I think Aether Vial would be great, but in this budget list I just wanted to have a solid curve of synergistic creatures that could grind out midrange or other tribal aggressive strategies (I’ve had good results vs humans with this list.).
To answer the question “When is this deck better then Elfball?”, Elfball relies on their Lords heavily to be on the battlefield when they swing for lots of damage. With Bramblewood Paragon and Metallic Mimic, our creature will keep their counters which keeps the threats safer from spot removal. With a Paragon and something like Dwynen’s Elite, you make 5 power with trample which is resilient from Bolt. With Growth-Chamber Guardian you search for another, so for 4 mana turn 4 you make 6 power with more gas in hand.
Warcaller just synergizes well to add +2/+2 to your team that already has been pumped by your other lords. It’s a beatdown deck which modern doesn’t have a lot of, but the amount of value and bodies you get out of your creatures + trample from Paragon is enough to grind through opponents and beat every fair deck in modern. Sideboard disruption would be needed to help vs Phoenix and Dredge, but if someone wanted to play a beatdown deck, I think this list would be more than just a good option.
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I've been testing a deck recently that uses Bramblewood Paragon and Metallic Mimic in conjunction with Joraga Warcaller, Growth-Chamber Guardian, and Sylvan Messenger refill your hand to finish. In testing, I've found that while the deck has explosive draws, it really explodes into the late game with Messenger and Guardian giving you all the gas you need to finish the game. Here's the list:
1 Swamp
3 Field of Ruin
5 Forest
2 Overgrown Tomb
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Fatal Push
1 Dismember
4 Narnam Renegade
2 Nettle Sentinel
4 Pelt Collector
4 Dwynen's Elite
4 Growth-Chamber Guardian
4 Metallic Mimic
2 Imperious Perfect
4 Joraga Warcaller
2 Sylvan Messenger
1 Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen
3 Damping Sphere
2 Raking Canopy
2 Lead the Stampede
2 Life Goes On
2 Assassin's Trophy
2 Relic of Progenitus
2 Scavenging Ooze
The deck really excels in the long game where you can go wide with tokens from Dwynen's Elite, extra bodies from Growth-Chamber Guardian, and the card draw from Sylvan Messenger. In testing, I have ground out Jund, overpowered humans with multiple lords (on the play g1), and with a black splash, fought IP to a close 1-2 loss do to a miscalculation on my end.
I really don't have an aggro deck to sleeve up, and I thought this would be a really cool one to build. I have a couple Overgrown Tomb with 4 Wooded Foothills and some random BG lands so I could splash black if I wanted to, which could be good for removal and hand disruption out of board. Any thoughts?
You also get a fairly easy black splash in a Modern Elf deck with Elves of the Deep Shadow and Overgrown Tomb, giving you access to SB Thoughtseize and potentially MD Shaman of the Pack.
I also recommend Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, over an elf lord, as it works extremely well with jorga and growth chamber, and Hardened Scales which is insane if you get it down early. Rishkar, Peema Renegade, is another way to add counters after to jorga retrospectively. While also helping to generate huge amount of mana.
This is my list (very not budget but it may give you some ideas )
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
I started a thr ad about a similar list in sept. I think the deck is good, but it's hard to deploy a critical number of threats with any kind of interaction.
You really want aether vial in the deck imho. It's going to give you enough velocity to keep pace with some of the more unfair stuff and/or sweepers. hardened scales is surprisingly good here as well. I tested it and liked it a lot.
WAR is bringing us a couple of proliferate elves, one of which proliferates off a land ETB. This can get kinda silly with fetches, which you want with narnam renegade anyway.
i did have a thread on this for quite a while in deck creation. it seems to have been one of the threads that fell victim to the admins deleting all the european accounts and threads we posted on or created when the law changed (instead of just updating the Ts and Cs like every other site). i'll try to summarize what was said and learned.
first and most importantly the deck plays much closer to a mono G stompy or zoo deck that traditional elves. all builds we tried with elf lords and mana producing elves where just much worse builds of elf ball (which is a combo deck). so lords and coco ect where dropped pretty fast.
most build had to splash another color, the two most popular colors to splash where white for Dromoka's Command, Sunblade Elf and sideboard teck such as path, rest in peace, gaddock teeg and stony silence ect.
or black for push and other black sb teck ect.
so the one drops
Joraga Warcaller: the reason to run this deck always run 4
Narnam Renegade: insanely strong, has sudo unblockable or is solid removal against big hard to deal with threats, he is the strongest agressive one drop in green hands down, and his creation is what drove the original elf/warrior builds
Pelt Collector: still relatively new, but has proved a solid addition, have a native trample clause has made him the thrid 1 drop of choice (before there was a mix)
(obsolete one drops)
nettle sentinel: the native 2/2 nature is nice and the ability to play it without splashing is also nice but the untap clause can be serious issue late game what trying to close and you top deck a land
Sunblade Elf: another solid 2/2 for 1, but with some color restrictions and a rarly (but still usable) ability
(there are a few other options but they where much more subpaire than these)
two drops
Bramblewood Paragon: again another of the main build arounds always run 4
Metallic Mimic solid back up lord, but can only ever be one of our relevant creature types (normally run as a 2-4 of)
Growth-Chamber Guardian: the most recent newcomer to the deck. hes a solid body and has provided a sorely needed card advantage option, run 4
ok the flex 2 drop slot (most people choose one of these to help fit into there build normally 3-4 of)
elvish clancaller: good in multiples but the small toughness and the lack of synergy with the other lords, and the heavy mana cost to use its extra ability means that this is generally not as strong as other alternatives
dywnen's elite: two elves for the price of one (was mostly superseded by Growth-Chamber Guardian but still a solid option for those that are planning a go wide plan.
Wren's Run Vanquisher used more in older builds. its a solid option for metas with heavy aggro and burn strategies, as it can skill pretty much any attacker and normaly (with a rlevent lord) absorbe bolts, the only real downside is that its a terrible top deck and paying the extra mana cost can be very difficult.
Greenwheel Liberator: possibly the most powerful option but requires a heavily dedicated revolt/+1 counter build to properly utilize. it has huge synergy with paragon due to the native counters.
Talara's Battalion need either vial but has similar downsides to wrens vanquisher in that it is impossible to cast is certain but common circumstances
avatar of the resolute extremely solid in heavy +1 counter builds and can end games very quickly as well as allow interaction with flyers
sub par options
thorn lieutenantthe halfway point between elite and wren but genraly weaker that both. can be useful in a meta with alot of rock decks or if you have large mana producers.
Wolf-Skull Shaman very inconsistent and the tokens it makes are the wrong creature type to be properly utilised
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit needs a heavy white splash to cast consitantly. the +1 counters makes for a very strong effect but like the other 2 drops lord it doesn't do anything the first turn it comes down and it lack the relevant creature types or extra static pay offs.
three drops (the best lords use +1 counter sysgys that work well with jorga and growth chamber)
Rishkar, Peema Renegade 2 counters spread where you need for maximum value, the mana tapping can occaionly be rlevent but lack the warrior subtype and is legendary. 2 max
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar the -2 ability can generally be activated twice over three turns which can have a huge impact on the battlefeild, but again ledgandary so bad it multiples (no more that 3)
Imperious Perfect can make tokens but is generally to slow for an aggressive build without ramp
Elvish Champion, insane againt decks that run forest, meh when not. sb only
none creature cards
harden scales in any build with even more that a glancing focus on +1 counters, run 3-4
aiether vial generally needed to be competitive in the current meta, and allows for maximum effectiveness of deathtouch creatures and lord
Horizon Canopy is really important for maximum competitiveness as as it provides both color fixing and card advantage wich is sorly needed in the deck. it also works well with aiether vial builds. and adds another revolt trigger.
cards to avoid
Gavony Township to slow
Lead the Stampede/coco/cord: all these need 2 things to work well, ramp and combo poetical this deck has neither, don't fall for this trap.
ezuri, renegade leader and other three drop lord: these need ramp, it you cannot play them turn 2 or 2 of them turn 3 they simply can't do enough constantly to close games,
pendelhaven: we run no 1/1 that stay this way, so this is just a pretty forest that's to easy to bloodmoon.
this is my current build it not budget but it may provide some ideas
4x Bramblewood Paragon
4x Greenwheel Liberator
4x Growth-Chamber Guardian
4x Joraga Warcaller
3x Metallic Mimic
4x Narnam Renegade
3x Pelt Collector
2x Rishkar, Peema Renegade
3x Forest
3x Horizon Canopy
4x Misty Rainforest
2x Temple Garden
4x Windswept Heath
4x Wooded Foothills
2x Dromoka's Command
Artifact (4)
4x Aether Vial
Enchantment (3)
3x Hardened Scales
Planeswalker (3)
3x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
4x Bramblewood Paragon
4x Greenwheel Liberator
4x Growth-Chamber Guardian
4x Joraga Warcaller
4x Metallic Mimic
4x Narnam Renegade
4x Pelt Collector
2x Rishkar, Peema Renegade
3x Forest
4x Horizon Canopy
4x Misty Rainforest
2x Temple Garden
4x Windswept Heath
4x Wooded Foothills
2x Dromoka's Command
Planeswalker (3)
3x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Enchantment (4)
4x Hardened Scales
(depending on if i can borrow vials
best sb options
3x Elvish Champion
2x Heroic Intervention
3x Knight of Autumn
3x Path to Exile
2x Wilt-Leaf Liege
3x Gaddock Teeg
3x Rest in Peace
2x Stony Silence
3x Lys Alana Bowmaster
3x Ravenous Trap
2x Shalai, Voice of Plenty
What the deck need going forward
a solid 3 drop, maybe a lord or just a card with solid synergy with the deck of the deck (an elf/warrior with strong +1 counter synygy ect
the decks been very lucky over the last few sets with the shear amount of solid extremely relevant cards that have filled important and previously need to be filled roles. (there may be potential in Evolution Sage but i suspect it may be to slow.)
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
I remember trying different approaches in regards to an Elves deck and the mana dorks' builds with Ezuri and Archdruid (paired with card draw like Stampede/Messenger/Whisperer or CoCo) have always been the best ones.
It is even better now after the printing of Elvish Clancaller which is both a lord and a mana sink payoff.
Replacing those with weaker cards like: Joraga, Mimic, Paragon, Guardian (and Narnam) just doesn't seem nearly worth it imho.
You get a much slower and less explosive build with only slightly better individual elves
-Stay Frosty
Just because it uses the subtype elves it dose not mean the decks play style is even close to the others and cards that work in one will not nessasraly work it the other (like the difference between 8whach and goblin storm with fucundadiy, despite both being goblin decks they are also very different decks. One hyper agrro one sacrifice storm)
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
-Stay Frosty
in the current competitive meta no elf build is really viable. but that said
warrior builds fit into a similar meta slot as mono G stompy (on whose thread i think the idea for a elf warrior stompy build was first suggested) and revolt zoo (neither of which a good against phoenix, but both of which do well against deathshadow and hollow one). the deck also dose pretty well against rock and jund decks.
bolt based removal is fairly trivial and doesn't affect many of the elves if there is a resolved lord or scales (and with vial this is normally fairly easy to accomplish)
targeted discard or other spot removal is only middling effective as the each creature is a threat,
more resilient after board wipes due to only needed 1 or 2 creatures after a wipe to have a fast game winning clock.
the deck is far stronger against decks with big hard to kill threats due to the deathtouch
most opponents don't know how to attack the deck to begin with meaning it provides the surprise advantage in a unknown meta
down sides
is generally a little slower and has no turn 2-3 potential
can run out of cards if the game goes long,
it struggles to deal with go wide strategies
i get that people see elf warriors and say ohh elves but please just because another deck is more popular/better in certain situations does not mean that other decks are unplayable or bad (just like the threads for coco ally's isn't full of people saying just play humans or mono green control saying just play gruul ponza). and as most of this deck has been heavily added to over the course of recent standards i would highly recommend people play the deck before dismissing it or deciding that it should become elfball and call it a day, just like in many builds of magic there is potential and a place for more fringe strategies and this is a prime underexplored archetype with plenty of potential.
(sorry this was a little of topic for the budget brew nature of the thread)
ohh and on topic
another solid 3 drop that was explored was Renegade Rallier, as vialed in rallier at the end of a turn bringing back a jorga or narnam can be very explosive. the downside being is the lack of elf subtype. and the need for w splash
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
I wouldn’t want to play this budget version to fight all the decks of the meta and spike FNMs, like most budget decks it is a starting point that can win sure but really is to either learn a format / about magic in general or is something that can ve built into something better over time.
To @AmicDeep’s point, I think Aether Vial would be great, but in this budget list I just wanted to have a solid curve of synergistic creatures that could grind out midrange or other tribal aggressive strategies (I’ve had good results vs humans with this list.).
To answer the question “When is this deck better then Elfball?”, Elfball relies on their Lords heavily to be on the battlefield when they swing for lots of damage. With Bramblewood Paragon and Metallic Mimic, our creature will keep their counters which keeps the threats safer from spot removal. With a Paragon and something like Dwynen’s Elite, you make 5 power with trample which is resilient from Bolt. With Growth-Chamber Guardian you search for another, so for 4 mana turn 4 you make 6 power with more gas in hand.
Warcaller just synergizes well to add +2/+2 to your team that already has been pumped by your other lords. It’s a beatdown deck which modern doesn’t have a lot of, but the amount of value and bodies you get out of your creatures + trample from Paragon is enough to grind through opponents and beat every fair deck in modern. Sideboard disruption would be needed to help vs Phoenix and Dredge, but if someone wanted to play a beatdown deck, I think this list would be more than just a good option.