Tried replacing 1 Magma Jet and a helix with Shuko, to make Kemba better. Big mistake, the deck needs all the burn it can have to even have a chance against horde decks like Humans or Elves. One game I can't do anything because he has a meddling mage naming bolt, another mage naming Nahiri, and a hero's blade was taken by freeboter.. I could have killed one of the mages if the shuko in my hand was a magma jet instead.
Also to the comment on the previosu page about Teeg. Well, Teeg is not really good here because he blocks Nahiri and Urza blast. My elves playtest opponent actually chords for teeg to prevent me casting Urza blast.
Your manabase not having any basic mountains is pretty painful to loot at. Obviously, you don't own any red fetches, but having a mere five red sources leaves you vulnerable to being locked out of red by Field of Ruin. It's not a good look given how important red is to your defensive/interactive/reach gameplan. For the sake of your manabase, I think you should reconsider dropping green. You have a handful of powerful green creatures, but they aren't the core of your gameplan.
Running only two colors lets you use a more stable, basic-heavy manabase that gives you some interesting choices. I noticed that you don't run Path to Exile, possibly due to budget concerns. If path is too pricy for you, I would recommend Chained to the Rocks as an alternative, which is almost as good in a Boros list. Knight of the White Orchid, despite not being a legendary creature, lets your deck keep up with opponents on the draw and keep some mana-light hands. Lastly, I noticed that your deck lacks air power, which could cause trouble with spirits and humans. While Lyra Dawnbringer might be out of your price range, Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice and Shalai, Voice of Plenty are both affordable legendary fliers.
Oh, thanks for the advice. This deck is still under construction, so opinions help shape things.
The 11 burn spells do play a huge part in victory or defeat of this deck. And I do have red fetches, but they are being used by my more competitive decks... bloodstained mires are in Mardu Pyro, while the other mires are used by BGx. All that's left unused are the fetches that get white mana... but if really needed, I could borrow the red fetch lands from my other decks.
Perhaps I was just getting complacent because the Humans, Elves, and Burn friends I playtest with don't use Field of Ruin in their builds. But yeah, you have a point there... other decks out there have FoR // Ghost Quarter.. and I could be locked out from red due to lack of basic mountains. I also had the weird belief that an opponent would use Blood Moon, so I would have no shortage of red mana. lol
Anyway, I take note that going 2 colors would be more consistent. Might go back to that if I start encountering GQ and FoR decks in our store.
EDIT: added back one basic mountain to the manabase
Removed Rhonas, happens too often that everyone around him dies and I can't attack with him. Replaced Rhonas with Jaya Ballard, Task Mage.
Jaya provides another way to kill meddling mages and kitesail freebooters.
Also temporarily removing one Nahiri, and replace with a Teshar, Anecestor's Apostle. Gonna test if the bird is useful.
Teshar is not good as I had hoped. Put back in the third Nahiri. The planeswalker is still better because she can dig, and the threat of the combo makes people focus on her first than on my other creatures.
Jaya, Ballard Task Mage can stay. Her red elemental blast ability is another way of getting rid of blue walkers like Teferi and 4 toughness blue creatures like Thing in the Ice.
After some more tests with proxies. Emrakul is indeed much better than Progenitus. The higher power and annihilator makes Emrakul much more deadly, and there's not many instant speed things that can kill her anyway. Really need to get an Emrakul next month, if I'm going to make the deck a little better. Emrakul also has some synergy with hero's blade, as she csn equip it to become 18/17.
Three Nahiri is mandatory now. She together with the 4 magma jets help keep the gas coming.
The deck can use four 3 cmc legends, cannot add more as it will slow down the deck too much. Kemba, Tuktuk, Squee, and Jaya. So far, Kemba is the best.. if equipped and not killed, she will quickly flood the board with cats. Tuktuk double life is good against removal heavy decks. Squee being unkillable ensures the deck always has board presence, and he equips swords each time he comes back from death. Jaya is a little hard to use with the double red, but she's another source of creature removal.
EDIT: have only cast Mikaeus once, and he was killed right away with a path to exile... so not much data yet. Will keep testing.
Have you considered Squee, Goblin Nabob as your Squee of choice? He isn't as good on the battlefield as the Dominaria one, but he generates card advantage with Jaya and Nahiri.
Thanks for the suggest. My answer to Nabob is he will be tested. Proxy in March, then buy in April along with Emrakul if good test results. There is indeed some synergy with his return to hand ability.
Oh, and I've mostly listened to your advice to try cut down to two colors. The updated deck list is in the first post. Have removed almost all the green legends. The only creature that needs green mana is Emmara, as her token generating has helped me grind some games. The only green sources left is a razorverge, and a temple garden that can fetched with the 8 fetch lands.. if opponents cut me off from green, they stop only one card.
The removed green legends were all replaced with a playset of Samurai of the Pale Curtain. Samurai does not have synergy with hero's blade, but he's a decent two drop on his own. Acts as a form of mild main deck grave removal.
Dryad Militant is better than samurai at hosing GDS and Dredge. A playset of militant added to the main, replacing the playset of samurai.
The dryads made the deck much faster too. Together with 2 zurgo, 1 rhys, 1 hope of g, 1 kytheon + 4 dryad = there are now nine 1 cmc creatures. The dryads have no synergy with hero's blade, but Anafenza and Mikaeus can still give them added power.
Jaya Ballard, Squee Nabob, and Mikaeus have been useful in testings. So ordered them today.
Mikaues - often cast for 1W, but sometimes I have cast him for 2W as a follow to a turn 2 hero's blade. This guy is strong, but not more than one of him in the deck as he can be really slooooow. However, in a stalled board his ability to enlarge the entire team helps.
Squee Nabob - the disadvantage compared to squee immortal is that nabob is vulnerable to exile effects and surgical extraction, and one less power. The advantage is he shines when he meets Nahiri or Jaya. He makes Nahiri +2 into simply "draw a card". Nabob also has only one R in cmc, making him easier to cast than his newer card.
Other cards that I wanted to add but no more room in the deck..
Alesha - first strike and ability to revive. But she's competing with kemba, squee, tuktuk, and jaya.
Yasova Dragonclaw - useful ability, but she's competing with 3 cmc legends who are better. Adding her would also force me to put in more green mana sources again.
Djeru, With Eyes Open - can be used to tutor for Nahiri, but 5 cmc is too high. Hard to explain in words, but this deck has a habit of sometimes getting stuck on just 2 or 3 mana. Nahiri is the highest cmc the deck can afford in the main.
Heart of Kiran - 2 mana 4/4, but the crew 3 requirement is hard to do.
Pia and Kiran Nalaar - the parents are good. But they're competing with Nahiri in the 4 cmc slot.
Not much more to test, but tried Griselbrand in Progenitus slot.
Lifelink and draw 7 is good. The only problem is if Griselbrand is naturally drawn or is somehow put into the graveyard, there is no way to put him back into the library. Emrakul is still the best creature for Nahiri ultimate.
After some more tests. Not sure whether to keep some cards in or not.
For example, topdecking a Hope of Ghirapur with two Hero's Blade on the battlefield turns it into 7/5 flying killing machine, or anafenza in play plus blade turns Hope into a 5/4 flyer. However, it is not a good turn 1 creature.. because casting it turn 1, it's just a 1/1 that can only be buffed by bolster and Mikaeus. Hmm... Squee Nabob is good in grindy games, but sometimes he's underwhelming as a 3 mana 1/1. So much really depends whether I have a blade or not. I hope there would be a legend printed that can fetch artifacts...
Also cannot go below 21 land. While this deck wants to aggro... it also wants to be able to reach 4 mana for the combo kill with Nahiri.
Here is the current version of the deck.
Had to include Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter again. As the token production gives the deck some grind power. There are a total of 2 green mana needing creatures in the deck, and I don't plan to add more.
Had to put Jaya in the sideboard. Replaced her with a Grim Lavamancer. This now brings the 1 cmc creatures to ten, giving the deck more speed.
Tajic, Blade of the Legion is currently being tested. One more cmc than rhonas, but worth it because Tajic can attack and block without needing other creatures.
I'm sometimes tempted to just put in two Tuktuk, because there are times Kemba is just a vanilla 2/4. However, when Kemba is equipped with 2 or more blades, she is a win condition... so 1 tuktuk and 1 kemba split for now.
And I was not able to buy an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.... because had to use the emrakul money to buy some BG lands for another one of my modern decks. Emmy would have to wait for next month. Hopefully, her price does not rise.
Tajic only lasted one day in testing. The only good thing is he is a decent blocker for things I can't one shot with burn spells. Tajic block gurmag, gurmag can now be bolted or helixed. Anyway, his main downfall is the cmc 4.. as the deck sometimes get stuck on 3 mana. Also path to exile still kills him...well, all other legends in this deck die to path except Progenitus.. but most of them cost only one or two mana.. so it's not much of a negative for me if they get pathed right away. Replaced again with a Squee Immortal.
Anafenza and Mikaeus has a little fun synergy. If anafenza is in play.. I cast mike for only 1W, so he is a 1/1 that get bolstered. Next turn mike gives +1/+1 to the others so he is 1/1 again. When I cast another creature, mike get the bolster again because he's only 1/1. This way, the bolster counter ends up pumping more creatures instead of just one, because mike transfers the bolster he receives to everyone else.
Hmm, the new 3 cmc Krenko seems good... going to get one and test it when War of the Spark is released.
He would produce three tokens on the first attack if Anafenza could bolster him... or 5 tokens on the first attack if he could be given a sword.
My prayers have been answered... finally a 2 cmc legend that can be put into the deck.
2/3 for 2 with flying, and the land protecting ability could prove useful.
Tomik will be replacing something in the deck. I just have not decided who or what.
Tomik and Krenko are both too expensive to order online at SCG, buying them both amounts to a total 6 dollars -- I'd rather buy a shockland at that amount. Will just wait for WAR to be released, then buy both legends locally from our lgs binder.
After many testings. Feather unfortunately did not make the cut. Tomik and Krenko did manange to fit in though. Krenko is similar to Kemba.. although Krenko is more prone to dying as he is not bolt proof, and has to attack to produce tokens.
Tomik replaces Hope of Ghirapur as a 1/1 flying that is not good to cast turn 1 is really underwhelming.
So -1 Squee + 1 Krenko Kingpin, -1 Hope of Ghirapur +1 Tomik. Also swapped a Nahiri from the main to exchange with Jaya from the sideboard to give the deck a little more speed.
Also to the comment on the previosu page about Teeg. Well, Teeg is not really good here because he blocks Nahiri and Urza blast. My elves playtest opponent actually chords for teeg to prevent me casting Urza blast.
Well, that's another day in playtesting.
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Running only two colors lets you use a more stable, basic-heavy manabase that gives you some interesting choices. I noticed that you don't run Path to Exile, possibly due to budget concerns. If path is too pricy for you, I would recommend Chained to the Rocks as an alternative, which is almost as good in a Boros list. Knight of the White Orchid, despite not being a legendary creature, lets your deck keep up with opponents on the draw and keep some mana-light hands. Lastly, I noticed that your deck lacks air power, which could cause trouble with spirits and humans. While Lyra Dawnbringer might be out of your price range, Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice and Shalai, Voice of Plenty are both affordable legendary fliers.
The 11 burn spells do play a huge part in victory or defeat of this deck. And I do have red fetches, but they are being used by my more competitive decks... bloodstained mires are in Mardu Pyro, while the other mires are used by BGx. All that's left unused are the fetches that get white mana... but if really needed, I could borrow the red fetch lands from my other decks.
Perhaps I was just getting complacent because the Humans, Elves, and Burn friends I playtest with don't use Field of Ruin in their builds. But yeah, you have a point there... other decks out there have FoR // Ghost Quarter.. and I could be locked out from red due to lack of basic mountains. I also had the weird belief that an opponent would use Blood Moon, so I would have no shortage of red mana. lol
Anyway, I take note that going 2 colors would be more consistent. Might go back to that if I start encountering GQ and FoR decks in our store.
EDIT: added back one basic mountain to the manabase
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Removed Rhonas, happens too often that everyone around him dies and I can't attack with him. Replaced Rhonas with Jaya Ballard, Task Mage.
Jaya provides another way to kill meddling mages and kitesail freebooters.
Also temporarily removing one Nahiri, and replace with a Teshar, Anecestor's Apostle. Gonna test if the bird is useful.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Teshar is not good as I had hoped. Put back in the third Nahiri. The planeswalker is still better because she can dig, and the threat of the combo makes people focus on her first than on my other creatures.
Jaya, Ballard Task Mage can stay. Her red elemental blast ability is another way of getting rid of blue walkers like Teferi and 4 toughness blue creatures like Thing in the Ice.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Three Nahiri is mandatory now. She together with the 4 magma jets help keep the gas coming.
The deck can use four 3 cmc legends, cannot add more as it will slow down the deck too much. Kemba, Tuktuk, Squee, and Jaya. So far, Kemba is the best.. if equipped and not killed, she will quickly flood the board with cats. Tuktuk double life is good against removal heavy decks. Squee being unkillable ensures the deck always has board presence, and he equips swords each time he comes back from death. Jaya is a little hard to use with the double red, but she's another source of creature removal.
EDIT: have only cast Mikaeus once, and he was killed right away with a path to exile... so not much data yet. Will keep testing.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Oh, and I've mostly listened to your advice to try cut down to two colors. The updated deck list is in the first post. Have removed almost all the green legends. The only creature that needs green mana is Emmara, as her token generating has helped me grind some games. The only green sources left is a razorverge, and a temple garden that can fetched with the 8 fetch lands.. if opponents cut me off from green, they stop only one card.
The removed green legends were all replaced with a playset of Samurai of the Pale Curtain. Samurai does not have synergy with hero's blade, but he's a decent two drop on his own. Acts as a form of mild main deck grave removal.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Dryad Militant is better than samurai at hosing GDS and Dredge. A playset of militant added to the main, replacing the playset of samurai.
The dryads made the deck much faster too. Together with 2 zurgo, 1 rhys, 1 hope of g, 1 kytheon + 4 dryad = there are now nine 1 cmc creatures. The dryads have no synergy with hero's blade, but Anafenza and Mikaeus can still give them added power.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Mikaues - often cast for 1W, but sometimes I have cast him for 2W as a follow to a turn 2 hero's blade. This guy is strong, but not more than one of him in the deck as he can be really slooooow. However, in a stalled board his ability to enlarge the entire team helps.
Squee Nabob - the disadvantage compared to squee immortal is that nabob is vulnerable to exile effects and surgical extraction, and one less power. The advantage is he shines when he meets Nahiri or Jaya. He makes Nahiri +2 into simply "draw a card". Nabob also has only one R in cmc, making him easier to cast than his newer card.
Other cards that I wanted to add but no more room in the deck..
Alesha - first strike and ability to revive. But she's competing with kemba, squee, tuktuk, and jaya.
Yasova Dragonclaw - useful ability, but she's competing with 3 cmc legends who are better. Adding her would also force me to put in more green mana sources again.
Djeru, With Eyes Open - can be used to tutor for Nahiri, but 5 cmc is too high. Hard to explain in words, but this deck has a habit of sometimes getting stuck on just 2 or 3 mana. Nahiri is the highest cmc the deck can afford in the main.
Heart of Kiran - 2 mana 4/4, but the crew 3 requirement is hard to do.
Pia and Kiran Nalaar - the parents are good. But they're competing with Nahiri in the 4 cmc slot.
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I'm using the decklist on the first post of the thread.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Lifelink and draw 7 is good. The only problem is if Griselbrand is naturally drawn or is somehow put into the graveyard, there is no way to put him back into the library. Emrakul is still the best creature for Nahiri ultimate.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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For example, topdecking a Hope of Ghirapur with two Hero's Blade on the battlefield turns it into 7/5 flying killing machine, or anafenza in play plus blade turns Hope into a 5/4 flyer. However, it is not a good turn 1 creature.. because casting it turn 1, it's just a 1/1 that can only be buffed by bolster and Mikaeus. Hmm... Squee Nabob is good in grindy games, but sometimes he's underwhelming as a 3 mana 1/1. So much really depends whether I have a blade or not. I hope there would be a legend printed that can fetch artifacts...
Also cannot go below 21 land. While this deck wants to aggro... it also wants to be able to reach 4 mana for the combo kill with Nahiri.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Here is the current version of the deck.
Had to include Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter again. As the token production gives the deck some grind power. There are a total of 2 green mana needing creatures in the deck, and I don't plan to add more.
Had to put Jaya in the sideboard. Replaced her with a Grim Lavamancer. This now brings the 1 cmc creatures to ten, giving the deck more speed.
Tajic, Blade of the Legion is currently being tested. One more cmc than rhonas, but worth it because Tajic can attack and block without needing other creatures.
I'm sometimes tempted to just put in two Tuktuk, because there are times Kemba is just a vanilla 2/4. However, when Kemba is equipped with 2 or more blades, she is a win condition... so 1 tuktuk and 1 kemba split for now.
1 Eiganjo Castle
3 Plains
1 Mountain
1 Temple Garden
2 Sacred Foundry
1 Scattered Groves
4 Inspiring Vantage
4 Flooded Strand
4 Windswept Heath
Creatures [21]
1 Progenitus
1 Zurgo Bellstriker
1 Hope of Ghirapur
1 Rhys the Redeemed
1 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
1 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
4 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
4 Dryad Militant
1 Grim Lavamancer
1 Emmara, Soul of the Accord
1 Kemba, Kha Regent
1 Tuktuk the Explorer
1 Tajic, Blade of the Legion
1 Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch
3 Nahiri, the Harbinger
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Magma Jet
3 Lightning Helix
4 Hero's Blade
1 Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
2 Kor Firewalker
2 Rest in Peace
3 Celestial Purge
3 Flame Slash
2 Urza's Ruinous Blast
2 Witchbane Orb
And I was not able to buy an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.... because had to use the emrakul money to buy some BG lands for another one of my modern decks. Emmy would have to wait for next month. Hopefully, her price does not rise.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Anafenza and Mikaeus has a little fun synergy. If anafenza is in play.. I cast mike for only 1W, so he is a 1/1 that get bolstered. Next turn mike gives +1/+1 to the others so he is 1/1 again. When I cast another creature, mike get the bolster again because he's only 1/1. This way, the bolster counter ends up pumping more creatures instead of just one, because mike transfers the bolster he receives to everyone else.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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He would produce three tokens on the first attack if Anafenza could bolster him... or 5 tokens on the first attack if he could be given a sword.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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2/3 for 2 with flying, and the land protecting ability could prove useful.
Tomik will be replacing something in the deck. I just have not decided who or what.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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After many testings. Feather unfortunately did not make the cut. Tomik and Krenko did manange to fit in though. Krenko is similar to Kemba.. although Krenko is more prone to dying as he is not bolt proof, and has to attack to produce tokens.
Tomik replaces Hope of Ghirapur as a 1/1 flying that is not good to cast turn 1 is really underwhelming.
So -1 Squee + 1 Krenko Kingpin, -1 Hope of Ghirapur +1 Tomik. Also swapped a Nahiri from the main to exchange with Jaya from the sideboard to give the deck a little more speed.
1 Eiganjo Castle
3 Plains
1 Mountain
1 Temple Garden
2 Sacred Foundry
1 Scattered Groves
4 Inspiring Vantage
4 Flooded Strand
4 Windswept Heath
Creatures [22]
1 Progenitus
1 Zurgo Bellstriker
1 Tomik, Distinguished Advokist
1 Rhys the Redeemed
1 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
1 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
4 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
4 Dryad Militant
1 Grim Lavamancer
1 Emmara, Soul of the Accord
1 Kemba, Kha Regent
1 Tuktuk the Explorer
1 Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
1 Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch
2 Nahiri, the Harbinger
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Magma Jet
3 Lightning Helix
4 Hero's Blade
1 Nahiri, the Harbinger
2 Kor Firewalker
2 Rest in Peace
3 Celestial Purge
3 Flame Slash
2 Urza's Ruinous Blast
2 Witchbane Orb
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread