I play the full up white death and taxes list; the question I get from new comers the most is can death and taxes be built on a budget without aether vial and I thought about it, and came up with the following idea. Yes a death and taxes deck can be built without vial but it is going to be a different looking deck. I believe that the best way to do so is to use a modified sligh aggro approach. And by getting the cards for this build gets you many of the staples you need for a full death and taxes list. Now this variant has a much lower curve and goes against one of the full versions rules that you always play 4 flickerwisp. But without vial and being curbed low without splicer it loses a lot of its utility. Instead I go with a 14 1-drop, 12 2-drop, 4 3-drop curve with 20 lands and 10 non-creature spells, fairly typical for a sligh aggro deck (watch user lantern's video on why zoo doesn't work in meta for an in depth explanation to why a curve line this works.) Unlike zoo though we aren't maximizing strength but curving out with spells that slow opponent down. So we will start with one drops. Dryad militant is a2/1 for 1 that hates on delve, tarmogoyf, and snapcaster. Icatian javelineers looks under powered by his a lot, infect creatures, Bob, mana Dorks, confidant, lavamancer, pyromancer etc.. judge's familiar can counter a spell but more often (and better for us) forces opponent to play off curve. Now two drops thalia and arbiter are death and taxes staples, then I added sprit of the labyrinth and selfless spirit which are aggressive creatures that slow opponent down and keep then off wrath effects. For the 3 drops 1 brimaz can end game fast, 2 thalia, heretic cathar prevent chump block and 1 mirran crusader to push damage and fade removal. Path can be replaced with a more budget option, however it is used on all full builds. Brave the elements pushes the damage through and 2x honor of the pure pumps the dudes. Mana base is pretty average, mutavault not needed but very useful, and used in mono white builds. Sideboard is meta dependant as usual.
I love vial in death and taxes ,this was meant as a more budget option for those getting into the Meta...however if you ate going heavier in eldrazi it creatrs a new deck since you go down flickerwisp etc..
@Poly: Sorry it took awile been off site for a few days. Yes I do belive that a RW or even Mono Red hate bears deck now exists do to Harsh mentor. Other cards that can be used ZO-Zu the punisher, creates a damage for lands double for fetches, Tunnel ignus can be more damage with fetches and make opponent think twice before getting a land off ghost quarter. ajani is great in these decks.
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4 dryad militant
4 judge's familiar
4 icatian javelineers
2 kytheon, hero of akros
4 leonin arbiter
4 Thalia, guardian of thraben
2 spirit of the labyrinth
2 selfless spirit
2 thalia, heretic cathar
1 brimaz, king of oreskos
1 mirran crusader
4 path to exile
4 brave the elements
2 honor of the pure
Lands 20
4 ghost quarter
1 eiganjo castle
15 plains
1 Aven mindcensor
1 Selfless Spirit
2 kataki, war's wage
2 rest in peace
2 kor firewalker
2 burrenton forge-tender
1 eidolon of rhetoric
2 lone missionary
2 fragmentize
Edit:took out mutavault for plains since deck want WW t2+
WDeath and TaxesW
WDeath and TaxesW
Is there a chance to just slam Eldrazi Temple and add up a bunch of Eldrazi's to make it better?
I own every part to build Eldrazi and Taxes, but lately i had the impression that Vial is just lackluster.
Green @ it's best
WDeath and TaxesW
I too sugest that a RW Eldrazi Deck with Mentor is now possible.
Green @ it's best
WDeath and TaxesW