How about Hulk Footsteps? Protean Hulk plus Footsteps of the Goryo. It's fun and suprisingly resilient. And it's pretty cheap too, depending on how you build the manabase. Can go off turn 3 pretty easily. There's a thread for it in the deck creation forum.
Dredgevine shouldn't be too bad, and it could also run smallpox, does run faithless looting (and life from the loam, i believe). It's not horribly unfair, but it can get some seriously nasty starts too. there is a thread in developing competitive for it.
Living End is a little bit more than $300 but can be really good in the right metagame.
Mono U Timewalk is usually around $300 and is a good rogue choice right now.
Ad Nauseum can probably be built on budget.
UW "Eggs" KCI decks are under budget.
Suicide Zoo can mayyybe be built on budget. It functions like a combo deck.
Nivmagus Elemental
Hulk Footsteps
Grand Archatect
Green's Sun's Zenith
Modern four Horsemen
Ritual Gifts (Maybe)
Twiddle Storm
Mono G Devotion
I have like 5 more personal combo decks... the list goes on and on......
I play Commander a lot and used to compete in tournaments locally but today I do not play in tournaments anymore. I was having issues when it comes to the events. Control decks are a big problem in the Maltese community and they are very dominant compared to aggro, tribal and other decks. Playing against a control deck to infuriating for a casual player such as myself and that is why I quit competiting in tournaments and instead I prefer to play casually at home or at my local community against decks are not control. Control decks make the game very unfair and the commander committee must reevaluate all blue cards and start banning those OP formats as the format is completely broken thanks to blue.
Private Mod Note
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This is BogatyrOfMurom, a MTG player based in Malta. I play Commander, Oathbreaker and Pauper. I have been playing MTG since 2013. I played in different casual tournaments in the unsantioned and won some of them. I got into sanctioned in 2017 in Pre-Release Aether Revolt. My style of play is tribal, aggro, land destruction, reanimator and burn. My favorite of them all are Slivers.
If you need any advice, you can find me on under the same name.
I play Commander a lot and used to compete in tournaments locally but today I do not play in tournaments anymore. I was having issues when it comes to the events. Control decks are a big problem in the Maltese community and they are very dominant compared to aggro, tribal and other decks. Playing against a control deck to infuriating for a casual player such as myself and that is why I quit competiting in tournaments and instead I prefer to play casually at home or at my local community against decks are not control. Control decks make the game very unfair and the commander committee must reevaluate all blue cards and start banning those OP formats as the format is completely broken thanks to blue.
um im a little confused... you seem to be having a rant about blue based control in edh.... this is a budget modern thread....about combo decks.... with no blue... and its a necro thread from 5 years ago....
i was looking for the most unfair Combo Decks.
Something that doesn't hit the 300$ mark, but got real potential.
I'm searching for the most unfair things and already looked up all the
Through the Breach and Griselbrand decks, but
everything is out of budget.
I'd like to play Stuff like
- Faithless Looting
- Smallpox
- Tormenting Voice
- Unburial Rites
- Pyretic Ritual
but haven't found anything real potentDo you got any ideas?
Green @ it's best
Plays Smallpox and Looting.
I don't think you'll find a combo deck with Smallpox in it though.
Hulk Footsteps looks funny...I'll have a closer look at this one.
At first glance i'm missing Visions, Inquisition, some shocks.
Any other suggestions with Combos regarding the grave?
Pox Loam has been tested for a couple of matches but that's not my playstyle
Green @ it's best
Credit to DolZero for this awesome sig!
Mono U Timewalk is usually around $300 and is a good rogue choice right now.
Ad Nauseum can probably be built on budget.
UW "Eggs" KCI decks are under budget.
Suicide Zoo can mayyybe be built on budget. It functions like a combo deck.
Nivmagus Elemental
Hulk Footsteps
Grand Archatect
Green's Sun's Zenith
Modern four Horsemen
Ritual Gifts (Maybe)
Twiddle Storm
Mono G Devotion
I have like 5 more personal combo decks... the list goes on and on......
MTGO/MTGA: Tyclone
My Primers ~ GWx Vizier Company ~ Knightfall ~ RG Eldrazi ~ Green's Sun's Zenith
More Brews ~ Modern Four Horsemen ~ Gitrog Dredge
If you need any advice, you can find me on under the same name.
um im a little confused... you seem to be having a rant about blue based control in edh.... this is a budget modern thread....about combo decks.... with no blue... and its a necro thread from 5 years ago....
Competitive Decks
Devotion to the Lash B ----
Monkey Conservation WUGR ---- Dragon WorshipR