Hello everyone ! I lurk Salvation from loong time, and i thought it's finally time to make account
As i play for some time now, i want to get into modern. Never was a competitive player really, but want to change that and count
for your help, because i don't have idea what is best for me ..
So, anyway:
Cards i own:
really not much .
Couple of red modern players :
Burning tree emissary, Piledrivers, burn, staples(like half; no Goblin Guides unfortunately )
and couple blue ones : day's undoing, one Master of Waves, Jace Beleren..
Manabase : got temples, trilands and couple of singleton fetches : UW, GR(and GR shock) , RB .
Colors you like to play:
well, always play on budget in standard, so RDW, but my favourite combinations are
Izzet, Jeskai and Grixis.
My style
i like combo and tempo plays, so i like hard decisions, complicated situations and a lot of possibilities.
I wish i could get deck in 150$, but i don't know if it could be competitive enough for me... 15$ for a single
is making me think twice .
Level of play
i will start at FNMs, but i wish i could upgrade my deck and compete at higher levels, like GPs, as i looove Magio
Anyway, i hope you could give me some good sugestions, i will apperciate it very much
EDIT: forgot, i love LD . And salt on the other side of the table. if only it was viable in modern ,,,
You may enjoy UR Delver. You get to use your few burn staples, you get to play Izzet, it's upgradeable to Grixis, and there are Jeskai lists floating around. Definitely give it a shot!
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Hey guys, first post here. I'm trying to find a flexible deck that ranges from aggro to tempo (or at least with the cards to switch it depending on the day). Basically disruptive aggro/aggro-control, and all tabletop level.
Cards I Have: I enjoy both my budget U/R Delver and budget Naya Zoo deck (beatdown with bolts and removal), but looking for something more synergistic creature-wise. So cards I own are general useful cards like Ponder, Preordain, Mana Leak, Bolt, Swords to Plowshares, Mutagenic Growth, Go for the Throat, stuff like that. No Paths yet, working on that.
Colors I like to Play: All of them. I really enjoy being able to swap cards out at will, like turning my U/R Delver into Miracle Grow, then back, just for fun. The main thing is that I find single color decks to be very limiting, so dual color is preferred because tri is pricey land-wise, even though I made do for Zoo because it was my first deck.
I've been looking at possibly B/W Warriors, Allies (not a fan of their single turn effects that don't last though), Tempered Steel (for being able to stand up better over time, but it is really aggressive), or a different deck that runs like that and is budget. Any suggestions would be really appreciated!
@hhIhhh: I'd suggest either checking your hobby store or ordering the cards online from somewhere in country. Depending on what legality you want it to be, the deck isn't that pricey at all! I just made some adjustments to lists that I saw (so no Snapcasters), and ended up with this for tabletop:
2x Deprive
2x Electrolyze
1x Essence Scatter
1x Gush
2x Izzet Charm
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Mana Leak
1x Nullify
3x Snap
1x Act of Treason
4x Ponder
3x Preordain
1x Roast
2x Frontier Bivouac
10x Island
7x Mountain
4x Delver of Secrets
4x Monastery Swiftspear
4x Young Pyromancer
Don't know if that's good or not, but it ran me around $60 before Monastery Monk was more played. It should maybe run you around $75 now at the most? Best of luck!
You might want to take another look at the Modern banlist. Ponder and Preordain are banned and Gush isn't even Modern legal. You might enjoy UW Tempered Steel. It's easoly upgradeable into Affinity. I also strongly recommend you dedicate resources to upgrading your existing decks. Your decks are easily upgradeable already. Heck, I suggest you upgrade those before you buy another deck.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Hey guys, first post here. I'm trying to find a flexible deck that ranges from aggro to tempo (or at least with the cards to switch it depending on the day). Basically disruptive aggro/aggro-control, and all tabletop level.
Cards I Have: I enjoy both my budget U/R Delver and budget Naya Zoo deck (beatdown with bolts and removal), but looking for something more synergistic creature-wise. So cards I own are general useful cards like Ponder, Preordain, Mana Leak, Bolt, Swords to Plowshares, Mutagenic Growth, Go for the Throat, stuff like that. No Paths yet, working on that.
Colors I like to Play: All of them. I really enjoy being able to swap cards out at will, like turning my U/R Delver into Miracle Grow, then back, just for fun. The main thing is that I find single color decks to be very limiting, so dual color is preferred because tri is pricey land-wise, even though I made do for Zoo because it was my first deck.
I've been looking at possibly B/W Warriors, Allies (not a fan of their single turn effects that don't last though), Tempered Steel (for being able to stand up better over time, but it is really aggressive), or a different deck that runs like that and is budget. Any suggestions would be really appreciated!
@hhIhhh: I'd suggest either checking your hobby store or ordering the cards online from somewhere in country. Depending on what legality you want it to be, the deck isn't that pricey at all! I just made some adjustments to lists that I saw (so no Snapcasters), and ended up with this for tabletop:
2x Deprive
2x Electrolyze
1x Essence Scatter
1x Gush
2x Izzet Charm
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Mana Leak
1x Nullify
3x Snap
1x Act of Treason
4x Ponder
3x Preordain
1x Roast
2x Frontier Bivouac
10x Island
7x Mountain
4x Delver of Secrets
4x Monastery Swiftspear
4x Young Pyromancer
Don't know if that's good or not, but it ran me around $60 before Monastery Monk was more played. It should maybe run you around $75 now at the most? Best of luck!
You might want to take another look at the Modern banlist. Ponder and Preordain are banned and Gush isn't even Modern legal. You might enjoy UW Tempered Steel. It's easoly upgradeable into Affinity. I also strongly recommend you dedicate resources to upgrading your existing decks. Your decks are easily upgradeable already. Heck, I suggest you upgrade those before you buy another deck.
Sorry about the mistake there, since I play tabletop I sometimes forget about the banlist. Well, at least it's hopefully a starting point for the rest of it! Thanks for the suggestions! Not sure how much I can upgrade my current decks though (barring cards over $5), which is why I'm looking at a new one. If the decks get too good, the people I play with get annoyed!
You might enjoy a Collected Company strategy, given that you already have some of the fetches and the namesake card, but I could never see a budget deck working. Perhaps GW Hatebears, which can be upgraded into a CoCo deck.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
If you want to grind packs at fnm, then mono red burn will be your best bet. Get 4 Goblin guides, and go from there. The guides are gonna cost you about 100, so I would say you would spend up to 150 for a mono red version. If I've learned anything while playing MTG, it's definitely knowing that Burn gets you packs at FNM.
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Signature by Rivenor of Miraculous Recovery Signatures
"In response.. Mana Leak?"
"Every game loss is due to your inability to interact with your opponent"
I generally enjoy control decks, particularly U and B and aiming to have a deck which can take a decent place at FNM.
I'm currently playing around with an Esper Gifts Ungiven list and an Izzet Trading Post list to give you an idea of what sort of lists I usually come up with.
My budget currently is about €40, so unfortunately no playsets of Bobs or Goyfs!
Hmm looking at this list you could quite possibly make a budget tezzerator list. With your budget you may have to do some interesting. things but you could either go UB if you are willing to get new Tezz and maybe a few other artifact toys, or heck even mono U if you are willing to buy Vedalken Shackles. I used to play the deck in the past and it was a lot of fun. The bridges and crucibles will work very will in the deck, and it looks like you have a good number of good blue stuff to help out.
I love Tezz decks, so I'm definitely up for building a Tezzerator deck. As I've got three Tezzeret the Seeker and much prefer him to the UB Tezz I'd rather go mono-U.
Awesome as I said you have an good start to a tezz deck, with the ensnaring bridges the fetches + crucibles. As well the remand, mana leak, serum visions, and academy ruins. Vedalken Shackles are around 12$ each so it's up to you hpow many you would want on your budget I would say around 2-3 and then from their it's getting some cool value artifacts like Aether spellbomb, as well as some fun control spells. As a side note Artificer's Epiphany from origins could be a good draw spell for the deck if needed. As for win cons well there's tezz, the shackles, and if you feel like it maybe some other nice beater or perhaps even baby jace.
So I cashed out of MTGO a few months back because my Affinity deck had gotten boring. Used the money from it to buy a handful of Expeditions and some nice EDH playables. Looking to get back into Modern, but not wanting to spend a ton of money on it. I'm not looking for anything at the top of the heap, but upgradeable would be nice.
My usual style is in something like Birthing Pod/Abzan Company. I really love combo and decks that can attack on more than one axis. Any suggestions?
A good start has a lot of potential. Do you know what your meta is yet because if so you could do a little more tailoring for it like some Elixir of Immortality if you have a lot of aggro in your area, or Echoing Truth which has good versatility.
Spreading Seas is very good if you have tron in your meta, but otherwise looks pretty good so far.
As for the other beaters it all depends on one hand they are a lot of mana and getting to said mana can be a pain without a lock, like bridge, you can always try them for fun and see how it goes. Lodestone Golem is also a solid beater for an artifact heavy list.
As a side note I would also check out a lot of old mirrodin, new mirrodin, and alara cards just to see if there's any artifacts that you could use because oh boy did they have a lot of them lol.
Yeah Elixir would be good then for cheerios maybe maindecked engineered explosives or ratchet bomb, and for merfolk try to get out the bridge early and if you do that you should be good until you are ready to win.
Colors you like to play
I enjoy Wx and Bx combinations, especially WB. However, looking at my list, I could play red.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I enjoy midrange the most, but I do enjoy rogue too.
Budget you have
I have no more than $100 cash. I have some things I could trade away, such as the Chalices.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I want to be able to play well at FNM, so that I could maybe win some packs so I have more trade fodder. The goal is to build up value so that I can play at the PTQ level, but it doesn't have to be the same deck. Basically, I would like to invest the most into staples and lands.
You might enjoy BW Tokens. It's a very good midrange strategy, and the Event Deck is a very good start. You'll want to play more hand disruption and removal before taking it to FNM, but other than that it's a prerty complete decklist.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Playset of Bolt, Doom Blade, Go for the Throat, Sign in Blood. I think I have some Duresses. Got a crappy Goblin deck as well. I don't currently have the lords for it. Sorry in advance if any of these aren't legal in Modern.
So I cashed out of MTGO a few months back because my Affinity deck had gotten boring. Used the money from it to buy a handful of Expeditions and some nice EDH playables. Looking to get back into Modern, but not wanting to spend a ton of money on it. I'm not looking for anything at the top of the heap, but upgradeable would be nice.
My usual style is in something like Birthing Pod/Abzan Company. I really love combo and decks that can attack on more than one axis. Any suggestions?
Posted earlier, but got no answer. I'm playing on MTGO, and my budget is about $200.
- Cards you already own
Not very much. The major money cards I own are: a playset of collected company, a playset of chord of calling and a singular arcbound ravager.
- Colors you like to play
I enjoy playing green, red, and black. My least favorite color is blue.
- Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I enjoy playing ramp and aggro decks. I enjoy playing midrange as well. I don't like playing burn. I just want to play a fun deck that won't get stale after a few months.
- Budget you have
$225 USD
- Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I want to be able to do well at an FNM, and maybe one day, after upgrading my deck, I could top 8 at a gp.
- Cards you already own
Not very much. The major money cards I own are: a playset of collected company, a playset of chord of calling and a singular arcbound ravager.
- Colors you like to play
I enjoy playing green, red, and black. My least favorite color is blue.
- Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I enjoy playing ramp and aggro decks. I enjoy playing midrange as well. I don't like playing burn. I just want to play a fun deck that won't get stale after a few months.
- Budget you have
$225 USD
- Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I want to be able to do well at an FNM, and maybe one day, after upgrading my deck, I could top 8 at a gp.
Hands down elves. Even your name suggests you like it! Seriously, you own most of the staples for elves. The rest of the deck is pretty cheap.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
So I cashed out of MTGO a few months back because my Affinity deck had gotten boring. Used the money from it to buy a handful of Expeditions and some nice EDH playables. Looking to get back into Modern, but not wanting to spend a ton of money on it. I'm not looking for anything at the top of the heap, but upgradeable would be nice.
My usual style is in something like Birthing Pod/Abzan Company. I really love combo and decks that can attack on more than one axis. Any suggestions?
Posted earlier, but got no answer. I'm playing on MTGO, and my budget is about $200.
You might have to ask in the MTGO thread, because the paper economy is far different then that of MTGO's. If I had to answer, I would suggest a Rally Vampires list on MTGGoldfish. The list is competitive, and with steady upgrades can become very powerful
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Black is my favourite color and Golgari my favorite Combination. I like to play Green and White is a cool color, too, Red is ok as long as my decks aren't mainly Red. The only color I really dislike is Blue (outside of some Combo deck :)).
Styles I like to play:
I mostly play some kind of Midrange (and sometimes Control)deck. I love to play long, grindy decks with a lot of interaction. Another archtype in Magic I really like is Combo for the excitment of assembling your combo against a human clock.
Budget I have:
I have 30 Euros to spend each month to assemble missing deck pieces. Since I want to play the deck in a relatively short time,the total deck cost shouldn't be above 300 Euros. I really want to hold on to the cards I already own, so trading for cards isn't a possibility at the moment.
Level I want to play at:
I'll be playing mostly with friends who have relatively competetive decks (UWr Kiki-Control, Elves, Vampire Aggro, UW Delver), but I'll be playing in a few Modern Nights at my LGS for sure, too.
Once, again, I'd like to thank you folks in advance for any suggestions. I'm really excited already!
Abzan variants are for you! Turn One Thoughtseize, a Moderm podcast, has a great budget Abzan list that can be upgraded over time.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
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Sorry about the mistake there, since I play tabletop I sometimes forget about the banlist. Well, at least it's hopefully a starting point for the rest of it! Thanks for the suggestions! Not sure how much I can upgrade my current decks though (barring cards over $5), which is why I'm looking at a new one. If the decks get too good, the people I play with get annoyed!
Signature by Rivenor of Miraculous Recovery Signatures
"In response.. Mana Leak?"
"Every game loss is due to your inability to interact with your opponent"
Hmm looking at this list you could quite possibly make a budget tezzerator list. With your budget you may have to do some interesting. things but you could either go UB if you are willing to get new Tezz and maybe a few other artifact toys, or heck even mono U if you are willing to buy Vedalken Shackles. I used to play the deck in the past and it was a lot of fun. The bridges and crucibles will work very will in the deck, and it looks like you have a good number of good blue stuff to help out.
Awesome as I said you have an good start to a tezz deck, with the ensnaring bridges the fetches + crucibles. As well the remand, mana leak, serum visions, and academy ruins. Vedalken Shackles are around 12$ each so it's up to you hpow many you would want on your budget I would say around 2-3 and then from their it's getting some cool value artifacts like Aether spellbomb, as well as some fun control spells. As a side note Artificer's Epiphany from origins could be a good draw spell for the deck if needed. As for win cons well there's tezz, the shackles, and if you feel like it maybe some other nice beater or perhaps even baby jace.
My usual style is in something like Birthing Pod/Abzan Company. I really love combo and decks that can attack on more than one axis. Any suggestions?
Bant Eldrazi
Abzan Company
Mono-Green Omnath
Mono-White Odric Soup
Mono-Blue Muzzio
Mono-Red Feldon
Spreading Seas is very good if you have tron in your meta, but otherwise looks pretty good so far.
As for the other beaters it all depends on one hand they are a lot of mana and getting to said mana can be a pain without a lock, like bridge, you can always try them for fun and see how it goes. Lodestone Golem is also a solid beater for an artifact heavy list.
As a side note I would also check out a lot of old mirrodin, new mirrodin, and alara cards just to see if there's any artifacts that you could use because oh boy did they have a lot of them lol.
1x Path to Exile
4x Monastery Swiftspear
4x Lightning Bolt
3x Eidolon of the Great Revel
4x Sacred Foundry
4x Caves of Koilos
1x Breeding Pool
2x Muderous Cut
2x Lingering Souls
4x Flickerwisp
2x Honor of the Pure
4x Rancor
2x Eternal Witness
3x Tidehollow Sculler
4x Zealous Persecution
1x Dismember
2x Chalice of the Void
Tron lands
Colors you like to play
I enjoy Wx and Bx combinations, especially WB. However, looking at my list, I could play red.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I enjoy midrange the most, but I do enjoy rogue too.
Budget you have
I have no more than $100 cash. I have some things I could trade away, such as the Chalices.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I want to be able to play well at FNM, so that I could maybe win some packs so I have more trade fodder. The goal is to build up value so that I can play at the PTQ level, but it doesn't have to be the same deck. Basically, I would like to invest the most into staples and lands.
only have bfz bw lifedrain intro deck CALL OF BLOOD.
Styles I like to play:
I like playing midrange and combo.
Colors I like to play:
I like every colour except red (maybe I can play it).
Budget I have:
I have 150-200 dolar budget
Level I want to play at:
And I want play and maybe win at fnm
Mostly to play with my friends and win some games. Maybe play FNM for fun.
Colors you like to play:
R, B, G. Emphasis on black.
Control/Midrange/Aggro/Ramp are all fine.
$50 for now. Maybe adding another $50 later.
Cards you own:
Some notable (?) singles: Phyrexian Arena, Phyrexian Obliterator, Wurmcoil Engine, Mirran Crusader, Hero of Bladehold, Steel Hellkite, Lashwrithe, Bloodgift Demon, Black Sun's Zenith.
Playset of Bolt, Doom Blade, Go for the Throat, Sign in Blood. I think I have some Duresses. Got a crappy Goblin deck as well. I don't currently have the lords for it. Sorry in advance if any of these aren't legal in Modern.
Posted earlier, but got no answer. I'm playing on MTGO, and my budget is about $200.
Bant Eldrazi
Abzan Company
Mono-Green Omnath
Mono-White Odric Soup
Mono-Blue Muzzio
Mono-Red Feldon
Not very much. The major money cards I own are: a playset of collected company, a playset of chord of calling and a singular arcbound ravager.
- Colors you like to play
I enjoy playing green, red, and black. My least favorite color is blue.
- Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I enjoy playing ramp and aggro decks. I enjoy playing midrange as well. I don't like playing burn. I just want to play a fun deck that won't get stale after a few months.
- Budget you have
$225 USD
- Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I want to be able to do well at an FNM, and maybe one day, after upgrading my deck, I could top 8 at a gp.