I had a structure deck, with some modding made the current nexcros wood deck, I assure it's cheap to make. If you have a little extra money, primordial hydra instead of nemesis of mortals
Bump for updates! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!
Just some notes:
skandia444: Please update the land section, shows as 4 forests only
chenjesummrnmrhm: If you would like a link in the main thread, please post an updated version that meets the $50 requirement (or $55 w/ sideboard), has a timestamp and cmc curve
judedudemude: If you would like a link in the main thread, please make your post match the universal format provided in the main post on page 1
I've been busy, so no time to brew here at home base, but I plan to get working on something new soon! I hope all of you can pick up the slack for me!
Caw blade is a well known deck that during its run in standard caused multiple cards to be banned. This is my take on the deck for budget modern, but with more control elements and featuring a playset of my favorite card, Augury Owl. The deck primarily plays control, but can be tempo as well in the right situation. There is a little bit of everything but the ultimate goal is the same, drop a bird/owl, toss it a sword and go to town!
1) Restoration Angel: There is a very minor blink package for the Resto that is maindeck.
1) Negate: Because Modern is such a fast format, we want 2 mana counterspells even if they are not hard counters
2) Jace, Architect of Thought: A lot of our key cards are singles for budget purposes, and this is FoF on a stick
3) Sword of War and Peace: This allows us to race, and gives the two best protections vs removal in the format (bolt / pte)
4) Elspeth, Knight Errant: What I consider to be the second best planeswalker in modern. Has to be answered or it can take over the game
There are not nearly enough instants and sorceries to flip Delver consistently on Turn 2 or 3, which is the game plan for Delver decks most of the time.
So i got some questions to this:
1st: Aren't Dryad and Kudzu very vulnerable to removal nowadays? It seems that without a threat the Deck runs out of gas quickly ?!? Spellskite is worth SB Slots?
4th: Remand over Snag would be fine, but Ruse seems narrow.
It doesn't get value out of Oracle if it isn't on the Field. Maybe there's sth. in addition to Coiling Oracle that gives us value? Augur of Bolas or Wall of Omens first came to my mind. I'm not sure, maybe there's a valueable 1-Drop?
5th: Why do Borderposts trigger Dryad? Are they colored or colorless?
6th: Does this Deck have a Plan B? If Dryad or Kudzu doesn't stick it seems pretty Dead to me?!?
which leads me to point 7:
Why not run Hooting Mandrills here?
8-10 Fetchlands, 20+ Instants / Sorceries, our Grave is filled pretty quickly i assume.
I apologize for the very delayed reply, but I haven't checked in on the thread in a while. I'll do my best to answer some of your questions.
1. Yes, they are vulnerable. Ideally you want to run them out with protection or with spells to grow them out of bolt range as soon as possible. Looking back, I feel like having some protection spells in the sideboard (or even maindeck) would have been a good idea. Apostle's Blessing, Vines of Vastwood, or as you mentioned Simic Charm. I think Simic Charm is better than Spellskite, not to mention that Spellskite is way out of budget.
2. I'd probably run 10+ fetches. They will quickly make Kudzu very large. Also, they fix your mana and thin your deck for such a small cost (1 life). That being said, once again, they are out of budget.
3. Repeal is fine, but I think Into the Roil works better for this deck. I'd have to play test to be sure...
4. Familiar's Ruse is not narrow (it's a hard counter) but it is hard to get value from. Remand is out of budget, but if you don't like downside to Ruse, then you can always go a different counterspell.
5. Borderposts are colored spells. You're just playing them for their alternative casting cost. So, even though you only spent 1 colorless mana, it will still trigger Dryad.
6 and 7. No, there isn't a backup plan. I think decks are best when they have a goal and work their hardest to accomplish it. Dividing your cards between multiple game plans seems to water down the deck. Of course, this isn't always the case, and having a plan B does give a deck versatility. However, when constrained by budget, I find synergy to be a deck builder's best friend. It is the only real way to make a competitive deck that is more than just the sum of its parts. You are free to disagree. And with that said, Hooting Mandrills could be a great addition!! Although, you won't have fetches to fuel him in the budget version.
FYI, Kudzu isn't quite as slow as you think. Try him with fetchlands and he's like a budget Tarmogoyf. With the borderposts he basically gets +1 every turn, because you can bounce a land to your hand, then replay it. However, I think you're correct that Delver and/or Hooting Mandrills would be faster.
I also really like some of your ideas in the second post. Delver of Secrets instead of Kudzu, then raising the number of instants to help him flip. Simic Charm as I mentioned earlier seems really good. After cutting Kudzu, I would cut Coiling Oracle. The only reason he was in the deck was for synergy with Kudzu and Ruse. Cutting those cards should give you room to add things like Logic Knot and Spell Pierce (Spell Snare is probably again out of budget). The added instants will help give you cards to delve to Hooting Mandrills even without fetchlands, although you may need some help from Thought Scour.
You should post a deck list. I think you've made some really good improvements.
As i was running Naya for teh past couple of years i'm now switching to Mono U.
U Tron ist my first thing to go along, but i want to share another Budget Deck idea with all readers of this Threat:
I was lookin for the past couple of months to switch from a 3-color-Manabase Deck (Naya) to sth. in 1 or 2 Colors.
Mono U was perfect is i tested U Tron a couple of weeks and had some Blue Cards now.
The next step had been considering what i would do with this CArdbase.
I came along Delver, Ninja's and Faeries, but had other ideas in mind too.
Hooting Mandrills were my favorite Zoo Beater and when i searched for the Apes i soon recognized that
RUG Delver runs him in some serious Builds. Other Stuff wrenched my mind,
Ornithopter is the real deal here, because he enables Ruse, Quickling,
Ninja's and our finisher of choice Illusory Angel. Sometimes if no Dude
is on your side Mutavault will enable your combat tricks.
especially bouncing Faerie Miscreant in Midgame is sometimes huge VAlue as
you drew into a 2nd copy and get your Draw-Engine goin on.
Sideboard tips
Syphon Life is for aggro matchups, primarily for Burn
Ghost Quarter for land-based decks, Tron or Bloom Titan
Relic of Progenitus to shut graveyard shenanigans
Drown in Sorrow for tokens, our hard matchup
other cards are used for adjusting to amount and quality of opponent's creatures
Shinbatsu, i think there should be some level of power before you list a deck on first page, not every deck in 50$ range is good for FNM
Infect deck from 6/17/2015 is a serious lackluster
As an experienced infect player myself I can say there are not enough lands in there meaning a lot of mulliguns, Wild Defiance being close to uncastable in time and limiting Groundswell to +2/+2
I playtested it and found out that 9 times out of 50 games you get a miserable hand (assuming mulliguns) which is equivalent to scooping
Aside from lands there is power issue
I think even 'good' hands are only as good as a good draft deck because with no evasion and exalted you are going to be blocked to death
I actually stumbled upon an infinite mana decklist by DuTogira that I really liked (http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-minefield-a-modern-artifact-recycler/) and decided I could use it at my local FNM. With a few tweaks to the list, I managed to make a way cheaper version that accomplished mostly the same goals. It's a fun deck with absolutely loads of extremely versatile cards.
***Important/Specific Cards/Interactions*** Pili-Pala + Grand Architect is THE combo in this deck; everything is built around it, and it can be achieved as early as turn 3 with luck. Muddle the Mixture and Perplex: These are incredibly vital to the deck. Each of them is able to fetch on of your combo bits or a wincon, and also function as decent counters. Blue Sun's Zenith and Profane Command: Your wincons. There's only one of each of them, so try and have at least some protection. It'd be awful if they got Negated.
Below is some long-winded explanations of finer points it took me a game or two to figure out, forgotten/unseen strength and versatility of certain cards, and a few other issues I've had happen to me thought of.
The god-hand is at least 2 Islands, another land, Pili-Pala, Grand Architect, some counters like Dispel and a wincon. At the very least a way to get a wincon (Transmuting or a Ring or whatever works). With this, you can turn-1 Island, maybe cast a cantrip if you have one. Then turn-2 Pili-Pala, and finally, your combo on turn-3. For those that don't quite see how to do off on t3 (I know I didn't), it goes like this:
-Play a land, so that you have 2 sources of blue and whatever else
-Play Grand Architect
-Attack with Pili-Pala
-The next stuff can happen even before combat damage happens, so don't worry about blockers. If the Scarecrow gets blocked, just do things in response.
-Tap Grand Architect using his 3rd ability. Summoning Sickness does NOT prevent this.
-Use that 2 mana to untap [/card]Pili-Pala[/card] to generate a blue mana
-Use Cerulean Wisps or your Architect's 2nd ability to turn Pili blue.
-Tap Pili-Pala using Architect's 3rd ability.
*Note that you can start and execute the combo on one turn if you have six lands on the field. Two U for Architect, 2 for Pili, U to turn Pili blue.
It is vital to know when this combo can be interrupted:
a) When you cast Pili-Pala
b) When you cast Grand Architect
c) When you turn Pili-Pala blue
d) When you cast your wincon.
Since both Grand Architect's 3rd ability and Pili-Pala's ability are mana abilities, they can't be responded to; they don't use the stack. The important thing, then, is to ensure that you have backup. Most people won't suspect anything the first time you play the deck. Game one, they'll have no idea what's happening until it's too late. But from then on, try to hold off until you can safely cast Dispel the same turn you go off. Otherwise a quick Lightning Bolt or Path to Exile, or even a well-timed counter spell can completely end your combo. If they time something incorrectly, punish them. If they try to remove something the moment they can, you can normally react at instant speed, as long as Pili is tapped.
Do NOT underestimate the versatility of Muddle the Mixture and Perplex. They function as uncounterable tutors to your combo and wincons, and are decent enough counter spells in their own right.
Also, Redirect is incredibly handy, and I'll choose it over Remand most days. You can cause normally game-ending cards like Bane of Combos to whiff or backfire, and can send a lot of things back at their caster, such as Bolt. You can even use it against counters by forcing the counter to target Redirect. Redirect resolves, changing the target to Redirect. Then the counter tries to target Redirect, which by now is already off the stack, cause it to fizzle. It's a very useful spell and I find the UU worth it, despite its restrictiveness.
Architects of Will: This is undoubtedly the weakest card in the deck. If you EVER cast it, something has gone wrong. That being said, it can be cast as a creature. It should, as often as possible, be cycled. It's a nice, versatile-cost cantrip. Start with a swamp? No big deal. That, and the fact that you don't have to worry about "wasting" another cantrip like Peek, Thought Scour, or Cerulean Wisps, is nice. And I suppose, if you MUST cast it, the 3/3 body can block and its deck manipulation is sorta okay. But seriously, Cycle it.
This deck has a LOT of built-in protection against threats. Given that there's 4 copies of each of your combo components (hereto referred to as "comboponents"), you don't have to feel too terrified of blocking with some creatures. Just do so carefully. Normally I find that it's better to lose some life than it is to risk a comboponent. Also, nearly a fourth of the deck is counters. Redirect is a really good way to mess up certain combos or strategies, and the 2/2 from Swan Song is more than worth it for another, more versatile, Dispel. Perplex Can be an amazing counter if used at the right time, as people will choose to let it do its work 90% of the time, rather than discard their hand.
Aether Spellbomb is a good cantrip OR protector. If someone tries to remove a comboponent and you don't have an appropriate counter, just save the creature with this. Ring of Three Wishes is often seen as an odd choice, but it's high CMC is justified when you have your comboponents but no wincon, and you want to use Perplex or Muddle the Mixture to protect your wincon when you cast it (or if you just don't have those). Fabricate is rather obvious, but some folks don't seem to realize that they can use it to grab a Ring if they're missing other tutors for wincons.
I feel like everything in the sideboard is rather self-explanatory. Chromatic Sphere if you're (somehow) having REALLY bad mana issues, or if you want more draws. Echoing Truth to deal with 'Walkers, player-hexproof such as Leyline of Sanctity, or Stony Silence. Pithing Needle because screw Twin sometime you gotta stop something before it starts. Revoke Existence to deal with Stony Silence, Pithing Needle, Leyline, Twin, Suppression Field, etc. You can cover the W with Orbs or your Flask. (Also note that Supression Field only disrupt's Architect's second ability, so rather than sideboard for Revoke, you could probably just use Cerulean Wisps.
The deck does have a few notable weaknesses. While it can combo pretty fast (3 earliest, screw you Twin), in repeated playtests both in goldfishes and real-life, its consistent win is turn 6-8, depending on the enemy player and deck. This is a lot of time for a lot of decks, so it can fall pretty quick to aggro.
In control matchups, it can do decently most of the time. Keep in mind that Transmute is an ability, so it dodges most counters. As long as you have spare mana for Dispels, you should be able to combo easily, if slower. It is worth noting that in these matchups, the game gets prolonged rather easily. Use cheaper Gitaxian ProbePeek to scope out your opponent's hand, and use Cerulean Wisps if they try to Needle your Architect.
In my experience, this deck does the worst vs blue Tron, which can quickly end up with waaay more mana for counters than you could hope to beat.
Soul Sisters and midrange decks quiver against this, as do many other combos, which are usually slower than this one.
This is a really fun deck (for you at least, if not your opponent), and it has won me several games at my local FNM, and though I've only been running it a few weeks, it's already more than earned back its cost in prize-support packs.
Name ----------------------------- (B) LD Results
Cost ------------------------------ Under $35 depending on sideboard (Timestamp: 8/12/2015)
Link -------------------------------http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/01-08-15-unexpected-ld/
Summary ------------------------ A budget version of my unexpected results list...it is undefeated in my local budget modern league, and the non budget version consistently gets me in top 3...all my decks are listed on TappedOut.net if you are interested in upgrading to non budget, but this deck will certainly get you there and be fun doing so in the process!
@ Timba: It's good that you brought this up as a concern. The reason why I list all decks on the front page is although some are not as cool or as strong as others (I usually mark my personal favorites with the "foil" icon) they can serve as a springboard for building a stronger deck or improving on the design. I like to offer everyone a wide variety of choices and the best way is to just list everything in one convenient place.
@Warrenthehero: Got your deck up on the first page! Might I recommend you use the remaining budget to add more non basics? 2 more checks and maybe 2 shocks would really help smooth your manabase
@Seris_Ordin: Thank you for the post but you need to meet the formatting requirements if you would like a first page post, otherwise no problem!
@ Froggybeat: Sorry to be nitpicky, but your deck should be under $50 to meet the rules. Also, it looks like the manabase is pretty tough with no nonbasics
Sorry this took so long everyone but hitting budget took enormous effort. Hardest deck to make budget I've worked on in a long time.
[UB] Grand Tezzeret
This a deck I've been working on for a friend with a $250 budget. It has multiple avenues of attack, and great late game which made it a favorite of mine. I decided to adapt it for the $50 budget challenge in case anyone felt like trying out a deck that is fun to pilot and can play like an aggro deck or a control deck. Hitting budget was so hard I had to get by on Life Gates and Guildgates for the manabase, so if you are looking to upgrade I'd advise you start with some better dual lands.
1) Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas + Darksteel Citadel: Turn your excess lands into indestructible beaters late game
2) Invisible Stalker + Loxodon Warhammer: Elephant hammer on stalker makes it hard to race for the opponent as it's a 8 point life swing with every attack
1) Perilous Myr: This is our best tool vs aggro in the absence of Spellskite due to budget. Will frequently 2 for 1 or take down a 3 toughness attacker.
2) Peace Strider: This deck needs to get to mid/late game to really shine, this is a meta call vs burn or aggro
3) Negate: Provides some cover for your wincons. You can also swap this for Mizzium Skin
4) Elixir of Immortality: Part of the Trinket Mage package, this allows you recover vs aggro and is a better than nothing Academy Ruins
***NOTE: I was over by .10, and I'm sure if I ran the optimizer a few more times I could end up with a cart a few pennies under so YMMV when buying this deck. I'll prob do it later to get the cost under $50***
This deck costs $42 shipped from TCGplayer. Likely one of the best budget decks you can build. As a mono-white version of the deck it is nearly optimized. You can splurge another $35 for a playset of Path to Exile to replace Condemn making the deck around $75.
The UW version has had some moderate success lately. The basic premise is to play a bunch of value creatures early on to stay alive and then constantly recur them late through Emeria and Sun Titan.
The UW version is better and gives you more options but the mono-white version does a pretty good impersonation.
Supreme Verdict -> Day of Judgment
Detention Sphere -> Oblivion Ring
Court Hussar -> Blade Splicer
Counterspells/Spellbomb -> White removal/Dismember
There are of course advantages of staying mono-white in that you will never do damage to yourself through your mana-base (fetches and shocks)
I am building this deck, but I have some more money left over. Is there any new cards I could put into this deck if i wanted to upgrade it? If so what cards and how much would they cost?
With regard to Acid Trip. Half way through reading it I started laughing really loudly. This deck is so awesome. I'm going to see where I can take it throwing a couple hundred more bucks at it (not including lands, have those)
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I had a structure deck, with some modding made the current nexcros wood deck, I assure it's cheap to make. If you have a little extra money, primordial hydra instead of nemesis of mortals
6 Forest
6 Swamp
4 Jungle Hollow
4 Evolving Wilds
2 Nemesis of mortals
2 sakura-tribe elder
4 Raise Dead
2 Nighthowler
4 Nyx Weaver
4 Lhurgoyf
2 Mulch
2 Nature's Spiral
2 Elvish Mystic
2 Phyrexian Rager
2 Merciless Executioner
2 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
2 black cat
4 Grisly Salvage
2 Ultimate Price
2 murder
TIMESTAMP: INSERT YOUR DATE AND TIME HERE (Deck completed, sleeved up and ready to play)
6/25/15 2:23 am
DECK TAG(s) - Grave Abuse
DECK NAME - Nexcros Woods
LANDS - 20 lands
CREATURES - 22 creatures
SPELLS - 16 spells
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 6 / 14 / 12 / 6 / 0 / 2 / 0
AVERAGE CMC: This is equal to total casting costs of all cards / number of total spells: 6.67
Just some notes:
skandia444: Please update the land section, shows as 4 forests only
chenjesummrnmrhm: If you would like a link in the main thread, please post an updated version that meets the $50 requirement (or $55 w/ sideboard), has a timestamp and cmc curve
judedudemude: If you would like a link in the main thread, please make your post match the universal format provided in the main post on page 1
I've been busy, so no time to brew here at home base, but I plan to get working on something new soon! I hope all of you can pick up the slack for me!
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
(a huge retool of my old caw blade deck!)
Caw blade is a well known deck that during its run in standard caused multiple cards to be banned. This is my take on the deck for budget modern, but with more control elements and featuring a playset of my favorite card, Augury Owl. The deck primarily plays control, but can be tempo as well in the right situation. There is a little bit of everything but the ultimate goal is the same, drop a bird/owl, toss it a sword and go to town!
1) Restoration Angel: There is a very minor blink package for the Resto that is maindeck.
1) Negate: Because Modern is such a fast format, we want 2 mana counterspells even if they are not hard counters
2) Jace, Architect of Thought: A lot of our key cards are singles for budget purposes, and this is FoF on a stick
3) Sword of War and Peace: This allows us to race, and gives the two best protections vs removal in the format (bolt / pte)
4) Elspeth, Knight Errant: What I consider to be the second best planeswalker in modern. Has to be answered or it can take over the game
TIMESTAMP: 7/5 @ 2104 HST
7 Plains
8 Island
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Tranquil Cove
1 Moorland Haunt
2 Lone Missionary
4 Squadron Hawk
4 Augury Owl
4 Lyev Skyknight
1 Restoration Angel
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
1 Jace, Architect of Thought
4 Condemn
4 Mana Leak
2 Negate
2 Dissipate
2 Detention Sphere
1 Sword of Vengeance
1 Sword of War and Peace
1 Day of Judgment
2 Jace's Ingenuity
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 4 / 16 / 10 / 4 / 2 / 0 / 0
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Current Capt. of Team "Ju"
I play this:
Rotation is coming...
ZOO (Goyf-less)
Too many to name.
Even my $100 expanded budget version didn't prove a good fit for delver: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mdn100uw-hoot-blade/
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
I love hearing that my deck blows someone's mind!
I apologize for the very delayed reply, but I haven't checked in on the thread in a while. I'll do my best to answer some of your questions.
1. Yes, they are vulnerable. Ideally you want to run them out with protection or with spells to grow them out of bolt range as soon as possible. Looking back, I feel like having some protection spells in the sideboard (or even maindeck) would have been a good idea. Apostle's Blessing, Vines of Vastwood, or as you mentioned Simic Charm. I think Simic Charm is better than Spellskite, not to mention that Spellskite is way out of budget.
2. I'd probably run 10+ fetches. They will quickly make Kudzu very large. Also, they fix your mana and thin your deck for such a small cost (1 life). That being said, once again, they are out of budget.
3. Repeal is fine, but I think Into the Roil works better for this deck. I'd have to play test to be sure...
4. Familiar's Ruse is not narrow (it's a hard counter) but it is hard to get value from. Remand is out of budget, but if you don't like downside to Ruse, then you can always go a different counterspell.
5. Borderposts are colored spells. You're just playing them for their alternative casting cost. So, even though you only spent 1 colorless mana, it will still trigger Dryad.
6 and 7. No, there isn't a backup plan. I think decks are best when they have a goal and work their hardest to accomplish it. Dividing your cards between multiple game plans seems to water down the deck. Of course, this isn't always the case, and having a plan B does give a deck versatility. However, when constrained by budget, I find synergy to be a deck builder's best friend. It is the only real way to make a competitive deck that is more than just the sum of its parts. You are free to disagree. And with that said, Hooting Mandrills could be a great addition!! Although, you won't have fetches to fuel him in the budget version.
FYI, Kudzu isn't quite as slow as you think. Try him with fetchlands and he's like a budget Tarmogoyf. With the borderposts he basically gets +1 every turn, because you can bounce a land to your hand, then replay it. However, I think you're correct that Delver and/or Hooting Mandrills would be faster.
I also really like some of your ideas in the second post. Delver of Secrets instead of Kudzu, then raising the number of instants to help him flip. Simic Charm as I mentioned earlier seems really good. After cutting Kudzu, I would cut Coiling Oracle. The only reason he was in the deck was for synergy with Kudzu and Ruse. Cutting those cards should give you room to add things like Logic Knot and Spell Pierce (Spell Snare is probably again out of budget). The added instants will help give you cards to delve to Hooting Mandrills even without fetchlands, although you may need some help from Thought Scour.
You should post a deck list. I think you've made some really good improvements.
Pauper: Delver, Familiar Storm,
UR 8Post, Elves, Affinity, TEModern: Twin, Jund,
Eggs,Pod, Balance, Uxx ControlLegacy: Painter, Delver, Stoneblade, Elves, High Tide, Lands
finally you amswered
I'm not working on the Deck because i'm lacking a UG Mana Base.
But the Hooting Mandrills plan with Delver of Secrets and Thought Scour
performed quite well on Cockatrice.
As i was running Naya for teh past couple of years i'm now switching to Mono U.
U Tron ist my first thing to go along, but i want to share another Budget Deck idea with all readers of this Threat:
U Ninja Fearies
Abuse teh new Faerie FAerie Miscreant from Origins with Ornithopter and Ninja of the Deep Hours
to create a real mono blue Tempo Deck.
I was lookin for the past couple of months to switch from a 3-color-Manabase Deck (Naya) to sth. in 1 or 2 Colors.
Mono U was perfect is i tested U Tron a couple of weeks and had some Blue Cards now.
The next step had been considering what i would do with this CArdbase.
I came along Delver, Ninja's and Faeries, but had other ideas in mind too.
Hooting Mandrills were my favorite Zoo Beater and when i searched for the Apes i soon recognized that
RUG Delver runs him in some serious Builds. Other Stuff wrenched my mind,
but i couldn't relly figure out what to do.
So i started from Scratch and gambled around with a Mono U Build.
The Deck
Also it's still developing the idea is all about Tempo
T1 dropping Ornithopter and Faerie Miscreant which
enables a T2 Ninja of the Deep Hours.
Ninja turns on your Draw Engine, probably goin' for more Miscreants and answers.
Removal is dodged by
Ornithopter is the real deal here, because he enables Ruse, Quickling,
Ninja's and our finisher of choice Illusory Angel. Sometimes if no Dude
is on your side Mutavault will enable your combat tricks.
especially bouncing Faerie Miscreant in Midgame is sometimes huge VAlue as
you drew into a 2nd copy and get your Draw-Engine goin on.
A first sketch looks like this:
4 Faerie Miscreant
3 Judge's Familiar
4 Ninja of the Deep Hours
2 Quickling
3 Illusory Angel
3 Familiar's Ruse
2 Remand
3 Repeal
2 Into the Roil
Green @ it's best
Out of mind it was sth. like
4 Delver of Secrets
3 Quirion Dryad
4 Remand
3 Simic Charm
3 Repeal
2 Into the Roil
3 Disrupting Shoal
Green @ it's best
8 Rack is an established archetype. It packs discard for making your opponent's life miserable, removal for dealing with opponent's threats and eight copies of The Rack (Shrieking Affliction) to win games. You can adjust(+/-) amount of removal to fit your local meta. This budget version is easily transformed to premium version, start by repacing Duress and Blackmail with Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize, then add Mutavault with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, finish with Liliana of the Veil.
Sideboard tips
Syphon Life is for aggro matchups, primarily for Burn
Ghost Quarter for land-based decks, Tron or Bloom Titan
Relic of Progenitus to shut graveyard shenanigans
Drown in Sorrow for tokens, our hard matchup
other cards are used for adjusting to amount and quality of opponent's creatures
4 Raven's Crime
4 Smallpox
2 Blackmail
4 Wrench Mind
2 Necrogen Mists
4 Shrieking Affliction
3 Victim of Night
3 Duress
4 Dismember
3 Funeral Charm
4 The Rack
23 Swamp
1 Deathmark
2 Disfigure
2 Drown in Sorrow
2 Syphon Life
2 Relic of Progenitus
3 Despise
1 Darkblast
2 Ghost Quarter
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4): 20 / 11 / 6 / 0
TIMESTAMP: 28.07.15
G Green Stompy
RG Shamans
UB Mill
UG Infect
WUBRG Slivers!
Infect deck from 6/17/2015 is a serious lackluster
As an experienced infect player myself I can say there are not enough lands in there meaning a lot of mulliguns, Wild Defiance being close to uncastable in time and limiting Groundswell to +2/+2
I playtested it and found out that 9 times out of 50 games you get a miserable hand (assuming mulliguns) which is equivalent to scooping
Aside from lands there is power issue
I think even 'good' hands are only as good as a good draft deck because with no evasion and exalted you are going to be blocked to death
G Green Stompy
RG Shamans
UB Mill
UG Infect
WUBRG Slivers!
I actually stumbled upon an infinite mana decklist by DuTogira that I really liked (http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/the-minefield-a-modern-artifact-recycler/) and decided I could use it at my local FNM. With a few tweaks to the list, I managed to make a way cheaper version that accomplished mostly the same goals. It's a fun deck with absolutely loads of extremely versatile cards.
***Important/Specific Cards/Interactions***
Pili-Pala + Grand Architect is THE combo in this deck; everything is built around it, and it can be achieved as early as turn 3 with luck.
Muddle the Mixture and Perplex: These are incredibly vital to the deck. Each of them is able to fetch on of your combo bits or a wincon, and also function as decent counters.
Blue Sun's Zenith and Profane Command: Your wincons. There's only one of each of them, so try and have at least some protection. It'd be awful if they got Negated.
TIMESTAMP: 7/28/15
CURVE(1/2/3/4/5): (15/11/11/2/2)
PRICE: $33.27 w/ Sideboard
2x Drowned Catacomb
12x Island
5 x Swamp
2x Architects Of Will
4x Grand Architect
4x Pili-Pala
2x Fabricate
1x Profane Command
1x Blue Sun's Zenith
2x Cerulean Wisps
4x Dispel
4x Muddle the Mixture
2x Peek
4x Perplex
1x Redirect
1x Swan Song
2x Aether Spellbomb
2x Chromatic Sphere
2x Conjurer's Bauble
1x Elsewhere Flask
2x Ring of Three Wishes
1x Chromatic Sphere
2x Echoing Truth
4x Mizzium Skin
2x Pithing Needle
1x Psychic Spiral
2x Revoke Existence
1x Thought Scour
2x Twisted Image
Below is some long-winded explanations of finer points it took me a game or two to figure out, forgotten/unseen strength and versatility of certain cards, and a few other issues I've
had happen to methought of.The god-hand is at least 2 Islands, another land, Pili-Pala, Grand Architect, some counters like Dispel and a wincon. At the very least a way to get a wincon (Transmuting or a Ring or whatever works). With this, you can turn-1 Island, maybe cast a cantrip if you have one. Then turn-2 Pili-Pala, and finally, your combo on turn-3. For those that don't quite see how to do off on t3 (I know I didn't), it goes like this:
-Play a land, so that you have 2 sources of blue and whatever else
-Play Grand Architect
-Attack with Pili-Pala
-The next stuff can happen even before combat damage happens, so don't worry about blockers. If the Scarecrow gets blocked, just do things in response.
-Tap Grand Architect using his 3rd ability. Summoning Sickness does NOT prevent this.
-Use that 2 mana to untap [/card]Pili-Pala[/card] to generate a blue mana
-Use Cerulean Wisps or your Architect's 2nd ability to turn Pili blue.
-Tap Pili-Pala using Architect's 3rd ability.
*Note that you can start and execute the combo on one turn if you have six lands on the field. Two U for Architect, 2 for Pili, U to turn Pili blue.
It is vital to know when this combo can be interrupted:
a) When you cast Pili-Pala
b) When you cast Grand Architect
c) When you turn Pili-Pala blue
d) When you cast your wincon.
Since both Grand Architect's 3rd ability and Pili-Pala's ability are mana abilities, they can't be responded to; they don't use the stack. The important thing, then, is to ensure that you have backup. Most people won't suspect anything the first time you play the deck. Game one, they'll have no idea what's happening until it's too late. But from then on, try to hold off until you can safely cast Dispel the same turn you go off. Otherwise a quick Lightning Bolt or Path to Exile, or even a well-timed counter spell can completely end your combo. If they time something incorrectly, punish them. If they try to remove something the moment they can, you can normally react at instant speed, as long as Pili is tapped.
Do NOT underestimate the versatility of Muddle the Mixture and Perplex. They function as uncounterable tutors to your combo and wincons, and are decent enough counter spells in their own right.
Also, Redirect is incredibly handy, and I'll choose it over Remand most days. You can cause normally game-ending cards like Bane of Combos to whiff or backfire, and can send a lot of things back at their caster, such as Bolt. You can even use it against counters by forcing the counter to target Redirect. Redirect resolves, changing the target to Redirect. Then the counter tries to target Redirect, which by now is already off the stack, cause it to fizzle. It's a very useful spell and I find the UU worth it, despite its restrictiveness.
Architects of Will: This is undoubtedly the weakest card in the deck. If you EVER cast it, something has gone wrong. That being said, it can be cast as a creature. It should, as often as possible, be cycled. It's a nice, versatile-cost cantrip. Start with a swamp? No big deal. That, and the fact that you don't have to worry about "wasting" another cantrip like Peek, Thought Scour, or Cerulean Wisps, is nice. And I suppose, if you MUST cast it, the 3/3 body can block and its deck manipulation is sorta okay. But seriously, Cycle it.
This deck has a LOT of built-in protection against threats. Given that there's 4 copies of each of your combo components (hereto referred to as "comboponents"), you don't have to feel too terrified of blocking with some creatures. Just do so carefully. Normally I find that it's better to lose some life than it is to risk a comboponent. Also, nearly a fourth of the deck is counters. Redirect is a really good way to mess up certain combos or strategies, and the 2/2 from Swan Song is more than worth it for another, more versatile, Dispel. Perplex Can be an amazing counter if used at the right time, as people will choose to let it do its work 90% of the time, rather than discard their hand.
Aether Spellbomb is a good cantrip OR protector. If someone tries to remove a comboponent and you don't have an appropriate counter, just save the creature with this.
Ring of Three Wishes is often seen as an odd choice, but it's high CMC is justified when you have your comboponents but no wincon, and you want to use Perplex or Muddle the Mixture to protect your wincon when you cast it (or if you just don't have those).
Fabricate is rather obvious, but some folks don't seem to realize that they can use it to grab a Ring if they're missing other tutors for wincons.
I feel like everything in the sideboard is rather self-explanatory.
Chromatic Sphere if you're (somehow) having REALLY bad mana issues, or if you want more draws.
Echoing Truth to deal with 'Walkers, player-hexproof such as Leyline of Sanctity, or Stony Silence.
Pithing Needle because
screw Twinsometime you gotta stop something before it starts.Revoke Existence to deal with Stony Silence, Pithing Needle, Leyline, Twin, Suppression Field, etc. You can cover the W with Orbs or your Flask. (Also note that Supression Field only disrupt's Architect's second ability, so rather than sideboard for Revoke, you could probably just use Cerulean Wisps.
The deck does have a few notable weaknesses. While it can combo pretty fast (3 earliest,
screw you Twin), in repeated playtests both in goldfishes and real-life, its consistent win is turn 6-8, depending on the enemy player and deck. This is a lot of time for a lot of decks, so it can fall pretty quick to aggro.In control matchups, it can do decently most of the time. Keep in mind that Transmute is an ability, so it dodges most counters. As long as you have spare mana for Dispels, you should be able to combo easily, if slower. It is worth noting that in these matchups, the game gets prolonged rather easily. Use
cheaper Gitaxian ProbePeek to scope out your opponent's hand, and use Cerulean Wisps if they try to Needle your Architect.In my experience, this deck does the worst vs blue Tron, which can quickly end up with waaay more mana for counters than you could hope to beat.
Soul Sisters and midrange decks quiver against this, as do many other combos, which are usually slower than this one.
This is a really fun deck (for you at least, if not your opponent), and it has won me several games at my local FNM, and though I've only been running it a few weeks, it's already more than earned back its cost in prize-support packs.
Name ----------------------------- (B) LD Results
Cost ------------------------------ Under $35 depending on sideboard (Timestamp: 8/12/2015)
Link -------------------------------http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/01-08-15-unexpected-ld/
Summary ------------------------ A budget version of my unexpected results list...it is undefeated in my local budget modern league, and the non budget version consistently gets me in top 3...all my decks are listed on TappedOut.net if you are interested in upgrading to non budget, but this deck will certainly get you there and be fun doing so in the process!
12 island
8 forest
4 delver of secrets
4 quirion dryad
3 hooting mandrills
3 mystic snake
1 become immense
4 telling time
3 simic charm
3 repeal
4 mana leak
3 remand
3 vapor snag
1 curse of the swine
4 condescend
A classic delver deck : Low mana cost beater with counters/bounces spells.
Curve 1/2/3/4/5/6 --> 14/19/0/3/0/4
Average manacost --> 1.85 (could be shorter because of the delve cards)
Cost : 50.44 $ (08/08/2015)
@Warrenthehero: Got your deck up on the first page! Might I recommend you use the remaining budget to add more non basics? 2 more checks and maybe 2 shocks would really help smooth your manabase
@Seris_Ordin: Thank you for the post but you need to meet the formatting requirements if you would like a first page post, otherwise no problem!
@ Froggybeat: Sorry to be nitpicky, but your deck should be under $50 to meet the rules. Also, it looks like the manabase is pretty tough with no nonbasics
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
[UB] Grand Tezzeret
This a deck I've been working on for a friend with a $250 budget. It has multiple avenues of attack, and great late game which made it a favorite of mine. I decided to adapt it for the $50 budget challenge in case anyone felt like trying out a deck that is fun to pilot and can play like an aggro deck or a control deck. Hitting budget was so hard I had to get by on Life Gates and Guildgates for the manabase, so if you are looking to upgrade I'd advise you start with some better dual lands.
1) Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas + Darksteel Citadel: Turn your excess lands into indestructible beaters late game
2) Invisible Stalker + Loxodon Warhammer: Elephant hammer on stalker makes it hard to race for the opponent as it's a 8 point life swing with every attack
1) Perilous Myr: This is our best tool vs aggro in the absence of Spellskite due to budget. Will frequently 2 for 1 or take down a 3 toughness attacker.
2) Peace Strider: This deck needs to get to mid/late game to really shine, this is a meta call vs burn or aggro
3) Negate: Provides some cover for your wincons. You can also swap this for Mizzium Skin
4) Elixir of Immortality: Part of the Trinket Mage package, this allows you recover vs aggro and is a better than nothing Academy Ruins
TIMESTAMP: 8/22 @ 1137 HST
12 Island
2 Swamp
4 Dismal Backwater
4 Dimir Guildgate
2 Darksteel Citadel
3 Invisible Stalker
2 Sage Owl
4 Perilous Myr
2 Treasure Mage
1 Trinket Mage
3 Grand Architect
2 Peace Strider
1 Steel Hellkite
1 Wurmcoil Engine
1 Myr Battlesphere
2 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
1 Elixir of Immortality
1 Silver-Inlaid Dagger
2 Repeal
4 Negate
2 Doom Blade
2 Ultimate Price
2 Loxodon Warhammer
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 4 / 17 / 8 / 4 / 2 / 1 / 0
***NOTE: I was over by .10, and I'm sure if I ran the optimizer a few more times I could end up with a cart a few pennies under so YMMV when buying this deck. I'll prob do it later to get the cost under $50***
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Mono-White Emeria Titan:
4 Lone Missionary
4 Pilgrim's Eye
4 Flickerwisp
4 Blade Splicer
4 Sun Titan
2 Mortarpod
2 Day of Judgment
3 Oblivion Ring
4 Condemn
1 Dismember
4 Ghost Quarter
16 Plains
This deck costs $42 shipped from TCGplayer. Likely one of the best budget decks you can build. As a mono-white version of the deck it is nearly optimized. You can splurge another $35 for a playset of Path to Exile to replace Condemn making the deck around $75.
The UW version has had some moderate success lately. The basic premise is to play a bunch of value creatures early on to stay alive and then constantly recur them late through Emeria and Sun Titan.
The UW version is better and gives you more options but the mono-white version does a pretty good impersonation.
Supreme Verdict -> Day of Judgment
Detention Sphere -> Oblivion Ring
Court Hussar -> Blade Splicer
Counterspells/Spellbomb -> White removal/Dismember
There are of course advantages of staying mono-white in that you will never do damage to yourself through your mana-base (fetches and shocks)