I am building this deck, but I have some more money left over. Is there any new cards I could put into this deck if i wanted to upgrade it? If so what cards and how much would they cost?
Basically your option for upgrading the deck is adding blue. This would mean getting Flooded Strand and Hallowed Fountain as higher priced cards, but if you are going to play modern for a while those will be a great investment.
The Combo Turn 1: Play Basic- Altar and ornithopter Turn 2: Play Land Turn 3: Play Midnight Guard + Basic Turn 4: Play Retraction Helix or Banishing knack while holding mana for counter spell Tap Midnight guard to send ornithopter back to the hand and keep playing it to mill your opponent with the Altar!!
Spell Explanation
Mana Tithe Its good for early game control (think of taking out negates for more early game presence Negate Best for when the try to counter retraction helix when you don't have And spell lockouts avail Silence Makes sure you can jam in Helix or Knack on your turn with no worry of being countered! Render Silent Same as Silence but more to counter than to lock out Telling Time Help set up your draws for the combo as well as assembling the pieces Trinket Mage Tutor for Altar or Ornithopter Ornithopter The component that makes the combo go off!! Midnight Guard Key stone for the Combo Retraction Helix Gets the Combo going Banishing Knack Same as Helix Altar of the Brood The Mill part of the combo Oblivion Ring for any Pesky Creatures that slip by your Counter magic
Wow i love that list man! Another combo enabler for that list can be Zephyr Scribe and Tormod's Crypt in place of Midnight Guard and Ornithopter if you opt to go mono blue. Zephyr is also good for the looting effect.
My version of that deck that i used to run in standard used Ensoul Artifact as a backup plan and was mono blue. Maybe that could work in modern as a mono blue version of your list.
IMO adding white makes the deck more consistent and has a better chance of winning due to being able to control your opponents spell casting and more available removal.
I think the deck could use Dakmor salvage. It works really well with Raven's crime. I've tested a version very similar to this. The biggest problem is that it really needs Ensnaring bridge to lock down aggro creature decks. Smother can replace dismember, without much of a drawback. Augur of Skulls is another powerful and cheap discard effect for a budget build. Waste Not could be another finisher/enabler.
I've actually ordered cards early last week to put together an actual $50 version of the UW Azorius Titan deck LyMinh posted. It's a deck that is naturally cheap to build and has been posting results (it just took down a modern scg IQ)
Seems like there are two variants right now: One leans more into control and features more counterspells and the other into more aggro and runs about 7 more creatures.
I'll get that mill deck updated into the main list tomorrow! It looks amazing!
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Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Death's Gate is a fun little deck for a few games. I decided not to run the deathtouchers, as you generally don't want to block with them anyways nor do they do much against flyers that might stop your demon. Instead I added 4 Zulaport Cutthroat, not a one drop but can make the sacrificing hurt a bit more. 4 Maggot Carrier, just to do a quick ping before they get sacrificed. And 2 Duty-Bound Dead, only two since you mainly plan on sacrificing creatures but if things last a few turns, the extort can help your demon to get in that extra damage.
In honor of SOI bringing us a load of new tribal creatures I'm posting a budgeted down list of one of my favorite tribal decks, Werewolves. Tribal decks are great for getting into a new format or MTG in general as they are full of flavor and can punch way over their budget thanks to all the synergy. The deck is also very easy to upgrade with singletons of modern staples as you acquire them.
The primary feature of Werewolves is their flip mechanic, which lets our otherwise mundane creatures become extremely powerful if your opponent isn't casting spells. They can also be flipped by not casting yourself for a turn or via a card like Moonmist. If you can get a group of flipped werewolves on the battlefield, preferably with at least one global buff beefing them up, you can usually crush anything your opponent has put on the board. One Shot Kills with this deck are very possible.
***Key Interactions*** Moonmist + Instigator Gang
I will get to why these two cards are so individually good in a second, but together they are the most powerful two card combo in the deck. Instigator's buffs are static so you can wait until after blocks are declared, then fire off Moonmist to transform your pack and give them all +3/+0. Often with even just a few wolves out this is enough to one shot an opponent, especially if you have managed to give trample or evasion to your muts.
Moonmist + Immerwolf
Pretty self explanatory, transform your whole pack for as long as Immerwolf stays on the board.
***Specific Card Discussion*** Reckless Waif/Merciless Predator: The red Delver of Secrets, with our all important Werewolf type. Village Messenger/Moonrise Intruder: Modern-wise probably the most exciting Werewolf of SOI as it gives another solid 1-drop. A poor mans Goblin Guide to go with our poor mans Delver. Burning-Tree Emissary: Not a wolf, but allows for explosive plays and is buffed by an unfliped Mayor. Mayor of Avabruck/Howlpack Alpha: The Workhorse of the deck, he acts as both Lord and Token-maker. Gets absurd in multiples. Moonmist: The most powerful card in the deck as long as you have wolves on the board. As a one sided fog effect it's a superb defensive weapon, particularly against voltron style decks such as Infect, but by also transforming our wolves (at instant speed no less) it makes the deck incredibly explosive. It enables surprise one shot kills or just incredibly powerful combat tricks to eat your opponents creatures. The first time it will be totally unexpected and after that your opponent must respect every pair of untapped lands you have. Instigator Gang/Wildblood Pack: The decks primary bomb, while not particularly shocking in his unfliped form when he flips he becomes a 5/5 that swings for 8 trample and buffs everyone else a full lightning bolt's worth of damage. just nuts for the cost of 4 mana.
The Upgrades for more competitive play are pretty obvious. Fetches, Shocks, Mutavault, Cavern of Souls, and Æther Vial would all fit perfectly in the deck even as singletons. Also in my experience Blood Moon is a powerful option aswell. This deck is surprisingly competitive for its price and only gets better if you look to upgrade down the road, and with new Wolves yet to be printed in Eldritch Moon theres tons of room for brewing and testing in this largely forgotten archetype in modern. Hope you all liked my write-up!
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"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire." —Jaya Ballard, task mage
I wanted something straight forward and reliable while I tweaked and built up the cards for a non-budget home brew deck. After viewing a few decks here on the modern forum I settled on Darth Knights, a mono black tribal knight deck. You can read more about non-budget Modern Knight decks here.
This is a disruption deck with a aggro shell. The goal is to turn the negative downside to cards like Smallpox and Collective Brutality into an advantage for you. Gluing this idea together is Haakon, Stromgald Scourge, a strange creature that can only be cast from the graveyard, but when he is on the battlefield, he allows you to cast your other creatures directly from the graveyard. This allows you to discard or dredge without loosing your card advantage.
The Budget Replacements
Bloodsoaked Champion: Replaces Gravecrawler from the non-budget builds. The goal of this card card is to be a first turn drop for a beater or a safe choice to sacrifice / discard because you can always get him back. Gravecrawler remains strictly better because of a lower mana cost to re-cast from the grave, although Bloodsoaked Champion's return from the grave ability is not as restrictive as it might seem. If you need him on the battlefield, you already have another you can turn sideways anyway. More often than not, he is there to be sacrificed.
Knight of Infamy: Replaces Stromgald Crusader from the non-budget builds. Crusader is the first choice because of his ability to gain evasion and his creature type of Zombie Knight, allowing him to interact with both Haakon and Gravecrawler. I am not sure why Stromgald Crusader has a $3 price tag, but it is enough to get him excluded from this build. Bloodsoaked Champion does not care about creature type and Haakon only requires a card to be a fellow knight. Since you you won't have the free mana to cast an army, Knight of Infamy's exalted ability is arguably the better pump.
Collective Brurality: "Replaces" Liliana of the Veil. There is a reason for the quotation marks here. There is no functional replacement for a $120+ card. Having said that, Collective Brutality is a wonderful card in this deck. A strong argument could be made for it to be played in the non-budget versions. If you cast this on second turn, you could have Haakon in the graveyard for your third turn, ready to cast. With smallpox the earliest you could get him is on the forth turn. By default the siphon for 2 is good, and most decks you will have a valid target for either of the other two abilities. A first turn Duress you tell you if there is an instant or sorcery worth going after, and it kills most early creatures. I would be careful about discarding two cards to do all three. You might over extend.
Night's Whisper: There is no budget replacement of Dark Confidant, but you still need card draw. I use Night's Whisper, because I like the colourless in the cost, it makes me feel safe to run Radiant Fountain. Many others might prefer Sign in Blood because you can target your opponent to finish them if you need to. There is a variant of this deck that splashes red to play Faithless Looting, which would be best, but that mana base is going to drive the cost up closer to $75. I may yet go that way myself, but for now I am sticking to mono black.
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 12 / 21 / 4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
CURRENT COST: $49.01 CDN before federal and provincial taxes. Purchased from Face to Face games.
Explnations of high MB price below!
MB Price: 48.74$
SB Price: 2.59$
Timestamp: 11/10/16
Most Expensive cards are Lightning Bolt, and Smoldering Marsh; Smoldering Marsh can be replaced by Bloodfell Caves.
The objective of the deck is simple: Beat the opponent's face until it explodes.
Strengths of this deck:
We always usually have gas in the hand, because our creatures always jump right back to us.
Cards like Anger of the Gods and other sorcery speed spells usually can't hurt us.
This deck is misread very often; While playing this deck, after a game I played against Boros Nahiri; I had drawn and played 4 Hordeling Outburst and 3 Lightning Tremors of my 15 cards for the game. (Kept 7, Game won on my turn 8, I went first) My opponent then sided in 4 AotG's and 3 Elspeth, Knight-Errant, along with some Enchantment hate.
Path to Exile is our friend, we love the land. Our favorite kind of removal, you can't be any happier with that removal. We also loathe Abrupt Decay; They usually use it on the Mardu Strike Leader, and it can't hit warbringer; It also hits Impact Tremors... which really sucks.
Weaknesses of the deck:
Hand Disruption absolutely obliterates this deck; 8Rack wins here 100% of the time.
Enchantment Hate; Impact Tremors is a major piece of the deck, keeping it active can generate a huge clock, so hate harms us.
Card Draw: The deck's creatures die to
The Bolt: The bolt kills us. (almost) Everything we have dies to bolt.
Ghostly Prison: Don't expect to win if this lands on the board.
What kind of hand to keep or not to keep:
Keepable Hands:
Any form of hand with 3 Axes/Bolts, 3+ Impact Tremors, 3-4+ Creatures, 5 < #Lands in hand.
Side Notes This deck requires both ALOT of counting and micromanaging.
Exe. If the opponent has 12 life, I have 1 Impact Tremors on the field and 2 1/1 Goblins. I also have 2 Warbringers in hand. He has 2 Dragon's Claw out, no creatures. How much life will he have left if I do the most damage possible here?
Answer: 6 life; He gains 4, I deal 2 with the Tremors, 2 from the Goblins, and 6 from the Warbringers, resulting in 6 damage. 12 + (4-2-2-6) = 6
Mana is also very much needed to count, espcially when planning to dash.
1st Wabringer costs , second costs , the 1st Mardu Strike leader costs a and the second costs the same.
Now, with 2 Impact tremors on the battlefield, how much damage do I do if I swing out, how much mana did I use, and how open am I to just die?
You do 24 damage if you swing out; 8 from the Tremors, another 4 for the tokens, and then 12 combat damage.
That entire endeavor cost you
Not likely to die, depending on your current life total; Usually the opponent would be dead after a swing like that.
Personal Notes and expirience: I have played this at a PPTQ, but it didn't go very well for me; I went 2-4, having to play Eldrazi and Taxes, which obliterated me by using Ghostly Prison; I had to play Elves. TWICE.; And I had to play Jeskai Harbinger. My wins were against Abzan Junk and Skred Red, but some major things were said during the tournament;
Comments from other players:
Local Affinity Player: "That deck looks like a s***load of fun! I would gladly play that deck!"
The L1 who was helping, and an Ad Nauseam player (both friends of mine): "If we put Jund into your hands, you probably would have had at least 5 wins."
(Insert person I forgot) "At this point, you should just splash in some white for Artifact/Enchantment hate, along with Mardu Ascendancy, but 1 or 2 only so you could get the 1/1s plus the Impact Tremors, to have a meh board presence."
Im a returning MTG player and I dont have the money to spend on it like I used to. So I needed a cheap yet playable deck. The plan with this deck is to play out the artifact cards to have ammo for Shrapnel Blasts and Atog. Lightning Bolts and Galvanic Blasts help burn out th opponent and Wellspring and Spellbomb provide more card draw if needed. Thopter Engineer brings up the thopter flyers backup or more sac to Atog/Shrapnel Blast.
Another cheap deck I'm making and will play around with until my Mono Black card pool builds. The plan with this deck is to play out the artifact cards to have ammo for Syndicate Trafficker and hopefully having Darksteel Relic on board for Phylactery Lich. Duress and Smother, Gatekeeper help keep the opponents creatures at bay and Desecration Demon brings backup.
While watching some old coverage it dawned on me that a lot of RB midrange cards are pretty cheap. This deck wants to stall the game with tokens and draw a cards. You get a fair amount of value from your graveyard. Upgrades to main board would be exchanging duress for better discard spells but the most important way this deck could be improved is making the mana base better, probably by adding field of ruin and more dual lands. The sideboard would be better with
Timestamp: 23/09/2020 17:11
Cost@ $55.28 including sideboard (replace a Dreadbore with a village rites to be under budget)
Lands: 23
Creatures: 8
Planeswalkers 8
Instants and Sorceries: 21
The sideboard could use more work, and it is possible that molten rain/pillage are better than stone rain but with the current mana base destroying a tron land on turn 3 seems important. Languish probably wants to be anger of the gods if your budget goes that far, it can be flashed back and the exile matters in some matchups. It could also be cry of the cranium but -2/-2 might not be good enough.
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If you are referring to the Emeria deck you should check out this thread: http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/modern/deck-creation-modern/600378-mono-value-control-aka-azorious-titan
Basically your option for upgrading the deck is adding blue. This would mean getting Flooded Strand and Hallowed Fountain as higher priced cards, but if you are going to play modern for a while those will be a great investment.
The Combo
Turn 1: Play Basic- Altar and ornithopter
Turn 2: Play Land
Turn 3: Play Midnight Guard + Basic
Turn 4: Play Retraction Helix or Banishing knack while holding mana for counter spell Tap Midnight guard to send ornithopter back to the hand and keep playing it to mill your opponent with the Altar!!
Spell Explanation
Mana Tithe Its good for early game control (think of taking out negates for more early game presence
Negate Best for when the try to counter retraction helix when you don't have And spell lockouts avail
Silence Makes sure you can jam in Helix or Knack on your turn with no worry of being countered!
Render Silent Same as Silence but more to counter than to lock out
Telling Time Help set up your draws for the combo as well as assembling the pieces
Trinket Mage Tutor for Altar or Ornithopter
Ornithopter The component that makes the combo go off!!
Midnight Guard Key stone for the Combo
Retraction Helix Gets the Combo going
Banishing Knack Same as Helix
Altar of the Brood The Mill part of the combo
Oblivion Ring for any Pesky Creatures that slip by your Counter magic
TIMESTAMP: 09/10 @ 0810
4x Midnight Guard
4x Ornithopter
3x Trinket Mage
Instants (18)
2x Banishing Knack
2x Mana Tithe
2x Negate
2x Render Silent
4x Retraction Helix
2x Silence
4x Telling Time
4x Altar of the Brood
Enchantments (3)
3x Oblivion Ring
Lands (24)
4x Glacial Fortress
9x Island
7x Plains
4x Seachrome Coast
4x Cancel
4x Mana Leak
2x Mana Tithe
2x Negate
3x Vapor Snag
CURVE (0 /1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7):4/14/ 6/12/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0
My version of that deck that i used to run in standard used Ensoul Artifact as a backup plan and was mono blue. Maybe that could work in modern as a mono blue version of your list.
My Theros-M15-Khans-Origins Cube (Trimming)
My Theros-M15-Khans-Origins Cube (Trimming)
I think the deck could use Dakmor salvage. It works really well with Raven's crime. I've tested a version very similar to this. The biggest problem is that it really needs Ensnaring bridge to lock down aggro creature decks. Smother can replace dismember, without much of a drawback. Augur of Skulls is another powerful and cheap discard effect for a budget build. Waste Not could be another finisher/enabler.
Seems like there are two variants right now: One leans more into control and features more counterspells and the other into more aggro and runs about 7 more creatures.
I'll get that mill deck updated into the main list tomorrow! It looks amazing!
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
In honor of SOI bringing us a load of new tribal creatures I'm posting a budgeted down list of one of my favorite tribal decks, Werewolves. Tribal decks are great for getting into a new format or MTG in general as they are full of flavor and can punch way over their budget thanks to all the synergy. The deck is also very easy to upgrade with singletons of modern staples as you acquire them.
The primary feature of Werewolves is their flip mechanic, which lets our otherwise mundane creatures become extremely powerful if your opponent isn't casting spells. They can also be flipped by not casting yourself for a turn or via a card like Moonmist. If you can get a group of flipped werewolves on the battlefield, preferably with at least one global buff beefing them up, you can usually crush anything your opponent has put on the board. One Shot Kills with this deck are very possible.
Timestamp: 4/8/2016
Items: $39.72
Estimated Shipping: $7.72
Subtotal: $47.44
MTGO: 3.21 Tix!!! (via Cardhoarder)
The Deck
4 Reckless Waif
4 Village Messenger
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
3 Mayor of Avabruck
4 Immerwolf
4 Geier Reach Bandit
4 Instigator Gang
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Moonmist
3 Full Moon's Rise
Lands- 22
4 Temple of Abandon
4 Rugged Highlands
9 Mountain
7 Forest
Flipped Cards
Reckless Waif/Merciless Predator
Village Messenger/Moonrise Intruder
Mayor of Avabruck/Howlpack Alpha
Geier Reach Bandit/Vildin-Pack Alpha
Instigator Gang/Wildblood Pack
Curve (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 12 / 14 / 8 / 4 / 0 / 0 / 0
Average CMC: 2.11
***Key Interactions***
Moonmist + Instigator Gang
I will get to why these two cards are so individually good in a second, but together they are the most powerful two card combo in the deck. Instigator's buffs are static so you can wait until after blocks are declared, then fire off Moonmist to transform your pack and give them all +3/+0. Often with even just a few wolves out this is enough to one shot an opponent, especially if you have managed to give trample or evasion to your muts.
Moonmist + Immerwolf
Pretty self explanatory, transform your whole pack for as long as Immerwolf stays on the board.
***Specific Card Discussion***
Reckless Waif/Merciless Predator: The red Delver of Secrets, with our all important Werewolf type.
Village Messenger/Moonrise Intruder: Modern-wise probably the most exciting Werewolf of SOI as it gives another solid 1-drop. A poor mans Goblin Guide to go with our poor mans Delver.
Burning-Tree Emissary: Not a wolf, but allows for explosive plays and is buffed by an unfliped Mayor.
Mayor of Avabruck/Howlpack Alpha: The Workhorse of the deck, he acts as both Lord and Token-maker. Gets absurd in multiples.
Moonmist: The most powerful card in the deck as long as you have wolves on the board. As a one sided fog effect it's a superb defensive weapon, particularly against voltron style decks such as Infect, but by also transforming our wolves (at instant speed no less) it makes the deck incredibly explosive. It enables surprise one shot kills or just incredibly powerful combat tricks to eat your opponents creatures. The first time it will be totally unexpected and after that your opponent must respect every pair of untapped lands you have.
Instigator Gang/Wildblood Pack: The decks primary bomb, while not particularly shocking in his unfliped form when he flips he becomes a 5/5 that swings for 8 trample and buffs everyone else a full lightning bolt's worth of damage. just nuts for the cost of 4 mana.
***Upgrades & Cards to Consider***
SOI has brought this tribal deck a lot of new toys and Eldritch Moon promises even more. some other cards to consider are:
Kruin Outlaw/Terror of Kruin Pass (Excluded from this list for budget reasons)
Breakneck Rider/Neck Breaker (another interesting SOI Wolf)
Arlinn Kord/Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon (Our awesome new Werewolf Planeswalker)
Lava Spike/Rift Bolt/Shard Volley (If you want more burn in the deck)
Become Immense
The Upgrades for more competitive play are pretty obvious. Fetches, Shocks, Mutavault, Cavern of Souls, and Æther Vial would all fit perfectly in the deck even as singletons. Also in my experience Blood Moon is a powerful option aswell. This deck is surprisingly competitive for its price and only gets better if you look to upgrade down the road, and with new Wolves yet to be printed in Eldritch Moon theres tons of room for brewing and testing in this largely forgotten archetype in modern. Hope you all liked my write-up!
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Elvish Mystic
2 Elves of Deep Shadow
4 Dwynen's Elite
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Sylvan Messenger
4 Elvish Archdruid
2 Joraga Warcaller
1 Ezuri, Renegade Leader
Drain (and second Wincon)
4 Shaman of the Pack
Draw Elves
4 Lead the Stampede
4 Commune with Nature
10 Forest
4 Llanowar Wastes
2 Swamp
2 Mana Confluence
1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
Price $50.00 (TCGPlayer Mid Price, April 10, 2016)
EDIT: Swapped in Sylvan Messenger as budget replacement for CoCo
I wanted something straight forward and reliable while I tweaked and built up the cards for a non-budget home brew deck. After viewing a few decks here on the modern forum I settled on Darth Knights, a mono black tribal knight deck. You can read more about non-budget Modern Knight decks here.
This is a disruption deck with a aggro shell. The goal is to turn the negative downside to cards like Smallpox and Collective Brutality into an advantage for you. Gluing this idea together is Haakon, Stromgald Scourge, a strange creature that can only be cast from the graveyard, but when he is on the battlefield, he allows you to cast your other creatures directly from the graveyard. This allows you to discard or dredge without loosing your card advantage.
The Budget Replacements
Bloodsoaked Champion: Replaces Gravecrawler from the non-budget builds. The goal of this card card is to be a first turn drop for a beater or a safe choice to sacrifice / discard because you can always get him back. Gravecrawler remains strictly better because of a lower mana cost to re-cast from the grave, although Bloodsoaked Champion's return from the grave ability is not as restrictive as it might seem. If you need him on the battlefield, you already have another you can turn sideways anyway. More often than not, he is there to be sacrificed.
Knight of Infamy: Replaces Stromgald Crusader from the non-budget builds. Crusader is the first choice because of his ability to gain evasion and his creature type of Zombie Knight, allowing him to interact with both Haakon and Gravecrawler. I am not sure why Stromgald Crusader has a $3 price tag, but it is enough to get him excluded from this build. Bloodsoaked Champion does not care about creature type and Haakon only requires a card to be a fellow knight. Since you you won't have the free mana to cast an army, Knight of Infamy's exalted ability is arguably the better pump.
Collective Brurality: "Replaces" Liliana of the Veil. There is a reason for the quotation marks here. There is no functional replacement for a $120+ card. Having said that, Collective Brutality is a wonderful card in this deck. A strong argument could be made for it to be played in the non-budget versions. If you cast this on second turn, you could have Haakon in the graveyard for your third turn, ready to cast. With smallpox the earliest you could get him is on the forth turn. By default the siphon for 2 is good, and most decks you will have a valid target for either of the other two abilities. A first turn Duress you tell you if there is an instant or sorcery worth going after, and it kills most early creatures. I would be careful about discarding two cards to do all three. You might over extend.
Night's Whisper: There is no budget replacement of Dark Confidant, but you still need card draw. I use Night's Whisper, because I like the colourless in the cost, it makes me feel safe to run Radiant Fountain. Many others might prefer Sign in Blood because you can target your opponent to finish them if you need to. There is a variant of this deck that splashes red to play Faithless Looting, which would be best, but that mana base is going to drive the cost up closer to $75. I may yet go that way myself, but for now I am sticking to mono black.
TIMESTAMP: 22/08/2016
19 Swamp
4 Radiant Fountain
4 Bloodsoaked Champion
4 Knight of Infamy
4 Black Knight
4 Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
1 Darkblast
3 Nameless Inversion
3 Despise
4 Duress
3 Collective Brutality
4 Smallpox
3 Night's Whisper
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 12 / 21 / 4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
CURRENT COST: $49.01 CDN before federal and provincial taxes. Purchased from Face to Face games.
4 Temple of Malice
4 Smoldering Marsh
2 Evolving Wilds
6 Mountain
4 Swamp
Creatures: 14
4 Warbringer
4 Mardu Strike Leader
2 Goblin Heelcutter
2 Sprinting Warbrute
2 Alesha's Vanguard
4 Impact Tremors
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Lightning Axe
4 Hordeling Outburst
2 Dragon Fodder
2 Despise
2 Duress
4 Sign in Blood
3 Smash To Smithereens
2 Dragon Fodder
2 Sprinting Warbrute
2 Tormenting Voice
2 Murder
4 Ambuscade Shaman
Explnations of high MB price below!
MB Price: 48.74$
SB Price: 2.59$
Timestamp: 11/10/16
Most Expensive cards are Lightning Bolt, and Smoldering Marsh; Smoldering Marsh can be replaced by Bloodfell Caves.
The objective of the deck is simple: Beat the opponent's face until it explodes.
Strengths of this deck:
Weaknesses of the deck:
What kind of hand to keep or not to keep:
Keepable Hands:
Side Notes
This deck requires both ALOT of counting and micromanaging.
Exe. If the opponent has 12 life, I have 1 Impact Tremors on the field and 2 1/1 Goblins. I also have 2 Warbringers in hand. He has 2 Dragon's Claw out, no creatures. How much life will he have left if I do the most damage possible here?
Answer: 6 life; He gains 4, I deal 2 with the Tremors, 2 from the Goblins, and 6 from the Warbringers, resulting in 6 damage. 12 + (4-2-2-6) = 6
Mana is also very much needed to count, espcially when planning to dash.
1st Wabringer costs
Now, with 2 Impact tremors on the battlefield, how much damage do I do if I swing out, how much mana did I use, and how open am I to just die?
Personal Notes and expirience: I have played this at a PPTQ, but it didn't go very well for me; I went 2-4, having to play Eldrazi and Taxes, which obliterated me by using Ghostly Prison; I had to play Elves. TWICE.; And I had to play Jeskai Harbinger. My wins were against Abzan Junk and Skred Red, but some major things were said during the tournament;
Comments from other players:
Local Affinity Player: "That deck looks like a s***load of fun! I would gladly play that deck!"
The L1 who was helping, and an Ad Nauseam player (both friends of mine): "If we put Jund into your hands, you probably would have had at least 5 wins."
(Insert person I forgot) "At this point, you should just splash in some white for Artifact/Enchantment hate, along with Mardu Ascendancy, but 1 or 2 only so you could get the 1/1s plus the Impact Tremors, to have a meh board presence."
I hold the job of resurrecting dead threads.
Formerly presumed dead, but also formerly presumed alive.
Im a returning MTG player and I dont have the money to spend on it like I used to. So I needed a cheap yet playable deck. The plan with this deck is to play out the artifact cards to have ammo for Shrapnel Blasts and Atog. Lightning Bolts and Galvanic Blasts help burn out th opponent and Wellspring and Spellbomb provide more card draw if needed. Thopter Engineer brings up the thopter flyers backup or more sac to Atog/Shrapnel Blast.
TIMESTAMP: 11:45am 04/09/2017
DECK= Thopter Artifact Burn
20x Mountain
4x Ornithopter
4x Memnite
4x Signal Pest
4x Atog
4x Thopter Engineer
4x Galvanic Blast
4x Shrapnel Blast
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Ichor Wellspring
4x Pyrite Spellbomb
CURVE (0/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 8/ 20 / 12 / 4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Another cheap deck I'm making and will play around with until my Mono Black card pool builds. The plan with this deck is to play out the artifact cards to have ammo for Syndicate Trafficker and hopefully having Darksteel Relic on board for Phylactery Lich. Duress and Smother, Gatekeeper help keep the opponents creatures at bay and Desecration Demon brings backup.
TIMESTAMP: 12:15pm 04/09/2017
DECK= Mono Black Lich Artifact
21x Swamp
4x Ornithopter
4x Syndicate Trafficker
4x Gatekeeper of Malakir
4x Vampire Nighthawk
3x Desecration Demon
4x Phylactery Lich
4x Duress
4x Smother
4x Bone Saw
4x Darksteel Relic
CURVE (0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 12 / 4 / 12 / 8 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
While watching some old coverage it dawned on me that a lot of RB midrange cards are pretty cheap. This deck wants to stall the game with tokens and draw a cards. You get a fair amount of value from your graveyard. Upgrades to main board would be exchanging duress for better discard spells but the most important way this deck could be improved is making the mana base better, probably by adding field of ruin and more dual lands. The sideboard would be better with
Timestamp: 23/09/2020 17:11
Cost@ $55.28 including sideboard (replace a Dreadbore with a village rites to be under budget)
Lands: 23
Creatures: 8
Planeswalkers 8
Instants and Sorceries: 21
Lands (23)
4 Lavaclaw Reaches
7 Mountain
4 Rakdos Carnarium
1 Stensia Bloodhall
7 Swamp
Instants (12)
1 Cling to Dust
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Terminate
3 Village Rites
Planeswalkers (8)
3 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
3 Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
2 Sarkhan the Masterless
Sorceries (9)
4 Dreadbore
4 Duress
1 Read the Bones
Creatures (8)
4 Goblin Dark-Dwellers
4 Young Pyromancer
3 Agonizing Remorse
2 Fry
2 Languish
3 Rakdos Charm
3 Stone Rain
2 Underworld Connections
The sideboard could use more work, and it is possible that molten rain/pillage are better than stone rain but with the current mana base destroying a tron land on turn 3 seems important. Languish probably wants to be anger of the gods if your budget goes that far, it can be flashed back and the exile matters in some matchups. It could also be cry of the cranium but -2/-2 might not be good enough.