Ok I have not played in years..Wanting to start out with a Budget type deck, then add to it and hopefully get up to PTQ levels as I begin to save and add cards.
Cards you already own: None
Colors you like to play:When I used to play I played alot of Blue and Red, although I would be willing to try white also.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue):Any except Rogue, although I lean to Combo, Ramp and aggro
Budget you have: 200-250
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)Start out with Fmn, but work my way up to PTQ
Also would love to find a deck built that uses Blood Moon if possible
You might enjoy Burn. Mono Red Burn can be built with Blood Moon, and is a house against most decks. In fact, most decks just lose to Blood Moon because it takes away your opponent's ability to play Magic. Skred Red is a little rogue, but is insanely powerful once again because of maindeck Blood Moon. I'm pretty sure Blue Moon (a U/R deck that runs a ton of Islands to cover for running maindeck Blood Moons) has fallen out of favor, but is an interesting option. I have no idea if it fits into your budget though. Welcome back! I'm sure you'll find what you need in the forums!
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Ok I have not played in years..Wanting to start out with a Budget type deck, then add to it and hopefully get up to PTQ levels as I begin to save and add cards.
Cards you already own: None
Colors you like to play:When I used to play I played alot of Blue and Red, although I would be willing to try white also.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue):Any except Rogue, although I lean to Combo, Ramp and aggro
Budget you have: 200-250
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)Start out with Fmn, but work my way up to PTQ
Also would love to find a deck built that uses Blood Moon if possible
You might enjoy Burn. Mono Red Burn can be built with Blood Moon, and is a house against most decks. In fact, most decks just lose to Blood Moon because it takes away your opponent's ability to play Magic. Skred Red is a little rogue, but is insanely powerful once again because of maindeck Blood Moon. I'm pretty sure Blue Moon (a U/R deck that runs a ton of Islands to cover for running maindeck Blood Moons) has fallen out of favor, but is an interesting option. I have no idea if it fits into your budget though. Welcome back! I'm sure you'll find what you need in the forums!
Thanks I will check out Burn. Any other options? Also my starting budget is 200 not counting blood moons. but I'll continue adding more cards as I get the money. So I would like to have a nice deck in a few months
Honestly, you can go anywhere. You really don't have much that is Moderm Relevant. Look into budget combo decks and various control archetypes. Titan Control is the go-to control deck for new players, but RW Lockdown and Pillowfort Prison are all viable.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Ok I have not played in years..Wanting to start out with a Budget type deck, then add to it and hopefully get up to PTQ levels as I begin to save and add cards.
Cards you already own: None
Colors you like to play:When I used to play I played alot of Blue and Red, although I would be willing to try white also.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue):Any except Rogue, although I lean to Combo, Ramp and aggro
Budget you have: 200-250
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)Start out with Fmn, but work my way up to PTQ
Also would love to find a deck built that uses Blood Moon if possible
You might enjoy Burn. Mono Red Burn can be built with Blood Moon, and is a house against most decks. In fact, most decks just lose to Blood Moon because it takes away your opponent's ability to play Magic. Skred Red is a little rogue, but is insanely powerful once again because of maindeck Blood Moon. I'm pretty sure Blue Moon (a U/R deck that runs a ton of Islands to cover for running maindeck Blood Moons) has fallen out of favor, but is an interesting option. I have no idea if it fits into your budget though. Welcome back! I'm sure you'll find what you need in the forums!
Thanks I will check out Burn. Any other options? Also my starting budget is 200 not counting blood moons. but I'll continue adding more cards as I get the money. So I would like to have a nice deck in a few months
Sorry for the double post, I can't multi quote very well with mobile. Blood Moon is an interesting card in Modern. In order to play it effectively, you need to be able to break the symmetry of the card. RW Lockdown is another great control archetype. Heck, maybe even Shamanism could play it, but I would check first. I have a list I can send you that is $10 by TCG low prices. Maybe $25 mid. Look around and find something rogue. Those are the decks that can most effectively use Blood Moon. Look at GatheringMagic's Playing on a Budget Skred Red. That's a fantastic and upgradable deck. Sorry for the lack of order. Advice posts get scattershot easily.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Cards you already own
All Khans Fetchlands
All Naya Shocks, Gorge
Knight, Smiter, Thalia, Ooze
Goblin Guide, Eidolon of the Great Revel
Bolt, Path, all Burn Spells
Noble Hierarch
Godless Shrine, Blood Crypt, Graven Cairns, Overgrown Tomb
Siege Rhino
Collected Company
Courser of Kruphix
Colors you like to play
No Blue!!! Everything else is welcome!
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I'm open for Combo, Aggro, Midrange, Ramp or Rogue.
At the moment i'm suggesting a Abzan Build with Vampire Nighthawk, Courser, Rhino...
but that maybe total Crap
Another concern here would be a Mardu / Dega Build with my all time favorite Bloodghast,
Smallpox, Tormenting Voice, Lingering Souls and so on for getting disruption and aggression...
sadly a lot of cards are not mine.
A Combo Deck would be nice too, but i can't figure out one.
RG breach looks decent, but 4 Emrakul, Breach and Titan are way out of Budget.
Burn i got already completed (don't like it though).
A deck with a 1- or 2-color Mana Base would be fine.
Budget you have
0$...invested in a playset Hierarch and Goblin Guide a couple of weeks ago and have no
money left in my account
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
It has to be at least semi-competitive!!!
I'm not willing to invest any more time into non-competitive Builds.
Although i own most of the Zoo-Cards i don't want to stay at that.
No Goyf = No Zoo. Simple as that, i tried A LOT OF Builds, noone was great.
Cards you already own: Lightning bolt
Colors you like to play: Red, and Black
Style you like to play combo, aggro, and midrange
Budget you have: $20
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to Casual Table top
Cards you already own
All Khans Fetchlands
All Naya Shocks, Gorge
Knight, Smiter, Thalia, Ooze
Goblin Guide, Eidolon of the Great Revel
Bolt, Path, all Burn Spells
Noble Hierarch
Godless Shrine, Blood Crypt, Graven Cairns, Overgrown Tomb
Siege Rhino
Collected Company
Courser of Kruphix
Colors you like to play
No Blue!!! Everything else is welcome!
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I'm open for Combo, Aggro, Midrange, Ramp or Rogue.
At the moment i'm suggesting a Abzan Build with Vampire Nighthawk, Courser, Rhino...
but that maybe total Crap
Another concern here would be a Mardu / Dega Build with my all time favorite Bloodghast,
Smallpox, Tormenting Voice, Lingering Souls and so on for getting disruption and aggression...
sadly a lot of cards are not mine.
A Combo Deck would be nice too, but i can't figure out one.
RG breach looks decent, but 4 Emrakul, Breach and Titan are way out of Budget.
Burn i got already completed (don't like it though).
A deck with a 1- or 2-color Mana Base would be fine.
Budget you have
0$...invested in a playset Hierarch and Goblin Guide a couple of weeks ago and have no
money left in my account
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
It has to be at least semi-competitive!!!
I'm not willing to invest any more time into non-competitive Builds.
Although i own most of the Zoo-Cards i don't want to stay at that.
No Goyf = No Zoo. Simple as that, i tried A LOT OF Builds, noone was great.
You might enjoy Hatebears. Abzan is possible. You're going to have to buy parts for both though. You can't really build anything just with what you have. Nighthawk is worth trying, but the gemeral consensus is that he is too slow.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Cards you already own
- I'm not actually sure what are seen as "relevant" for modern (newbie there, hello ^^;; )
Colors you like to play
- White, green and red. Blue is ok-ish, but any balck card is instant tradepile (except for goblins)
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
- Aggro, midrange or ramp
Budget you have
- about 100-150 euros
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
- Casual mostly, would love to try fnm if I can gather enough courage.
First, there's nothing to fear about going to FNM. Just do it. That being said, you have a lot of options. If you're new to Modern, you're going to have the most success with Burn. The deck is incredibly easy to play, is cheap, and really teaches you about the format.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Cards you already own:
1 Thoughtseize
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Path to Exile
1 Ajani Vengeant
1 Lightning Helix
2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
15 Crackling Doom (I love that card, wish it were competitive)
Colors you like to play: All colors! I love just playing magic, honestly.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Almost any. The only deck I don't enjoy playing is Tron.
Budget you have
$50, with upgrade space.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
$50 is hard to work with in Modern. The only decks that come to mind are mono-red Burn, Shamnism, and 8Rack. Look into the primers and find which one you like.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Also, I have a lot of EDH-obsessed friends, so if there are any cards <20$ that I need for a deck that are also commander staples I can probably pick them up.
Also, I have a lot of EDH-obsessed friends, so if there are any cards <20$ that I need for a deck that are also commander staples I can probably pick them up.
$100 opens you up a little bit, but not by much. Maybe budget Strom, and certainly Titan/Emeria Control, also known as Azorious Titan and Mono-Value Control. $100 will also get you most of Mono Blue Tron, Budget Goblins (No Goblin Guide ) with a lot of money to spare. Look at MTGGoldfish's Budget Magic series in Youtube. You will find a lot of decks under $100 in Modern. Your EDH friends can certainly be able to help you with a lot of these decks. Just be sure to include a sideboard in you budget! I cannot stress this enough. All to often players forget about there sideboard in their budget (I know I've made this mistake before.)
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Hi, i would like to get into modern but got a few issues chosing the right deck.
I'm not really aiming a budget deck at the moment, I'm hesitating between one budget deck : mono U Tron, and a cheap version (understand under 250$, i love the meaning of cheap when it comes to MTG) of Living End.
So, card I own
1 thoughtseize
1 windswep heath
1 ley line of the void
and a bunch of cheap cards
colors I like to play
Hard to say, I loooovvvee Black, mainly cause i like its mechanics (particulary in legacy and EDH, Griselbrand player here) but afterall it's more like combinaison that i like, and my favorite is Abzan... Too bad I'm on a budget huh ? grixis is also lovely but same problem here.
So pretty much anything !
Style I like to play
Anything dat allows stupid plays or include stupid effects. Like Playing a 15/15 Hentai monster and actually rape the opponent (this one is so fukin roleplay).
I also love lock games but I don't think there's something like dat in modern, and I don't want to hear the classic "Wanna play ? -Sure what you playin' ? - lock/burn/boringcombo.deck - See ya next time !!!"
I'd just say that some combos like Ad Nauseam for the soloplays (HATE THIS ONE) and linear gameplay like Stompy are not really enjoyable to me.
Budget : 250 for a first investment, but I Will probably enhance the deck time to time.
Level :
local tournament/FNM ... but since some of the guys in my local shops are playing in PTQ, and one have even made it to a Pro Tour (T2) ... I think my meta is competitive.
So here is my problem :
I like U tron, but it seems like the deck is not that powerful, it is a good deck in good hands for sure, but it really has its bad match-up and I see him struggling against top deck/strong opponents a bit too much for me.
On the other hand Living end is a combo which has made it a few times to top level , not a tier 1 nor 2 but not a rogue deck at all.
So my question is, should I go Mono U tron, and eventually put money later to evolve it to a gift Tron, just to change from time to time but knowing that except for some blue cards, most of the cores are not usable in anything but other tron (And only some ....)
Or should I go for LE with a cheaper landing (i don't see how i could play it w/o fulminator so most of the budget will go into it) knowing that the only really expensive cards that I will eventually buy later are useful in a lot of deck (Lands and Fulmi) ?
Gathering Magic has a Playing On a Budget series on YouTube. Check it out because the newest addituon is Living End for around $200.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Well the guy isn't even playing Fulminators, I don't see how it is possible for this deck to be consistent without this card in a competitive environment =/
EDIT: Plus he doesn't want to play Pale recluse I don't see any reason why u would do that (and particulary if you replace it by a 6/3 body w/o reach !)
You can always add it in yourself. You are forgetting that tuning a deck to for your needs and your meta is part of being a competitive Magic player. Watch the games. I can't say how he did because I haven't watched them yet (still on my to-do list) but the point still stands that if you want to play budget Living End, start there. You can upgrade into them later, but this gives you a playable deck.
EDIT: The wrap up (which is usually a separate video) is at the end of the fourth match, around the 21:30 mark. He says he went 3-1, and considering what the videos claim the matchup to be (again, I just went to the end of the fourth match. I did not even watch the match or the other matches, so take this with a grain of salt) the deck must have performed solidly. He even shows you how to upgrade out of the budget versions. Is Fulminator still necessary? Absolutely. But this version is playable and competitive. The deck will be much stronger with Fulminators, but try it and see. You might surprise yourself. There's nothing stopping you from making your own list too.
Thanks I will check out Burn. Any other options? Also my starting budget is 200 not counting blood moons. but I'll continue adding more cards as I get the money. So I would like to have a nice deck in a few months
All Khans Fetchlands
All Naya Shocks, Gorge
Knight, Smiter, Thalia, Ooze
Goblin Guide, Eidolon of the Great Revel
Bolt, Path, all Burn Spells
Noble Hierarch
Godless Shrine, Blood Crypt, Graven Cairns, Overgrown Tomb
Siege Rhino
Collected Company
Courser of Kruphix
Colors you like to play
No Blue!!! Everything else is welcome!
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I'm open for Combo, Aggro, Midrange, Ramp or Rogue.
At the moment i'm suggesting a Abzan Build with Vampire Nighthawk, Courser, Rhino...
but that maybe total Crap
Another concern here would be a Mardu / Dega Build with my all time favorite Bloodghast,
Smallpox, Tormenting Voice, Lingering Souls and so on for getting disruption and aggression...
sadly a lot of cards are not mine.
A Combo Deck would be nice too, but i can't figure out one.
RG breach looks decent, but 4 Emrakul, Breach and Titan are way out of Budget.
Burn i got already completed (don't like it though).
A deck with a 1- or 2-color Mana Base would be fine.
Budget you have
0$...invested in a playset Hierarch and Goblin Guide a couple of weeks ago and have no
money left in my account
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
It has to be at least semi-competitive!!!
I'm not willing to invest any more time into non-competitive Builds.
Although i own most of the Zoo-Cards i don't want to stay at that.
No Goyf = No Zoo. Simple as that, i tried A LOT OF Builds, noone was great.
Green @ it's best
Colors you like to play: Red, and Black
Style you like to play combo, aggro, and midrange
Budget you have: $20
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to Casual Table top
I build up a GW Weenie Deck with Loam Lion and Hierarch,
Hatebears and some real fat Beaters:
I run Off-Color Fetches which works out pretty well.
The Black Splash is here for 2 Decays, 2 Abzan Charm and 4 Rhino's.
Green @ it's best
1 Thoughtseize
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Path to Exile
1 Ajani Vengeant
1 Lightning Helix
2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
15 Crackling Doom (I love that card, wish it were competitive)
Colors you like to play: All colors! I love just playing magic, honestly.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Almost any. The only deck I don't enjoy playing is Tron.
Budget you have
$50, with upgrade space.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Also, I have a lot of EDH-obsessed friends, so if there are any cards <20$ that I need for a deck that are also commander staples I can probably pick them up.
1 Remand
1 Detention Sphere
Which bring me closer to UW control.
What would that list look like? I've only ever seen the expensive version, with fetches etc.
EDIT: The wrap up (which is usually a separate video) is at the end of the fourth match, around the 21:30 mark. He says he went 3-1, and considering what the videos claim the matchup to be (again, I just went to the end of the fourth match. I did not even watch the match or the other matches, so take this with a grain of salt) the deck must have performed solidly. He even shows you how to upgrade out of the budget versions. Is Fulminator still necessary? Absolutely. But this version is playable and competitive. The deck will be much stronger with Fulminators, but try it and see. You might surprise yourself. There's nothing stopping you from making your own list too.