So I'm bored of all my things rotating out constantly in standard, so I'm making the transition. I should also mention that due to the apparently large amounts of combo decks in modern, I'd prefer something that can disrupt combo decks effectively. I don't like dying because my opponent happened to have his 2-3 card win con in his opening hand.
I lack a understanding of the Modern Metagame so it's hard to answer this effectively. that said
3x Thoughtseize
4x Monastery Swiftspear
2x Anafenza, the Foremost
4x Bloodstained Mire
3x Polluted Delta
2x Windswept Heath
1x Wooded Foothills
1x Tasigur
maybe others, I don't know the modern scene very well.
Aggro, Tempo, favour having control elements but generally lack the patience to spend half the game digging for a wincon. Dislike Ramp. Favoured colours are (form favourite to least favourite) Red, Black/Blue, White, Green. That said, I've never experienced non-ramp non-abzan green decks, so I don't know if well.
$200-$300 I'd say. Preferably cheaper is better.
FNM. I've never done anything at a higher level than that and have no intention of going bigger thus far.
So I'm bored of all my things rotating out constantly in standard, so I'm making the transition. I should also mention that due to the apparently large amounts of combo decks in modern, I'd prefer something that can disrupt combo decks effectively. I don't like dying because my opponent happened to have his 2-3 card win con in his opening hand.
I lack a understanding of the Modern Metagame so it's hard to answer this effectively. that said
3x Thoughtseize
4x Monastery Swiftspear
2x Anafenza, the Foremost
4x Bloodstained Mire
3x Polluted Delta
2x Windswept Heath
1x Wooded Foothills
1x Tasigur
maybe others, I don't know the modern scene very well.
Aggro, Tempo, favour having control elements but generally lack the patience to spend half the game digging for a wincon. Dislike Ramp. Favoured colours are (form favourite to least favourite) Red, Black/Blue, White, Green. That said, I've never experienced non-ramp non-abzan green decks, so I don't know if well.
$200-$300 I'd say. Preferably cheaper is better.
FNM. I've never done anything at a higher level than that and have no intention of going bigger thus far.
First off, I don't think combo decks are running rampant perce. Rather, there are lots of decks that have synergies that allow them to perform incredibly well like Affinity and Merfolk. That's not to say that the format doesn't have combo decks, nor am I saying that they aren't tier one/two: Splinter Twin, Amulet Bloom, and Scapeshift are all very good decks that can just run over an opponent. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't be super concerned about combo matchups, unless the deck of your choice doesn't fair well against combo decks, but that's when you look to your sideboard. Now, to answer your question, I recommend Abzan. I know it's not in your favorite colors, but you have a lot of pieces for it already and it packs disruption. There are lots of variations, such as Abzan Doran, which can be built on a budget. (Turn One Thoughtseize, a Modern podcast, has a budget list up on Check it out!) Wilted Abzan is certainly viable as well, and the added amounts of disruption will let you know what your opponent is up to.
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So everyone at my lgs thinks I'd like to play modern but i know i don't really have much of nothing. So any ideas are appreciated
Cards you already own: not much aside from commons and uncommon from Born to present. I currently have the Brago and Mizzix EDH deck I can pull from 4x Drama 2x Sorin, Solumn visitor 1x keytheon 2x flip Nissa 3x shambling vents and 4x caves of kolios (I have a few other walkers but none I believe are modern playable)
Colors you like to play: I've been stuck in the Mardu colors for standard but I'm able to play all 5 efficiently enough
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue): I've typically have only played creature heavy decks but I'm starting to enjoy more controly decks
Budget you have: honestly I could do $100 but the cheapest possible (still competitive) would be amazing
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq): just fnm I don't know what my local meta is either.
Cards you already own: I've got sets of Electrolyze, Bolt, Mana Leak, Spell Snare, Remand, Dispel, Smoldering Marsh and a singleton Bloodstained Mire and Shivan Reef.
Colors you like to play:BUR & WUR
Style you like to play: Control & Midrange
Budget you have: $230
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to: I aim to build this into something Competitive down the road, right now however this would be LGS FNM stuff.
Thank you all for any help provided.
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Something U...
Always something U.
Maybe something B...
Cards you already own: 4x Ensnaring Bridge, 4x Lightning Bolt, 1x Remand, 1x Mox Opal, 1x Tezzeret the Seeker, 2x Flooded Strand, 1x Hallowed Fountain, 1x Summoner's Pact, 1x Bloodstained Mire, 1x Cryptic Command, 4x Delver of Secrets, 4x Polluted Delta
Colors you like to play: I'm fine with playing any color. But, if I had to choose... white's a flexible color and countering stuff (blue) is nice. People call me a blue mage.
Style you like to play: Control, Rogue, Resource Denial
Budget you have: $200
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to: FNM
@EXTERM1NAD0R BW Tokens is simply right up your alley. You have the Sorin, and the Shambling Vents, and can be easily upgraded. The Event Deck is a great start (It's how I started.)
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@glacier10000 You might like a Tezzerator deck. I strongly recommend you check them out. Apoligies for the triple post. I can't multi quote effectively because I am strictly a mobile user.
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@CavalryWolfPack I actually stumbled across some cheaper Delver lists a little while ago and tried putting together a list that might work for the time being until I can upgrade it into something much stronger and actually ordered a lot of the stuff to pick up at my LCS tomorrow. Would you say this list is feasible for the time being?
@CavalryWolfPack I actually stumbled across some cheaper Delver lists a little while ago and tried putting together a list that might work for the time being until I can upgrade it into something much stronger and actually ordered a lot of the stuff to pick up at my LCS tomorrow. Would you say this list is feasible for the time being?
I would say that the BFZ lands aren't as necessary as 2 ofs. Maybe only one ofs at best because they will pretty much always enter tapped because you probably will fetch out your shocks, then Battlelands. Plus, you cough up an extra three bucks for the shocks for a great investment into Modern.
@EXTERM1NAD0R Complaining about the best color combination? Man, you're hard to please... (Hahaha)
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
I am new to modern and have no staples.
I am on a very low budget (<$50).
I enjoy relatively fast and synergy based decks.
Maybe something fnm competitive.
I don't mind colors that much, but I do like black.
Cards you already own-
maybe some random stuff that i wont be very willing to pull out of my commander decks and maybe a couple common staples
im also thinking of buying the modern event deck
Colors you like to play-
esper mainly but ill splash green for ramp/ fixing or red for value and good creatures
Style you like to play-
probably midrange, i play a oloro pillowfort deck, an ulamog artifact deck, and krenko goblins, karl lifegain and an daxos enchantments all edh
ive enjoyed looking and testing zoo, jund, and aristocrats
Budget you have-
80 for paper i dont really want to spend more than $5 on one card because im stingy
probably more if its a super sweet deck
50 on mtgo maybe i like paper magic more
Level you want to play at-
some casual and would like to have a good chanc at fnm
thanks for the help!
The Event Deck gives you lots of pieces for budget Abzan Midrange, or even BW Midrange. Look up Turn One Thoughtseize on Thet have a pretty sweet budget Abzan list, and you should own a decent amount of it.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Cards you already own:
None. Sold my collection to a friend before college. (It would be a fortune now ) Colors you like to play
All, BW > URG Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I dislike the idea of cheesy OTK combo type decks. I do like having a fun mechanic but not something that sits around until I have the combo then win. Prefer midrange/tempo probably. I like the idea of infect, and proliferate. So if there is a midrange/tempo/control infect deck, that would be prime. Budget you have
I would love to spend <$100 to make a useable deck right now, then continue playing/buying/trading with the current sets to pick up upgrades for my main deck. Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
fmn at least. My friend is big into competitive modern but I dont think I have the time to invest to research/learn. But I would love to get back into magic.
Edit: Living End also seems interesting. Mostly looking for a base that I can build on(with probably lands and Liliana). Saw 8 rack played and I dont want to make someone that mad, too much cheese. Aristocrats seems like a really cool thing, sacking creatures to buff, and its BW which I love.
The Event Deck gives you lots of pieces for budget Abzan Midrange, or even BW Midrange. Look up Turn One Thoughtseize on Thet have a pretty sweet budget Abzan list, and you should own a decent amount of it.
Cards you already own:
None. Sold my collection to a friend before college. (It would be a fortune now ) Colors you like to play
All, BW > URG Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I dislike the idea of cheesy OTK combo type decks. I do like having a fun mechanic but not something that sits around until I have the combo then win. Prefer midrange/tempo probably. I like the idea of infect, and proliferate. So if there is a midrange/tempo/control infect deck, that would be prime. Budget you have
I would love to spend <$100 to make a useable deck right now, then continue playing/buying/trading with the current sets to pick up upgrades for my main deck. Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
fmn at least. My friend is big into competitive modern but I dont think I have the time to invest to research/learn. But I would love to get back into magic.
Edit: Living End also seems interesting. Mostly looking for a base that I can build on(with probably lands and Liliana). Saw 8 rack played and I dont want to make someone that mad, too much cheese. Aristocrats seems like a really cool thing, sacking creatures to buff, and its BW which I love.
You may like BW Tokens as well. Living End is pretty insane, and Rally Vampires is a deck that can be built in the $70 range and can be upgraded to Next Level Abzan, a deck is pretty competive.
@MTGFamiliar I'm primarily a mobile user, and an Android one at that, so links are incredibly tricky to use. Just Google (or whatever search engine you use) "Turn one thoughtseize tapped out" and you should find it. Tapped out is a website for showing decklists, and includes tcgplayer mid pricing, although cart optimization should bring it down lower. Just note that the $250 price tag in the description included cart optimization to find the lowest price possible, including heavily played, but not damaged, cards. If you don't mind this, the deck is roughly $250. If you like having nice sleeved cards, it jumps up the price a bit. If you played Standard recently, you have a lot of the pieces.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
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Cards I own:
1 Serum Visions
3 Monastery Swiftspear
3 Lightning Bolt
2 Anafenza, the Foremost
3 Siege Rhino
1 Remand
4 Birds of Paradise
2 Bloodstained Mire
2 Polluted Delta
3 Flooded Strand
1 Hallowed Fountain
4 Boros Charm
Probably some other stuff too, but I'm not sure off the top of my head.
He doesn't like pure control, but besides that anything works.
I'm shooting for around $80, although I might be able to go up to $100.
Should be strictly FNM until he's ready to play in higher-level events.
I lack a understanding of the Modern Metagame so it's hard to answer this effectively. that said
3x Thoughtseize
4x Monastery Swiftspear
2x Anafenza, the Foremost
4x Bloodstained Mire
3x Polluted Delta
2x Windswept Heath
1x Wooded Foothills
1x Tasigur
maybe others, I don't know the modern scene very well.
Aggro, Tempo, favour having control elements but generally lack the patience to spend half the game digging for a wincon. Dislike Ramp. Favoured colours are (form favourite to least favourite) Red, Black/Blue, White, Green. That said, I've never experienced non-ramp non-abzan green decks, so I don't know if well.
$200-$300 I'd say. Preferably cheaper is better.
FNM. I've never done anything at a higher level than that and have no intention of going bigger thus far.
Cards you already own: not much aside from commons and uncommon from Born to present. I currently have the Brago and Mizzix EDH deck I can pull from 4x Drama 2x Sorin, Solumn visitor 1x keytheon 2x flip Nissa 3x shambling vents and 4x caves of kolios (I have a few other walkers but none I believe are modern playable)
Colors you like to play: I've been stuck in the Mardu colors for standard but I'm able to play all 5 efficiently enough
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue): I've typically have only played creature heavy decks but I'm starting to enjoy more controly decks
Budget you have: honestly I could do $100 but the cheapest possible (still competitive) would be amazing
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq): just fnm I don't know what my local meta is either.
Thanks so much!
Thank you all for any help provided.
Always something U.
Maybe something B...
Colors you like to play: I'm fine with playing any color. But, if I had to choose... white's a flexible color and countering stuff (blue) is nice. People call me a blue mage.
Style you like to play: Control, Rogue, Resource Denial
Budget you have: $200
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to: FNM
Please don't suggest 8rack.
Always something U.
Maybe something B...
@EXTERM1NAD0R Complaining about the best color combination? Man, you're hard to please... (Hahaha)
Not much. I have the Modern Event Deck, 1 Bloodstained Mire, and 3 Monastery Swiftspear. I want to branch off from BW Tokens.
Colors you like to play: WUBRG. I love all the colors! Doesn't matter which color it is.
Style you like to play: Tempo or Aggro will do fine
Budget you have: $150 will do, but if I have to, I'll go up to $200
Level of competitiveness: Just at the FNM level
Also, please don't suggest BW Tokens. Thanks alot!
I am new to modern and have no staples.
I am on a very low budget (<$50).
I enjoy relatively fast and synergy based decks.
Maybe something fnm competitive.
I don't mind colors that much, but I do like black.
maybe some random stuff that i wont be very willing to pull out of my commander decks and maybe a couple common staples
im also thinking of buying the modern event deck
Colors you like to play-
esper mainly but ill splash green for ramp/ fixing or red for value and good creatures
Style you like to play-
probably midrange, i play a oloro pillowfort deck, an ulamog artifact deck, and krenko goblins, karl lifegain and an daxos enchantments all edh
ive enjoyed looking and testing zoo, jund, and aristocrats
Budget you have-
80 for paper i dont really want to spend more than $5 on one card because im stingy
probably more if its a super sweet deck
50 on mtgo maybe i like paper magic more
Level you want to play at-
some casual and would like to have a good chanc at fnm
thanks for the help!
Oloro Pillowfort WHitEBlUEBlaCk
Krenkos Goblin BuddiesREd
Ulamogs MirrodinC
Daxos EnchantmentsBlaCkWHitE
Karlov LifegainBlaCkWHitE
Mizzix semi stormBlUEREd
New- Maelstrom Wanderer BlUEREdGREEn
None. Sold my collection to a friend before college. (It would be a fortune now
Colors you like to play
All, BW > URG
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I dislike the idea of cheesy OTK combo type decks. I do like having a fun mechanic but not something that sits around until I have the combo then win. Prefer midrange/tempo probably. I like the idea of infect, and proliferate. So if there is a midrange/tempo/control infect deck, that would be prime.
Budget you have
I would love to spend <$100 to make a useable deck right now, then continue playing/buying/trading with the current sets to pick up upgrades for my main deck.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
fmn at least. My friend is big into competitive modern but I dont think I have the time to invest to research/learn. But I would love to get back into magic.
Edit: Living End also seems interesting. Mostly looking for a base that I can build on(with probably lands and Liliana). Saw 8 rack played and I dont want to make someone that mad, too much cheese. Aristocrats seems like a really cool thing, sacking creatures to buff, and its BW which I love.
Can you give me a link? Thanks!
@MTGFamiliar I'm primarily a mobile user, and an Android one at that, so links are incredibly tricky to use. Just Google (or whatever search engine you use) "Turn one thoughtseize tapped out" and you should find it. Tapped out is a website for showing decklists, and includes tcgplayer mid pricing, although cart optimization should bring it down lower. Just note that the $250 price tag in the description included cart optimization to find the lowest price possible, including heavily played, but not damaged, cards. If you don't mind this, the deck is roughly $250. If you like having nice sleeved cards, it jumps up the price a bit. If you played Standard recently, you have a lot of the pieces.