I don't have a lot of staples. I'm saving up for Scapeshift on MTGO and paper, but until then I need a deck. I've got Bolts and Helixes, a Hallowed Fountain, and a couple Mana Leak. Other than that, no real staples (well, I may have a singleton or two in my Commander deck, but that's it). I've also got various playable commons. What would you suggest I play given this information? Again, since my Magic budget is all going toward my Scapeshift deck, I'm topped out at around $30.
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Generation 15: The first time you see this, add it to your sig, but add 1 to the number. Call it a social experiment.
-Cards you already own
Mhh, not much actually, i play a lot on cockatrice/octgn, but haven't got any relevant cards yet. -Colors you like to play
Anyone -Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I usually go for control, but I recently tested a blistering rage deck and loved it!! I also like/play restore balance/garga-geddon, turbo fog and owling mine a lot online, anything rogue basically (I don't like tweaked tier 1 decks, I guess I'm kind of a poor Johnny). -Budget you have
Around Us$50 -Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Not further than FNM
this is 10 modern decks that are around $30 to build. it was submitted 4 months ago and after viewing a few of them, they just look okay. but it's something to work with!
Yeah! I actually have forgotten about that post! I saw it a couple months ago, before I left Magic aside for personal stuff.
Now that I see, there are 4 parts of the same post! Check this out!
I like me some Grixis Control, and I'd play Miracles if it was a thing in Modern. I'm a fan of busted combos and hilarious card interactions, but I'm also a fan of midrange. Blue is my home, whether Geist of Saint Traft flavor or Spell Snare flavor or Think Twice flavor.
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Generation 15: The first time you see this, add it to your sig, but add 1 to the number. Call it a social experiment.
Hey, was hoping this could help me out in terms of trying to get back into the competitive scene after a 2 year absence. Glad to see we have one of these threads now. Just out of curiosity, as I have large collection, would it help if I put my cards in order of Color>Rarity/CMC>ABC? I was typing it out before and I want to say there were like, 100 cards or so I was typing out as I found them and in no particular order. Just trying to make it as easy as possible for you guys to help me out on it
Hey, was hoping this could help me out in terms of trying to get back into the competitive scene after a 2 year absence. Glad to see we have one of these threads now. Just out of curiosity, as I have large collection, would it help if I put my cards in order of Color>Rarity/CMC>ABC? I was typing it out before and I want to say there were like, 100 cards or so I was typing out as I found them and in no particular order. Just trying to make it as easy as possible for you guys to help me out on it
Best bet is to list all your staples (though since you're in the Budget section, this is probably just Bolt and the odd Remand or Serum Visions or whatever, like my collection), then talk about your budget and play style. It's pretty unlikely you'll have a lot of relevant cards in your collection (speaking from experience here), so don't worry about most of it. Our suggestions won't break the bank either, so you should be fine.
Course, if you're chock full of staples, I'd go to the regular thread and knock ideas off of the people there. You won't get competitive past LGS level on a budget for the most part, but never say never.
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Generation 15: The first time you see this, add it to your sig, but add 1 to the number. Call it a social experiment.
Okay, so your best bet with your cards is probably a UW prison deck, cause you'd just need some Mana Leaks, Path to Exiles, Detention Spheres, and a couple wrath effects. The wincon is generally Heliod, God of the Sun. Oh, and you'd want Nevermore to combat threats you can't deal with.
I really like the look of it. If I were to make it ASAP there'd be some other minor tweaks made to budget it before my next paycheck, how does this look for a list? Only thing I'm having a genuinely hard time with is making the Sideboard.
Stony Silence definitely deserves a place in the board. Should have 2-3 there. Path is better than Porphyry Nodes because it won't screw over your creatures if they are smaller than (and likely will be) your opponent's. It can spend all day blowing up your stuff and never touch that Tarmo across the table. Better to have something with more precision such as Path.
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The following link is an invitation to join Pucatrade (card trading service though similar to TCGPLayer). If you follow the link then it awards me with tokens to exchange for actual cards. Thanks! https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/86097
So my buddy is getting me back into magic after a break of a decade. Im not that old I just played in middleschool/beginning of highschool. I mostly played kitchen table kind of stuff but my brother played competitive at a state/regional level, so I'm familiar with some of the older stuff. He did help me make some budget standard decks at the time so I played a semi-competetive monored burn and a green-white big monster tooth and nail deck (also semi-competetive probably FNM level).
Cards you already own
I dont really own anything substantial at the moment i bought a couple intro decks and a fatpack just for fun but I wouldnt say I have anything of a staple.
Colors you like to play
I used to like red green which I still do and they are probably still my favorites. I have a lot of interest in black as of late as it looks fun but I have a small aversion to paying life sometimes. I used to really hate blue (probably cause my brother would trounce me with it) but its looking more and more appealing lately. The only one I dont really like still is white, thematically they can be kind of boring but i'd be up for anything.
Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
So I used to play a very aggro playstyle cause I played that monored for a long time. One thing I dont think I would like anymore is it seemed like if I didn't win within the first few turns I didnt really have any back up plan. That and it doesn't seem like it would be super stimulating to play anymore. Don't get me wrong nuking people to the ground is great fun but I would rather have other options too. I think for this reason I would like to play a more midrange controllish deck. Ramping is fun to get huge creatures, and denying people what they want can also be pretty fun. I thought Jund looked pretty cool as it seems like a dual tempo kind of deck that does something like that but its not really something I want to invest in as I know it can be hugely expensive especially since gorfs are like $200 for one. Something along those lines of ramping to big creatures and controlling the game sounds really fun though. To clarify though, I do not want to play any of the urza decks. I find them extremely boring in the fact that my whole goal is to search for lands and 1 or 2 cards. I guess one big thing is just to have options when I play into where I'm not stuck into relying on one (or 4 of the same) card. To clarify I'd be open to something like infect where I have multiple ways to put poison counters down but not tron where all I want to do is put down Emrakul. Honestly I dont know exactly where I'm going to be in playstyle I just know that above else I like options.
Budget you have
I'd like to spend $100-200 to drop at once to build a playable deck and then just end up building from there. I have money to buy cards later I just didnt want to drop it all at once.
Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
I'd really want to be able to just play at a friday night magic level. I dont need to trounce or anything just enough to compete.
Anyway any direction would be great I really want to start playing but I've been a little overwhelmed with all the new information and cards and such that have come out.
Thanks for helping a noob
For modern? Not a ton. I think I have full playsets of B/W, B/G, and B/R shocks still... I have a playset of G/R fetches as well. Besides that, I have a full playset of Scavenging Ooze and a full playset of Thoughtseize plus a full playset of Huntmaster of the Fells (even though I don't think that's a card that sees much play anymore.) along with some random standard stuff.
Colors I like to play:
For the past few years (since Theros-Ravnica Standard) I've been on a Red/Green kick. I'm not particularly partial or impartial to any color, except that I end up playing a TON of black and don't seem to play much white or blue (although I have nothing against either color)
Styles I like to play:
I mainly play midrange, but I've always wanted to try tempo or control. I'm not a huge fan of aggro.
Budget I have:
I have a good selection of trades that I can also use to my advantage, but I probably only want to drop about $100-200 in real money.
Level I want to play at:
Ideally I'd love to go all the way to pro, but really just the local store-run modern tournaments right now are what I'm aiming for.
I really like the look of it. If I were to make it ASAP there'd be some other minor tweaks made to budget it before my next paycheck, how does this look for a list? Only thing I'm having a genuinely hard time with is making the Sideboard.
Posted in the delver thread but went a week with no responses so I figured I'd post here.
The gist of it is I'm building a deck for a friend's birthday. I want something that he can upgrade overtime to a more respectable deck overtime and I want the initial budget list to be as competitive as it can be for the money. To me that says delver or infect but what do I know.
Cards I already own
I'm building this for a friend's birthday so I'd rather not spare much from my admittedly small collection. I believe as far as modern goes his only notables are 1 copy each of polluted delta, bloodstained mire, and cryptic command.
Colours I like to play
Really anything but white for him. His 3 cards make me think UR would be a good start but 3 cards is so negligible it's not necessary to build from that.
Styles I like to play
For him Aggro = Tempo = Combo > Midrange >>>>>>> Control
Still competitiveness trumps playstyle.
Budget I have
I'd prefer to stay around 50 dollars but can go up to 80 or a little over comfortably.
For modern? Not a ton. I think I have full playsets of B/W, B/G, and B/R shocks still... I have a playset of G/R fetches as well. Besides that, I have a full playset of Scavenging Ooze and a full playset of Thoughtseize plus a full playset of Huntmaster of the Fells (even though I don't think that's a card that sees much play anymore.) along with some random standard stuff.
Colors I like to play:
For the past few years (since Theros-Ravnica Standard) I've been on a Red/Green kick. I'm not particularly partial or impartial to any color, except that I end up playing a TON of black and don't seem to play much white or blue (although I have nothing against either color)
Styles I like to play:
I mainly play midrange, but I've always wanted to try tempo or control. I'm not a huge fan of aggro.
Budget I have:
I have a good selection of trades that I can also use to my advantage, but I probably only want to drop about $100-200 in real money.
Level I want to play at:
Ideally I'd love to go all the way to pro, but really just the local store-run modern tournaments right now are what I'm aiming for.
It sounds like you have a lot of the guts or a solid Jund deck. I would look at the Tier 1 deck and see how much of that you have. You might look at obtaining cards like Terminate and Lightning Bolt.
-Cards I already own
quite a lot of uwr cards from my old delver deck (ditched it because the mana base was too expensive).
I have a playset of lightning helix, lightning bolt, path to exile and mana leak. I have 3x remand. I want to play a deck that I can play my playset of restoration angel in, I thought about death and taxes but 40$ for aether vial is too much.
Colours I like to play
Any combination of uwr which sucks since the lands tend to be some of the more pricey ones.
Styles I like to play
Tempo or weenie strategys. apart from weenies, I don't like aggro at all.
Budget I have
I can work with $100 (I have a lot of staples - see above
Posted in the delver thread but went a week with no responses so I figured I'd post here.
The gist of it is I'm building a deck for a friend's birthday. I want something that he can upgrade overtime to a more respectable deck overtime and I want the initial budget list to be as competitive as it can be for the money. To me that says delver or infect but what do I know.
Cards I already own
I'm building this for a friend's birthday so I'd rather not spare much from my admittedly small collection. I believe as far as modern goes his only notables are 1 copy each of polluted delta, bloodstained mire, and cryptic command.
Colours I like to play
Really anything but white for him. His 3 cards make me think UR would be a good start but 3 cards is so negligible it's not necessary to build from that.
Styles I like to play
For him Aggro = Tempo = Combo > Midrange >>>>>>> Control
Still competitiveness trumps playstyle.
Budget I have
I'd prefer to stay around 50 dollars but can go up to 80 or a little over comfortably.
Honestly U/R Delver sounds like a good start using Mana Leak, Lightning Bolt, and Vapor Snag to control the board and Young Pyromancer/Delver to take advantage of your tempo gains. There is a U/R Cheapo thread in this budget area.
The following link is an invitation to join Pucatrade (card trading service though similar to TCGPLayer). If you follow the link then it awards me with tokens to exchange for actual cards. Thanks! https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/86097
Maybe you should check out modern Death and Taxes? The deck can be made for really cheap and you own some of the core cards.
This is both a strong and very flexible deck, allowing different builds depending on your meta. The budget downside would be the AEther Vials needed to make the deck a lot stronger, which are kind of expensive right now, however, the rest of the core cards (Thalia, Leonin arbiter) are quite cheap
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MTGO Username: Tajicyolo
Currently Playing:
Modern Grixis Shadow, Storm Legacy: Grixis Delver, Sneak and Show Duel Commander:Kess High Tide Vintage Big blue(MTGO)
Long story short, my shop apparently runs free modern mondays with prize support, so I'm looking for a deck that fits these criteria,
1.Budget around $200, can stretch a bit more if worth it. Tight, I know, but its what I have to work with at the moment. However I am definitely willing to invest in safe long-term staples (I currently do not own any besides a playset of windswept heaths).
2. Relatively competitive; I don't need a tier 1 deck, but I don't want to be curbstomped by everything.
3. I am very partial to combo or control decks, but I'll always play the best deck within my budget. Something like scapeshift (control-combo) would be the ideal deck, but again, I'd rather play the best deck within my budget than a weaker version of a deck.
Legacy: RUG Delver
Mhh, not much actually, i play a lot on cockatrice/octgn, but haven't got any relevant cards yet.
-Colors you like to play
-Style you like to play (control, combo, aggro, midrange, tempo, ramp, rogue)
I usually go for control, but I recently tested a blistering rage deck and loved it!! I also like/play restore balance/garga-geddon, turbo fog and owling mine a lot online, anything rogue basically (I don't like tweaked tier 1 decks, I guess I'm kind of a poor Johnny).
-Budget you have
Around Us$50
-Level you want to play at, or aim to build up to (causal, fmn, ptq)
Not further than FNM
Thanks in advance!
this is 10 modern decks that are around $30 to build. it was submitted 4 months ago and after viewing a few of them, they just look okay. but it's something to work with!
Now that I see, there are 4 parts of the same post! Check this out!
Thanks bcorn!
Edit: Link. https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/34vz16/10_modern_decks_around_30_part_4th_be_with_you/
Seismic Swans
Smug Sisters
Eldrazi Tron
Best bet is to list all your staples (though since you're in the Budget section, this is probably just Bolt and the odd Remand or Serum Visions or whatever, like my collection), then talk about your budget and play style. It's pretty unlikely you'll have a lot of relevant cards in your collection (speaking from experience here), so don't worry about most of it. Our suggestions won't break the bank either, so you should be fine.
Course, if you're chock full of staples, I'd go to the regular thread and knock ideas off of the people there. You won't get competitive past LGS level on a budget for the most part, but never say never.
1 Ethersworn Canonist
4 Leonin Arbiter
4 Luminarch Ascension
4 Puresteel Paladin
2 Rest in Peace
3 Runed Halo
4 Stony Silence
2 Suppression Field
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Ghostly Prison
4 Timely Reinforcements
4 Day of Judgment
1 Gideon Jura
1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
4 Gitaxian Probe
4 Serum Visions
4 Spell Pierce
4 Spell Snare
4 Coralhelm Commander
2 Hurkyl's Recall
4 Lighthouse Chronologist
4 Lord of Atlantis
4 Master of the Pearl Trident
4 Phantasmal Image
4 Silvergill Adept
1 Trickbind
4 Merrow Reejerey
4 Phyrexian Metamorph
1 Inkwell Leviathan
1 Surgical Extraction
4 Black Sun's Zenith
4 Blood Artist
4 Golgari Thug
4 Smallpox
4 Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
1 Phyrexian Crusader
4 Sadistic Sacrament
2 Bloodline Keeper
4 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
1 Liliana of the Dark Realms
4 Mutilate
2 Curse of Death's Hold
2 Beseech The Queen
1 Grave Titan
2 Massacre Wurm
1 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
2 Sorin Markov
1 Rune-Scarred Demon
3 Sheoldred, Whispering One
3 Tombstalker
1 Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded
4 Simian Spirit Guide
1 Chandra Ablaze
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Utopia Sprawl
3 Melira, Sylvok Outcast
2 Primordial Hydra
4 Genesis Wave
4 Primal Command
4 Qasali Pridemage
4 Shadow of Doubt
4 Glissa, the Traitor
3 Drogskol Reaver
1 Sphinx of the Steel Wind
4 Chalice of the Void
4 Amulet of Vigor
2 Isochron Scepter
2 Sword of Body and Mind
4 Trinisphere
4 Solemn Simulacrum
1 Batterskull
4 Mindslaver
4 Platinum Angel
4 Platinum Emperion
1 Pendelhaven
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Razorverge Thicket
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Stirring Wildwood
4 Sunpetal Grove
4 Wanderwine Hub
1 Academy Ruins
4 Cathedral of War
1 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
1 Miren, the Moaning Well
4 Scrying Sheets
4 Tectonic Edge
Colors You Like to Play
All, but order of preference is Black, Blue, White, Green, Red.
Style You Like to Play
As a rule, Control, Tempo, and Rogue. Open to all things non-Aggro.
Budget You Have
Roughly $100, preferably would like to not hit that.
Level You Want to Play At
FNM/PTQ. I'm looking to get into this as strong, and financially stable as possible.
Seismic Swans
Smug Sisters
Eldrazi Tron
This is the primer: http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/modern/deck-creation-modern/477657-pillow-fort-prison
Just make budget swaps out of wincons (Heliod rather than Colonnade, et cetera)
Not PTQ worthy, but it can do well at a PTQ if you pilot it well.
4 Ghostly Prison
3 Sphere of Safety
4 Detention Sphere
4 Copy Enchantment
3 Heliod, God of the Sun
2 Runed Halo
Artifacts: 3
3 Storage Matrix
Sorceries: 7
4 Serum Visions
3 Day of Judgment
4 Rune Snag
3 Spell Snare
Lands: 23
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Tectonic Edge
3 Faerie Conclave
7 Plains
1 Island
2 Rest in Peace
3 Nevermore
3 Rule of Law
2 Hurkyl's Recall
1 Runed Halo
4 ???
I was thinking of stuff like Pithing Needle, Torpor Orb, Stony Silence, Celestial Purge, etc. Also, thoughts on Porphyry Nodes over Path to Exile? I know I'm not running either right now, but for flexibility's sake when I'm testing. Also Heliod, God of the Sun can keep it active without dying, either. Lastly, thoughts on Spear of Heliod potentially to deal with the rare occurrence of a creature getting through and setting up lethal earlier? I'd probably be dropping the 4 Rune Snag for 3 Mana Leak and 1 Spear of Heliod, if that were the case.
Seismic Swans
Smug Sisters
Eldrazi Tron
Anyway any direction would be great I really want to start playing but I've been a little overwhelmed with all the new information and cards and such that have come out.
Thanks for helping a noob
For modern? Not a ton. I think I have full playsets of B/W, B/G, and B/R shocks still... I have a playset of G/R fetches as well. Besides that, I have a full playset of Scavenging Ooze and a full playset of Thoughtseize plus a full playset of Huntmaster of the Fells (even though I don't think that's a card that sees much play anymore.) along with some random standard stuff.
Colors I like to play:
For the past few years (since Theros-Ravnica Standard) I've been on a Red/Green kick. I'm not particularly partial or impartial to any color, except that I end up playing a TON of black and don't seem to play much white or blue (although I have nothing against either color)
Styles I like to play:
I mainly play midrange, but I've always wanted to try tempo or control. I'm not a huge fan of aggro.
Budget I have:
I have a good selection of trades that I can also use to my advantage, but I probably only want to drop about $100-200 in real money.
Level I want to play at:
Ideally I'd love to go all the way to pro, but really just the local store-run modern tournaments right now are what I'm aiming for.
WUBRGCommander Decklists - PaperWUBRG
CCCCCommander Decklists - TheorycraftCCCC
Sig Credit: Pegasus Bishop
You could also put Starfield of Nyx in the deck (7$ at starcitygames)
The gist of it is I'm building a deck for a friend's birthday. I want something that he can upgrade overtime to a more respectable deck overtime and I want the initial budget list to be as competitive as it can be for the money. To me that says delver or infect but what do I know.
Cards I already own
I'm building this for a friend's birthday so I'd rather not spare much from my admittedly small collection. I believe as far as modern goes his only notables are 1 copy each of polluted delta, bloodstained mire, and cryptic command.
Colours I like to play
Really anything but white for him. His 3 cards make me think UR would be a good start but 3 cards is so negligible it's not necessary to build from that.
Styles I like to play
For him Aggro = Tempo = Combo > Midrange >>>>>>> Control
Still competitiveness trumps playstyle.
Budget I have
I'd prefer to stay around 50 dollars but can go up to 80 or a little over comfortably.
It sounds like you have a lot of the guts or a solid Jund deck. I would look at the Tier 1 deck and see how much of that you have. You might look at obtaining cards like Terminate and Lightning Bolt.
Why not try U/W Control? Glacial Fortresses are pretty cheap. As long as you can pick up Supreme Verdicts (also pretty cheap) and Gideon Jura (also pretty cheap) the only real expensive cards are Elspeth, Sun's Champion. You could pick up Faerie Conclave or Mutavault in place of Celestial Colonnade.
Honestly U/R Delver sounds like a good start using Mana Leak, Lightning Bolt, and Vapor Snag to control the board and Young Pyromancer/Delver to take advantage of your tempo gains. There is a U/R Cheapo thread in this budget area.
This is both a strong and very flexible deck, allowing different builds depending on your meta. The budget downside would be the AEther Vials needed to make the deck a lot stronger, which are kind of expensive right now, however, the rest of the core cards (Thalia, Leonin arbiter) are quite cheap
Currently Playing:
Modern Grixis Shadow, Storm
Legacy: Grixis Delver, Sneak and Show
Duel Commander: Kess High Tide
Vintage Big blue(MTGO)
1.Budget around $200, can stretch a bit more if worth it. Tight, I know, but its what I have to work with at the moment. However I am definitely willing to invest in safe long-term staples (I currently do not own any besides a playset of windswept heaths).
2. Relatively competitive; I don't need a tier 1 deck, but I don't want to be curbstomped by everything.
3. I am very partial to combo or control decks, but I'll always play the best deck within my budget. Something like scapeshift (control-combo) would be the ideal deck, but again, I'd rather play the best deck within my budget than a weaker version of a deck.