Hi so I'm just getting ready to come back after quitting two years ago because I hated standard.
Cards I own are pretty much all basic lands or innistrad commons and uncommons.
Colors I prefer are blue, black or green. Would prefer to stay mono. Would do red or white if its artifact reliant.
Style- Preferred is combo but ill play anything.
Budget- I have about 70 to get it running, although if it is able to I will improve off of the initial when finances are better, however I wanna get something now.
Level- Id like FNM level at start and to be able to grow from there. I know this is a tall order so thank you to whomever replies.
Hi so I'm just getting ready to come back after quitting two years ago because I hated standard.
Cards I own are pretty much all basic lands or innistrad commons and uncommons.
Colors I prefer are blue, black or green. Would prefer to stay mono. Would do red or white if its artifact reliant.
Style- Preferred is combo but ill play anything.
Budget- I have about 70 to get it running, although if it is able to I will improve off of the initial when finances are better, however I wanna get something now.
Level- Id like FNM level at start and to be able to grow from there. I know this is a tall order so thank you to whomever replies.
Hey guys, been piloting Merfolk for a few weeks now, and while it is hella fun, I would like to be in Modern in the long run, and to that end I really would like to pick up some sets of fetches/shocks. As a Merfolk player, though, I don't have a whole lot of use for them. Luckily for me, I'm also addicted to deckbuilding. So here's the deal; I currently don't have a ton any Modern staples (Goyfs, Bobs, LotVs, Snappy), but would like to play a competitive (preferably 3 color) deck. I enjoy playing a wide variety of decks, so as I already have an aggro deck, maybe something more midrange, or even control or combo? I'm really up for anything! I'd be willing to fill in staples as I play more, but for now I'd like to make the larger investment into a manabase that I can translate to other decks in the future.
As such, things that don't make much use of fetches (Tron, affinity) wouldn't be so great. Thanks guys!
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue): Control I guess (assuming that's kinda like a lock deck? I'm coming from playing Pokemon so I don't know) - if that isn't what control is, just do anything
Budget you have: <100$?
Level you want to play at: As high as possible given a budget deck.
I know I'm vague. Help'd still be appreciated though. Thanks!
Cards you already own: pretty much all the commons uncommons from 36 packs of Khans of Tarkir and Magic 2015 Deck builders toolkit - courtesy of roommate
Colors you like to play: no real preference I play to win, but black if pressed
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue): no real preference I play to win, aggro or control i guess
Cards I own: 3x Terminate, playset of hallowed fountains and flooded strands,1 bolt,2 volcanic fallout, 3x Duress, 3x path, damnation, black sun zenith.
Colors I like to play: everything
style: Aggro, control
Budget: anything not over $400(excluding cards I own)
Level I want to play with: Casual, but if the deck could evolve into a more competitive deck for the future that would be awesome.
Cards I have: cheap stuff like doom blades, bolts, mana leak, ect. Above 2$,go for the Throat, Mutavault, polluted deltas, Tasigur, a single Watery Grave, secluded Glen, Bitterblossoms, and a few snapcaster.
I tried building a UB Faeries but it was too expensive.
Colors I like to play:
Blue alot. Black about 4/5th as much as blue. Red about 3/5 as black. White about 3/4 as much as red. I hate green.
Style: control and midrange. Tempo can be considered but I just really like to hold answers. I hate feeling powerless. I would much rather blame myself for misusing my spells than blame draws for not being fast enough.
Budget: about 100-200 spent on new cards.
Level: Fnm at first, and use money from that to upgrade.
Cards you already own - Playset of Khans fetches, 1 Tasigur, playset of Duress, 4C Rally standard list.
Colors you like to play - Any colors are fine for me.
Style you like to play - Combo and midrange are my favorite, but I'm willing to play anything.
Budget you have - ~$100
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to - Planning to play fnm, want to be able to win.
I'm looking especially for a deck that I can upgrade later into a Tier 1 deck after I know the Modern metagame, really just looking to get my feet wet with Modern before I shell out the money for a full deck.
Hey guys, been piloting Merfolk for a few weeks now, and while it is hella fun, I would like to be in Modern in the long run, and to that end I really would like to pick up some sets of fetches/shocks. As a Merfolk player, though, I don't have a whole lot of use for them. Luckily for me, I'm also addicted to deckbuilding. So here's the deal; I currently don't have a ton any Modern staples (Goyfs, Bobs, LotVs, Snappy), but would like to play a competitive (preferably 3 color) deck. I enjoy playing a wide variety of decks, so as I already have an aggro deck, maybe something more midrange, or even control or combo? I'm really up for anything! I'd be willing to fill in staples as I play more, but for now I'd like to make the larger investment into a manabase that I can translate to other decks in the future.
As such, things that don't make much use of fetches (Tron, affinity) wouldn't be so great. Thanks guys!
Oh boy, here we go with all the deck help. Buy into the staples, but STICK TO MERFOLK!!! You cannot play a deck for a few weeks and expect to switch off. Learn your deck, and pilot ot for a reasonable amount of time, such as 6-12 months. Buy the fetches and shocks, but please don't build another deck yet. You'll thank me later.
@Ivysaurman Lock strategies are typically Prison decks, but those get expensive. For control, check out Evoke Control on MTGGoldfish (just Google it).
@tsuru888 Look for cheap aggro decks. There are loads of them, too numerous to list here.
@Soulbanana Turn One Thoughtseize on tappedout.net has a budget Esper Control deck in the $240 range, but will run you less since you have the fetches and some of the shocks already. Plus, with stuff like Damnation, you could turn that deck into a real powerhouse for FNM!
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Cards I have: cheap stuff like doom blades, bolts, mana leak, ect. Above 2$,go for the Throat, Mutavault, polluted deltas, Tasigur, a single Watery Grave, secluded Glen, Bitterblossoms, and a few snapcaster.
I tried building a UB Faeries but it was too expensive.
Colors I like to play:
Blue alot. Black about 4/5th as much as blue. Red about 3/5 as black. White about 3/4 as much as red. I hate green.
Style: control and midrange. Tempo can be considered but I just really like to hold answers. I hate feeling powerless. I would much rather blame myself for misusing my spells than blame draws for not being fast enough.
Budget: about 100-200 spent on new cards.
Level: Fnm at first, and use money from that to upgrade.
Sorry for the double post. Trying to make this a little more organized. Again, check out Turn One Thoughtseize on tappedout.net where you will find a very cheap Mono Blue Faeries deck that is easily built in to UB Faeries.
@kathybw This thread isn't the place to discuss deck help. Check out tje Deck Creation area.
@Norrmy BW Tokens or the Rally Vampires deck by MTGGoldfish!
Cards you own:
I don't have much in terms of Modern Staples, most of my cards came from the past few years of Standard. But I have a Restoration Angel, Scavenging Ooze, Steam Vents, Wooded Foothills, Woodland Cemetery, 2x Tectonic Edges, Fauna Shaman, 2x Grim Lavamancer, 4x Pestermite, 2x Deceiver Exarch, 2x Gitaxian Probe and the normal 4x Lightning Bolt.
Colours you like to play:
UR, Bant/UWG, Jeskai/WUR, Grixis/BUR, Esper/UWB
Style you like to play:
Tempo/Combo > Control > Aggro > Midrange
Anything around $50 to $100, but something I can upgrade over time. But that's just my starting point to make the foundation.
Level you want to play at:
I wanna take this deck to FNM and just play with friends during casuals.
Cards I Own:
4x Wooded Foothills
4x Dryad Arbor
3x Lightning Bolt
1x Mutavault
2x Copperline Gorge
2x Collected Company
3x Gutteral Response
1x Blood Moon
I have a bunch of other rares but they are mostly unplayable or too cheap to mention.
Not including what I already have id like the deck to be $75-100. I am comfortable with any play style or colors, the most important thing for me is that it is an archetype that can later be upgraded to an at least tier 2 deck. I have a friend that plays Aura Hexproof, so I'd rather not build that.
Cards you already own - almost nothing relevant, but I can trade for about half the cards in mm15 and anything past ths block easily enough
Colors you like to play - I don't really have a preference, blue, white or black would be nice though.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue) - control mostly, especially draw-go style decks (which I'm aware don't really exist in modern asides like, UW Tron, which is barely viable. Also, please don't suggest mono-U-Tron, I've tested it and don't like it, winning through inconsistent infinites isn't my cup of tea.)
Budget you have - £50-£100 ($75-$150) with roughly £20-£50 ($30-$75) extra next month.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq) - might be too much to ask on a budget this tight, but I'd like to be able do do decently well at small ptqs and such.
Bumping this, never got a reply and had to lend my money to a family member, just got it back (took a while,ik).
You might enjoy UW Tron. It's definitely different than U Tron. Try looking at UW Tron too, but Skred Red is also a TON of fun to play and can be built in the $200 range easily.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Alright, I'm gonna run this down real quick. Evrybody who likes UW, look into UW Control, it's good trust me. UR? Delver? Skred is a VERY good deck. That should cover everyone.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
This is really difficult. Your color preferences and budget are incredibly conflicting. However, if you enjoy midrangey combo decks, there are options. Mtggoldfish's Rally Vampires is a very solid deck, and certainly FNM competitive. A much more aggro and ramp based deck is Elves, which can be made for $150 (137.37 euros), which is a little outside your budget but totally worth the extra 37 euros. That deck is better than any deck you could get for under 100 euros, barring a few exceptions, one of which being Rally Vampires. Depending on your control style, 8Rack is very good for fighting against a known meta, but you really need to know both the format and your meta in order to pilot it effectively.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
The problem is that you will have trouble reliably getting it into the graveyard. Fulminator you will play, block with it and sac it. Riders costs more mana, and probably will not get killed because nobody wants to let you recur it. Living End usually costs about $315 (288.37 euros) so it's already fairly budget. I would proxy up a bunch if the decks you have access to and playtest a lot. It's a great way to find a deck you like.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
i own playset of UW manlands, Glacial Fortress, 2 Hallowed Fountains, 3 UB Manlands, 1 of UB and BR shocks.
1 Vendilion Clique
foing to buy 3 Snapcasters in near future.
and some cheap stuff Jura, Elperh Knight Errant, PtE
any combonations with U
mostly control pr spme kinde of tempo
around 200$
semi competetive, local tournaments and sometimes in other cities.
UW Control or Esper Control, both of which can be built on a budget. I don't have a budget UW Control list off hand, but I know Turn One Thoughtseize has a budget Esper Control deck that, with some tinkering, is an absolute house (I would know, I played it).
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Cards I own are pretty much all basic lands or innistrad commons and uncommons.
Colors I prefer are blue, black or green. Would prefer to stay mono. Would do red or white if its artifact reliant.
Style- Preferred is combo but ill play anything.
Budget- I have about 70 to get it running, although if it is able to I will improve off of the initial when finances are better, however I wanna get something now.
Level- Id like FNM level at start and to be able to grow from there. I know this is a tall order so thank you to whomever replies.
So you like artifacts and combo eh? This seems right up your alley: http://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/323674#paper
UBR Grixis Control
U Merfolk
U Mono U Delver
Ancestral Visions is freed
a tonany Modern staples (Goyfs, Bobs, LotVs, Snappy), but would like to play a competitive (preferably 3 color) deck. I enjoy playing a wide variety of decks, so as I already have an aggro deck, maybe something more midrange, or even control or combo? I'm really up for anything! I'd be willing to fill in staples as I play more, but for now I'd like to make the larger investment into a manabase that I can translate to other decks in the future.As such, things that don't make much use of fetches (Tron, affinity) wouldn't be so great. Thanks guys!
Cards you already own: None
Colors you like to play: idk
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue): Control I guess (assuming that's kinda like a lock deck? I'm coming from playing Pokemon so I don't know) - if that isn't what control is, just do anything
Budget you have: <100$?
Level you want to play at: As high as possible given a budget deck.
I know I'm vague. Help'd still be appreciated though. Thanks!
Colors you like to play: no real preference I play to win, but black if pressed
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue): no real preference I play to win, aggro or control i guess
Budget you have: <100$?
Level you want to play at: With friends, FNM
Colors I like to play: everything
style: Aggro, control
Budget: anything not over $400(excluding cards I own)
Level I want to play with: Casual, but if the deck could evolve into a more competitive deck for the future that would be awesome.
Thanks Argentleman;)
WB Teysa token aggroBW (retired)
MAKING (Onmath, Numot, maybe something in Esper)
I tried building a UB Faeries but it was too expensive.
Colors I like to play:
Blue alot. Black about 4/5th as much as blue. Red about 3/5 as black. White about 3/4 as much as red. I hate green.
Style: control and midrange. Tempo can be considered but I just really like to hold answers. I hate feeling powerless. I would much rather blame myself for misusing my spells than blame draws for not being fast enough.
Budget: about 100-200 spent on new cards.
Level: Fnm at first, and use money from that to upgrade.
Colors you like to play - Any colors are fine for me.
Style you like to play - Combo and midrange are my favorite, but I'm willing to play anything.
Budget you have - ~$100
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to - Planning to play fnm, want to be able to win.
I'm looking especially for a deck that I can upgrade later into a Tier 1 deck after I know the Modern metagame, really just looking to get my feet wet with Modern before I shell out the money for a full deck.
@Ivysaurman Lock strategies are typically Prison decks, but those get expensive. For control, check out Evoke Control on MTGGoldfish (just Google it).
@tsuru888 Look for cheap aggro decks. There are loads of them, too numerous to list here.
@Soulbanana Turn One Thoughtseize on tappedout.net has a budget Esper Control deck in the $240 range, but will run you less since you have the fetches and some of the shocks already. Plus, with stuff like Damnation, you could turn that deck into a real powerhouse for FNM!
@kathybw This thread isn't the place to discuss deck help. Check out tje Deck Creation area.
@Norrmy BW Tokens or the Rally Vampires deck by MTGGoldfish!
I don't have much in terms of Modern Staples, most of my cards came from the past few years of Standard. But I have a Restoration Angel, Scavenging Ooze, Steam Vents, Wooded Foothills, Woodland Cemetery, 2x Tectonic Edges, Fauna Shaman, 2x Grim Lavamancer, 4x Pestermite, 2x Deceiver Exarch, 2x Gitaxian Probe and the normal 4x Lightning Bolt.
Colours you like to play:
UR, Bant/UWG, Jeskai/WUR, Grixis/BUR, Esper/UWB
Style you like to play:
Tempo/Combo > Control > Aggro > Midrange
Anything around $50 to $100, but something I can upgrade over time. But that's just my starting point to make the foundation.
Level you want to play at:
I wanna take this deck to FNM and just play with friends during casuals.
4x Wooded Foothills
4x Dryad Arbor
3x Lightning Bolt
1x Mutavault
2x Copperline Gorge
2x Collected Company
3x Gutteral Response
1x Blood Moon
I have a bunch of other rares but they are mostly unplayable or too cheap to mention.
Not including what I already have id like the deck to be $75-100. I am comfortable with any play style or colors, the most important thing for me is that it is an archetype that can later be upgraded to an at least tier 2 deck. I have a friend that plays Aura Hexproof, so I'd rather not build that.
i own playset of UW manlands, Glacial Fortress, 2 Hallowed Fountains, 3 UB Manlands, 1 of UB and BR shocks.
1 Vendilion Clique
foing to buy 3 Snapcasters in near future.
and some cheap stuff Jura, Elperh Knight Errant, PtE
any combonations with U
mostly control pr spme kinde of tempo
around 200$
semi competetive, local tournaments and sometimes in other cities.
GBR Jund Midrange
GWU Bant Eldrazi
UG UG Infect