A well rounded Card, dealing with several Difficulties this Deck has.
Relevant against Combo, Aggro and Control. Nets life, kills Goblin Guide, discards Scapeshift...
Plenty of applications, so it'll replace Dismember for now.
Maybe also replace Persecution instead Dismember, not sold on that.
Keep testing against Dredge if you can. Does Bridge from Below make the matchup bad? I'd imagine if they run it we lose. I'm glad something from the new set is finding a home here! I have a feeling we need to find budget tech in order to compete. I have no idea what we're missing though. Any suggestions?
In other news, I might take this to PPTQ coming up. I'll post my list, even though it's not really budget anymore, later.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Hey again, just got to play for the first time in over a week, managed to win my first game of paper too (though the match-up favored me pretty hard according to my much more experienced opponent). While I can still suffer mana floods/droughts, fixing the lands really helps a bunch. Right now assuming I don't have bad land draws, Godless Shrine doesn't feel like a major necessity compared to other key pieces like more Thoughseizes and two more Sorin, Grim Nemesis.
First game was against Infect, I went 2-1. Managed to have decent draws and bringing in Ghost Quarter from sideboard completely walled off his Inkmoth Nexus core. Pulling hand attack and anthems when I needed let me beef up the small group of spirits and soldiers I had to win. Elspeth also saw play, as did the only Hero of Bladehold I located in my area, both being useful and played as soon as I was able.
My next game was a 1-1-1 split against the mirror. My opponents had some board clears and card draw, so it was a slow war of attrition. I won the first by wearing him down with Spirit tokens, he won the second by managing to wipe my board and produce bombs, and the third we stalemated - he was top decking and I had no ability to put tokens down and attack within the 5 turn post-timer limit my shop runs. I'd need to play it more but it was really interesting to play. Relic of Progenitus was brought in from sideboard because in the second round my hand attack revealed a Kozilek's Return, and since the deck was really teched up I erred on the side of caution. I saw no big Eldrazi, but the sacrifice to draw a card was certainly helpful in keeping me in the third round.
Third game was a total bust. My opponent had some a deck he referred to as "Sultai Value." He milled a ton of important cards, managed to play my Hero of Bladehold out of my graveyard on his side of the field, wiped my board, and dropped a few bombs as well. I had to run Relic again to deal with Tarmogoyf, but I failed to draw it in the second round. I went 0-2. It especially hurt because he topdecked the ideal card to seal the second round, Night of Souls' Betrayal.
Last game was interesting. It was against a RU Storm deck if I understood it right. The result was a 1-2, and I failed to draw enough of my hand attack cards to dent his combo. Relic seems like it would be good in the matchup, but is there anything else one could put on the mainboard? Maxing out hand attack maybe, with 4 IoK and Thoughtseizes each?
My third and fourth games also have left me with a question: How should we build to deal with cards that can remove our anthems? Are you stuck hoping you draw enough to just simply make it exceptionally unlikely for them to have enough answers for each Honor of the Pure and Intangible Virtue?
Keep testing against Dredge if you can. Does Bridge from Below make the matchup bad? I'd imagine if they run it we lose. I'm glad something from the new set is finding a home here! I have a feeling we need to find budget tech in order to compete. I have no idea what we're missing though. Any suggestions?
In other news, I might take this to PPTQ coming up. I'll post my list, even though it's not really budget anymore, later.
Bridge from Below is problematic, although as Dredge will become an established archetype they'll switch to another problematic Card: Conflagrate!
Once there first Wave of Creatures has been stopped they head for the Midrange-Plan (Golgari-Grave Troll, Life from the Loam, Conflagrate) which is indeed pretty good. Rest in Peace is really being a Gamebreaker - even if they handle it, the damage is already done.
I treat this Deck like a Graveyard-based Burn:
Boarding some Firewalker / Tender + RiP. Our Dudes chump-blocks all Night long (they got no Tramplers).
Once stabilized with Sorin, Tokens + Virtue we should be fine. Inquisition of Kozilek (new amazing Artwork though) isn't great here, but pre-Board picking Insolent Neonate is a good bet on slowing them down. Usually i board out all Discard - there's nothing to pick outside Nenonate and Golgari Charm.
Missing Pieces...i don't predict anything here. It just feels as if this Deck doesn't get much better.
Even non-Budget Tokens isn't putting up serious results...so what do you expect of a budgetized Version?
@Dijkstra Nice report! I'm surprised Infect is considered favorable. It's really luck of the draw. As for your choice of Sorin, did you mean Sorin, Solemn Visitor or are you running Sorin, Grim Nemesis ? Solemn Visitor is the go-to option, but how has Nemesis worked? I'm always open to new ideas with this deck since there is a lot of potential out there. As for the question about anthems, it sucks when they get removed, but remember that a lot of decks don't pack main (or even side) board answers to them. We can without them. This is one reason why Sorin, Solemn Visitor is so good. He combos with Intangible Virtue (Sorin gives lifelink until the beginning of your NEXT turn, so you can attack AND block to gain life) and on his own he's fine. Dealing with a planeswalker generally means attacking it, and we make tons if blockers.
@Polymorph Conflagrate is a huge beating. I'll update the primer for Dredge and mark it as unfavorable because with Bitterblossom it is incredibly difficult (a steady stream of tokens beats Conflagrate).
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
As soon as I managed to get an anthem on the board and start creating spirits, I could produce more chump blockers than the fellow playing infect could deal with. Combined with the fact his core strategy was revolving around using multiple Noble Hierarch triggers and green pumps to beef up an animated Inkmoth Nexus, once I swapped in Ghost Quarter he was stuck unable to commit to attacking. My Ghost Quarters ate his Nexuses while my hand attack ate his pump, letting me swing wide with a few spirits each turn while leaving a chump or two to give me breathing room if he produced any other threats. My guess if it was more creature-based instead of relying in animating lands for a single 10+ poison counter swing or a two turn finish, I would need to bring more Zealous Persecutions so my chump blocks could trade. He explained that tokens is the better in the matchup because as long as you draw into token producers, you simply outpace the Infect player by putting too many bodies on the field, making it impossible to get poison counter through quickly. Once I begin laying down anthems, then my tokens can also being trading when they become blocked/chump block themselves. The last big thing is having Path to Exile for when the infect player goes for a big bomb.
Yes, I'm referring to Solemn Visitor. Like many cards I'm looking for, I can't find more than one or two in the area though, and I'm unable to order anything online at the moment. Since I got to at least play Sorin and Elspeth last night, having the spare two Sorins in the deck would be really helpful for consistency's sake. A ton of upgrades I want for this deck, plus many cards I want for another deck I started building are primarily common through rare bulk, and it's hard to locate most of them.
As for anthem hate, I got blasted by Abrupt Decay in my third match. I had a bad time drawing both games, but having my opponent be able to consistently remove my anthems made maintaining board presence near impossible. And then him topdecking the only thing that I know of currently that hard shuts-down the deck on round two really locked me out of the game.
I find it interesting Polymorph is musing about Surgical Extraction. I was actually thinking about it myself when rereading the thread last night when I got home. That could be a good piece of sideboard hate against combo like the Storm deck I faced last night, don't you think? Speaking of that Storm deck, I was rather surprised on round three. It was 1-1 going into it, he managed to have the combo go off and blasted me with Grapeshot the previous round. He won the third by producing 16 goblin tokens when I had no means of producing enough blockers of my own since I ended up mana starved. Wasn't expecting Storm into tokens.
Storm will usually sideboard Empty the Warrens in games two and three. Having our anthems removed is really rough, but it isn't game ending. It's an inconvenience at worst. Surgical Extraction is a great sideboard cards. If you see a lot of combo, Surgical is the absolute nuts, but I've never thought of it outside of those matchups. What's your list right now? Maybe I can help you.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
This is what the list currently looks like. I'm currently stuck at a bit of an impasse, as most changes I want to make to the list are just not in my area. All I'm aware of is a Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, two of the three Thoughtseizes I still need, and roughly 2 Godless Shrine. I've been unable to find the remaining Hero of Bladehold copies, as well as the Timely Reinforcements I need.
Managed to order 1 Hero of Bladehold, the last 2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor, and the third Inquisition of Kozilek. Should definitely help out with optimization. I'll pick up the Thoughtseize copies I know of in area over the next few weeks while I'm waiting for a card I need for another deck to drop out of Standard, and hopefully lower in price a bit.
Edit: Here's what I'll be bringing to my next game night once my parcel arrives. The next major step I feel is replacing the last 2 Duress for Thoughtseize so my hand attack is more flexible. Right now I have this awkward play order where if I have the option, my play need to be Sculler > Thoughtseize > Inquisition > Duress. Each card is increasingly narrow in focus on what I can remove from my opponents hand, and nothing's worse than playing Duress first by mistake only to find you wasted a play when whichever of the other 3 hand attack cards you had in your hand would've actually hit something.
Also I learned the hard way my first week of playing: if you play Sculler and see a burn spell that can kill it, you're effectively forced to take it.
Anyways, tested Collective Brutality in a Mardu-Token Shell yesterday.
It was REALLLLYY good. Gave life, killed Hierarch, discarded Serum Visions.
A 1-of is super solid for now. 2-of maybe overkill (Escalate is only valueable along Lingering Souls).
For now i got solid tools against a broad field of the Modern Meta.
4 IoK, 2 SEize, 2 Sculler, 1 Brutality = 9 Discard Spells, 3 of 'em are great vs Aggro too.
A lot of business against Jund and UWR, Burn is tough w/o Auriok, Robots, Infect + Dredge are ok'ish.
Scapeshift and Tron are crappy (as always). Combo is beatable - depending which Combo.
Fragile Decks gets hosed by discard, Creature-Combo's are tough (not much MD-removal) and there Backup / Creature-Beatdown-Plan isn't bad at all.
I edited my post, decided that while I enjoy Captain, getting that in your opener or mulligan is an outright brick. While the cost can be justified late game, you really need it only then - late game. I'm fond of the card so I plan to keep experimenting with it, but for now, I'm staying with a single copy on mainboard. If it becomes too slow here, I can swap it for one of my Scullers. Soul Warden will stick around as a convenient 1-drop than has a lifegain trigger until I locate some Timely Reinforcements.
@Polymorph I'm gonna be swapping the last 2 Duress I have in the list out for Thoughtseize, that's my first major change after my parcel comes in. As for tightening the sideboard, I like your idea of Surgical Extraction, and I'm likely going to start hunting for a few copies of it. Rest in Peace also sounds worth looking into. I also had someone at the shop this past Monday suggest Mana Tithe, which sounds like a hilarious potential inclusion. As for removal, I haven't felt hard pressed for more in my area. Most decks I've seen around either produce too many creatures to answer with single-target removal, or do nothing until they can drop 2-3 bombs in one shot. Everything I've seen that falls in-between massive creature/token board presence and something more akin to Tron is handled well by 4 Path + 2 Dismember.
This warps tokens from Aggro'ish to heavy Midrange waters.
Look ath Mentor this way:
You have to reliably protect him and clear the way for him.
After he resolves you need some way to get VAlue out of him.
These are different circumstances for a 3CMC Dude all teh way down the road.
I looked up the discussion around Collective Brutality in the official Token-Thread.
Some players evaluate it the wrong way. Seems strange to me, whereas it fixes some hard-to-come-by Matchups.
And Sweepers are no deal to this deck...yeah, for sure. Anger of the Gods is literally played by 0 decks nowadays, with Dredge, Robots and Zoo in the Top Ranks.
Against a bunch of Spot Removal aka Jund?
Picking apart Dark Confidant is the single most important thing to do...but yeah, some got Path to Exile against 'em.
Up to everyone else. Maelstrom Pulse isn't played at all today.
I guess these guys wonder why they loose to random Cards and random Decks all day long, but aren't able to think out-of-the-box.
Sure, Tron can't be fixed. Scapeshift remains a bad MU. Combo is pretty tough.
But arguments like "a worse Duress", "2 Life doesn't count in" are somehow ignorant.
I see the point where i could deviate from the main gameplay of the deck using monastery mentor. Although he sure can combo with a lot of non-creature spells in the deck.
I see the point where i could deviate from the main gameplay of the deck using monastery mentor. Although he sure can combo with a lot of non-creature spells in the deck.
Thanks for the advise.
If you really want to play Mentor, Mardu Pyromancer is right up your alley. Young Pyromancer and Mentor backed by an incredibly solid removal and hand attack suite. I'm sure a BW Mentor list can be made. PM me and I can help you with it.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
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A well rounded Card, dealing with several Difficulties this Deck has.
Relevant against Combo, Aggro and Control. Nets life, kills Goblin Guide, discards Scapeshift...
Plenty of applications, so it'll replace Dismember for now.
Maybe also replace Persecution instead Dismember, not sold on that.
Green @ it's best
In other news, I might take this to PPTQ coming up. I'll post my list, even though it's not really budget anymore, later.
First game was against Infect, I went 2-1. Managed to have decent draws and bringing in Ghost Quarter from sideboard completely walled off his Inkmoth Nexus core. Pulling hand attack and anthems when I needed let me beef up the small group of spirits and soldiers I had to win. Elspeth also saw play, as did the only Hero of Bladehold I located in my area, both being useful and played as soon as I was able.
My next game was a 1-1-1 split against the mirror. My opponents had some board clears and card draw, so it was a slow war of attrition. I won the first by wearing him down with Spirit tokens, he won the second by managing to wipe my board and produce bombs, and the third we stalemated - he was top decking and I had no ability to put tokens down and attack within the 5 turn post-timer limit my shop runs. I'd need to play it more but it was really interesting to play. Relic of Progenitus was brought in from sideboard because in the second round my hand attack revealed a Kozilek's Return, and since the deck was really teched up I erred on the side of caution. I saw no big Eldrazi, but the sacrifice to draw a card was certainly helpful in keeping me in the third round.
Third game was a total bust. My opponent had some a deck he referred to as "Sultai Value." He milled a ton of important cards, managed to play my Hero of Bladehold out of my graveyard on his side of the field, wiped my board, and dropped a few bombs as well. I had to run Relic again to deal with Tarmogoyf, but I failed to draw it in the second round. I went 0-2. It especially hurt because he topdecked the ideal card to seal the second round, Night of Souls' Betrayal.
Last game was interesting. It was against a RU Storm deck if I understood it right. The result was a 1-2, and I failed to draw enough of my hand attack cards to dent his combo. Relic seems like it would be good in the matchup, but is there anything else one could put on the mainboard? Maxing out hand attack maybe, with 4 IoK and Thoughtseizes each?
My third and fourth games also have left me with a question: How should we build to deal with cards that can remove our anthems? Are you stuck hoping you draw enough to just simply make it exceptionally unlikely for them to have enough answers for each Honor of the Pure and Intangible Virtue?
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
Bridge from Below is problematic, although as Dredge will become an established archetype they'll switch to another problematic Card:
Once there first Wave of Creatures has been stopped they head for the Midrange-Plan (Golgari-Grave Troll, Life from the Loam, Conflagrate) which is indeed pretty good. Rest in Peace is really being a Gamebreaker - even if they handle it, the damage is already done.
I'm packing also Surgical Extraction, which hurts them too.
Pciking Prized Amalgam, Ghast or sth. else is really painful for them.
I treat this Deck like a Graveyard-based Burn:
Boarding some Firewalker / Tender + RiP. Our Dudes chump-blocks all Night long (they got no Tramplers).
Once stabilized with Sorin, Tokens + Virtue we should be fine.
Inquisition of Kozilek (new amazing Artwork though) isn't great here, but pre-Board picking Insolent Neonate is a good bet on slowing them down. Usually i board out all Discard - there's nothing to pick outside Nenonate and Golgari Charm.
Missing Pieces...i don't predict anything here. It just feels as if this Deck doesn't get much better.
Even non-Budget Tokens isn't putting up serious results...so what do you expect of a budgetized Version?
Here's my Sideboard right now:
2 Rest in Peace (Jund, Junk, Grixis Control, Dredge, Naya, Living End)
2 Disenchant (Robots, Crazy Combo-Decks...)
3 Fulminator Mage (Tron, greedy 3-Color-Decks)
2 Surgical Extraction (Tron, Finks-Combo)
1 Pithing Needle (Nahiri, Ugin, Ravine, Colonnade...)
1 Burrenton-Forge Tender (Burn, UWR, Jund)
2 Kor Firewalker (Burn, Naya Blitz)
Green @ it's best
@Polymorph Conflagrate is a huge beating. I'll update the primer for Dredge and mark it as unfavorable because with Bitterblossom it is incredibly difficult (a steady stream of tokens beats Conflagrate).
Yes, I'm referring to Solemn Visitor. Like many cards I'm looking for, I can't find more than one or two in the area though, and I'm unable to order anything online at the moment. Since I got to at least play Sorin and Elspeth last night, having the spare two Sorins in the deck would be really helpful for consistency's sake. A ton of upgrades I want for this deck, plus many cards I want for another deck I started building are primarily common through rare bulk, and it's hard to locate most of them.
As for anthem hate, I got blasted by Abrupt Decay in my third match. I had a bad time drawing both games, but having my opponent be able to consistently remove my anthems made maintaining board presence near impossible. And then him topdecking the only thing that I know of currently that hard shuts-down the deck on round two really locked me out of the game.
I find it interesting Polymorph is musing about Surgical Extraction. I was actually thinking about it myself when rereading the thread last night when I got home. That could be a good piece of sideboard hate against combo like the Storm deck I faced last night, don't you think? Speaking of that Storm deck, I was rather surprised on round three. It was 1-1 going into it, he managed to have the combo go off and blasted me with Grapeshot the previous round. He won the third by producing 16 goblin tokens when I had no means of producing enough blockers of my own since I ended up mana starved. Wasn't expecting Storm into tokens.
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
1 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Creature (5)
1 Hero of Bladehold
2 Tidehollow Sculler
2 Soul Warden
Sorcery (14)
2 Inquisition of Kozilek
1 Thoughtseize
3 Duress
4 Lingering Souls
4 Spectral Procession
4 Path to Exile
4 Raise the Alarm
1 Zealous Persecution
Enchantment (6)
2 Honor of the Pure
4 Intangible Virtue
Land (24)
4 Caves of Koilos
3 Shambling Vent
4 Isolated Chapel
6 Plains
6 Swamp
1 Vault of the Archangel
2 Captain of the Watch
2 Burrenton Forge-Tender
2 Dismember
1 Tidehollow Sculler
2 Ghost Quarter
3 Kataki, War's Wage
3 Relic of Progenitus
This is what the list currently looks like. I'm currently stuck at a bit of an impasse, as most changes I want to make to the list are just not in my area. All I'm aware of is a Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, two of the three Thoughtseizes I still need, and roughly 2 Godless Shrine. I've been unable to find the remaining Hero of Bladehold copies, as well as the Timely Reinforcements I need.
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
Edit: Here's what I'll be bringing to my next game night once my parcel arrives. The next major step I feel is replacing the last 2 Duress for Thoughtseize so my hand attack is more flexible. Right now I have this awkward play order where if I have the option, my play need to be Sculler > Thoughtseize > Inquisition > Duress. Each card is increasingly narrow in focus on what I can remove from my opponents hand, and nothing's worse than playing Duress first by mistake only to find you wasted a play when whichever of the other 3 hand attack cards you had in your hand would've actually hit something.
Also I learned the hard way my first week of playing: if you play Sculler and see a burn spell that can kill it, you're effectively forced to take it.
3 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Creature (3)
2 Hero of Bladehold
1 Captain of the Watch
Sorcery (14)
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
1 Thoughtseize
2 Duress
4 Lingering Souls
4 Spectral Procession
Instant (9)
4 Path to Exile
4 Raise the Alarm
1 Zealous Persecution
2 Honor of the Pure
4 Intangible Virtue
Land (24)
4 Caves of Koilos
3 Shambling Vent
4 Isolated Chapel
6 Plains
6 Swamp
1 Vault of the Archangel
2 Soul Warden
2 Dismember
3 Tidehollow Sculler
2 Ghost Quarter
3 Kataki, War's Wage
3 Relic of Progenitus
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
Hero and Captain is like...too much investment, too few outcome.
6 Discard Spells + 2 Sculler are fine to start with.
Tick up Maindeck Removal slightly (+2). Murderous Cut, Collective Brutality (my new favorite) or Dismember.
After that, tighten up your sideboard.
Rest in Peace, Stony Silence, maybe Rain of Tears.
Get some of the Wildcards against combo (Surgical Extraction, Hallowed Moonlight, Pithing Needle).
Anyways, tested Collective Brutality in a Mardu-Token Shell yesterday.
It was REALLLLYY good. Gave life, killed Hierarch, discarded Serum Visions.
A 1-of is super solid for now. 2-of maybe overkill (Escalate is only valueable along Lingering Souls).
For now i got solid tools against a broad field of the Modern Meta.
4 IoK, 2 SEize, 2 Sculler, 1 Brutality = 9 Discard Spells, 3 of 'em are great vs Aggro too.
A lot of business against Jund and UWR, Burn is tough w/o Auriok, Robots, Infect + Dredge are ok'ish.
Scapeshift and Tron are crappy (as always). Combo is beatable - depending which Combo.
Fragile Decks gets hosed by discard, Creature-Combo's are tough (not much MD-removal) and there Backup / Creature-Beatdown-Plan isn't bad at all.
Green @ it's best
@Polymorph What's your current list? I'm going to try to sell full Tokens thread on Collective Brutality.
4 Flooded Strand
3 Godless Shrine
2 Isolated Chapel
1 Caves of Koilos
3 Shambling Vent
1 Windbrisk Heights
5 Plains
1 Swamp
24 Lands
2 Thoughtseize
2 Tidehollow Sculler
8 Discard
1 Collective Brutality
1 Murderous Cut
2 Zealous Persecution
4 Path to Exile
8 Removal
4 Lingering Souls
4 Spectral Procession
12 Token
3 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
4 Walker
4 Intangible Virtue
4 Hymns
Green @ it's best
@Polymorph I'm gonna be swapping the last 2 Duress I have in the list out for Thoughtseize, that's my first major change after my parcel comes in. As for tightening the sideboard, I like your idea of Surgical Extraction, and I'm likely going to start hunting for a few copies of it. Rest in Peace also sounds worth looking into. I also had someone at the shop this past Monday suggest Mana Tithe, which sounds like a hilarious potential inclusion. As for removal, I haven't felt hard pressed for more in my area. Most decks I've seen around either produce too many creatures to answer with single-target removal, or do nothing until they can drop 2-3 bombs in one shot. Everything I've seen that falls in-between massive creature/token board presence and something more akin to Tron is handled well by 4 Path + 2 Dismember.
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
On a separate note, if there matchup guide you guys and gals want, post them! I'll do my best to write them up!
I have a Monastery Mentor from FRF just lying around, would he be a good tech in addition to the recently posted decks?
Thanks in advance.
Look ath Mentor this way:
You have to reliably protect him and clear the way for him.
After he resolves you need some way to get VAlue out of him.
These are different circumstances for a 3CMC Dude all teh way down the road.
I looked up the discussion around Collective Brutality in the official Token-Thread.
Some players evaluate it the wrong way. Seems strange to me, whereas it fixes some hard-to-come-by Matchups.
Scapeshift, Collected Company, Chord of Calling, Ad Nauseam...
Also the -2/-2 thing along 2 life is no joke. Burn isn't a favorable Matchup at all.
And Sweepers are no deal to this deck...yeah, for sure.
Anger of the Gods is literally played by 0 decks nowadays, with Dredge, Robots and Zoo in the Top Ranks.
Against a bunch of Spot Removal aka Jund?
Picking apart Dark Confidant is the single most important thing to do...but yeah, some got Path to Exile against 'em.
Up to everyone else. Maelstrom Pulse isn't played at all today.
I guess these guys wonder why they loose to random Cards and random Decks all day long, but aren't able to think out-of-the-box.
Sure, Tron can't be fixed. Scapeshift remains a bad MU. Combo is pretty tough.
But arguments like "a worse Duress", "2 Life doesn't count in" are somehow ignorant.
Green @ it's best
I see the point where i could deviate from the main gameplay of the deck using monastery mentor. Although he sure can combo with a lot of non-creature spells in the deck.
Thanks for the advise.
Green @ it's best