Cards you already own
No Modern staples at all (duh)
Colors you like to play
I don't know, really. I think I could like Mono Green, R/G, B/G, U/R or U/B. Just preferably not Mono Red (Red Deck Wins or Burn) or B/W (it just feels off). Basically, anything with Green, Blue or Black is fine.
Style you like to play
I like to be annoying (flooding the board with creatures (aka Green) or countering everything). I am also a notorious Johnny who likes cards that can be hard to pull off or are undervalued, but can win you the game if you resolve that combo. It has to be fun for me and horrible for my opponent though.
Budget you have
As little as possible. I can go up to ~$50, maybe a little more, but even $100 is too expensive for me (kinda sad, but... student life).
Level you want to play at
Fun for casuals (maybe making people rage a little, but I want to keep my friends). It wouldn't hurt if a few games can be won at FNM, too.
I generally have no favorite color, but i do enjoy playing blue in my standard deck lately.
Style i like to play
I guess i'm more of a controlish player, i like to get beaten until i reach 1 point of life and then take over the game from there, never allowing my opponent to deal that 1 damage and win.
Budget you have
I guess my budget is around 100$, but i could push it to 150$ if i get really excited with a deck.
Cards I Own:
Nothing of major value except for my x1 Snapcaster Mage. Everything else is under x5 tix.
Colors I like:
Black has always been my favourite colour, without question. Although Blue is trailing not too far behind. I also really like White too as a third favourite.
Styles I Like:
I enjoy most styles, but probably prefer Tempo Control. I really don't like pure aggro or pure control (both are boring to me, Aggro being repetitive and Control too slow). I'm not a fan of combo either because setting up pieces of a puzzle is more of a headache than fun, but really appreciate synergies.
Favorite Cards:
Really don't care here actually.
I'm a MTGO player, so in saying that I want to start with a deck under x50 tix if possible and then constantly upgrade it as I want to put money into it. Upgradeability and constant improvement is massively important to me.
Level of Play:
Casual play for now on MTGO but as I put more money into my deck I want to play in some tournaments too as I'm very very competitive. Nothing too serious but not completely for fun either.
Playset of Remand
Playset of Monastery Swiftspear
1 Young Pyromancer
2 Goblin Electromancer
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Mana Leak
Various other singles of played commons/uncommons, a couple of rares. All in all, not much.
I don't have a particular colour set, but in EDH I often play Azorius or Esper
Really anything. It's easier for me to say what I don't like the look of:
Dredge; Merfolk; Living End; 8 Rack; Ad Nauseum; Cheeri0s; Tron. I know this sounds like a lot of decks I don't like the look of, but I really do like a lot of decks. If I am playing combo, I like really over-complicated ones, for example I playes Aetherflux Storm in standard and 5-colour value with a 10-card combo in combo in commander, as well as temur walls combo.
Probably $50-100 Australian
Definitely FNM, but preferably higher.
I have been playing BW tokens. I have all the common staples run in it: Paths, Inquisition, Thoughtsieze, Spectral procession, and Godless Shrines.
I also have:
2x Bloodghast
1x Wooded Foothills
4x Overgrown Tomb
4x Abrupt Decay
4x Genesis Wave
2x Eternal Witness
3x Kitchen Finks
3x Grave Crawler
2x Every Zombie Lord
I'm looking for a second deck I can build on a budget that has a good match-up with tron, as my local LGS is has a lot of it. I'd preferably like to play a non-midrange deck to have more variety. No color preferences.
Hey all, I know I'm a little late; but I just this post, so here goes.
Cards you already own?
Path to Exile
Inquisition of Kozilek
Lightning Bolt
Traverse the Ulvenwald
Scavenging Ooze
2x Wooded Foothills
2x Windswept Heath
Colors you like to play?
Any colors really. My favorite color is blue, however.
Style you like to play?
I'm a huge fan of control. I play Esper and Grixis control on Untap; I'm a huge sucker for control, so priority goes to it. I also like Tempo and Midrange decks, however, so I'm not against playing them either.
Budget you have.
My budget is pretty small $150.
Level you aim to play at.
Ideally I would like to pick up a deck with an upgrade path. I intent to play this deck at FNM; and perphaps, eventually, at a regional level.
Things I like: I tend to like Blue/Black (generally in that order) and the three-color derivatives of it, particularly Grixis, and perhaps Sultai or Esper. RB decks are also a possibility. I generally prefer to play midrange to control decks and have a soft spot for mill, prison, and janky combos; I'm definitely on the Johnny side of things.
Cards I have: I don't have full playsets of most dimir+ modern staples (e.g. cryptics, snapcasters etc.), but would like something I could work those into as upgrades. I do have:
Some of hte more recent land-base pieces like playsets of Sunken Hollow, Choked Estuary, Shivan Reef, Wandering Fumarole, Blooming Marsh, and Botanical Sanctum.
Some of the more recent blue board bounces and extra turn cards from janky blue decks I ran at times in standard (Crush of Tentacles, Part the Waterveil, Rise from the Tides, etc.).
Recent spellslinger-oriented pieces like sets of Fevered Visions, Baral, Metallurgic Summonings, and a couple of Paradox Engines.
A set of Serum Visions
What I'm aiming for/willing to spend: I'm targeting FNM-level modern play, and have a starting budget in the $150 range, but something I could upgrade over time would be great. Maybe there's an appropriate budget storm or baral deck to start with here?
EDIT: I've seen the Possibility Storm, Baral Storm, and the various 42-land Swan and Zombie Infestation decks. My concern there is how those age and can be upgraded/updated as metas change and new cards come out. As a final note, Lantern Control is really cool, but a playset of Ensnaring Bridge is strictly necessary and quickly pulls that deck out of budget territory.
Things I like: I tend to like Blue/Black (generally in that order) and the three-color derivatives of it, particularly Grixis, and perhaps Sultai or Esper. RB decks are also a possibility. I generally prefer to play midrange to control decks and have a soft spot for mill, prison, and janky combos; I'm definitely on the Johnny side of things.
Cards I have: I don't have full playsets of most dimir+ modern staples (e.g. cryptics, snapcasters etc.), but would like something I could work those into as upgrades. I do have:
Some of hte more recent land-base pieces like playsets of Sunken Hollow, Choked Estuary, Shivan Reef, Wandering Fumarole, Blooming Marsh, and Botanical Sanctum.
Some of the more recent blue board bounces and extra turn cards from janky blue decks I ran at times in standard (Crush of Tentacles, Part the Waterveil, Rise from the Tides, etc.).
Recent spellslinger-oriented pieces like sets of Fevered Visions, Baral, Metallurgic Summonings, and a couple of Paradox Engines.
A set of Serum Visions
What I'm aiming for/willing to spend: I'm targeting FNM-level modern play, and have a starting budget in the $150 range, but something I could upgrade over time would be great. Maybe there's an appropriate budget storm or baral deck to start with here?
EDIT: I've seen the Possibility Storm, Baral Storm, and the various 42-land Swan and Zombie Infestation decks. My concern there is how those age and can be upgraded/updated as metas change and new cards come out. As a final note, Lantern Control is really cool, but a playset of Ensnaring Bridge is strictly necessary and quickly pulls that deck out of budget territory.
go with baral storm, is a solid deck and there always be some kind of storm deck, worst case scenario you get UR lands, card draw and thing that are not going to lose value over the years.
Thanks, Faeries looks right up my alley. I'll start with the goldfish mono-blue one and start splashing black one I get some of the key black pieces together.
Nothing that can be used to build a modern deck. I have a pool of commanders decks with some friends that we play when I go to my parents town, but I can use none of those cards to build the deck.
Colors you like to play
The only color that I dislike is red. I tried a commander deck with Norin for the lols, but red isnt for me.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I like interactive deck, control/disruption and midrange. Short games and combo isnt fun.
Budget you have
To start I'm willing to spend 200~300$
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I moved recently and here I have nobody to play with, and playing MTGO isnt the same. So I thogth that would be nice to play some modern FNM at the LGS to make some friends, and next year maybe try some major tornament (PTQs ?).
and probably some other bulk cards that I forgot to mention.
Colors you like to play
I like all colors.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I like pretty much anything, unless it's Aggro or a deck that's either instant win or lose ("do you have it?" no=win, yes=lose).
Those decks are not really my type of playstyle. I would say I like midrange decks the most, followed by combo.
Budget you have
100 euro (I'm from Germany)
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Tier1/Tier2 FNM level, currently lots of Grixis Shadow, Merfolk and Tron. But we have a very wide open range of decks. Things like Emeria Control or Goblins or Mill (all with top mana bases) come up frequently as well.
Right now I'm playing mono white Death & Taxes as my main modern deck, where I change around my mana base and cards/colors depending on the meta, but I'm looking for a second deck to switch around that does something completely different, so I can just take that one from time to time to surprise the meta. I've thought about things like 42 swan hunt or a budget Abzan list, but I'm still not good enough to brew stuff myself and be happy with the list.
I've played B/W Tokens and B/W Eldrazi before playing Taxes, but tokens felt way too fair and eldrazi was getting boring when all I was doing was play one card each turn and hope to win t4/5 when the smasher comes down or go into topdeck mode and fall asleep.
Thanks in advance
Would you consider a blood moon deck? They're the cheapest they've been in a while at `$20.
somethin like black red control might appeal to you.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
Would you consider a blood moon deck? They're the cheapest they've been in a while at `$20.
somethin like black red control might appeal to you.
Well, I want to stay near my budget so three more Blood Moons would be 55-60 Euro. I don't think I could get much else to make it playable, or? Any specific list you are thinking of? Haven't seen a Rakdos Control list show up, so I'm a little skeptic, but please elaborate if you got something brewing!
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
Cards you already own
Got some cards from intro packs and some old left by brother but it loks like collection for commander so 1 - 2 copies mostly and some newer cards from drafts,prerelease and league, got some innistrad zombies, some buffers for them and recently bought gravecrawler.
Colors you like to play
Not really prefering one color over other that much but got a lot black so probably black, than got some commander G/W and got two G/R planeswalkers (arlinn and samut)
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
No prefered
Budget you have
Very low
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Budget modern league at shop (135$ budget for deck) and FNMs (maybe later)
With a budget of $135, you could always go with my little green friends.
Cards you already own
Fair amount of Shards of Alara things (was my primary set), some original Ravinica things.
Colors you like to play
Historically, I ran a RG splash Black token-eater deck as my primary deck, centered around Predator Dragon. I'm open to anything, though.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Aggro/midrange has been my typical, although I did enjoy my Blue mill back in the day. I enjoy graveyard shenanigans (Literally splashed black in my previous deck just for Necrogenesis).
Budget you have
Very low
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Fairly casual (would like to spend no more than $40 on extra cards). Maybe some games at my friendly local game store.
Private Mod Note
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Currently Running... Casual Burn
:symr::symg::symb: Devour Stomp :symb::symg::symr:
Cards you already own
Fair amount of Shards of Alara things (was my primary set), some original Ravinica things.
Colors you like to play
Historically, I ran a RG splash Black token-eater deck as my primary deck, centered around Predator Dragon. I'm open to anything, though.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Aggro/midrange has been my typical, although I did enjoy my Blue mill back in the day. I enjoy graveyard shenanigans (Literally splashed black in my previous deck just for Necrogenesis).
Budget you have
Very low
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Fairly casual (would like to spend no more than $40 on extra cards). Maybe some games at my friendly local game store.
So, recently moved into college, couldnt take most of my collection, but found a great local store id like to play at.
Looking for something i could cobble together with a mixture of what ive got on me, and cheapish singles I could order or trade for(common readily available staples only for trades).
Ive got with me one trade binder, a W/B Warriors Deck from Therosish era standard, and a Red Pyro Goggles Combo from Origins standard.
Ill mention singles i feel are noteworthy below.
Colors you like to play
Down with anything.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Aggro, Tempo, Combo
Budget you have
75 USD
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
So, recently moved into college, couldnt take most of my collection, but found a great local store id like to play at.
Looking for something i could cobble together with a mixture of what ive got on me, and cheapish singles I could order or trade for(common readily available staples only for trades).
Ive got with me one trade binder, a W/B Warriors Deck from Therosish era standard, and a Red Pyro Goggles Combo from Origins standard.
Ill mention singles i feel are noteworthy below.
Colors you like to play
Down with anything.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Aggro, Tempo, Combo
Budget you have
75 USD
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
how about black devotion?
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
you could easily remove the $ cards.
the problem with sword of the meek combo is that is somewhat expensive ($30) and i would rather be doing other things with gifts ungiven.
maybe add a iona to lock mono color deck, or sun titan for value (return detention sphere, etc), 1 snapcaster since drop in price with mm2017.
you have plenty of options! look at :
i think you will love this deck:
3 Spell Pierce, 1 Mana Leak, 1 Tooth and Nail, 1 Snapcaster Mage, 1 Cyclonic Rift, 1 Stony Silence, 1 Bonfire of the Damned, 4 Birds of Paradise, 1 Delver of Secrets, 1 Terminate.
Colors i like to play
I generally have no favorite color, but i do enjoy playing blue in my standard deck lately.
Style i like to play
I guess i'm more of a controlish player, i like to get beaten until i reach 1 point of life and then take over the game from there, never allowing my opponent to deal that 1 damage and win.
Budget you have
I guess my budget is around 100$, but i could push it to 150$ if i get really excited with a deck.
Level you want to play
Mostly FNM and some casual events.
UW Azorius Control
UW Azorius Control
Nothing of major value except for my x1 Snapcaster Mage. Everything else is under x5 tix.
Colors I like:
Black has always been my favourite colour, without question. Although Blue is trailing not too far behind. I also really like White too as a third favourite.
Styles I Like:
I enjoy most styles, but probably prefer Tempo Control. I really don't like pure aggro or pure control (both are boring to me, Aggro being repetitive and Control too slow). I'm not a fan of combo either because setting up pieces of a puzzle is more of a headache than fun, but really appreciate synergies.
Favorite Cards:
Really don't care here actually.
I'm a MTGO player, so in saying that I want to start with a deck under x50 tix if possible and then constantly upgrade it as I want to put money into it. Upgradeability and constant improvement is massively important to me.
Level of Play:
Casual play for now on MTGO but as I put more money into my deck I want to play in some tournaments too as I'm very very competitive. Nothing too serious but not completely for fun either.
Playset of Remand
Playset of Monastery Swiftspear
1 Young Pyromancer
2 Goblin Electromancer
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Mana Leak
Various other singles of played commons/uncommons, a couple of rares. All in all, not much.
I don't have a particular colour set, but in EDH I often play Azorius or Esper
Really anything. It's easier for me to say what I don't like the look of:
Dredge; Merfolk; Living End; 8 Rack; Ad Nauseum; Cheeri0s; Tron. I know this sounds like a lot of decks I don't like the look of, but I really do like a lot of decks. If I am playing combo, I like really over-complicated ones, for example I playes Aetherflux Storm in standard and 5-colour value with a 10-card combo in combo in commander, as well as temur walls combo.
Probably $50-100 Australian
Definitely FNM, but preferably higher.
Thanks so much for any help you can give!
I also have:
2x Bloodghast
1x Wooded Foothills
4x Overgrown Tomb
4x Abrupt Decay
4x Genesis Wave
2x Eternal Witness
3x Kitchen Finks
3x Grave Crawler
2x Every Zombie Lord
I'm looking for a second deck I can build on a budget that has a good match-up with tron, as my local LGS is has a lot of it. I'd preferably like to play a non-midrange deck to have more variety. No color preferences.
4x Delver of Secrets
4x Young Pyromancer
3x Grim Lavamancer
4x Lightning Bolt
2x Izzet Charm
1x Pillar of Flame
2x Electrolyze
4x Serum Visions
4x Vapor Snag
2x Spell Snare
1x Spell Pierce
4x Remand
3x Mana Leak
6x Island
3x Mountain
2x Fairie Conclave
3x Steam Vents
4x Sulfur Falls
Although you'll need to replace Gitaxian probe as it's banned.
Cards you already own?
Path to Exile
Inquisition of Kozilek
Lightning Bolt
Traverse the Ulvenwald
Scavenging Ooze
2x Wooded Foothills
2x Windswept Heath
Colors you like to play?
Any colors really. My favorite color is blue, however.
Style you like to play?
I'm a huge fan of control. I play Esper and Grixis control on Untap; I'm a huge sucker for control, so priority goes to it. I also like Tempo and Midrange decks, however, so I'm not against playing them either.
Budget you have.
My budget is pretty small $150.
Level you aim to play at.
Ideally I would like to pick up a deck with an upgrade path. I intent to play this deck at FNM; and perphaps, eventually, at a regional level.
Cards I have: I don't have full playsets of most dimir+ modern staples (e.g. cryptics, snapcasters etc.), but would like something I could work those into as upgrades. I do have:
What I'm aiming for/willing to spend: I'm targeting FNM-level modern play, and have a starting budget in the $150 range, but something I could upgrade over time would be great. Maybe there's an appropriate budget storm or baral deck to start with here?
EDIT: I've seen the Possibility Storm, Baral Storm, and the various 42-land Swan and Zombie Infestation decks. My concern there is how those age and can be upgraded/updated as metas change and new cards come out. As a final note, Lantern Control is really cool, but a playset of Ensnaring Bridge is strictly necessary and quickly pulls that deck out of budget territory.
go with baral storm, is a solid deck and there always be some kind of storm deck, worst case scenario you get UR lands, card draw and thing that are not going to lose value over the years.
Thanks, Faeries looks right up my alley. I'll start with the goldfish mono-blue one and start splashing black one I get some of the key black pieces together.
Nothing that can be used to build a modern deck. I have a pool of commanders decks with some friends that we play when I go to my parents town, but I can use none of those cards to build the deck.
Colors you like to play
The only color that I dislike is red. I tried a commander deck with Norin for the lols, but red isnt for me.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I like interactive deck, control/disruption and midrange. Short games and combo isnt fun.
Budget you have
To start I'm willing to spend 200~300$
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I moved recently and here I have nobody to play with, and playing MTGO isnt the same. So I thogth that would be nice to play some modern FNM at the LGS to make some friends, and next year maybe try some major tornament (PTQs ?).
Would you consider a blood moon deck? They're the cheapest they've been in a while at `$20.
somethin like black red control might appeal to you.
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
you can run a budget manabase with dragonskull summit and blood crypt (you only need 1-2).
your finisher can be demigod of revenge with some faithless looting
terminate can replace fatal push
goblin dark-dwellers is a decent value engine. they also combine with molten rain out of the board against tron.
4 pack rat
4 terminate
4 lightning bolt
4 faithless looting
4 inquisition of kozilek
2 thoughtseize
4 blood moon
2 collective brutality
1 chandra, flamecaller
1 dreadbore
2 dismember
8 swamp
4 mountain
3 dragonskull summit
3 bloodstained mire
2 smoldering marsh
2 canyon slough
2 lavaclaw reaches
the manabase can be customized as you see fit.
I also assume that you can trade for the bloodstained mire . blood crypt can be replaced with smoldering marsh or canyon slough.
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation
With a budget of $135, you could always go with my little green friends.
4 Collected Company
4 Heritage Druid
4 Nettle Sentinel
4 Elvish Archdruid
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Elvish Mystic
3 Ezuri, Renegade Leader
20 Forest
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Dwynen's Elite
1 Elvish Champion
Sideboard is really a meta call and up to you, but I recommend stuff like Thragtusk, Phyrexian Revoker, Scavenging Ooze, and Reclamation Sage.
My Trades
Fair amount of Shards of Alara things (was my primary set), some original Ravinica things.
Colors you like to play
Historically, I ran a RG splash Black token-eater deck as my primary deck, centered around Predator Dragon. I'm open to anything, though.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Aggro/midrange has been my typical, although I did enjoy my Blue mill back in the day. I enjoy graveyard shenanigans (Literally splashed black in my previous deck just for Necrogenesis).
Budget you have
Very low
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Fairly casual (would like to spend no more than $40 on extra cards). Maybe some games at my friendly local game store.
:symr::symg::symb: Devour Stomp :symb::symg::symr:
what about a delirium deck?
something like that ( if you wait 2 months all the delirium cards will be cheap).
you fuel the graveyard with Grisly Salvage and Satyr Wayfinder or Commune with the Gods, then go mad with delirium/flashback
you could add other GV things like Bloodsoaked Champion Raven's Crime Adorned Pouncer Despoiler of Souls etc.
another option is going with the "aristocrats deck" that is a BWx (mainly G , but also can be R) that abuse the sacrifice affects, for example see
a example of a very competitive decklist could be where you can start , remove the expensive cards (none of then core to the strategy i believe) and add other things.
a red decklist for example is
anyway, i hope this ideas give you a starting point!
Looking for something i could cobble together with a mixture of what ive got on me, and cheapish singles I could order or trade for(common readily available staples only for trades).
Ive got with me one trade binder, a W/B Warriors Deck from Therosish era standard, and a Red Pyro Goggles Combo from Origins standard.
Ill mention singles i feel are noteworthy below.
Staples/Interesting Cards ive got with me
- Lands:
4x Drowned Catacomb
4x Watery Grave
1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
3x Razorverge Thicket
1x Windswept Heath
1x Sunpetal Grove
1x Temple of Plenty
1x Flooded Strand
4x Blackcleave Cliffs
4x Dragonskull Summit
4x Wooded Foothills
4x Temple of Abandon
4x Caves of Koilos
4x Temple of Silence
1x Moorland Haunt
- Staples:
4x Path To Exile
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Dismember
1x Liliana Of The Veil
- Odds and Ends:
4x Stormbreath Dragon
1x Sword of the Meek
1x Basilisk Collar
4x Gravecrawler
4x Geralf's Messenger
3x Pyromancer's Goggles
4x Hangarback Walker
2x Pia and Kiraan Nalaar
4x Goblin Rabblemaster
4x Courser of Kruphix
4x Bloodsoaked Champion
4x Arashin Foremost
2x Garruk Wildspeaker
4x Soldier of the Pantheon
1x Sylvan Caryatid
2x Champion of the Parish
2x Elspeth Tirel
2x Sorin, Solemn Visitor
4x Banishing Light
1x Narset Transcendant
1x Sarkhan Unbroken
1x Xenagos, the Reveler
2x Avatar of the Resolute
2x Polukranos, World Eater
2x Xenagos, God of Revels
2x Athreos, God of Passage
Colors you like to play
Down with anything.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
Aggro, Tempo, Combo
Budget you have
75 USD
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
how about black devotion?
big receipts
alpha mox emerald
beta time walk
4 goyfs received
3 liliana of the veil
4 karn liberated
3 force of will
4 grove of the burnwillows
snapcaster mage
3 horizon canopy
2 full art damnation