Budget: 150 preferred, 300 total, i would like it to be the optimal / complete version of the list if possible, but I can get over it if it isn't
Playstyle: I like decks that are really explosive, and feel unfair when its operates as intended. I don't mind if the deck is inconsistent or has very bad matchups, if its upsides are very strong.
I like high risk/high reward and winning out of nowhere. I also like to play lesser played decks and strategies.
Preferred Deck type: Tempo, Combo, Ramp, midrange in that order, rogue decks in general
Do not like: Attrition, control, aggro, tokens
Favorite Colors: doesn't really matter, but black and white are my least favorite with the rest being mostly equal.
Competitive level: A deck good enough to win a moderately skilled fnm on a good day, but it doesn't need to be a world beater.
Own: actually a BW-Token Deck (for around 120$) but I dont want use cardsa from it
Budget: 100 to 125$
Playstyle: I dont really know, I like some small heavy creatures, or if the oponnent cant do anaything because of no / not enough mana or , no handcards etc...
I also like to play lesser played decks.
Preferred Deck type: feel free to suggest
Do not like: -
Favorite Colors: I would prefer a second B/W deck or U/R or so
Competitive level: should be for FNM so that I will not use every single match
In the End I would like to get an deck whats the oppisite of an BW-Token deck, or that the playstyle is completely different
Own: actually a BW-Token Deck (for around 120$) but I dont want use cardsa from it
Budget: 100 to 125$
Playstyle: I dont really know, I like some small heavy creatures, or if the oponnent cant do anaything because of no / not enough mana or , no handcards etc...
I also like to play lesser played decks.
Preferred Deck type: feel free to suggest
Do not like: -
Favorite Colors: I would prefer a second B/W deck or U/R or so
Competitive level: should be for FNM so that I will not use every single match
In the End I would like to get an deck whats the oppisite of an BW-Token deck, or that the playstyle is completely different
How about Green Belcher or Monoblack devotion (minus liliana)?
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big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
Own: Uhh nothing staple comes into mind. Except a playset of Serum Visions
Playstyle: I like small card combos like Thermo-alchemist and Curiosity . Also tempo and control.
Preferred Deck type: Tempo , Control, Combo, or Prison
Do not like: L a n d d e s t r u c t i o n d e c k s
Favorite Colors: Jeskai or Grixis Colors . Although preferred not to do 3 - 4 Colored deck cuz mana probs
Competitive level: Some local tourneys or FNM will do
I'll tell you beforehand, I do not want to play Delver decks since my friend already has one. It's not like I do not want to play the deck but I don't like mirrors in our group.
I'm mainly a Commander person, but my friends are pressuring me to try a 60 cards format, and since I am on a budget, this seems like a good place to start.
Cards you already own
Plenty of planeswalkers, mostly black or with black in their color identity, including Ob Nixilis Reignited, Tezzeret the Schemer, Vraska Scheming Gorgon and Sorin Grim Nemesis. The main issue is that I procured these planeswalkers as part of my Commander experiments, so I only own one copy of each. I also own a few black staples like Dismember, but with them, too, I have the problem of only owning one copy each.
Colors you like to play
Black, mostly. I can adapt to multicolor decks that include black, but my main concern is the difficulty of getting the mana base of a multicolor deck to work without the most expensive lands.
Styles you like to play
While I can adapt to most styles, I really have a soft spot for planeswalkers, and I like to build around them. As such, a control-oriented deck that can allow my planeswalkers to truly shine would be ideal: I of course don't expect to fit all the planeswalkers I listed above to fit into one singular deck, but if I could find a way to build a deck around even a single one of them, I'd already be happy. I also like to play themed cards, as in, cards that quote or reference the planeswalker I'm building around (hence why I own the Nissa vs Ob version of Doom Blade, the Sorin-quoting version of Mortify etc), although that is of course not a strict requirement.
Budget you have
I absolutely cannot spend more than 70 euros per month in magic cards, as that's the maximum portion of my wage I can dedicate to non-essential expenses: with that being said, nothing forbids that I spread out the construction of a deck over two or even three months, so I can afford to spend 140 or even 210 euros on this in total.
Level you want to play at
FNM will suffice for now.
You know what I REALLY love? Artifacts. So yeah, between the reasoning about planeswalkers and themed cards and this bit about me loving artifact, it would seem that a Tezzeret-themed deck would be ideal. However, that might be a problem because I hear that Tezzeret-themed decks are really going strong these days, so I imagine their key cards would be very pricey. When it comes to planeswalkers I like and would like to see valorized in a deck, Ob Nixilis comes a very close second, so perhaps he could be the most reasonable one to focus on. You know how control decks often eschew creatures, only summoning the occasional big scary threat after seizing control of the field? Yeah, I own a copy of Wurmcoil Engine (from Daretti's precon I once got myself for Commander), so if that is the kind of strategy you would like to suggest, I suppose it wouldn't kill me to get another one. Not more than one (so not more than two total in the deck) though.
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
I've been meaning to get into modern for a while. Have an estimated budget of around 250ish, maybe 300ish max (USD).
I tried building BW tokens and Norin Soul Sisters years ago but never finished either. I recently tried again with budget Mono-U Tron (which I ultimately couldn't afford to upgrade) and Dredge, but ended up dropping both.
The only format I currently play/have a decent deck for is Legacy (Punishing Maverick, although I've also played abzan and straight G/W variants of the deck). I'd prefer a deck that is at least pretty good on an FNM level, has a decent matchup into burn (pretty common at my FNM) and doesn't auto-scoop to sideboard hate. I don't mind playing aggro or combo, I guess I prefer midrange overall though.
midrange in geral has a difficult time with burn. but one of the stronger options is abazn, it has enough life gain to stay alive in finks and scooze, and is happy to mb ley lines.
for the
$100 mark you have abzan rites https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/876627#paper which should be ideal for your purposes at fnm level
apart from rites mono black devotions is a strong budget midrange deck that's good against aggro
for around $250 you can build a filthy good bogles deck, and that blows burn out the water and will definitely win some fnms and possibly some local lvl tournaments
also if you already have the cards for it, tokens/ soul sister build has seen some serious love in the last couple of sets and is being experimented with by quite a fue people so it may be worth going back and trying W/x lifegain aggro again
I've looked at the Abzan rites deck quite a few times and tbh it doesnt really seem like my thing, I'm sort of more obsessed with 3-drops like Knight than bigger bois like Siege Rhino lol (one of the reasons I still havent built nic fit)
My budget still isnt totally set since i need to see what cards I end up actually selling, if I manage to sell enough I've been considering budget GW Counters Company (basically Counters Company without noble hierarchs) since I already have the fetches for it. If I can't afford that I'll go with a budgeted Bogles build. Or maybe Elves without caverns
I'm really just trying to avoid building gifts storm since every time I try playing that kind of combo deck i end up regretting it
I'm really interested in Soul Sisters/token aggro. It seems like a fun strategy. That being said for the life of me I can't seem to come up with a decent list for it, probably since I'm really unfamiliar with playing aggro
I'll try to brew a Soul Sisters list and post it for advice sometime, I really like the idea of a green splash (w/collected company maybe) but I'm pretty sure thats not optimal lol. Guess I just like GW too much.
I'm having trouble finding ways to buy cards while I'm overseas anyways so I'll wait until I'm back in the states and build based on whatever money I manage to save. Lower end I might end up going Soul Sisters, if I manage to stick to 300-ish I'm thinking Cavernless elves or gifts storm, any more than that and I'll just go GW CoCo
I've been trying to settle on a single modern deck for a couple of months, if not a year, and I'm currently playing Mono Green Stompy in modern, but I do tend to prefer control and midrange strategies. But since these do find success due to a good knowledge of your meta and a stupidly high budget, added to the fact that I usually play modern once every two months at my LGS makes me feel very insecure in picking a deck. So I was looking for deck ideas that can be upgraded to a established modern deck so I can use it at my LGS, where the field is more than 50% cheap competitive decks (Scapeshift, Affinity, Tron, etc) and the rest is a mix of cheap/expensive rogue decks and expensive competitive decks (jund, jeskai control, etc).
Cards you already own
A couple of budget modern staples. (relic of progenitus, lightning bolt, serum visions, etc)
Colors you like to play with
I'm a strong believer that each color has its own strengths that can be used on almost any archetype, but I do tend to play G/B/x in commander.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Like I said above, control and midrange, but I also know how to play tempo due to my time playing Merfolk. What I'm looking for here is something that is somewhat resilient to hate.
Budget you have
I'm looking for something competitive, but at the same time that doesn't exceed $500 or that can be built on a budget and upgraded as the time goes.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Elves could work. You could go ultra-budget and start with mono-green w/o Collected Company and then gradually upgrade to Collected Company (+ a color splash) and maybe eventually throw in Caverns.
Both G/W value town and Mardu Pyromancer seem to enter more on my spectrum of what I feel comfortable playing with, the aggro approach is exactly what I'm avoiding due to the fact that I have a very hard time piloting an aggro deck due to my lack of proactive style. Also, elves make a fair share of the rogue and more budget competitive decks in my meta, and stompy doesn't have the best MU against elves.
How about control? Is there anything that could possibly meet my requirements? I already thought about mono U tron but as i stated before I don't want something that is not very resilient against hate.
Short about me: Studying at University with a relatively small budget, male etc etc I have finally trumped my fear of MTG and have given it a chance. I've always seemed a bit afraid of the complexity at a younger age but now I think I can handle it pretty well (used to be a Pokemon-guy). However there are some things that I might need some help with, thats why I post here.
I really hope someone here will be able to help me gain some knowledge around the topic I'll be discussing. So first of I am not a native speaker so if there is something that is unclear please do not hesitate to ask for clarification, thanks. So I am a fresh new MTG-Player, yesterday I attended the Open house Core M19 event at my friendly local game-store, mainly to get to know the game a little bit and the basics. I got my promo and a welcome deck. So now to little tricker questions, I've bought like 3000 - 3500 cards in bulk (rares, commons, uncommons) and do not know where to start at all. I want to build a deck that is fairly competitive but not a really really high-end deck that costs thousands of dollars. I want an ok FNM- modern deck that can hold up and maybe sometime win when I have gotten some training with it. There are some cards thats value exceeds 5 dollars each in the bulk I purchased (I haven't gone through all of it yet, takes a lot of time) but not to many I mainly own cards from the following sets:
Dominaria (Uncommon & Commons a few rares)
Ixalan (Uncommons & Commons)
Hour of Devastation(Uncommons & Commons a few rares)
Aether Revolt (Uncommons & Commons)
Kaladesh (Uncommon & Commons)
I've preordered a box of M19 Core and will attend the prerelease next weekend. So my previous experience with TCGs is that I like to start learning with a fast and aggressive deck like Zoolock in Hearthstone and such. Aggro and tempo is my main go to in the beginning in games like hearthstone until I learn the game mechanics enough to be able to go forward with a control deck. Although I find fast aggressive decks really fun to play. The colors in magic I would like to play would therefore result in a red black combo I guess? blue is more control right? If someone with a bit of experience could help lead the way to a fine deck I would really appreciate it, right now everything seems to be overwhelming, I do not know which cards to search for and every deck I seem to find on sites like tappedout is like 500+ dollars.
I would like to stay somewhere 100-150 dollar maximum. (For a deck that can be used a while from now on)
Tbh I would prefer something a bit cheaper than that like 50 dollars, since its my first deck. But yeah bring your ideas
I appreciate all the help I can get, and remember to explain thoroughly since I am sort of new and therefore not used to the lingo, thanks! =)
Based on your criteria and the fact that you gravitate towards aggro lists when learning a format (/game) and your budget.. I'd recommend 8 Whack Goblins, Mono-red Burn, Mono Green Stompy, and Abzan Rites isn't too hard to play which you can with your budget. I'd start here and see if any of those I listed interest you as a player. From there you can learn the game, the format, and have a decent chance to perform well at the FNM level before moving on to other decks. Abzan Rites to warn you isn't a fast aggressive deck but it's certainly a powerful deck for your budget range. I'd at least check it out before dismissing it.
Hello. I am looking for a deck that us fun to build and play(imo, of course), so I wanted to play a stompy deck, like Mono-G or GW Little Kid, but I've been having problems against CoCo's Vizier-Druid and other creature combos. Since GW has problems combating creatures. I already have Path mainboard, but I can't find it fast enough to combat certain combos. I'm wondering of anybody has any ideas for how to combat this.
look at storm, swan hunt and eminent domain, i believe you could "update" eminent domain into Blue Moon (Ur control with blood moon) and possibility storm into regular storm.
Hello, guys
English is not my first language, so if my written is too bad, sorry :c
Well, i'm a commander player trying to enter at modern. I never had the opportunity because the field at my city is "serious bussiness" and I can't buy the tier 1-2 decks, but i met some new players, with budgets decks and it seems like a chance to start.
I have some "mono W humans" set of cards like soldier of the pantheon, imposign sovereing and brave the elements, and some singles like thalia and path to exile. I have some mass removal, mana leaks and bad cantrips (ex: antecipate) But i dont want anything just cast creature and go to combat, i would prefer something with creatures doing some lock (like D&T) or an hard control.
My budget is low (university student without a job kinda low) in short time, but i have time to improve, so something that can be improve to tier, would be nice.
Some sugestion? If i need to give more information?
Hello, guys
English is not my first language, so if my written is too bad, sorry :c
Well, i'm a commander player trying to enter at modern. I never had the opportunity because the field at my city is "serious bussiness" and I can't buy the tier 1-2 decks, but i met some new players, with budgets decks and it seems like a chance to start.
I have some "mono W humans" set of cards like soldier of the pantheon, imposign sovereing and brave the elements, and some singles like thalia and path to exile. I have some mass removal, mana leaks and bad cantrips (ex: antecipate) But i dont want anything just cast creature and go to combat, i would prefer something with creatures doing some lock (like D&T) or an hard control.
My budget is low (university student without a job kinda low) in short time, but i have time to improve, so something that can be improve to tier, would be nice.
Some sugestion? If i need to give more information?
2 questions:
1-since you play commander, do you have x1 of something expensive?
2- your budget: exactly how much that would be (5$ weekly? 30 month? etc)
1- My deck was a Thalia, so not really. I hava a Linvala, Elspeth, Knight Errant and Sun's Champion, 4x lightning bolts,4x mana leaks, 1x IoK, 1 Path to exile, Ghost Quarter, Field of Ruin (if you are asking for modern playable).
2- $15-25 month, but i can sell some cards to help on start. I have a stoneforge mystic to sale.
Cards you already own
- I'm a stanadard player...I have 4 bolts , 2 huntmasters , 4 walking balista(standard BG constrictor), i also own a monoG stompy
Colors you like to play
-I dont really care about colors , but if possible i prefer not to play blue
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
-My favourite style is a midrange/aggro but i will be happy with anithing that isnt hard aggro or hard control
Budget you have
- I was thinking in expending 250$ , and upgrade later
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
- I want to place good at fnm, later maybe i would like go to a ptq
I guess a budget Death and Taxes would be great for you. It's an aggro-control deck and have a list in this forum for $150
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Budget: 150 preferred, 300 total, i would like it to be the optimal / complete version of the list if possible, but I can get over it if it isn't
Playstyle: I like decks that are really explosive, and feel unfair when its operates as intended. I don't mind if the deck is inconsistent or has very bad matchups, if its upsides are very strong.
I like high risk/high reward and winning out of nowhere. I also like to play lesser played decks and strategies.
Preferred Deck type: Tempo, Combo, Ramp, midrange in that order, rogue decks in general
Do not like: Attrition, control, aggro, tokens
Favorite Colors: doesn't really matter, but black and white are my least favorite with the rest being mostly equal.
Competitive level: A deck good enough to win a moderately skilled fnm on a good day, but it doesn't need to be a world beater.
Budget: 100 to 125$
Playstyle: I dont really know, I like some small heavy creatures, or if the oponnent cant do anaything because of no / not enough mana or , no handcards etc...
I also like to play lesser played decks.
Preferred Deck type: feel free to suggest
Do not like: -
Favorite Colors: I would prefer a second B/W deck or U/R or so
Competitive level: should be for FNM so that I will not use every single match
In the End I would like to get an deck whats the oppisite of an BW-Token deck, or that the playstyle is completely different
How about Green Belcher or Monoblack devotion (minus liliana)?
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
Playstyle: I like small card combos like Thermo-alchemist and Curiosity . Also tempo and control.
Preferred Deck type: Tempo , Control, Combo, or Prison
Do not like: L a n d d e s t r u c t i o n d e c k s
Favorite Colors: Jeskai or Grixis Colors . Although preferred not to do 3 - 4 Colored deck cuz mana probs
Competitive level: Some local tourneys or FNM will do
I'll tell you beforehand, I do not want to play Delver decks since my friend already has one. It's not like I do not want to play the deck but I don't like mirrors in our group.
How about black white tokens or tempered steel aggro?
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
SaffronOlive just did a Instant Deck Tech in the mtggoldfish site. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/instant-deck-tech-mono-green-land-destruction-modern
3 Acidic Slime
4 Arbor Elf
2 Cloudthresher
3 Elvish Mystic
4 Eternal Witness
2 Roaring Primadox
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
20 Forest
Spells (18)
4 Utopia Sprawl
4 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
3 Plow Under
4 Primal Command
3 Reclaiming Vines
3 Chameleon Colossus
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Leyline of Vitality
3 Guttural Response
2 Nature's Claim
3 Creeping Corrosion
I tried building BW tokens and Norin Soul Sisters years ago but never finished either. I recently tried again with budget Mono-U Tron (which I ultimately couldn't afford to upgrade) and Dredge, but ended up dropping both.
The only format I currently play/have a decent deck for is Legacy (Punishing Maverick, although I've also played abzan and straight G/W variants of the deck). I'd prefer a deck that is at least pretty good on an FNM level, has a decent matchup into burn (pretty common at my FNM) and doesn't auto-scoop to sideboard hate. I don't mind playing aggro or combo, I guess I prefer midrange overall though.
Anyways what do etc
I've looked at the Abzan rites deck quite a few times and tbh it doesnt really seem like my thing, I'm sort of more obsessed with 3-drops like Knight than bigger bois like Siege Rhino lol (one of the reasons I still havent built nic fit)
My budget still isnt totally set since i need to see what cards I end up actually selling, if I manage to sell enough I've been considering budget GW Counters Company (basically Counters Company without noble hierarchs) since I already have the fetches for it. If I can't afford that I'll go with a budgeted Bogles build. Or maybe Elves without caverns
I'm really just trying to avoid building gifts storm since every time I try playing that kind of combo deck i end up regretting it
I'm really interested in Soul Sisters/token aggro. It seems like a fun strategy. That being said for the life of me I can't seem to come up with a decent list for it, probably since I'm really unfamiliar with playing aggro
I'm having trouble finding ways to buy cards while I'm overseas anyways so I'll wait until I'm back in the states and build based on whatever money I manage to save. Lower end I might end up going Soul Sisters, if I manage to stick to 300-ish I'm thinking Cavernless elves or gifts storm, any more than that and I'll just go GW CoCo
Cards you already own
A couple of budget modern staples. (relic of progenitus, lightning bolt, serum visions, etc)
Colors you like to play with
I'm a strong believer that each color has its own strengths that can be used on almost any archetype, but I do tend to play G/B/x in commander.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Like I said above, control and midrange, but I also know how to play tempo due to my time playing Merfolk. What I'm looking for here is something that is somewhat resilient to hate.
Budget you have
I'm looking for something competitive, but at the same time that doesn't exceed $500 or that can be built on a budget and upgraded as the time goes.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
How about control? Is there anything that could possibly meet my requirements? I already thought about mono U tron but as i stated before I don't want something that is not very resilient against hate.
Based on your criteria and the fact that you gravitate towards aggro lists when learning a format (/game) and your budget.. I'd recommend 8 Whack Goblins, Mono-red Burn, Mono Green Stompy, and Abzan Rites isn't too hard to play which you can with your budget. I'd start here and see if any of those I listed interest you as a player. From there you can learn the game, the format, and have a decent chance to perform well at the FNM level before moving on to other decks. Abzan Rites to warn you isn't a fast aggressive deck but it's certainly a powerful deck for your budget range. I'd at least check it out before dismissing it.
look at storm, swan hunt and eminent domain, i believe you could "update" eminent domain into Blue Moon (Ur control with blood moon) and possibility storm into regular storm.
English is not my first language, so if my written is too bad, sorry :c
Well, i'm a commander player trying to enter at modern. I never had the opportunity because the field at my city is "serious bussiness" and I can't buy the tier 1-2 decks, but i met some new players, with budgets decks and it seems like a chance to start.
I have some "mono W humans" set of cards like soldier of the pantheon, imposign sovereing and brave the elements, and some singles like thalia and path to exile. I have some mass removal, mana leaks and bad cantrips (ex: antecipate) But i dont want anything just cast creature and go to combat, i would prefer something with creatures doing some lock (like D&T) or an hard control.
My budget is low (university student without a job kinda low) in short time, but i have time to improve, so something that can be improve to tier, would be nice.
Some sugestion? If i need to give more information?
2 questions:
1-since you play commander, do you have x1 of something expensive?
2- your budget: exactly how much that would be (5$ weekly? 30 month? etc)
2- $15-25 month, but i can sell some cards to help on start. I have a stoneforge mystic to sale.
I guess a budget Death and Taxes would be great for you. It's an aggro-control deck and have a list in this forum for $150