I'm interested in trying out sligh in modern, but I can't justify spending $30 each on Goblin Guide unless I decide to stick with the deck. I'm going to be running 4x Monastery Swiftspear, but I would like an additional 1-drop creature.
There is no budget replacement for Goblin Guide. The 2 damage on a hasty creature with staying power starting on turn one can't really be properly replicated.
There are decent other aggro 1 drop creatures, but none even approach the value of Goblin Guide enough to be called a 'suitable replacement'.
What about Spark Elemental? 3/1 haste, trample, sucks you have to sacrifice him but when on a budget you can't have everything. Also can help feed Lavamancer later on if you don't have fetches. Just a thought
possibly Legion Loyalist if you have a decent amount of creatures in your deck that would benefit
edit: didn't realize they spiked so high just now but still
Zurgo bellstriker is probably the best options, but I really like the new uncommon coming up in origins (goblin glory seeker). He's not as impressive the first time he hits but he's darned good after that.
Some considerations are: Figure of Destiny, Grim Lavamancer, or Zurgo Bellstriker.
Which of these is the most useful? Are there other options?
Full-powered Burn does play Grim Lavamancer. You need fetches if you're using him.
Big Johnny.
URW Control
WBG Abzan
GRW Burn
GR Rosheen Meanderer
There are decent other aggro 1 drop creatures, but none even approach the value of Goblin Guide enough to be called a 'suitable replacement'.
I'd consider looking at 1 or two copies of Zurgo Bellstriker, a single copy of Lightning Berserker, and one or more copies of Legion Loyalist if you want to go the hasty route, and Rakdos Cackler, Firedrinker Satyr, Tattermunge Maniac, Blistercoil Weird, Foundry Street Denizen or Kird Ape (if you have forests) otherwise.
WBG Karador GBW
R Daretti R
RG Omnath GR
WRG Modern Burn GRW
WB Modern Tokens BW
DCI Rules Advisor as of 5/18/2015
BUG Reanimator
BWG Nic-Fit
BGR Punishing Nic-Fit
edit: didn't realize they spiked so high just now but still
Mondern: Mardu Aristocrats (link to my post http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/modern/deck-creation-modern/624899-goblins-and-kings-mardu-aristocrats-build)
Legacy: dead guy ale (B/W/G)
Credit to DolZero for this awesome sig!