Hi, this is another modern casual deck that I'm testing during spare time. It has a simple strategy of using the triggered ability of the equipment Hero's Blade, for 0 cost equipping to the many legendary creatures in the deck.
How to play:
The way this deck plays is not like an aggro deck.. instead more like some sort of weird midrange deck. First cast burn spells to slow down the opponent.. then cast a hero's blade if you have it. Then follow up with legendary creatures. It's not yet very consistent as there are only four hero's blade in the deck. But once it start's going it really get's going. As even with just one blade in the battlefield, each legend enters huge. Anafenza and Shuko also helps with the power boosting strategy.
RW is currently the most stable version, using this one.
Are you set on black/white/green? Slimefoot, the stowaway, Sram, senior edificer, rishkar, peema renegade, and tarmogoyf don't seem to add a lot of value. It seems like you want to play hero's blade more than any particular creature. If it were me I would run a mostly white with either a green or black splash. The color choice is up to you. Avrad and the blade together seem pretty potent. I'm a fan of black so if it were me I'd do white/black and make it more aggressive. Honestly, though it depends what you are wanting to do.
When thinking about what a legends matter deck would do better than anyone else the cloud keeper land and mox amber come to mind as ways to get a head of the curve. Hero's blade also decreases mana costs as a equip bonus. I think I would try to play to the strengths of getting creatures in under curve and making them hard to beat when equipped with the blade. I'd also try to leverage lifelink as much as possible. Arguel's blood fast is a downgrade to phyrexian arena but if you decide to go straight white black then urza blast will be best. Urzas blast is a real upside to legends matter and plays well into cloud keeper and mox amber.
This deck won't be winning any tournaments but it has a great theme and seems really fun.
thanks for all the suggestions. Yeah, the deck is centered around the blade as it automatically gives a freshly cast legend +3/+2.
Wow, I didn't know Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim was modern legal. She's definitely going to be in the deck. For some reason I thought she was a commander card.
Sadly, I've sold all my 2 cmc thalias. But I could afford to get some big thalia...
The goyfs are more of a placeholder, since I don't have enough 2 cmc legends to use. Will take them out later once the deck get's sorted.
Unfortunately, I can't spare any more money for isamaru, kytheon, and the amber.
thinking of just going BW if the goyfs would be removed, to increase consistency. As they are my main reason for having green.
Yes, and he's amazing with the sword. Causes my opponent to fatal push Kari zev though, to prevent the monkey from coming back for more.
Funny, even if zurgo get's bolster by anafenza then give him a sword.. he's 6/5 but still a coward who can't block large creatures.
The important cards in the deck are hero's blade and urza's blast. Without those cards, this is just a very bad aggro deck.
We are currently working on a build that has 4 Saheeli and 4 Felidar, to make the combo aspect more consistent. That build would have Saheeli as the only card that needs U. And there is also the idea to replace the 4th felidar with a Hazoret, Traxos, or Nahiri, but that would be tried only after further testings are done.
After some more tests. The Saheeli version ran into some problems
1. Saheeli -2 is a nonbo with all the legends in the deck, because the token get's sacced by legend rule
2. felidar is good triggering bolster twice, but when anafenza or saheeli is not present he's a 4 cmc 1 power creature.
3. it's not realistic to build a decent jeskai manabase with the funds I have now...
so switched to straight RW, still with a combo this time though.
removed the saheeli package of 4 Saheeli 4 felidar, and bring in 3 nahiri 1 Worldspine wurm. I wanted emrakul, but the eldrazi is beyond my budget.
The new combo freed 4 slots, allowing to add 3 more helix and a cathartic reunion. Manabase much more consistent now.
Got tired of playing with proxies. So now ordered the cards that I'm missing from SCG.
Some changes though... worldspine wurm and borb enraged are both out of stock, so I went for a Progenitus.
An unblockable 10 damage when nahiri ultimates is still strong.
Also decided to add land number 22, as the deck wants to have at least 3 mana to put up a decent fight. Removed the Cathartic Reunion.
And lastly, swapped out some flame slash for magma jets. the jets halp keep the gas coming. With jets, all burn spells can now also be used to shoot players.
instead of going for a combo finish with the planeswalkers have you considered gideons? the anthem effects are solid, and turning into a almost unkillable beater is nice.
i would also consider running some mana dork creters to and urza's ruinous blast. yes it wont be 1005 consitnat but i can see that pushing the deck to win more games than not running it.
also with red, mb hazorat seems like a no brainer, and if you had gideons and hazrat then rhonas would also be pretty consistent.
its a shame you didnt for a more midrange/hatebear build as Time of Need is awesome with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, teeg ect
Day of Destiny could also make for a another solid payoff.
i've been trying to put together a Hero of Precinct One in a g/w little kid shell and if found a lot of updates to the shell are legendary if you wanted to try another build.
both Emmara, Soul of the Accord and Shanna, Sisay's Legacy are surprisingly solid in modern in a go wide hatebear build.
Yeah, I went for the aggro version instead of the midrange style.
Ordered a Kytheon Hero of Akros from SCG today, to increase the one drops.
As for Hazoret... still considering her. But right now, the 4 mana slots are occupied by 3 Nahiri.
There are many blockers and removal to keep nahiri safe, and she ticks up really fast.
Day of Destiny is a card I considered from the very start. Unfortunately, it competes with Hero's Blade for slots. The blade is more reliable because it only needs 2 mana, and it get's equipped for free because everyone is a legend. As a 21 land deck.. went back down to 21 today... anything that is 4 mana and above should be a serious threat like Nahiri, or a blowout like urza blast.
instead of going for a combo finish with the planeswalkers have you considered gideons? the anthem effects are solid, and turning into a almost unkillable beater is nice.
i would also consider running some mana dork creters to and urza's ruinous blast. yes it wont be 1005 consitnat but i can see that pushing the deck to win more games than not running it.
Hmm, Gideon is also being considered to replace the third nahiri.. so i don't get blown out by sorcerous spyglass and surgical extraction. The prog combo can still be done with only two Nahiri in the deck. And Gideon Ally Zendikar can produce more bodies.
As for urza blast, I do have two in the side. Against decks like prison and some aggro, can try to survive till get 5 mana because I have some helix and burn. The sideboard is geared towards shadow decks... 2 rest in peace and 4 celestial purge. For phoenix, have 2 Kor Firewalker,.
Temple Garden arrived from SCG today. Adding G allows Rhonas, Emmara, Saffi, and Oviya to join the party. Yisan the wandering bard is also tested, but he proved too slow, as I need to spend 6 mana to even get a creature - the 3 mana green creature slot is instead given to Rhonas.
Kemba, Kha Regent has been a hit or miss. If one or two swords are attached to her. She is a good token producer. However, if I have no sword.. she is a vanilla 2/4. Well, for now she takes the spot of Danitha.
Emmara is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Opponents like to kill her for some reason.
1 Kytheon and 3 Zurgo are the bad "goblin guides" of this aggro deck. Still 2 power for one mana is good. And they are amazing when given a sword. I usually go turn 1 bolt, turn two sword, turn 3 bring out the one and two mana legends. Damn... sometimes I'm tempted to use 5 Hero's blade, and risk getting caught. Just kidding.
Now that the deck has so many token producers. Rhys, Oviya, Emmara, Kemba.. I was a bit tempted to add a Gavony Township. Proved a bad idea... as it takes too much mana to start pumping +1/+1 counters with the township -- the same reason Day of Destiny is not good for this deck. Anything that needs 4 mana must be a strong planeswalker like Nahiri or a hard to kill legend like Hazoret.
As for the deck in this thread. Have no final decklist, as I'm still testing with friends.
This is a deck we're making for fun, it's not even tested in FNM yet.
If you want to play modern, there are better decks in Established.
Yeah, it's better to head over to "what decks should I play first" thread.
Helpful people there who will assist you make a modern deck from cards you already own.
Anyway, thank you for visiting my thread. It's difficult, but me and some friends are trying to make a deck full of legendary creatures work.
Will be updating this thread every now and then, when our playgroup has time to playtest.
Hero's Blade - this card is the "cranial plating" of this deck. Without it, the various legends are just a confused mob. I almost never board it out. One thing to remember: the triggered ability is NOT stopped by Stony Silence.
Oviya Pashiri is decent. Her ability to make servo and costruct tokens make her a good mana sink when I'm in top deck mode.
Rhys has one less toughness than Oviya, and also I've never been able to activate his 6 mana ability because it cost too much. But still he's another mana sink mid-game.
Kemba is ignored by opponents when I have no sword. When I have sword, she is an auto-kill.
Hope of Ghirapur - the weakest card in the deck. However, still has a few uses.. it can be used to delay a board wipe or scapeshift by one turn. And having flying helps in some games.
Rhonas performed well most of the time. Being able to smash Gurmag Anglers without needing a sword makes him strong. However, sometimes my opponent just kills everyone around him, making him useless. Later, when more cards from SCG arrive.. I will try to test Tajic, Blade of the legion in his spot.
Possible upgrades that will be attempted next month:
Tajic, Blade of the Legion - he will give strength to the deck by the power of JUSTICE from the boros legion. Well, he cost 4 mana so needs to be tested first. Unlike Rhonas and Hazoret, Tajic can attack and block unconditionally making him a good defensive card.. and a powerful attacker when I have enough legendary men and women.. plus maybe some robots, soldiers, cats, and elves on my side of the board.
Isamaru, Hound of Konda - need him to replace one Zurgo.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - an upgrade to Progenitus to make the combo side of the deck more deadly. I just hope, my wallet does not get torn from her price tag.
As a little update. I have also put a Mikaeus, the lunarch on my SCG cart. He's only 4$ anyway.
Might take the place of one Zurgo... or a 2 cmc slot creature. Yeah, he's slow and prone to removal... but there's so many different creatures in the deck that my opponent might just remove the wrong legend, and Mikaeus can do his thing for one or two turns.
Also removed Saffi, and put in Shanna, Sisay's Legacy. Because Shanna is more aggressive, and she benefit from the token makers.
Hi, this is another modern casual deck that I'm testing during spare time. It has a simple strategy of using the triggered ability of the equipment Hero's Blade, for 0 cost equipping to the many legendary creatures in the deck.
How to play:
The way this deck plays is not like an aggro deck.. instead more like some sort of weird midrange deck. First cast burn spells to slow down the opponent.. then cast a hero's blade if you have it. Then follow up with legendary creatures. It's not yet very consistent as there are only four hero's blade in the deck. But once it start's going it really get's going. As even with just one blade in the battlefield, each legend enters huge. Anafenza and Shuko also helps with the power boosting strategy.
RW is currently the most stable version, using this one.
4 Gemstone Mine
3 Plains
1 Mountain
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Needle Spires
4 Inspiring Vantage
3 Flooded Strand
4 Windswept Heath
Creatures [19]
1 Progenitus
2 Zurgo Bellstriker
3 Hope of Ghirapur
2 Tomik, Distinguished Advokist
1 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
1 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
3 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
1 Squee the Immortal
2 Kemba, Kha Regent
2 Tuktuk the Explorer
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch
2 Nahiri, the Harbinger
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Lightning Helix
1 Magma Jet
4 Hero's Blade
3 Shuko
2 Mask of Memory
2 Kor Firewalker
2 Rest in Peace
4 Celestial Purge
2 Flame Slash
1 Grim Lavamancer
2 Urza's Ruinous Blast
2 Witchbane Orb
RWG naya list. discontinued due to problems with the manabase
1 Eiganjo Castle
3 Plains
1 Mountain
1 Temple Garden
2 Sacred Foundry
1 Scattered Groves
4 Inspiring Vantage
4 Flooded Strand
4 Windswept Heath
Creatures [21]
1 Progenitus
1 Zurgo Bellstriker
1 Hope of Ghirapur
1 Rhys the Redeemed
1 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
1 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
4 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
4 Dryad Militant
1 Grim Lavamancer
1 Emmara, Soul of the Accord
1 Kemba, Kha Regent
1 Tuktuk the Explorer
1 Squee, the Immortal
1 Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch
3 Nahiri, the Harbinger
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Magma Jet
3 Lightning Helix
4 Hero's Blade
1 Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
2 Kor Firewalker
2 Rest in Peace
3 Celestial Purge
3 Flame Slash
2 Urza's Ruinous Blast
2 Witchbane Orb
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Are you set on black/white/green? Slimefoot, the stowaway, Sram, senior edificer, rishkar, peema renegade, and tarmogoyf don't seem to add a lot of value. It seems like you want to play hero's blade more than any particular creature. If it were me I would run a mostly white with either a green or black splash. The color choice is up to you. Avrad and the blade together seem pretty potent. I'm a fan of black so if it were me I'd do white/black and make it more aggressive. Honestly, though it depends what you are wanting to do.
thalia, guardian of thraben is a strong card it does affect your blade a bit but still one of the better creatures that are legendary.
Shalai, Voice of Plenty is 4 cmc but well worth a 1x
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet 4cmc but well worth a 1x
Brimaz, King of Oreskos is a decent 3 drop
Linvala, Keeper of Silence 4cmc but a good sideboard card
Drana, Liberator of Malakir
Thalia, Heretic Cathar
Kambal, Consul of Allocation a good sideboard card
Isamaru, Hound of Konda
Kytheon, Hero of Akros
Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
Kataki, War's Wage sb card
Isareth the Awakener some card advantage
Day of Destiny[/card]
Urza's Ruinous Blast
Arguel's Blood Fast
mox amber
Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper
Eiganjo Castle
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
When thinking about what a legends matter deck would do better than anyone else the cloud keeper land and mox amber come to mind as ways to get a head of the curve. Hero's blade also decreases mana costs as a equip bonus. I think I would try to play to the strengths of getting creatures in under curve and making them hard to beat when equipped with the blade. I'd also try to leverage lifelink as much as possible. Arguel's blood fast is a downgrade to phyrexian arena but if you decide to go straight white black then urza blast will be best. Urzas blast is a real upside to legends matter and plays well into cloud keeper and mox amber.
This deck won't be winning any tournaments but it has a great theme and seems really fun.
Wow, I didn't know Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim was modern legal. She's definitely going to be in the deck. For some reason I thought she was a commander card.
Sadly, I've sold all my 2 cmc thalias. But I could afford to get some big thalia...
The goyfs are more of a placeholder, since I don't have enough 2 cmc legends to use. Will take them out later once the deck get's sorted.
Unfortunately, I can't spare any more money for isamaru, kytheon, and the amber.
thinking of just going BW if the goyfs would be removed, to increase consistency. As they are my main reason for having green.
EDIT: BW version added to fist post
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Kytheon, Hero of Akros
id also add both
Anafenza, the Foremost
Gaddock Teeg
to the abzan list, having mb aggressive hatebears never hurts
Rhonas the Indomitable is a wincon so long as you have another creature ( he also stomps hard on deathshadow decks)
would help smooth out the curve into a more aggro plan
Hope of Ghirapur
Rhys the Redeemed
Isamaru, Hound of Konda
are all solid one drop
Reki, the History of Kamigawa, as a draw engine
Saffi Eriksdotter as a protection
and Shanna, Sisay's Legacy and day of destiny acts as another payoff
having both anafenza and Melira, Sylvok Outcast in a deck allows you to effectively also run a counter combo plan
Thalia's Lancers is also a decent tutor if you have some ramp
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
Ah, thanks for mentionting the Anafenza Melira combo. I guess that gives more incentive to go abzan or go GW. Will put those ideas into consideration.
Reki also looks nice.
hmm, I do have a rhys, the redeemed, saffi, and a hope of ghirapur.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Newest version. Plan A is to aggro, Plan B is to combo.
Having a bit of hard time casting the double red legends, because don't have the proper duals.
1 Flooded Strand
4 Inspiring Vantage
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Gemstone Mine
2 Mountain
1 Mana Confluence
1 Eiganjo Castle
3 Plains
Creatures [21]
1 Hope of Ghirapur
4 Zurgo Bellstriker
1 Rhys the Redeemed
3 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
1 Sensei Golden-Tail
3 Danitha Capashen, Paragon
4 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
1 Squee, the Immortal
1 Tuktuk, the Explorer
2 Felidar Guardian
3 Tormenting Voice
3 Hero's Blade
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Flame Slash
2 Lightning Helix
2 Saheeli Rai
3 Urza's Ruinous Blast
2 Kor Firewalker
4 Celestial Purge
2 Rest In Peace
2 Tormod's Crypt
2 Roast
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
Funny, even if zurgo get's bolster by anafenza then give him a sword.. he's 6/5 but still a coward who can't block large creatures.
The important cards in the deck are hero's blade and urza's blast. Without those cards, this is just a very bad aggro deck.
We are currently working on a build that has 4 Saheeli and 4 Felidar, to make the combo aspect more consistent. That build would have Saheeli as the only card that needs U. And there is also the idea to replace the 4th felidar with a Hazoret, Traxos, or Nahiri, but that would be tried only after further testings are done.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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1. Saheeli -2 is a nonbo with all the legends in the deck, because the token get's sacced by legend rule
2. felidar is good triggering bolster twice, but when anafenza or saheeli is not present he's a 4 cmc 1 power creature.
3. it's not realistic to build a decent jeskai manabase with the funds I have now...
so switched to straight RW, still with a combo this time though.
removed the saheeli package of 4 Saheeli 4 felidar, and bring in 3 nahiri 1 Worldspine wurm. I wanted emrakul, but the eldrazi is beyond my budget.
The new combo freed 4 slots, allowing to add 3 more helix and a cathartic reunion. Manabase much more consistent now.
8 Plains
1 Mountain
1 Sacred Foundry
4 Insipiring Vantage
4 Flooded Strand
3 Windswept Heath
Creatures [21]
1 Worldspine Wurm
4 Zurgo Bellstriker
1 Hope of Ghirapur
1 Rhys the Redeemed
4 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
4 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
4 Danitha Capashen, Paragon
1 Tuktuk the Explorer
1 Squee, the Immortal
3 Nahiri the Harbinger
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Flame Slash
3 Lightning Helix
3 Hero's Blade
1 Cathartic Reunion
The wurm can easily be replaced with budget alternatives like Borborygmos Enraged or Ashen Rider.
I might even be able to add one emeria sky ruin for midgame strength, when budget to buy more sacred foundries become available.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Some changes though... worldspine wurm and borb enraged are both out of stock, so I went for a Progenitus.
An unblockable 10 damage when nahiri ultimates is still strong.
Also decided to add land number 22, as the deck wants to have at least 3 mana to put up a decent fight. Removed the Cathartic Reunion.
And lastly, swapped out some flame slash for magma jets. the jets halp keep the gas coming. With jets, all burn spells can now also be used to shoot players.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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i would also consider running some mana dork creters to and urza's ruinous blast. yes it wont be 1005 consitnat but i can see that pushing the deck to win more games than not running it.
also with red, mb hazorat seems like a no brainer, and if you had gideons and hazrat then rhonas would also be pretty consistent.
its a shame you didnt for a more midrange/hatebear build as Time of Need is awesome with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, teeg ect
Day of Destiny could also make for a another solid payoff.
i've been trying to put together a Hero of Precinct One in a g/w little kid shell and if found a lot of updates to the shell are legendary if you wanted to try another build.
both Emmara, Soul of the Accord and Shanna, Sisay's Legacy are surprisingly solid in modern in a go wide hatebear build.
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
Ordered a Kytheon Hero of Akros from SCG today, to increase the one drops.
As for Hazoret... still considering her. But right now, the 4 mana slots are occupied by 3 Nahiri.
There are many blockers and removal to keep nahiri safe, and she ticks up really fast.
Day of Destiny is a card I considered from the very start. Unfortunately, it competes with Hero's Blade for slots. The blade is more reliable because it only needs 2 mana, and it get's equipped for free because everyone is a legend. As a 21 land deck.. went back down to 21 today... anything that is 4 mana and above should be a serious threat like Nahiri, or a blowout like urza blast.
Will resume testing when the cards arrive.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
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Hmm, Gideon is also being considered to replace the third nahiri.. so i don't get blown out by sorcerous spyglass and surgical extraction. The prog combo can still be done with only two Nahiri in the deck. And Gideon Ally Zendikar can produce more bodies.
As for urza blast, I do have two in the side. Against decks like prison and some aggro, can try to survive till get 5 mana because I have some helix and burn. The sideboard is geared towards shadow decks... 2 rest in peace and 4 celestial purge. For phoenix, have 2 Kor Firewalker,.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
Kemba, Kha Regent has been a hit or miss. If one or two swords are attached to her. She is a good token producer. However, if I have no sword.. she is a vanilla 2/4. Well, for now she takes the spot of Danitha.
Emmara is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Opponents like to kill her for some reason.
1 Kytheon and 3 Zurgo are the bad "goblin guides" of this aggro deck. Still 2 power for one mana is good. And they are amazing when given a sword. I usually go turn 1 bolt, turn two sword, turn 3 bring out the one and two mana legends. Damn... sometimes I'm tempted to use 5 Hero's blade, and risk getting caught. Just kidding.
Now that the deck has so many token producers. Rhys, Oviya, Emmara, Kemba.. I was a bit tempted to add a Gavony Township. Proved a bad idea... as it takes too much mana to start pumping +1/+1 counters with the township -- the same reason Day of Destiny is not good for this deck. Anything that needs 4 mana must be a strong planeswalker like Nahiri or a hard to kill legend like Hazoret.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
I'm new to modern and I would like to try out this deck!
As for the deck in this thread. Have no final decklist, as I'm still testing with friends.
This is a deck we're making for fun, it's not even tested in FNM yet.
If you want to play modern, there are better decks in Established.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
I will definitelycheck the thread you have suggested.
I just read the idea of this deck and I wanted to play it immediately...
Helpful people there who will assist you make a modern deck from cards you already own.
Anyway, thank you for visiting my thread. It's difficult, but me and some friends are trying to make a deck full of legendary creatures work.
Will be updating this thread every now and then, when our playgroup has time to playtest.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
Hero's Blade - this card is the "cranial plating" of this deck. Without it, the various legends are just a confused mob. I almost never board it out. One thing to remember: the triggered ability is NOT stopped by Stony Silence.
Oviya Pashiri is decent. Her ability to make servo and costruct tokens make her a good mana sink when I'm in top deck mode.
Rhys has one less toughness than Oviya, and also I've never been able to activate his 6 mana ability because it cost too much. But still he's another mana sink mid-game.
Kemba is ignored by opponents when I have no sword. When I have sword, she is an auto-kill.
Hope of Ghirapur - the weakest card in the deck. However, still has a few uses.. it can be used to delay a board wipe or scapeshift by one turn. And having flying helps in some games.
Rhonas performed well most of the time. Being able to smash Gurmag Anglers without needing a sword makes him strong. However, sometimes my opponent just kills everyone around him, making him useless. Later, when more cards from SCG arrive.. I will try to test Tajic, Blade of the legion in his spot.
Possible upgrades that will be attempted next month:
Tajic, Blade of the Legion - he will give strength to the deck by the power of JUSTICE from the boros legion. Well, he cost 4 mana so needs to be tested first. Unlike Rhonas and Hazoret, Tajic can attack and block unconditionally making him a good defensive card.. and a powerful attacker when I have enough legendary men and women.. plus maybe some robots, soldiers, cats, and elves on my side of the board.
Isamaru, Hound of Konda - need him to replace one Zurgo.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - an upgrade to Progenitus to make the combo side of the deck more deadly. I just hope, my wallet does not get torn from her price tag.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
Might take the place of one Zurgo... or a 2 cmc slot creature. Yeah, he's slow and prone to removal... but there's so many different creatures in the deck that my opponent might just remove the wrong legend, and Mikaeus can do his thing for one or two turns.
Also removed Saffi, and put in Shanna, Sisay's Legacy. Because Shanna is more aggressive, and she benefit from the token makers.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread