Bear in mind I made this deck from what cards I had lying around, if you think there are any must haves (for a budget) that should be in the deck or any alterations that should be made, please let me know it'd be a great help
(I know I've uploaded this previously but I wanted to add card links)
Umm, if you're going to be doing things with impact tremors, that's fine, but I would look at creatures that enter the battlefield a lot or trigger off of that effect. For example, there is Norin the Wary, Genesis Chamber, the soul sisters (soul warden, etc. ). There is a deck known as norin sisters that uses this very same mechanism. It probably won't be as budget, but you could easily run mentor of the meek, norin, and genesis chamber and grind out a token style win using impact tremors. Really, the only card in the deck that I would want to keep is thalia's lieutenant.
I am not trying to be too mean here, but I can see you're either new or on a budget. If you're going to play competitively, even at a local meta like friday night magic, that's great! You will need a deck with more impact, though. Playing impact tremors is fine. I listed many things that work well with it, but you are looking more like a human deck with an early curve that is dicey at best, and the 3 drop slot is very very full. I would optimize a bit, look at earlier creatures with higher power, or consider a slower approach that uses cards like thalia, guardian of thraben for impact and interaction. Even mono white humans is an option and using something like knight of the white orchid, etc. for just beats while gaining advantage where possible. The best reason to play red is usually cards like lightning bolt.
The decks premise is solid but I think that there are three things you need to do to make it more viable.
First choose a direction, tokens, cretures with multiple Triggers or blink
And then lower the mana cost and find more effective ways of doing things
and finally add a plan b incase you don't draw impact tremors
If you decide on a direction and what some suggestions feel free to ask
I think that for a budget RW token this can be a good core:
Lands 22
Creatures 4: few creatures so your opponent has a lot of dead cards in his hands (the single removals)
4x Sky Hussar in order to have a draw engine that your opponent can't block with ease.
Other Spells 34:
4x Impact Tremors the core of the deck must be in 4 copies because you want to see it.
4x Intangible Virtue the win more that is nice to swarm more efficiently.
4x Stoke the Flames helps a lot to finish the opponent or middle-sized creatures if needed. It has a low CMC in this deck.
4x On Thin Ice a set of single removal is needed; this is the first that comes into my mind although it needs Snow-covered lands.
4x Spectral Procession the best token generator with Flying.
4x Raise the Alarm good token generator becuase it is an instant 2x1.
4x Gather the Townsfolk very good token generator especially if you have low hp.
3x Hordeling Outburst 3x1 token generator although the tokens don't have any ability.
3x Sram's Expertise both a token generator and a way to accelerate your gameplan. Only 3x because it has an highish CMC.
Impact Tremors has always intrigued me, so I will add to this.
You need creatures that deploy multiple times. One person already mentioned Norin the Wary, but have to also looked at the Dash mechanic? There are at least 2 and perhaps as many as 4 cards with Dash, or a Dash effect. Because you are mainly concerned with IT, you do not even need to attack.
But I would advise you to have some way to block your opponent, or remove his creatures. White excels at this, so no major worries.
Silkwrap and other such effects will also remove the opponents creatures.
Done correctly, I think this deck could definitely surprise people.
Also keep in mind a good end game is a 6/1 elemental and Fling.
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3x Hardened Berserker
3x Desperate Sentry
3x Dromoka Warrior
3x Thalia's Lieutenant
2x Cathedral Sanctifier
2x Nearheath Chaplain
2x Riot Ringleader
1x Hanweir Militia Captain
2x Hold The Line
3x Act Of Treason
2x Spectral Procession
2x Thatcher Revolt
3x Impact Tremors
3x Pacifism
1x Vigilante Justice
1x Field of Souls
10x Plains
10x Mountain
2x Wind-Scarred Crag
2x Stone Quarry
3x Celestial Flare
3x Leap Of Faith
3x Custodian Of The Trove
2x Auramancer
2x Acolyte Of The Inferno
2x Doomed Traveler
Bear in mind I made this deck from what cards I had lying around, if you think there are any must haves (for a budget) that should be in the deck or any alterations that should be made, please let me know it'd be a great help
(I know I've uploaded this previously but I wanted to add card links)
I am not trying to be too mean here, but I can see you're either new or on a budget. If you're going to play competitively, even at a local meta like friday night magic, that's great! You will need a deck with more impact, though. Playing impact tremors is fine. I listed many things that work well with it, but you are looking more like a human deck with an early curve that is dicey at best, and the 3 drop slot is very very full. I would optimize a bit, look at earlier creatures with higher power, or consider a slower approach that uses cards like thalia, guardian of thraben for impact and interaction. Even mono white humans is an option and using something like knight of the white orchid, etc. for just beats while gaining advantage where possible. The best reason to play red is usually cards like lightning bolt.
Credit to DolZero for this awesome sig!
He raged at the world, at his family, at his life. But mostly he just raged.
First choose a direction, tokens, cretures with multiple Triggers or blink
And then lower the mana cost and find more effective ways of doing things
and finally add a plan b incase you don't draw impact tremors
If you decide on a direction and what some suggestions feel free to ask
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR
Lands 22
Creatures 4: few creatures so your opponent has a lot of dead cards in his hands (the single removals)
4x Sky Hussar in order to have a draw engine that your opponent can't block with ease.
Other Spells 34:
4x Impact Tremors the core of the deck must be in 4 copies because you want to see it.
4x Intangible Virtue the win more that is nice to swarm more efficiently.
4x Stoke the Flames helps a lot to finish the opponent or middle-sized creatures if needed. It has a low CMC in this deck.
4x On Thin Ice a set of single removal is needed; this is the first that comes into my mind although it needs Snow-covered lands.
4x Spectral Procession the best token generator with Flying.
4x Raise the Alarm good token generator becuase it is an instant 2x1.
4x Gather the Townsfolk very good token generator especially if you have low hp.
3x Hordeling Outburst 3x1 token generator although the tokens don't have any ability.
3x Sram's Expertise both a token generator and a way to accelerate your gameplan. Only 3x because it has an highish CMC.
You need creatures that deploy multiple times. One person already mentioned Norin the Wary, but have to also looked at the Dash mechanic? There are at least 2 and perhaps as many as 4 cards with Dash, or a Dash effect. Because you are mainly concerned with IT, you do not even need to attack.
But I would advise you to have some way to block your opponent, or remove his creatures. White excels at this, so no major worries.
Silkwrap and other such effects will also remove the opponents creatures.
Done correctly, I think this deck could definitely surprise people.
Also keep in mind a good end game is a 6/1 elemental and Fling.