Sorry I haven't kept up the primer, Burn got new pieces and that's really my baby and so I spent time testing those and then I was practising for some larger events and then Hogaak happened, but now I'm back and I think this deck is well positioned with the slower meta we seem to be going into so let's see what we can do!
Looks a lot like the Mono-Red Prowess decks that are running around there. Might want to try Blistercoil Weird in the Lavarunner slot and Lava Spike in the Wizard's Lightning slot.
This is neat, I like them “taxes” subtheme. I think you should splash a little green and throw in [[Cindervines]]. It’s so versatile and sticks with your overall plan.
Really interesting choices! Personally I had cut the canopy lands, because of anti-synergy with ruins and our 3 drops. However they might just be too good (I'm playing the 8 canopy burn list as well and they make opening hands quite smooth).
I've been on 28 creatures 12 spells (or 28 creatures, 16 spells since bonecrusher giant is a spell and creature), whereas this list is on 25/16 (19). Basically my list has
1x Goblin Cratermaker
2x Harsh Mentor / Earthshaker Khenra / Robber of the Rich (flex slot)
(Instead of the incinerates)
Maybe the additional reach is better, though I think Cratermaker is a pretty crazy card (kills 90% of threats in a tron deck, kills chalice, kills batterskull, kills bridge).
The 1 drop slot is also interesting, opting for zurgo over a haste creature. I currently run 2x Fanatical Firebrand in this slot, but I could be convinced zurgo is better. Another split I have seen that I kind of like is 1 zurgo 1 Figure of Destiny, since that gives us a late game mana sink.
Moving on to the sideboard...
The only card I really miss here is Leyline of Combustion, which I think is an amazing card in any interactive matchup, and should really help vs burn.
Molten rain is a card I've found myself cutting more and more. I'm currently on 2x Pillage 2x Smash, trying to cover two matchups in one card with pillage. Not sure that's right, the more focused damage+hate might be better.
Chainwhirler going to the side following bonecrusher giant's printing is the same approach I have taken.
Dire Fleet Daredevil, I have Kari Zev's expertise in this slot. Not sure about that card, it's very good when it's good, but it's not a card I frequently side in.
With Urza decks being at/near the top of the format, I kind of want Harsh Mentor somewhere, as he hurts them a lot.
Overall I would so love to hear this pilot's thoughts on all of his choices, especially the mana base.
3x Dreadhorde Arcanist
4x Ghitu Lavarunner
1x Grim Lavamancer
4x Monastery Swiftspear
4x Soul-Scar Mage
Land (18)
14x Mountain
4x Ramunap Ruins
3x Gut Shot
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Mutagenic Growth
4x Wizard's Lightning
Sorcery (11)
4x Lava Spike
3x Light Up the Stage
4x Skewer the Critics
1x Grim Lavamancer
2x Hazoret the Fervent
3x Magus of the Moon
2x Pyroclasm
2x Searing Blood
3x Smash to Smithereens
2x Tormod's Crypt
its not perfect but it works well in a post banning meta and is pretty uptodate
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
I'd consider another 1-mana spell for Arcanist, maybe a Forked Bolt over some copies of Gut Shot (which doesn't seem good enough).
A single copy of Shard Volley seems reasonable as well.
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame seems like a decent SB card for the deck, maybe over the high-cmc Hazoret.
1 arcanist
4 mutagenic growths
1 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
1 shard volley (thanks for the suggestion)
3 Searing Blood
sb anger over pyroclasm
2 dragons claw over tormod crypts
2 sinkhole over blood
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
(Pilot is not me, just to make that clear)
Really interesting choices! Personally I had cut the canopy lands, because of anti-synergy with ruins and our 3 drops. However they might just be too good (I'm playing the 8 canopy burn list as well and they make opening hands quite smooth).
I've been on 28 creatures 12 spells (or 28 creatures, 16 spells since bonecrusher giant is a spell and creature), whereas this list is on 25/16 (19). Basically my list has
1x Goblin Cratermaker
2x Harsh Mentor / Earthshaker Khenra / Robber of the Rich (flex slot)
(Instead of the incinerates)
Maybe the additional reach is better, though I think Cratermaker is a pretty crazy card (kills 90% of threats in a tron deck, kills chalice, kills batterskull, kills bridge).
The 1 drop slot is also interesting, opting for zurgo over a haste creature. I currently run 2x Fanatical Firebrand in this slot, but I could be convinced zurgo is better. Another split I have seen that I kind of like is 1 zurgo 1 Figure of Destiny, since that gives us a late game mana sink.
Moving on to the sideboard...
The only card I really miss here is Leyline of Combustion, which I think is an amazing card in any interactive matchup, and should really help vs burn.
Molten rain is a card I've found myself cutting more and more. I'm currently on 2x Pillage 2x Smash, trying to cover two matchups in one card with pillage. Not sure that's right, the more focused damage+hate might be better.
Chainwhirler going to the side following bonecrusher giant's printing is the same approach I have taken.
Dire Fleet Daredevil, I have Kari Zev's expertise in this slot. Not sure about that card, it's very good when it's good, but it's not a card I frequently side in.
With Urza decks being at/near the top of the format, I kind of want Harsh Mentor somewhere, as he hurts them a lot.
Overall I would so love to hear this pilot's thoughts on all of his choices, especially the mana base.
Would be cool to have some more people in there.