I haven’t had much time to test this, but I’m looking for help. I’m still working on side. Still trying to figure out if image is good in thr deck, working somewhat for me, or augur since it’s a decent snapcaster replacement.
Other options I’m looking at is getting 1 Vendilion or cryptic command. I may get Vendilion since I feel I need atleast 2 cryptic, and I don’t have money for 2 cryptic.
To make Jace and Serpent good you need something to fill the GY quicker (especailly without fetchlands to flip Jace). Thought Scour is a good option and I'd probaly prefer it to Opt in this deck.
I'd also add the 4th visions and move to 19x islands cutting the mutavaults.
Thx everybody. I already have the deck as it is. I’ll drop image and 1 flood for the riddle form. I’ll test dropping to 19 lands with ghost quarter. I’ll post an updated one later. Also I did go for vault jace since it is the cheapest. I wish the foiling looked better. I’ll figure out about the other 2 floods
I’ve made an update after play testing. I’m still trying to figure out if I should do 19 Island or what I’m running. All the cards y’all mentioned, chart a course, Riddleform, 4th vision, anticipate, I’ve ordered to test. I’m gonna try or side a 4th vapor snag, 1 peek, and got 2 spell snare for side. I’ll post side board later or if y’all have some ideas, I’m open
Thx I’ll see what my LGS has for dimir lands.
At fnm we did a 3v3, with a different deck, and noticed I don’t have any enchantment removal. What can y’all recommend to put in the sideboard?
Edit: the ideas y’all recommended are working really well, but I still want to try flood sincr it helps recycle cards like psionic blast.
Against expensive ones you;d have to bounce them with Echoing Truth and hopefully counter them on the way back.
Other decent bounce spells are: Boomerang (can target lands) and Into the Roil/Repeal (draw a card).
I just don't see too many situations where Flood would be (much) better than Peer.
The deck probably needs Scour and Chart as well to function better with the GY-reliant cards.
They can replace Opt and Anticipate respectively.
I have 3 dispell, 3 pierce, and extras of leak, snag, visions, and 4 chart a chourse, 1 peak.
What do I drop? I’ll drop anticipates, but what to put in? If I can get a hold of 2 cryptic, I will put them in.
Edit: should I side the dismember for more counters?
This would be what I'd do. (I pay enigma Drake /riddle form in standard and I don't think riddle for is up to modern personally. The deck your building feels more controlling with a big finished. I think you need red if you want to go aggro (for bolts and swiftspears, and storm chasers)
I'll right up a basic sb a little later
Thx. I’ll try this build. I’ll see if I can find another peek. I only have 1 and my lgs is very unorganized and takes about 30 minutes to find things. Why not run pierce in the main? It was recommended in a previous post.
I was wondering if torrential gearhulk is good? I know what it does, but it’s a 6 drop and not sure if it has a spot in here. I have 1 was thinking of getting a few more. After searching through my lgs mess, I was able to find only one supreme will, and no other peek. I guess I’ll order what’s needed in a few weeks unless I can find someone to trade with since I have 3 mutavaults as trade now
I saw masters 25 Jace is around 95. If it drops to 80 I’ll pick one up. If that happens, what do I remove? Like I said I’ll defi get 2 cryptic and 1 Vendilion in about a week
I finally got my cryptic commands. The next question is do I go for 2 snapcaster next or 1 mind sculptor and1 Vendilion. To get either pair will cost about 140
4 Delver of Secrets
4 Thing in the Ice
2 Cryptic Serpent
2 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
3 Phantasmal Image / Augur of Bolas
4 Opt
4 Remand
3 Mana Leak
3 Vapor Snag
3 Flood of Recolection
3 Serum Visions
3 Psionic Blast
2 Dismember
17 Island
3 Mutavault
Other options I’m looking at is getting 1 Vendilion or cryptic command. I may get Vendilion since I feel I need atleast 2 cryptic, and I don’t have money for 2 cryptic.
Flood is a bad card I'd it cut it out entirely.
Add Chart a Course instead or something like Anticipate/Peer through Depths or Sleight of Hand.
To make Jace and Serpent good you need something to fill the GY quicker (especailly without fetchlands to flip Jace).
Thought Scour is a good option and I'd probaly prefer it to Opt in this deck.
I'd also add the 4th visions and move to 19x islands cutting the mutavaults.
It is barely even playable outside of Vial/tribal decks.
4 Delver of Secrets
4 Thing in the Ice
2 Cryptic Serpent
2 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 Opt
4 Remand
4 Riddleform
3 Mana Leak
3 Vapor Snag
3 Anticipate
3 Serum Visions
3 Psionic Blast
2 Dismember
17 Island
2 Ghost Quarter
At fnm we did a 3v3, with a different deck, and noticed I don’t have any enchantment removal. What can y’all recommend to put in the sideboard?
Edit: the ideas y’all recommended are working really well, but I still want to try flood sincr it helps recycle cards like psionic blast.
Against expensive ones you;d have to bounce them with Echoing Truth and hopefully counter them on the way back.
Other decent bounce spells are: Boomerang (can target lands) and Into the Roil/Repeal (draw a card).
I just don't see too many situations where Flood would be (much) better than Peer.
The deck probably needs Scour and Chart as well to function better with the GY-reliant cards.
They can replace Opt and Anticipate respectively.
What do I drop? I’ll drop anticipates, but what to put in? If I can get a hold of 2 cryptic, I will put them in.
Edit: should I side the dismember for more counters?
Thx. I’ll try this build. I’ll see if I can find another peek. I only have 1 and my lgs is very unorganized and takes about 30 minutes to find things. Why not run pierce in the main? It was recommended in a previous post.
I don't think that Peek is particulary good here, Thought Scour would be much better (to fuel the graveyard).
4 Delver of Secrets
4 Thing in the Ice
3 Cryptic Serpent
2 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 Opt
4 Remand
3 Mana Leak
3 Psionic Blast
3 Vapor Snag
3 Spell Pierce
2 Dismember
1 Peek
3 Serum Visions
2 Chart a Course
19 Island
I’m still working on side, but it will have 2 Spell Snare since my meta has a lot of 2 drops
Edit: I was thinking of trying Talent if the Telepath in the side. Is it worth at least 1 slot? I love the card, but I know it isn’t the greatest.
Edit: I’m somewhat glad that 2 will work saving me about $160. I really hope they drop to 50-60 soon
4 Delver of Secrets
4 Thing in the Ice
3 Cryptic Serpent
2 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
4 Opt
4 Remand
3 Mana Leak
3 Psionic Blast
3 Vapor Snag
2 Cryptic Command
2 Dismember
2 Peek
3 Serum Visions
2 Chart a Course
19 Island