I'm recently switching to more and more Eldrazi (BW and even Bant) and it's a total blast to play
Just a tip for a recent convert of your Tokens stuff:
BW Eldrazi is quite cheap, rans a lot of stuff Tokens does as well and gives you plenty of useful upgrades.
Yeah, i was also following that BW Eldrazi Processors thread. And i also seen some of your comments as well. I might as well switch builds from time to time to avoid popularity.
You might also wanna give a link to that thread as reference to guys around this thread.
Eldrazi's are way more competitive because they represent a serious clock, a bunch of interaction and a whole new area for brewing.
They got disruption, removal, fat dude's and ghost quarter, which is bonkers.
So i'm doomed to run this deck longer than expexted.
Couldn't sell it and my other decks perform exceptional bad in my local Meta.
Still brewing...
I squeezed my brain, scratched my head and finally tacklet the problem at the root.
It's about threwing old habits over bord. Cut everything useless (Bruce, da master told me
while i was sleeping ).
So what's bothering me
Bad Cards. Tidehollow Sculler especially.
It's ok'ish, don't misunderstand me.
Think these are enough reasons to at least consider him as a 3-of (adding towards our 4-of raise the alarm). It cantrips (a quality i miss alot!) and is kinda agressive with some pump-support.
The following link is an invitation to join Pucatrade (card trading service though similar to TCGPLayer). If you follow the link then it awards me with tokens to exchange for actual cards. Thanks! https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/86097
I've been thinking about it too. It looks incredibly powerful, being able to jam potentially five tokens for four mana. Let's not forget that it is also situationally useful due tous needing cards in hand in order to make it work.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
I've been thinking about it too. It looks incredibly powerful, being able to jam potentially five tokens for four mana. Let's not forget that it is also situationally useful due tous needing cards in hand in order to make it work.
Even with an empty hand, how much worse is it than Spectral Procession? Procession is WWW unless you only have access to two white then its the same as Expertise. I guess Procession produces fliers which is something to consider but again, how much worse is it really? Something else to consider is that Procession isn't castable off of Expertise so they fill the same role.
Also, I guess one of the things that I also like about it is that sometimes you end up in awkward plays where you have to choose between advancing your board or dropping an anthem. Expertise let's you do both. I honestly think that is the best part of this card.
The following link is an invitation to join Pucatrade (card trading service though similar to TCGPLayer). If you follow the link then it awards me with tokens to exchange for actual cards. Thanks! https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/86097
I didn't consider Procession and Expertise to be on parity when empty-handed, but when we're empty we aren't doing anything with our mana anyway. I think there is a build that plays more anthem in order to abuse Expertise. Maybe I'll have to pick up this deck again.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Long time no post, but while I've been unable to play, I've been reading, optimizing and theory-crafting in the meanwhile. I figure most of this is common knowledge, but here's what I've been thinking about.
Recently got xMage installed, and been toying around with Thraben Inspector. Polymorph definitely seems to be onto something, as I've only found it to be beneficial; it chumps and lives against any 1/* I've had thrown at me, the clue is a useful mana sink when we have nothing else to do, and it give us a one-drop card that works with our white sources which feels like a good consistency boost to me. Honor of the Pure also pumps it, if you're running that anthem in your deck.
With Modern Masters inbound, I'm super excited to hopefully get some sideboard tech and fetches. Top billing on my shopping list is Stony Silence, of which I want three copies to replace my Disenchants with. Marsh Flats is also on the radar, but I don't know how much cheaper those will be going. Absolutely going to be a card that everyone should be looking at, getting those on the cheap will be a big power boost I figure. Grafdigger's Cage is another card to watch, because it looks to be a good alternative for Rest in Peace with the reprint if money is a factor.
See edit 2!Speaking of artifacts, if you're looking for targeted removal, Fragmentize is on parity with Disenchant, trading down in speed for cheaper cast cost. Most artifacts and enchantments we're looking to hit fit in that 4-or-less CMC window to my knowledge, so if you're running single-target artifact hate, go for Fragmentize. With both cards being roughly .25 USD, there's no excuse for not running the card that's friendlier to your mana base since there should be a ton of them floating around. If you want to get a deck running fast, it's the go-to.
Fatal Push is definitely an upgrade for Dismember if you got the money. Cheaper to play, hits about all the same threats, and with all our tokens we have an easy way to pay for the revolt keyword if we need it. If you need more removal on top of your main deck Path to Exile play set, that seems to be the go-to if you can splurge. I wonder if it might make more sense to run Push as a 4-of and have Paths be the secondary form of removal we hold for particularly sizable threats like various Eldrazi. Then again, it makes our removal suite extremely dependent on having some means of removing one of our permanents the turn we intend to cast it. Push is initially stronger in the early turns because it doesn't provide our opponent a land from their library to tap on their next turn, but as the game goes longer and longer Path increasingly becomes the better option.
I've been mulling about the idea suggested in the OP about running Hour of Reckoning. With my continual tightening of my side board, I foresee some space freeing up for a copy or two. My guess it this would be rather handy against creature aggro decks that throw a ton of non-token bodies onto the board - particularly Merfolk and Elves. Reckoning is on the cheaper end, if it's too slow to play consistently, I'll just upgrade straight to Wrath of God. For the record, Wrath looks preferable to Damnation, as the former is both cheaper to purchase and easier to cast due to having more white sources in the deck. The other option is instead of removing the board, we can tax all attackers with Ghostly Prison.
I need to check out Sram's Expertise. Getting a free cast of anything but our planeswalkers sounds like a fine trade-off for loosing the evasion on the tokens. The downside being removal and taxes that hate on artifacts now hit us. Only other thing I would say is a consideration is that the card is slower than Procession since you always need to tap four lands for it. But again, that free hand attack/anthem/removal/combat trick cast is really good. I'll test it in xMage before I consider buying in in paper though.
Here's what I'm hoping my deck will be looking like in another week or two:
Edit: Testing away with Sram's Expertise in my free time. I'm noticing the following:
Expertise is worse when we end up in a situation where we have exactly 3 white mana sources and no other lands.
Expertise is in parity when we have four sources (2 white + any other 2) and no card to play for free.
Expertise is the better card when we have four sources and something to play for free.
The counter argument to my stating earlier that "we're weak to artifact hate when running Expertise" is that we're strong against single-target hate. While Fragmentize and Disenchant become Path and Dismember equivalents, we simply produce so many bodies it's a non-factor. The only real frustration would be a tax effect like Kataki, War's Wage, but that's a tremendously silly scenario having that sideboarded in against us.
The only complaint I consider one might have is that our servos do not have evasion. However, they still get pumped by our anthems and planeswalkers; since the goal is to swing wide, we should still be overwhelming our opponent's blockers when we can't go over their heads. Thus, I think our removal should be held and used more like a combat trick whenever we can to protect our tokens when we're swinging in.
Finally, this definitely incentivizes trying out Hour of Reckoning. For any deck that can match our board width, we need a means of removing creatures that doesn't fall into the same issue that targeted removal has against us. Be advised that Hour is weak in the mirror though, as it does not hit tokens. Thus, the mirror necessitates upgrading to Wrath of God or Damnation.
Edit 2:
Been mulling over sideboarding decisions as I've been reading through the non-budget primer thread. When specifically dealing with single-target artifact/enchantment hate, we have three options:
Disenchant: This the the trusty standby card reprinted time and again. Two CMC (1W) instant, most recently reprinted in Conspiracy 2, rolling around $0.12 USD.
Fragmentize: A newcomer from Kaladesh. One CMC (W), sorcery, cannot hit anything with CMC > 4. Printed in Kaladesh, runs about $0.08 USD.
Sundering Growth: A rather interesting split mana card, hailing from Ravnica's Selesnya Conclave. A CMC of two (WW is how we'll cast it since we don't have green sources), instant speed, and it populates. Freshly reprinted in MM2017, costs roughly $0.04 USD.
Sundering Growth is, by a good margin, the best option for our sideboard if you like packing single-target hate. While it's the most mana-intensive of the three options due to requiring WW instead of 1W, it is playable whenever we have priority (which makes Disenchant preferable to Fragmentize), has rock-bottom pricing due to recent [re]printing (which is partly why Fragmentize can be more appealing to some), but also produces a token (making the price of casting it much less detrimental: Destroy target artifact/enchantment, field a 1/1 flier). To my eyes, Sundering Growth not only is the best budget option for those needing single-target hate, but is honestly the best option overall, no matter how much money you put into your tokens build.
Worst case scenario, if you get these at middle pricing instead of lowest possible, they're still about the same cost per piece of cardboard, but Growth gives the you the most return on investment for letting it occupy a deck slot from a game-play standpoint.
I think with Sram's Expertise, you would want to warp the deck a little bit to make better use of it? Like maybe run something like Read the Bones in place of Thraben Inspector? It would give you something else of immediate value to cast off of Expertise but would also help you refill your hand/sculpt your draws to help ensure you always have something available to cast off of Expertise. If you don't have an Expertise then its still good. Maybe also Ajani, Caller of the Pride becomes playable for immediately pumping a token, then next turn that pumped token now gets flying and double strike, hitting for upwards of 6 damage in some situations?
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Going with a Sram's focused build, and trying Read the Bones alongside it, I figure there's a few things we need to reconsider from more "normal" lists. First, we're going to deal so much damage to ourselves between our mana base and sorceries that I'd actually see if going it without Thoughtseize is possible. Thus, we rely heavily on a full play set of Inquisition and supplanting it with some copies of Duress. Next, Read the Bones overloads our three slot, so to lessen the average CMC load we cut Spectral Procession. Luckily, it's effectively replaced by Sram's Expertise in this build. I've swapped Gideon for Elspeth, since I think her ability to turn one of our servos into a 4/4 flyer or better if we have Intangible Virtue online is a stronger play since we're going to be fielding so many token without evasion. I've included Secure the Wastes as a new secondary win condition to replace the potential Gideon beats. To keep in line with the concept of affecting our draws via deck-thinning and scrying, I've chucked pain lands, and am avoiding heavy use of shocks, instead preferring some scry lands and lots of fetches.
This style deck is probably going to want to have loads of removal and combat tricks since we're relying on a much larger concentration of tokens without evasion, I'm guessing a baseline of 6 removal and at least two Persecutions to supplement combat alongside Sorin and Vault. Honor of the Pure would be nice, but I'm uncertain if the guaranteed amount of white tokens we can generate is worth that.
I've included my current sideboard, only swapping in two more copies of Fatal Push for the two copies of Extirpate I run. While I see cards like Blessed Alliance, Timely Reinforcements, and Disenchant are easily sideboard inclusions, I think some of my other choices might warrant replacement in this style build, since this list seems to incentivize more digging and aggressive attacks to me. Instead of hating out particular lists, we might want to focus more on means of bolstering the aggressive strategy or buy us more resources in the terms of health for additional turns or even more card draw or token generation.
Well, it's been a while, but we're back in business! Fastlands, MM17 was great for this deck, I might have to rebuy some of the pieces to this. Either way, I will definitely be playing this on occasion. What are everyone's newest developments? I'm eager to hear what everyone has been up to!
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Anointed Procession is really interesting, but I think it's just much too slow for our deck. It's four mana to make every subsequent token spell twice as powerful. While that seems worthwhile on paper, it's competing with Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, and Sram's Expertise. Consider the following:
Sorin turns every unanswered swing of ours into an increasingly insurmountable mountain of life points. Sorin can put you so far ahead if he sticks for a few turns that it exhausts your opponent's resources while you simply swing wide over the head of their blockers.
Gideon comes into play with a friend, and then becomes a 5/5 indestructible beater that can simply bash your opponent into submission. Alternatively, he can use his second minus ability at any time (including when you play him) to give you a fifth anthem effect.
Sram's might not be as appealing as the other two options, but it's also still quite handy. You give up token evasion and pay one more mana, but you can then cast nearly any one nonland card in the deck, which can be a huge tempo play.
Sram's Expertise into Lingering Souls gets you five tokens on turn four, two with evasion, and a Souls in the yard ready for flashback - a play that's comparable to turn four Anointed Procession into turn five Spectral Procession. If your opponent can't or doesn't counter the Expertise, you've made a significantly stronger play. Conversely, any opponent who can counter the next card you play will hold off until your next turn and attempt to prevent the now telegraphed token generator.
Hey guys! I've been foraging through the forums to help look for a deck to start getting back into MTG and I've been reading up on a lot of deck archetypes but BW Tokens seems to be it, and I'm damn keen to start picking it up. Looks fun
Here's the list I'm currently working on and I'm really digging how its looking. I took Sorin down to 3 instead of 4 and added a Gideon, Ally of Zendikar to use as backup or a beat stick or another token if needed along with 2 Vault of the Archangel and I also sorted out the Sideboard properly now to be more of a all round utility belt until I know what my local meta is.
I'd love to get 4 Fatal Push and chuck them in the mainboard but I just can't afford them on top of getting the rest of the deck right now I'll add them if and when I get them.
Just a tip for a recent convert of your Tokens stuff:
BW Eldrazi is quite cheap, rans a lot of stuff Tokens does as well and gives you plenty of useful upgrades.
Green @ it's best
Game 1 vs. scapeshift
Ended up 0-2 due to good draws from valakut which i had no answer
Game 2 vs. jeskai ascension with fatestitcher
2-1, won game 3 due to band hand draw from opponent
Game 3 vs. mono red burn
Won 2-1, lost to match 2 due to unavailability of oblivion ring to remove his leyline of sanctity
Game 4 vs. 8-whack
Won 2-0 due to unanswered sorin, and he did not have a mass wipe
Game 5 vs. BG elves
Won 2-1 from siding bile blight and drown in sorrow.
Overall ended up 2nd place.
Champ was valakut.
I'm investing next on godless shrines and bitterblossoms.
You might also wanna give a link to that thread as reference to guys around this thread.
BW Eldrazi Processor
Eldrazi's are way more competitive because they represent a serious clock, a bunch of interaction and a whole new area for brewing.
They got disruption, removal, fat dude's and ghost quarter, which is bonkers.
Green @ it's best
Couldn't sell it and my other decks perform exceptional bad in my local Meta.
Still brewing...
I squeezed my brain, scratched my head and finally tacklet the problem at the root.
It's about threwing old habits over bord. Cut everything useless (Bruce, da master told me
while i was sleeping
So what's bothering me
Bad Cards. Tidehollow Sculler especially.
It's ok'ish, don't misunderstand me.
But only in certain circumstances.
As is Auriok Champion, kor Firewalker, Burrenton Forge-Tender,
<placeholder for ugly hatebears>...
So what's undoubtful good?
I looked it up. All of these are good in some cases / corner cases:
I mean like competitive. all of these serve a purpose.
But only one is truly good - it chumps, replaces itself, cantrips, even meeting the criteria of being a good topdeck AND kinda slightly agressive.
Thraben Inspector
This is what could be a decent Card.
So here's my up-to-date (untested) List:
3 concealed courtyard
1 temple of silence
2 shambling vent
3 godless shrine
4 flooded strand
4 windswept heath
1 ghost quarter
1 isolated chapel
1 swamp
4 plains
3 thraben inspector
4 path to exile
1 darkblast
2 zealous persecution
1 collective brutality
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
2 Thoughtseize
4 raise the alarm
4 lingering souls
3 spectral procession
4 Intangible Virtue
2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Numbers are solid except for my removal suite - this is a local Meta speciality.
Walkers Split feels alright. 2 Sorin, 1 Gideon, 1 Elspeth.
Green @ it's best
It doesn't win us matches out of nowhere, but it's a great addition.
Chumping and cantripping is really nice.
Green @ it's best
Even with an empty hand, how much worse is it than Spectral Procession? Procession is WWW unless you only have access to two white then its the same as Expertise. I guess Procession produces fliers which is something to consider but again, how much worse is it really? Something else to consider is that Procession isn't castable off of Expertise so they fill the same role.
Also, I guess one of the things that I also like about it is that sometimes you end up in awkward plays where you have to choose between advancing your board or dropping an anthem. Expertise let's you do both. I honestly think that is the best part of this card.
I just wish Ajani, Caller of the Pride was playable in this deck lol. Though Brimaz, King of Oreskos is and I've seen people play him. He could be good.
Recently got xMage installed, and been toying around with Thraben Inspector. Polymorph definitely seems to be onto something, as I've only found it to be beneficial; it chumps and lives against any 1/* I've had thrown at me, the clue is a useful mana sink when we have nothing else to do, and it give us a one-drop card that works with our white sources which feels like a good consistency boost to me. Honor of the Pure also pumps it, if you're running that anthem in your deck.
With Modern Masters inbound, I'm super excited to hopefully get some sideboard tech and fetches. Top billing on my shopping list is Stony Silence, of which I want three copies to replace my Disenchants with. Marsh Flats is also on the radar, but I don't know how much cheaper those will be going. Absolutely going to be a card that everyone should be looking at, getting those on the cheap will be a big power boost I figure. Grafdigger's Cage is another card to watch, because it looks to be a good alternative for Rest in Peace with the reprint if money is a factor.
See edit 2!
Speaking of artifacts, if you're looking for targeted removal, Fragmentize is on parity with Disenchant, trading down in speed for cheaper cast cost. Most artifacts and enchantments we're looking to hit fit in that 4-or-less CMC window to my knowledge, so if you're running single-target artifact hate, go for Fragmentize. With both cards being roughly .25 USD, there's no excuse for not running the card that's friendlier to your mana base since there should be a ton of them floating around. If you want to get a deck running fast, it's the go-to.Fatal Push is definitely an upgrade for Dismember if you got the money. Cheaper to play, hits about all the same threats, and with all our tokens we have an easy way to pay for the revolt keyword if we need it. If you need more removal on top of your main deck Path to Exile play set, that seems to be the go-to if you can splurge. I wonder if it might make more sense to run Push as a 4-of and have Paths be the secondary form of removal we hold for particularly sizable threats like various Eldrazi. Then again, it makes our removal suite extremely dependent on having some means of removing one of our permanents the turn we intend to cast it. Push is initially stronger in the early turns because it doesn't provide our opponent a land from their library to tap on their next turn, but as the game goes longer and longer Path increasingly becomes the better option.
I've been mulling about the idea suggested in the OP about running Hour of Reckoning. With my continual tightening of my side board, I foresee some space freeing up for a copy or two. My guess it this would be rather handy against creature aggro decks that throw a ton of non-token bodies onto the board - particularly Merfolk and Elves. Reckoning is on the cheaper end, if it's too slow to play consistently, I'll just upgrade straight to Wrath of God. For the record, Wrath looks preferable to Damnation, as the former is both cheaper to purchase and easier to cast due to having more white sources in the deck. The other option is instead of removing the board, we can tax all attackers with Ghostly Prison.
I need to check out Sram's Expertise. Getting a free cast of anything but our planeswalkers sounds like a fine trade-off for loosing the evasion on the tokens. The downside being removal and taxes that hate on artifacts now hit us. Only other thing I would say is a consideration is that the card is slower than Procession since you always need to tap four lands for it. But again, that free hand attack/anthem/removal/combat trick cast is really good. I'll test it in xMage before I consider buying in in paper though.
Here's what I'm hoping my deck will be looking like in another week or two:
2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Creature (3)
3 Thraben Inspector
Sorcery (15)
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
2 Thoughtseize
4 Lingering Souls
4 Spectral Procession
1 Collective Brutality
Instant (10)
4 Path to Exile
4 Raise the Alarm
2 Zealous Persecution
4 Intangible Virtue
Land (24)
4 Concealed Courtyard
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Isolated Chapel
2 Shambling Vent
2 Ghost Quarter
5 Plains
3 Swamp
2 Dismember
2 Blessed Alliance
2 Hour of Reckoning
2 Timely Reinforcements
2 Rest in Peace
3 Stony Silence
2 Pithing Needle
Edit: Testing away with Sram's Expertise in my free time. I'm noticing the following:
The only complaint I consider one might have is that our servos do not have evasion. However, they still get pumped by our anthems and planeswalkers; since the goal is to swing wide, we should still be overwhelming our opponent's blockers when we can't go over their heads. Thus, I think our removal should be held and used more like a combat trick whenever we can to protect our tokens when we're swinging in.
Finally, this definitely incentivizes trying out Hour of Reckoning. For any deck that can match our board width, we need a means of removing creatures that doesn't fall into the same issue that targeted removal has against us. Be advised that Hour is weak in the mirror though, as it does not hit tokens. Thus, the mirror necessitates upgrading to Wrath of God or Damnation.
Edit 2:
Been mulling over sideboarding decisions as I've been reading through the non-budget primer thread. When specifically dealing with single-target artifact/enchantment hate, we have three options:
Worst case scenario, if you get these at middle pricing instead of lowest possible, they're still about the same cost per piece of cardboard, but Growth gives the you the most return on investment for letting it occupy a deck slot from a game-play standpoint.
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Sorcery (16)
2 Duress
2 Read the Bones
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
4 Lingering Souls
4 Sram's Expertise
Instant (13)
1 Secure the Wastes
2 Fatal Push
2 Zealous Persecution
4 Path to Exile
4 Raise the Alarm
4 Intangible Virtue
Land (24)
1 Godless Shrine
1 Vault of the Archangel
2 Flooded Strand
2 Isolated Chapel
2 Temple of Silence
2 Shambling Vent
4 Windswept Heath
4 Concealed Courtyard
5 Plains
1 Swamp
1 Fragmentize
2 Selfless Spirit
2 Blessed Alliance
2 Disenchant
2 Timely Reinforcements
2 Fatal Push
2 Rest in Peace
2 Stony Silence
Going with a Sram's focused build, and trying Read the Bones alongside it, I figure there's a few things we need to reconsider from more "normal" lists. First, we're going to deal so much damage to ourselves between our mana base and sorceries that I'd actually see if going it without Thoughtseize is possible. Thus, we rely heavily on a full play set of Inquisition and supplanting it with some copies of Duress. Next, Read the Bones overloads our three slot, so to lessen the average CMC load we cut Spectral Procession. Luckily, it's effectively replaced by Sram's Expertise in this build. I've swapped Gideon for Elspeth, since I think her ability to turn one of our servos into a 4/4 flyer or better if we have Intangible Virtue online is a stronger play since we're going to be fielding so many token without evasion. I've included Secure the Wastes as a new secondary win condition to replace the potential Gideon beats. To keep in line with the concept of affecting our draws via deck-thinning and scrying, I've chucked pain lands, and am avoiding heavy use of shocks, instead preferring some scry lands and lots of fetches.
This style deck is probably going to want to have loads of removal and combat tricks since we're relying on a much larger concentration of tokens without evasion, I'm guessing a baseline of 6 removal and at least two Persecutions to supplement combat alongside Sorin and Vault. Honor of the Pure would be nice, but I'm uncertain if the guaranteed amount of white tokens we can generate is worth that.
I've included my current sideboard, only swapping in two more copies of Fatal Push for the two copies of Extirpate I run. While I see cards like Blessed Alliance, Timely Reinforcements, and Disenchant are easily sideboard inclusions, I think some of my other choices might warrant replacement in this style build, since this list seems to incentivize more digging and aggressive attacks to me. Instead of hating out particular lists, we might want to focus more on means of bolstering the aggressive strategy or buy us more resources in the terms of health for additional turns or even more card draw or token generation.
Edit: Selfless Spirit is an obvious sideboard include for this list, shame on me. Also, the one free Fragmentize for the potential Chalice of the Void on 2.
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
Turn 4 Procession, turn 5 Secure the Wastes......8 tokens. If you have Intangible Virtue out already that's 8 2/2's
Sram's Expertise into Lingering Souls gets you five tokens on turn four, two with evasion, and a Souls in the yard ready for flashback - a play that's comparable to turn four Anointed Procession into turn five Spectral Procession. If your opponent can't or doesn't counter the Expertise, you've made a significantly stronger play. Conversely, any opponent who can counter the next card you play will hold off until your next turn and attempt to prevent the now telegraphed token generator.
My Modern Playlist:
BWTokens | GBElves
Here's the list I'm currently working on and I'm really digging how its looking. I took Sorin down to 3 instead of 4 and added a Gideon, Ally of Zendikar to use as backup or a beat stick or another token if needed along with 2 Vault of the Archangel and I also sorted out the Sideboard properly now to be more of a all round utility belt until I know what my local meta is.
4 Tidehollow Sculler
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
4 Path to Exile
4 Raise the Alarm
4 Intangible Virtue
2 Zealous Persecution
1 Murderous Cut
1 Anguished Unmaking
4 Lingering Souls
4 Spectral Procession
3 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
8 Plains
2 Swamp
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Concealed Courtyard
4 Isolated Chapel
2 Vault of the Archangel
1 Anguished Unmaking
4 Duress
2 Sundering Growth
1 Dismember
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Ghost Quarter
3 Tormod's Crypt
I'd love to get 4 Fatal Push and chuck them in the mainboard but I just can't afford them on top of getting the rest of the deck right now