Long story short, my shop apparently runs free modern mondays with prize support, so I'm looking for a deck that fits these criteria,
1.Budget around $200, can stretch a bit more if worth it. Tight, I know, but its what I have to work with at the moment. However I am definitely willing to invest in safe long-term staples (I currently do not own any besides a playset of windswept heaths).
2. Relatively competitive; I don't need a tier 1 deck, but I don't want to be curbstomped by everything.
3. I am very partial to combo or control decks, but I'll always play the best deck within my budget. Something like scapeshift (control-combo) would be the ideal deck, but again, I'd rather play the best deck within my budget than a weaker version of a deck.
If you like combo decks, then there is the absolutely non-interactive and instant-speed winning deck : Ad Nauseam! It is by far my favorite deck, the one I'll always play and always with great pleasure. An optimized build is around 310$ on MTGGOLDFISH, but with 200$, you can get pretty much everything you need and upgrade the missing parts within a short amount of time.
Also in the combo section, but with interactions, Living End is another way to go. I've played it (but it didn't fit my ''non-interactive at all'' playstyle, so I gave it up). Nevertheless, the deck is original, fun, and has different ways to win and interact with the opponent. Also for 350$, you get the full deck (and can upgrade with time if you have 200$).
To fit the 200$, there are only two decks that I see, which are Stompy and UW Blink. The first one is established, the later is very rogue...
Im semi new to the game
Cards I Own: Not many some of the new orgins cards
Colors i like to play: Preferably Blue always lol
Style I Like to play: As said im new so im open to anything
Budget i have: 50-80ish
Im semi new to the game
Cards I Own: Not many some of the new orgins cards
Colors i like to play: Preferably Blue always lol
Style I Like to play: As said im new so im open to anything
Budget i have: 50-80ish
Budget Delver is pretty good, either UR or UG. Should be a thread in the budget section just for budget delver lists.
So would you guys rather play Merfolk without Aether Vial or Affinity without Mox Opal? Which is a more significant compromise?
I have playsets of every card required for those two decks except I have 0 of either of those playsets. I haven't purchased cards since Urza block, so I don't want to start by throwing down $100+ for a single playset and my trade binder is getting a little thin.
Until I manage to find a trade (may take many months), I'm thinking about just playing one of them and disassembling the other to have trade fuel for completing the deck I choose; so which deck do you all feel would be stronger overall given the missing playset in each?
My current thoughts are that affinity is the stronger deck so I might try to trade away 3 copies of a lot of the merfolk cards and just play merfolk as Sygg, River Guide tiny leaders ... eventually trading into a playset of opals and a single vial for the tiny leaders deck.
How I was planning to build the "budget" versions until I trade for the missing playset:
Merfolk: probably go UW and play 22 lands (instead of 20) + 2x Sygg, River Guide for some additional protection / control / unblockable / whatever.
Affinity: play a full 4 of either frogmite or myr enforcer and a full 4 of shrapnel blast; I would remove a couple of the standard 3 drops (master / champion) since they become a lot slower without the potential mox opal to get them out early.
So would you guys rather play Merfolk without Aether Vial or Affinity without Mox Opal? Which is a more significant compromise?
I have playsets of every card required for those two decks except I have 0 of either of those playsets. I haven't purchased cards since Urza block, so I don't want to start by throwing down $100+ for a single playset and my trade binder is getting a little thin.
Until I manage to find a trade (may take many months), I'm thinking about just playing one of them and disassembling the other to have trade fuel for completing the deck I choose; so which deck do you all feel would be stronger overall given the missing playset in each?
My current thoughts are that affinity is the stronger deck so I might try to trade away 3 copies of a lot of the merfolk cards and just play merfolk as Sygg, River Guide tiny leaders ... eventually trading into a playset of opals and a single vial for the tiny leaders deck.
How I was planning to build the "budget" versions until I trade for the missing playset:
Merfolk: probably go UW and play 22 lands (instead of 20) + 2x Sygg, River Guide for some additional protection / control / unblockable / whatever.
Affinity: play a full 4 of either frogmite or myr enforcer and a full 4 of shrapnel blast; I would remove a couple of the standard 3 drops (master / champion) since they become a lot slower without the potential mox opal to get them out early.
Aether vial is pretty essential for merfolk, so affinity would probably be a better bet.
Colors I like to play:
Any combination of the Esper Colors, though maybe not black-white since I already play BW Tokens. I like Blue especially.
Styles I like to play:
I dislike all-in aggro strategies and combo decks that don't interact with the opponent. I'm open to any form of aggro-control, midrange and control. My meta is creature heavy, so maybe something that's good vs these decks?
I'm a little limited here, so 100 at max.
Level I want to play at:
Mostly FNM and the kitchen table (my playgroup is relatively competitive though).
Colors I like to play:
Any combination of the Esper Colors, though maybe not black-white since I already play BW Tokens. I like Blue especially.
Styles I like to play:
I dislike all-in aggro strategies and combo decks that don't interact with the opponent. I'm open to any form of aggro-control, midrange and control. My meta is creature heavy, so maybe something that's good vs these decks?
I'm a little limited here, so 100 at max.
Level I want to play at:
Mostly FNM and the kitchen table (my playgroup is relatively competitive though).
Thanks for your help in advance!
Warning Not BLUE, neither BW
How about lantern control? You won't need any of the lands making a trade in your favor. You can run it budget no opals.
The lock is pretty cheap, you already have 4 of the discard spells played, and you would have to trade 4 Ensnaring Bridge to have the complete lock.
Aether vial is pretty essential for merfolk, so affinity would probably be a better bet.
Thanks for the response; that's what I'm thinking. If you're going for an all-out aggro with merfolk, then removing vial isn't that bad since it does slow the early turns down a bit. But now, more than ever, it seems that vial is essential to the deck. With Harbinger being another 2cmc 4-of that can be vial'd in, the tempo and combat tricks revolving around vial really makes a vial-less build seem like an entirely different (and inferior) deck. The UW aggro vial-less version has been competitive (top 8ing some stuff in the past) with nice synergy from Cosi's Trickster and Path to Exile, + access to all the white sideboard options, but I don't think the meta is right for it, and Harbinger loses a lot of his oomph when you either have to pay 4 to flash him in or only cast him sorcery speed.
Again, this is just temporary until I actually find trades for these pricey playsets, but playing an opal-less affinity doesn't seem like it's all that inferior to a standard build. I do realize all the benefits of having opal in the deck (which is why I'll eventually trade for it), but in the meantime, playing a more "explosive" build, like one Dario Parazzoli top 8'd a GP with last year (playing frogmite, myr enforcer, and contested war zone), you can play out your opening hand through the affinity mechanic first turn pretty reliably without running opal.
Another draw to focusing on affinity is that I've playtested a few top-8 GP / pro tour builds with 3x opal and have liked the way the decks play. So if I go with a 3x opal build, that makes it a bit easier on the trade binder when I'm only trading for $90-100 worth of cards vs $160 for the playset of vial ... and NOBODY wants to get rid of their vials, but people have recently acquired opals with MM15, so probably more likely to trade them.
Colors I like to play:
Any combination of the Esper Colors, though maybe not black-white since I already play BW Tokens. I like Blue especially.
Styles I like to play:
I dislike all-in aggro strategies and combo decks that don't interact with the opponent. I'm open to any form of aggro-control, midrange and control. My meta is creature heavy, so maybe something that's good vs these decks?
I'm a little limited here, so 100 at max.
Level I want to play at:
Mostly FNM and the kitchen table (my playgroup is relatively competitive though).
Thanks for your help in advance!
I have a friend who has an "Esper Superfriends" deck that's pretty fun to play with and against (he does pretty well at modern FNMs with it too). It's basically just wraths, counterspells, card draw, and 10ish planeswalkers. I'm pretty sure he just runs 1 of each of the modern legal esper colored planeswalkers he owns. I'm pretty sure none of the cards cost more than $20, so it's pretty budget, and it looks like you probably have some of the cards. One sweet thing about it: every game is different. It plays with a control feel due to the 25ish control cards, but you get the variance due to all the 1-of planeswalkers that come up each game. The deck looks something like this:
Lands don't have to be super expensive, you could opt to start out with the duals/fetches you currently own + basics + the cheaper check-lands like Glacial Fortress, Drowned Catacomb, and Isolated Chapel. Faerie Conclave and the mutavaults you have are ok manlands to start out with ... if you even need them with all the finishing potential the planeswalkers have on their own.
Doing something like this might also lend itself to an ongoing upgrade project (if you're into that kind of deckbuilding). Since you can gradually trade/buy the more expensive staples like Cryptic Command, Celestial Colonnade, and Creeping Tar Pit.
There is always Mono-U tron, which is pretty inexpensive. None of the cards you have listed are in tron lists, but you have enough trade potential to build that for well under $100 after some moderate trading ... just if you were interested in a tier-2 blue control deck.
The Esper deck looks really cool! The high number of planeswalkers is too costly (cmc wise) in my opinion, so it's probably a little slow, but the other spells are exactly what I was looking for. I'll take those as a base and build either towards esper control or tempo control (delver/tasigur/monastery mentor version?) I just discovered in the primer section. What are the advantages and disadvantages between the pure control version and the tempo version? Thanks alot for the ideas!
The Esper deck looks really cool! The high number of planeswalkers is too costly (cmc wise) in my opinion, so it's probably a little slow, but the other spells are exactly what I was looking for. I'll take those as a base and build either towards esper control or tempo control (delver/tasigur/monastery mentor version?) I just discovered in the primer section. What are the advantages and disadvantages between the pure control version and the tempo version? Thanks alot for the ideas!
Well, Esper tempo is definitely viable. Mentor is ridiculous if it can stay around for a turn or two. The tempo version is a completely different feel. It runs a ton of fetches (10+) in order to fill up the graveyard for delve fuel. It usually plays 10+ 1cmc cantrips (Serum Visions, Thought Scour, Gitaxian Probe, Sleight of Hand, Peek, etc...) vs the control version, which would be running about that many counterspells of various flavors. It's definitely more explosive: capable of a turn 2 Tasigur. You're then trying to out-value the opponent and set them back in tempo while you grind out the midgame.
Pure control is definitely more reactive. You're not trying to aggressively dump stuff in the graveyard, cast loads of cheap cantrips quickly, and get out early threats. You're playing land-Go until you hit 4 mana, then you wipe the board and lock your opponent down with planeswalkers/finishers and counterspells while you draw way more cards than they do.
Tempo is more about early threats, light counters, moderate disruption, and out-valuing the opponent during midgame. Control build would have sweepers, manlands, planeswalkers, finishers, and loads of counterspells + card draw. Tempo is more vulnerable to graveyard hate, tempo plays (with being unable to re-cast delve cards), and opponents combo-winning. Control is more vulnerable to super fast aggro and some opposing types of control.
At least that's how I see it, but I'm not a huge expert on modern. I've been playing modern for a while, testing out a bunch of decks (either my own budget ones or borrowing decks from friends), but have just recently decided to play affinity as a change from the control decks I play in legacy and vintage.
Cards Owned: Playsets of Bloodstained Mire and Atarka's Command. A pair of Eidolon of the Great Revels, a Lightning Bolt and a Sacred Foundry. Note: I also have a Foil Dark Confidant I'm trying to sell (I calculated it in my budget as selling for $60). I would be comfortable selling these cards for more room in the budget.
Favorite colors:
Blue, then red, then white.
Favorite style:
Control, Combo-control (like Gifts decks)
~$400 USD
Level of play:
FNM, PPTQ, Perhaps a GP.
Cards I already own:
4 Thoughtseize
2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
4 Seige Rhino
4 Hangarback Walker
4 Windswept Heath
Colors I like to play:
I'm flexible and don't really care
I don't really like to play combo decks, but enjoy both a control and aggressive style.
Budget I have:
Ideally a few hundred dollars. Maybe around $300?
Level I want to play at:
Ideally enough to win big tournaments, but at least able to consistently top FNM's if played well.
These are the more expensive cards I currently own that are commonly used in modern. I'm relatively new to this game, and am looking to dip my feet into modern.
I play a lot of EDH and I'm trying to put together a functional Modern-legal deck.
Cards I already own:
Many. I don't know what is and isn't a Modern staple; in terms of things I hear about people wanting to play in Modern a lot I have two Tarmogoyfs, a Cryptic Command, a Remand, two Collected Companies, a Goblin Piledriver, an Abbot of Keral Keep, a Languish, an Erebos's Titan, a Master of the Pearl Trident, two Hangarback Walkers, two Flameshadow Conjurings, and a Kolaghan's Command, but I've got a pool of other things (rares and not) to draw on.
I tend towards white and away from black, but I don't have any hard and fast rules on what I do and don't like to play.
I prefer midrange and control, but I'm open to aggro if there are interesting interactions. I prefer to do wacky things over being as competitively efficient as possible.
I'd rather not spend more than $100-200. I've got a fair bit of trade value lying around (if I don't end up using the 'Goyfs, say) to supplement it, though.
Level I want to play at:
A casual starting point, but one I can play around with and expand on. I'm not aiming to win tournaments.
Cards you already own - Playset of the ONS Fetches. Shocks are within trade reach. Some Fast Lands, Filter LandsPretty much any stable manabase, save the ZEN Fetches. Almost nothing else, however... Colors you like to play - That depends. A year ago, I would have said I'm a hardcore UR player. Now, after my playstyle has evolved and I learned more, I've started leaning more toward WU. Style you like to play - Another one that's been swingy. I used to love comboing everyone (Read: Ex-Eggs player). Now, I really enjoy the interaction Magic can provide and have started being a heavy control player. If Snapcaster Mage's weren't so expensive, I'd absolutely slip into THIS, but the deck doesn't seem very viable without them. Budget you have - Less than $100 would be optimal, but don't worry about the manabase unless it's a special land like Horizon Canopy or Celestial Colonnade. Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to - FNM capable, but we do have kind of a competitive store sporting Grixis Twin, GR Tron, and Affinity among others.
Cards I Own: Nothing relevant except a playset of Bolt
Colors I Like to Play: I'm a die-hard Mardu fan, but I'll play just about anything. I'm a real sucker for Rock too
Style You Like to Play: Creature based strategies. Aggro and Midrange are my favorites. I already own Goblins, so I would really like to play Midrange. However, I also love resource denial and cards that take away my opponents ability to play the game, such as Frozen AEther and Magus of the Tabernacle, although I am not a control player.
Budget: Preferably under $100, but I'm willing to increase that a little.
Level I Want to Play At: Store events.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Hate to be that guy who double posts, but I'm going to try and answer most of the questions on this page
@mkyardi Your collection is screaming Burn, but since you like blue and red, you might enjoy something a little weird called Eminent Domain. Look it up. If that isn't for you, try looking for other budget control deck. Titan Control is also right up your alley
@Paincakesx This one is far too easy. You want to play Abzan/Junk Midrange. It's a great deck and I'm sure you'll love it.
@KnightoftheGrey You're all over the place. Look at cards that find their way into a lot of Modern decks: Those are staples. If you're open to anything, you might enjoy Death and Taxes or BW Midrange without Lilliana, which is certainly doable.
@Casshern1324 Easy. Titan Control. Case closed.
Whew! That was some work. Now hopefully, other people will start answering on this thread.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Ok I have not played in years..Wanting to start out with a Budget type deck, then add to it and hopefully get up to PTQ levels as I begin to save and add cards.
Cards you already own: None
Colors you like to play:When I used to play I played alot of Blue and Red, although I would be willing to try white also.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue):Any except Rogue, although I lean to Combo, Ramp and aggro
Budget you have: 200-250
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)Start out with Fmn, but work my way up to PTQ
Also would love to find a deck built that uses Blood Moon if possible. Don't count Blood Moons into budget though since I know 4 of them would also cost around 200.
If you like combo decks, then there is the absolutely non-interactive and instant-speed winning deck : Ad Nauseam! It is by far my favorite deck, the one I'll always play and always with great pleasure. An optimized build is around 310$ on MTGGOLDFISH, but with 200$, you can get pretty much everything you need and upgrade the missing parts within a short amount of time.
Also in the combo section, but with interactions, Living End is another way to go. I've played it (but it didn't fit my ''non-interactive at all'' playstyle, so I gave it up). Nevertheless, the deck is original, fun, and has different ways to win and interact with the opponent. Also for 350$, you get the full deck (and can upgrade with time if you have 200$).
To fit the 200$, there are only two decks that I see, which are Stompy and UW Blink. The first one is established, the later is very rogue...
Aggro: Naya Burn RWG
Combo: Scapeshift RG
Control: Jeskai Control UWR
Control: Miracles UW
Aggro: Burn R
Cards I Own: Not many some of the new orgins cards
Colors i like to play: Preferably Blue always lol
Style I Like to play: As said im new so im open to anything
Budget i have: 50-80ish
Budget Delver is pretty good, either UR or UG. Should be a thread in the budget section just for budget delver lists.
I have playsets of every card required for those two decks except I have 0 of either of those playsets. I haven't purchased cards since Urza block, so I don't want to start by throwing down $100+ for a single playset and my trade binder is getting a little thin.
Until I manage to find a trade (may take many months), I'm thinking about just playing one of them and disassembling the other to have trade fuel for completing the deck I choose; so which deck do you all feel would be stronger overall given the missing playset in each?
My current thoughts are that affinity is the stronger deck so I might try to trade away 3 copies of a lot of the merfolk cards and just play merfolk as Sygg, River Guide tiny leaders ... eventually trading into a playset of opals and a single vial for the tiny leaders deck.
How I was planning to build the "budget" versions until I trade for the missing playset:
Merfolk: probably go UW and play 22 lands (instead of 20) + 2x Sygg, River Guide for some additional protection / control / unblockable / whatever.
Affinity: play a full 4 of either frogmite or myr enforcer and a full 4 of shrapnel blast; I would remove a couple of the standard 3 drops (master / champion) since they become a lot slower without the potential mox opal to get them out early.
Aether vial is pretty essential for merfolk, so affinity would probably be a better bet.
UBR Grixis Control
U Merfolk
U Mono U Delver
Ancestral Visions is freed
Colors I like to play:
Any combination of the Esper Colors, though maybe not black-white since I already play BW Tokens. I like Blue especially.
Styles I like to play:
I dislike all-in aggro strategies and combo decks that don't interact with the opponent. I'm open to any form of aggro-control, midrange and control. My meta is creature heavy, so maybe something that's good vs these decks?
I'm a little limited here, so 100 at max.
Level I want to play at:
Mostly FNM and the kitchen table (my playgroup is relatively competitive though).
Thanks for your help in advance!
Warning Not BLUE, neither BW
How about lantern control? You won't need any of the lands making a trade in your favor. You can run it budget no opals.
The lock is pretty cheap, you already have 4 of the discard spells played, and you would have to trade 4 Ensnaring Bridge to have the complete lock.
Check the deck out, there are a few budget lists
Thanks for the response; that's what I'm thinking. If you're going for an all-out aggro with merfolk, then removing vial isn't that bad since it does slow the early turns down a bit. But now, more than ever, it seems that vial is essential to the deck. With Harbinger being another 2cmc 4-of that can be vial'd in, the tempo and combat tricks revolving around vial really makes a vial-less build seem like an entirely different (and inferior) deck. The UW aggro vial-less version has been competitive (top 8ing some stuff in the past) with nice synergy from Cosi's Trickster and Path to Exile, + access to all the white sideboard options, but I don't think the meta is right for it, and Harbinger loses a lot of his oomph when you either have to pay 4 to flash him in or only cast him sorcery speed.
Again, this is just temporary until I actually find trades for these pricey playsets, but playing an opal-less affinity doesn't seem like it's all that inferior to a standard build. I do realize all the benefits of having opal in the deck (which is why I'll eventually trade for it), but in the meantime, playing a more "explosive" build, like one Dario Parazzoli top 8'd a GP with last year (playing frogmite, myr enforcer, and contested war zone), you can play out your opening hand through the affinity mechanic first turn pretty reliably without running opal.
Another draw to focusing on affinity is that I've playtested a few top-8 GP / pro tour builds with 3x opal and have liked the way the decks play. So if I go with a 3x opal build, that makes it a bit easier on the trade binder when I'm only trading for $90-100 worth of cards vs $160 for the playset of vial ... and NOBODY wants to get rid of their vials, but people have recently acquired opals with MM15, so probably more likely to trade them.
I have a friend who has an "Esper Superfriends" deck that's pretty fun to play with and against (he does pretty well at modern FNMs with it too). It's basically just wraths, counterspells, card draw, and 10ish planeswalkers. I'm pretty sure he just runs 1 of each of the modern legal esper colored planeswalkers he owns. I'm pretty sure none of the cards cost more than $20, so it's pretty budget, and it looks like you probably have some of the cards. One sweet thing about it: every game is different. It plays with a control feel due to the 25ish control cards, but you get the variance due to all the 1-of planeswalkers that come up each game. The deck looks something like this:
1 White Sun's Zenith
2 Supreme Verdict
1 Wrath of God
4 Path to Exile
4 Esper Charm
4 Mana Leak
2 Sphinx's Revelation
4 Think Twice
1 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
1 Gideon Jura
1 Jace, Architect of Thought
1 Liliana Vess
1 Narset Transcendent
1 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Esper sideboard has tons of potential too: Duress, Stony Silence, Detention Sphere, more wraths, Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Timely Reinforcements, and loads more.
Lands don't have to be super expensive, you could opt to start out with the duals/fetches you currently own + basics + the cheaper check-lands like Glacial Fortress, Drowned Catacomb, and Isolated Chapel. Faerie Conclave and the mutavaults you have are ok manlands to start out with ... if you even need them with all the finishing potential the planeswalkers have on their own.
Doing something like this might also lend itself to an ongoing upgrade project (if you're into that kind of deckbuilding). Since you can gradually trade/buy the more expensive staples like Cryptic Command, Celestial Colonnade, and Creeping Tar Pit.
There is always Mono-U tron, which is pretty inexpensive. None of the cards you have listed are in tron lists, but you have enough trade potential to build that for well under $100 after some moderate trading ... just if you were interested in a tier-2 blue control deck.
Well, Esper tempo is definitely viable. Mentor is ridiculous if it can stay around for a turn or two. The tempo version is a completely different feel. It runs a ton of fetches (10+) in order to fill up the graveyard for delve fuel. It usually plays 10+ 1cmc cantrips (Serum Visions, Thought Scour, Gitaxian Probe, Sleight of Hand, Peek, etc...) vs the control version, which would be running about that many counterspells of various flavors. It's definitely more explosive: capable of a turn 2 Tasigur. You're then trying to out-value the opponent and set them back in tempo while you grind out the midgame.
Pure control is definitely more reactive. You're not trying to aggressively dump stuff in the graveyard, cast loads of cheap cantrips quickly, and get out early threats. You're playing land-Go until you hit 4 mana, then you wipe the board and lock your opponent down with planeswalkers/finishers and counterspells while you draw way more cards than they do.
If you like flashy dragon finishers like Dragonlord Ojutai, Steel Hellkite, even Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon (yep, I've seen an esper control use infect as a finisher before), or if you like running planeswalkers (Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Elspeth, Knight-Errant are probably the most viable), or if you like the whole manland beatdown, then control is probably more the way you want to go.
Tempo is more about early threats, light counters, moderate disruption, and out-valuing the opponent during midgame. Control build would have sweepers, manlands, planeswalkers, finishers, and loads of counterspells + card draw. Tempo is more vulnerable to graveyard hate, tempo plays (with being unable to re-cast delve cards), and opponents combo-winning. Control is more vulnerable to super fast aggro and some opposing types of control.
At least that's how I see it, but I'm not a huge expert on modern. I've been playing modern for a while, testing out a bunch of decks (either my own budget ones or borrowing decks from friends), but have just recently decided to play affinity as a change from the control decks I play in legacy and vintage.
Favorite colors:
Blue, then red, then white.
Favorite style:
Control, Combo-control (like Gifts decks)
~$400 USD
Level of play:
FNM, PPTQ, Perhaps a GP.
4 Thoughtseize
2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
4 Seige Rhino
4 Hangarback Walker
4 Windswept Heath
Colors I like to play:
I'm flexible and don't really care
I don't really like to play combo decks, but enjoy both a control and aggressive style.
Budget I have:
Ideally a few hundred dollars. Maybe around $300?
Level I want to play at:
Ideally enough to win big tournaments, but at least able to consistently top FNM's if played well.
These are the more expensive cards I currently own that are commonly used in modern. I'm relatively new to this game, and am looking to dip my feet into modern.
Death's Shadow Jund
Death's Shadow Grixis
Grixis Delver
Cards I already own:
Many. I don't know what is and isn't a Modern staple; in terms of things I hear about people wanting to play in Modern a lot I have two Tarmogoyfs, a Cryptic Command, a Remand, two Collected Companies, a Goblin Piledriver, an Abbot of Keral Keep, a Languish, an Erebos's Titan, a Master of the Pearl Trident, two Hangarback Walkers, two Flameshadow Conjurings, and a Kolaghan's Command, but I've got a pool of other things (rares and not) to draw on.
I tend towards white and away from black, but I don't have any hard and fast rules on what I do and don't like to play.
I prefer midrange and control, but I'm open to aggro if there are interesting interactions. I prefer to do wacky things over being as competitively efficient as possible.
I'd rather not spend more than $100-200. I've got a fair bit of trade value lying around (if I don't end up using the 'Goyfs, say) to supplement it, though.
Level I want to play at:
A casual starting point, but one I can play around with and expand on. I'm not aiming to win tournaments.
Colors you like to play - That depends. A year ago, I would have said I'm a hardcore UR player. Now, after my playstyle has evolved and I learned more, I've started leaning more toward WU.
Style you like to play - Another one that's been swingy. I used to love comboing everyone (Read: Ex-Eggs player). Now, I really enjoy the interaction Magic can provide and have started being a heavy control player. If Snapcaster Mage's weren't so expensive, I'd absolutely slip into THIS, but the deck doesn't seem very viable without them.
Budget you have - Less than $100 would be optimal, but don't worry about the manabase unless it's a special land like Horizon Canopy or Celestial Colonnade.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to - FNM capable, but we do have kind of a competitive store sporting Grixis Twin, GR Tron, and Affinity among others.
Colors I Like to Play: I'm a die-hard Mardu fan, but I'll play just about anything. I'm a real sucker for Rock too
Style You Like to Play: Creature based strategies. Aggro and Midrange are my favorites. I already own Goblins, so I would really like to play Midrange. However, I also love resource denial and cards that take away my opponents ability to play the game, such as Frozen AEther and Magus of the Tabernacle, although I am not a control player.
Budget: Preferably under $100, but I'm willing to increase that a little.
Level I Want to Play At: Store events.
@mkyardi Your collection is screaming Burn, but since you like blue and red, you might enjoy something a little weird called Eminent Domain. Look it up. If that isn't for you, try looking for other budget control deck. Titan Control is also right up your alley
@Paincakesx This one is far too easy. You want to play Abzan/Junk Midrange. It's a great deck and I'm sure you'll love it.
@KnightoftheGrey You're all over the place. Look at cards that find their way into a lot of Modern decks: Those are staples. If you're open to anything, you might enjoy Death and Taxes or BW Midrange without Lilliana, which is certainly doable.
@Casshern1324 Easy. Titan Control. Case closed.
Whew! That was some work. Now hopefully, other people will start answering on this thread.
Cards you already own: None
Colors you like to play:When I used to play I played alot of Blue and Red, although I would be willing to try white also.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue):Any except Rogue, although I lean to Combo, Ramp and aggro
Budget you have: 200-250
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)Start out with Fmn, but work my way up to PTQ
Also would love to find a deck built that uses Blood Moon if possible. Don't count Blood Moons into budget though since I know 4 of them would also cost around 200.