banner by shinbatsu - thread updated as of 3/22/2015 @ 1737 HST
Magic can be an expensive hobby, and Modern is a format that has price as a major barrier to entry. It has always been my belief that just because you don't have a lot of cash doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to enjoy MTG.
I am a old retired veteran of the standard budget forum, and if you look in the standard archives you can see some of my work. I've since migrated along with my playgroup to modern, and as such I've been developing quite a few budget modern decks since I'm the primary deckbuilder and designer in the group.
The goal of this thread is to for all of us to share our ideas with each other, in the hopes it may give budget players everywhere a chance to be competitive and enjoy this great format.
1. Deck must be Modern Legal (obviously)
2. Your deck must cost $50 or less to purchase, and I have developed a incredibly simple and quick metric for pricing your deck
.......... A) Paste your entire deck into the tcgplayer mass card entry site, excluding basic lands:
.......... B) Run the cart optimizer, leaving NM + LP + MP checked, nothing else
.......... C) When the cart optimizer finishes, take the shipped total. This is the "cost" to build your deck (or for someone to order an exact copy)
.......... D) Note the Time and Date you run the optimizer, you will need this for your time stamp
3. If you want to build a sideboard, you get $5 extra added to your $50 budget for a total of $55 for 75 cards
4. Deck should be focused on being competitive as possible, realistically targeting FNM or other low level entry fee based formats
As long as you Timestamp your deck, it's legal even if prices go up the next day. However, if you mod the deck, you need a new Timestamp and you will no longer be legal if you are over the limit. Plan carefully!
We need our builds to all look similar in formatting, so please pay attention to the format below in the spoiler tags
Tell us about how you built this deck, and what it plans to accomplish. How does it win? What are the synergies, key plays, or anything else we need to know prior to making this deck and piloting it. Also note why you selected certain cards for the deck.
Feel free to add in an explanation for the sideboard, suggestions for people with more budget, and suggested other maindeck cards to use.
TIMESTAMP: INSERT YOUR DATE AND TIME HERE (Deck completed, sleeved up and ready to play)
DECK= Name of Deck
LANDS - Number of Lands
XX Lands
CREATURES - Number of Creatures
XX Creatures
SPELLS - Number of Spells
XX Spells
SIDEBOARD - 15 (optional)
XX Sideboard Cards
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
AVERAGE CMC: This is equal to total casting costs of all cards / number of total spells
It doesn't have to be an exact match, but you get the idea!
-All my old friends from the budget forum in standard who taught me so much
-Moderator the_cardfather for letting me start this thread and setting up the sticky
-All the talented deckbuilders on this forum I learn from every day
So breaking into modern as a budget player, newer player, or both can easily be a train wreck for the unprepared. Here is where I wanted to share my experiences migrating an entire playgroup into the modern format, all on a budget.
1) Decide how you are going to start
..... a) Find an event deck (NEVER INTRO PACK) that isn't a pile of trash then use it as a framework to build your deck
..... b) Port over a current or rotated standard deck into modern, increasing it's power via the expanded card pool
..... c) Take an established modern deck you like, then try to "budgetize" it. This is not recommended.
..... d) Build from scratch. Get a friend and a few beers, then get to brewing!
2) Plot out your deck FIRST before you start ordering and trading for cards
..... a) Use deckbuilder tools such as tappedout to plot the deck before you start finding parts. This will save you money.
..... b) You will definitely make changes during and after playtesting, but changes before the deck is even finished will waste resources.
3) Don't neglect to research similar options for expensive staples
..... a) Example: PTE is top tier removal, but at $6 ea will destroy your budget. Try Condemn or Journey to Nowhere
..... b) If you want duals that don't come into play tapped, try Fast/Check/Pain instead of Fetches or Shocks
..... c) The goal of this is to free up room for necessary expensive staples that you can't sub for
4) Explore your options for acquiring cards
..... a) Check your collection for the cards, you may find functional reprints such as Llanowar Elves for Elvish Mystic that you can use.
..... b) Check with your playgroup, you can usually trade or buy and get better deals than with the general public
..... c) Check Market Street (trading post) there are deals to be found if you look hard enough
..... d) Utilize pricing tools to get the best prices on your singles if it comes down to buying retail
..... e) Don't forget to check your LGS! Some of their prices may beat online, and if it's close enough you may want to support your store.
5) Don't be afraid to metagame in your maindeck
..... a) One of the major limitations of playing on a budget is the lack of powerful and efficient wide spectrum answers. If your FNM or local meta is full of a particular type of deck, taking the risk of packing a few maindeck hate cards + whatever is normally in your sideboard may be enough to steal a few games and turn a 2-2 night into a 3-1 night, placing you into prizes. Of course the flip side is you may end up with a few dead cards, so proceed only after you have done your research.
This is a mono black infect that has an anti creature subtheme. With 8 main deck removal spells, you should be able to wipe out fast quality beaters such as Tarmogoyf then ride infect beater for the win. This deck does not race as with Green or U/G infect, but is capable of explosive setups with Livewire Lash which gives reach w/o having to enter the red zone. Unlike most mono black, this build is lighter on early hand disruption, so be sure to use them wisely. This deck is light on bodies and stripping out removal is always a plus. Keep in mind Phyrexian Crusader already dodges both Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile, and if he connects will usually win in 2 attacks. If you are looking for some quick upgrades, swapping Duress for Inquisition of Kozilek is one of the first swaps I'd look at.
1) Livewire Lash + Pump: This can be used as removal/debuff for opposing creatures, but usually just piles on the infect damage like crazy.
1) Night's Whisper: This eats more budget than Sign in Blood, but the easier casting cost is vital with 4 lands that produce colorless
2) Plague Myr: We don't have access to Noble Hierarch, so the substitute is a combo of Cathedral of War + Plague Myr (he can also attack)
3) Bile Blight: You can swap this for whatever removal fits. My meta is full of tokens, so this is a maindeck meta answer for me
4) Contagion Clasp: Can sometimes get you there in topdeck wars. Just like Skittles, you don't want to see this in multiples
Basic aggro loam list.
Its one of the most grindy decks ive ever played and i love it most people abhor playing against. So thats fun.
Buried ruin package with pithing needle/bow of nylea. Wish i could think of better artifacts to include as well but budget hurt here one could go with mindslaver but seemed likely too mana intensive.
The creatures(if able to upgrade them into things like tasigur the golden fang, courser of kruphex, scavenging ooze, would recommend doing so barring the lone e wit) are needed for commune to not be a blank on average. Lotleth is fine just as a blocker with regenerate basically wish i could find something better for his slot but i couldn't for his price. nighthawk/crusher are both fantastic in the deck. Nighthawk gives us some abilitly to gain life outside of bow which is needed verse burn and is decently positioned in the meta. Crusher is one way to steal games/ has a lot of things going for it with this deck and neat interactions.
Essentially with the spells you have 7 ways to dig; faithless/commune; to find life from the loam+any retrace/seismic assault to start getting value out of loam this is the main thing you want to be doing. Your hope is to have them boardless/handless and topdecking every turn, after that is set up you can start changing gears while being able to handle most things any deck can draw into with jab/crime.
Once you establish control and find tec edge/ghost quarter you want to start basically strip mining them every turn. Certain mu's that just won't work but the average deck in modern has ~3-4 basics so you can start strip mining them in a few turns with ghost quarter and once thats set up and you buried ruin back a bow and get that going that should be game.
Nice to see your budget deck challenges back, this time for Modern! Here's the decklist I've built, a currently tried and tested T2 deck:
The Tokens deck we all know and love has been popular enough to be in Tier 2 for a long time since it's core cards all stars debut in Innistrad: Lingering Souls, one of the format's defining cards, and Intangible Virtue, a super powerful and cheap Anthem effect in the right deck. Alongside other token generators, the deck fights against the format boogiemen by fighting board advantage rather than card advantage: a single Lingering Souls requires at the very least two wraths to answer the tokens it produces, and can't be stopped by discards or counterspells. Sorin, Lord of Innistrad spews it's own tokens as well, alongside an irremovable emblem that can stack up, and a definitely reachable and useful ultimate. We also pack a ton of removal and disruption, and a Vault of the Archangel activation is likely game over for us.
Well holy crap didn't even realize how good bw tokens was a on a budget i like it. The sb mainly is really well done. I am unsure exactly what the aegis of the gods is for(storm/burn/8rack?) but was thinking that celestial purge might be as good or better in those matchups(outside of just ad naus storm) and giving you some more game in twin/and other decks. also believe it saves some budget for potential changes and what not.
Also overlord think you can use some of the budget to upgrade land base such as sunpetal grove/razorverge thicket. seeing as you had 8+ left. Outside of that seemed good but you got me thinking on playing
Its a pretty simple deck. You should basically always have a hand with some number of mana dorks. The goal is to slowly gain value with visionary/masked admirers/archdruid while putting on pressure until you can either find a stampede/genesis wave/or be able to play a soul of the harvest and have it not get killed. Then you can start having some fun ezuri is the main win condition once you have your board established but you can also kill with archdruid and mana dork beats if necessary. E wit is here to get back either soul of the harvest/lead the stampede/genesis wave mainly as if you put it into play with a wave you can get back the wave. You really should never try to wave for anything less than 4+ and 6+ is ideal and should be fairly easy to do by turn 4. Masked admirers allows you to play a more grindy game verse decks.
Upgrades for deck-
you can either take the deck in about 2-3 different ways, go solely for the devotion plan with primeval titan/garruk wildspeaker and can still use the elves or go with land enchantments and just cards like voyaging stayr+arbor elf to gain value off that; go more in tune with the elf combo and pick up craterhoof behemoth, cloudstone curio, maybe garruk, caller of beasts over lead the stampede, nettle sentinel/heritage druid; or go into some crazy fun druid style value deck with Gilt-Leaf Archdruid and still be using most of the same type of cards as the elve combo version but be able to steal all their lands somewhere around turn 3-5 its much easier if you have splash for intruder alarm/beck//call beck replacing soul of the harvest and probably wanting to use summoner's pact. Etc etc its just the shell gives you a lot of wiggle room to mess around with while keeping most of the cards in here for different version of elf combo, mono green devotion, mixture of the two.
I can personally testify to the explosiveness of BW Tokens, I just finished my playtesting vs the modern event deck. Even in precon form, it is capable of fast masses of flying tokens with anthems, and can kill you by turn 5 if your only answers are spot removal. The early hand disruption is really solid, Tidehollow is amazing and so is IOK.
Won three off the back of Crusader, 1 game I saved myself with a clinch Bile Blight. Lost two, both pretty badly. The deck is the REAL DEAL.
This will replace the old Extreme Budget Challenge. Thanks to shinbatsu for taking the lead on this one.
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Out of the blackness and stench of the engulfing swamp emerged a shimmering figure. Only the splattered armor and ichor-stained sword hinted at the unfathomable evil the knight had just laid waste.
Didn't see any loam decks so figured id take a shot at it. I did however go slightly over budget but still figured its worth putting here since it looks reasonable to be playing.
Timestamp 3/22/2015 Aggro loam
cost 22.46(2.46 over budget)
Buried ruin+bow of nylea is great and prevent you from essentially decking(hopefully baring bow getting exile or buried ruin) and allow you to after you have dredged entire deck set up each draw and stop dredging and just draw life from the loam if thats what is wanted, etc.
Can either be creeping renaissance or worm harvest as last card i just liked renaissance for some reason more.
But basically the deck is going to operate a bit slow due to taplands but how it plays out is basically you want to start find a life from the loam+ seismic assualt/ravens crime/or flame jab via faithless looting to start getting a lot of value out of your life from from the loam and take control over the game slowy while finding a way to kill them. Raven's Crime is basically how you win any control MU as that card is near impossible for them to get out from under. Lotleth troll is just being used since its just a good blocker and a decent win condition/can go aggro same is true for nighthawk(needed some life gain and a flyer with dt is great). Crusher has a lot of synergies with the deck since discarding to retrace/fetching/assault/dredging all give it counters and give you a creature that you can grow to a huge size relatively quickly. Almost at all times in the game should you be dredging life from the loam unless you need to find a certain spell/creature.
If you can upgrade the main thing to start upgrading would be the lands aim to get wooded FoothillsBloodstained Mire and Verdant Catacombs none of them need to be a 4 of but just something like a 2/2/2 split is best but 3/3 foothills/mire is fine as well. Gaven Cairns is really good in the deck and lets you technically skimp on red mana a bit 1-2 Raging Ravine and 1 Twilight Mire if possible. You will need something like ~4-6 ravnica shocklands however in the deck as well. 1 tectonic edge and 1 ghost quarter fit into the main has a lot of value in a lot of mu's as well.
Out of the blackness and stench of the engulfing swamp emerged a shimmering figure. Only the splattered armor and ichor-stained sword hinted at the unfathomable evil the knight had just laid waste.
I can personally testify to the explosiveness of BW Tokens, I just finished my playtesting vs the modern event deck. Even in precon form, it is capable of fast masses of flying tokens with anthems, and can kill you by turn 5 if your only answers are spot removal. The early hand disruption is really solid, Tidehollow is amazing and so is IOK.
Won three off the back of Crusader, 1 game I saved myself with a clinch Bile Blight. Lost two, both pretty badly. The deck is the REAL DEAL.
So I am a relatively new player to the competitive scene looking to get into Modern rather than Standard and I am liking Orzhov Tokens as the deck that I'd want to build first. My question is, is it worth to go for the Modern Event Deck instead of trying another budget list? Thanks.
Right now in terms of raw value, the Modern Event deck is worth it. It clocks in at about $90 tcgplayer "low", and is the base for a strong BW tokens deck. You can find copies on ebay for around $55 shipped.
Or you can try Zephyr Scarlet's list as well, it's solid. Or just get the Event Deck, and make tweaks based on Zephyr's deck. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions! Welcome to Modern!
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Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
shinbatsu few suggestions to look into that are all actually really cheap. Pride of the clouds its forecast is pretty expensive i know but figured hey as a 1 of probably worth playing, and Sky hussar, also mistveil plains is pretty good synergy with squad hawk when one dies you can just put it on bottom and only have to keep one in hand basically to have a 2 mana 1/1 that can tutor. I realize my suggestions make the deck much slower however but could make it into a more control oriented shell(idk how she likes to play but figured it was possible she enjoyed control) or could just be somewhat solid 1 ofs. Also feel like your deck could play delver of secrets fairly effectively, more so with telling time and the lack of 1 drops.
And repeal might be a better version of into the roil but i really have no idea what the metagame is like right now just assume if its still full of junk that the average thing in their deck is 3cmc or less so repeal has more potential upsides to downsides(outside of tron)
I like Pride of the Clouds, but the deck only runs 23 lands so the chances of getting to 6 mana to Forecast every turn and still have Negate/Leak mana up... well that's the long game anyway. If I decide to go up to 24 lands and make it more of a control deck, I'm getting at least 2 Prides for sure.
I looked at Sky Hussar as a draw engine before, but the 5 mana casting cost is a bit hefty compared to the tempo and similar damage output of Lyev Skyknight. If I go the control route I'd include 1-2 of this card for sure.
Mistveil Plains is incredible for hawk synergy. I will be procuring one shortly. I'm not really concerned about the nonbo with Moorland Haunt, since it's only a 1 of. Either way I get more value out of the limited creature selection. Due to cost, I may end up having to cut moorland anyway.
Delver of Secrets while boosting the decks power significantly, is a no go. The wife thinks the art is disgusting.
My Metagame has a lot of fast aggro with 2-3 drops doing most of the damage. Repeal vs Roil is arguable on this front, to bounce a 2 drop Repeal is better, a 3 drop Roil is more flexible (can cast for 2 in an emergency) and at the 4 drop and higher Roil is better. Because this deck only runs 23 lands, I choose Roil for it's non scaling casting cost. Either way it's a budget, very limited Cryptic Command, which was it's intended purpose, to have at least 2 of the modes (Dismiss isn't modern legal)
Thanks for the suggestions, and I love your deck submissions so far!
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Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Isn't Storm Crow the most famous MTG Bird? kidding aside i have a question, is it possible to make a UR Storm deck with the $55 budget?
I'd have to examine the actual tourney list to see, but I think it's possible to budgetize the deck w/o losing too much of the power level. The manabase wouldn't be as fluid, that's for sure. Something to work on this weekend, I'll let you know!
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Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Basically a modern port of Boss Sligh heroic in standard, what else is there to say? SPPPEEEEEDDDD!!
Slap a turn 1 Foundry street denizen into 2 one drops
Get blown out by pyroclasm then procede to dash mardu scout 4tw
1) Goblin Guides: good upgrade for the deck
2) Ash Zealot: first strike + lightning bolt beats goyfs also has a very good grave hate ability
3) Ball Lightning: something to the dome is probably better but... ITS BALL LIGHTNING!
banner by shinbatsu - thread updated as of 3/22/2015 @ 1737 HST
Magic can be an expensive hobby, and Modern is a format that has price as a major barrier to entry. It has always been my belief that just because you don't have a lot of cash doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to enjoy MTG.
I am a old retired veteran of the standard budget forum, and if you look in the standard archives you can see some of my work. I've since migrated along with my playgroup to modern, and as such I've been developing quite a few budget modern decks since I'm the primary deckbuilder and designer in the group.
The goal of this thread is to for all of us to share our ideas with each other, in the hopes it may give budget players everywhere a chance to be competitive and enjoy this great format.
1. Deck must be Modern Legal (obviously)
2. Your deck must cost $50 or less to purchase, and I have developed a incredibly simple and quick metric for pricing your deck
.......... A) Paste your entire deck into the tcgplayer mass card entry site, excluding basic lands:
.......... B) Run the cart optimizer, leaving NM + LP + MP checked, nothing else
.......... C) When the cart optimizer finishes, take the shipped total. This is the "cost" to build your deck (or for someone to order an exact copy)
.......... D) Note the Time and Date you run the optimizer, you will need this for your time stamp
3. If you want to build a sideboard, you get $5 extra added to your $50 budget for a total of $55 for 75 cards
4. Deck should be focused on being competitive as possible, realistically targeting FNM or other low level entry fee based formats
As long as you Timestamp your deck, it's legal even if prices go up the next day. However, if you mod the deck, you need a new Timestamp and you will no longer be legal if you are over the limit. Plan carefully!
We need our builds to all look similar in formatting, so please pay attention to the format below in the spoiler tags
Tell us about how you built this deck, and what it plans to accomplish. How does it win? What are the synergies, key plays, or anything else we need to know prior to making this deck and piloting it. Also note why you selected certain cards for the deck.
Feel free to add in an explanation for the sideboard, suggestions for people with more budget, and suggested other maindeck cards to use.
TIMESTAMP: INSERT YOUR DATE AND TIME HERE (Deck completed, sleeved up and ready to play)
DECK= Name of Deck
LANDS - Number of Lands
XX Lands
CREATURES - Number of Creatures
XX Creatures
SPELLS - Number of Spells
XX Spells
SIDEBOARD - 15 (optional)
XX Sideboard Cards
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
AVERAGE CMC: This is equal to total casting costs of all cards / number of total spells
It doesn't have to be an exact match, but you get the idea!
-All my old friends from the budget forum in standard who taught me so much
-Moderator the_cardfather for letting me start this thread and setting up the sticky
-All the talented deckbuilders on this forum I learn from every day
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
So breaking into modern as a budget player, newer player, or both can easily be a train wreck for the unprepared. Here is where I wanted to share my experiences migrating an entire playgroup into the modern format, all on a budget.
1) Decide how you are going to start
..... a) Find an event deck (NEVER INTRO PACK) that isn't a pile of trash then use it as a framework to build your deck
..... b) Port over a current or rotated standard deck into modern, increasing it's power via the expanded card pool
..... c) Take an established modern deck you like, then try to "budgetize" it. This is not recommended.
..... d) Build from scratch. Get a friend and a few beers, then get to brewing!
2) Plot out your deck FIRST before you start ordering and trading for cards
..... a) Use deckbuilder tools such as tappedout to plot the deck before you start finding parts. This will save you money.
..... b) You will definitely make changes during and after playtesting, but changes before the deck is even finished will waste resources.
3) Don't neglect to research similar options for expensive staples
..... a) Example: PTE is top tier removal, but at $6 ea will destroy your budget. Try Condemn or Journey to Nowhere
..... b) If you want duals that don't come into play tapped, try Fast/Check/Pain instead of Fetches or Shocks
..... c) The goal of this is to free up room for necessary expensive staples that you can't sub for
4) Explore your options for acquiring cards
..... a) Check your collection for the cards, you may find functional reprints such as Llanowar Elves for Elvish Mystic that you can use.
..... b) Check with your playgroup, you can usually trade or buy and get better deals than with the general public
..... c) Check Market Street (trading post) there are deals to be found if you look hard enough
..... d) Utilize pricing tools to get the best prices on your singles if it comes down to buying retail
..... e) Don't forget to check your LGS! Some of their prices may beat online, and if it's close enough you may want to support your store.
5) Don't be afraid to metagame in your maindeck
..... a) One of the major limitations of playing on a budget is the lack of powerful and efficient wide spectrum answers. If your FNM or local meta is full of a particular type of deck, taking the risk of packing a few maindeck hate cards + whatever is normally in your sideboard may be enough to steal a few games and turn a 2-2 night into a 3-1 night, placing you into prizes. Of course the flip side is you may end up with a few dead cards, so proceed only after you have done your research.
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Updated: 8/22/2015
Name ----------------------------- (B) Mono Black Infect
Cost ------------------------------ $44.07 (Timestamp: 4/22/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ Mono Black Infect with lots of crowd control and hijinks with Lash
Name ----------------------------- (WU) Hoot Blade
Cost ------------------------------ $49.23 (Timestamp: 7/5/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A different flavor of Caw Blade, with more control elements and Owls/Birds
Name ----------------------------- (RG) Gruul Full Frontal Assault
Cost ------------------------------ $45.13 (Timestamp: 5/12/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ The deck for the fast and furious player that likes fast games
Name ----------------------------- (UB) Grand Tezzeret
Cost ------------------------------ $50.10 (Timestamp: 8/22/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A deck with multiple paths to win that can play several styles and is a ton of fun to play
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Updated: 8/19/2015
Creator -------------------------- BubbleUp
Name ----------------------------- (BRG) Aggro Loam
Cost ------------------------------ $49.13 (Timestamp: 3/23/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A Jund list that utilizes lands and the graveyard to control the board and build massive CA
Creator -------------------------- 0evil_overlord0
Name ----------------------------- (GWr) Gond Combo
Cost ------------------------------ $41.58 (Timestamp: 3/23/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A combo deck that makes infinite tokens and can win w/o entering the red zone
Creator -------------------------- Zephyr Scarlet
Name ----------------------------- (WB) Black White Tokens
Cost ------------------------------ $55 (w/ sideboard) (Timestamp: 3/23/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ Black white tokens in budget form, overwhelms the opponent with board presence and early hand disruption
Creator -------------------------- BubbleUp
Name ----------------------------- (G) Devotion Elves
Cost ------------------------------ $49.26 (Timestamp: 3/23/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ An deck that gets to a critical mass of elves then casts backbreaking spells or Ezuri to win
Creator -------------------------- 69Goblins69
Name ----------------------------- (G) Super Sanic Red
Cost ------------------------------ $55.97 ($33.00 w/o sideboard) (Timestamp: 4/5/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ SPPPEEEEEDDDD!!
Creator -------------------------- Zephyr Scarlet
Name ----------------------------- (WUB) Esper Teachings
Cost ------------------------------ $54.82 (w/ sideboard) (Timestamp: 4/8/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ Esper toolbox abusing teachings to fetch just what you need
Creator -------------------------- Trivmvirate
Name ----------------------------- (BR) Recursive Aggro
Cost ------------------------------ $47.68 (Timestamp: 4/22/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ Focuses on expendable burn creatures that you can reuse
Creator -------------------------- fran
Name ----------------------------- (BR) Some Kind of Epic Storm
Cost ------------------------------ $54.27 (w/ sideboard) (Timestamp: 5/7/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ Storm deck using tutors, rituals and warrens to win in the 1st two turns
Creator -------------------------- Zwei
Name ----------------------------- (WUG) Bant Miracle Grow
Cost ------------------------------ $50.94 (w/ sideboard) (Timestamp: 5/9/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A tempo deck that creates huge threats from early drops
Creator -------------------------- bptrumpet
Name ----------------------------- (B) Mono Black Affinity
Cost ------------------------------ $34.49 (w/ sideboard) (Timestamp: 5/12/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ Affinity using Mono Black as the base for removal and hand disruption
Creator -------------------------- Zwei
Name ----------------------------- (UW) Acid Trip
Cost ------------------------------ $53.43 (w/ sideboard) (Timestamp: 5/16/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A really creative blink/bounce deck that abuses reality acid and etb triggers
Creator -------------------------- Boco_T
Name ----------------------------- (R) All-in Red
Cost ------------------------------ $46.46 (w/ sideboard) (Timestamp: 6/13/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ Mono red that goes all in for one shot kills
Creator -------------------------- Upside VII
Name ----------------------------- (WR) Boros Aggro
Cost ------------------------------ $45.18 (Timestamp: 6/14/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A white red aggro deck that focuses on efficiency and card quality
Creator -------------------------- skandia444
Name ----------------------------- (G) Mono Green Infect
Cost ------------------------------ $39.99 (Timestamp: 6/17/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A competitive mono color infect on a budget
Creator -------------------------- Warrenthehero
Name ----------------------------- (UB) Pili-Pala Infinite
Cost ------------------------------ $33.27 (Timestamp: 7/28/2015)
Link -------------------------------
Summary ------------------------ A combo deck that makes infinite mana and uses it to win the game
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
The Great Creature Token Project
This is a mono black infect that has an anti creature subtheme. With 8 main deck removal spells, you should be able to wipe out fast quality beaters such as Tarmogoyf then ride infect beater for the win. This deck does not race as with Green or U/G infect, but is capable of explosive setups with Livewire Lash which gives reach w/o having to enter the red zone. Unlike most mono black, this build is lighter on early hand disruption, so be sure to use them wisely. This deck is light on bodies and stripping out removal is always a plus. Keep in mind Phyrexian Crusader already dodges both Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile, and if he connects will usually win in 2 attacks. If you are looking for some quick upgrades, swapping Duress for Inquisition of Kozilek is one of the first swaps I'd look at.
1) Livewire Lash + Pump: This can be used as removal/debuff for opposing creatures, but usually just piles on the infect damage like crazy.
1) Night's Whisper: This eats more budget than Sign in Blood, but the easier casting cost is vital with 4 lands that produce colorless
2) Plague Myr: We don't have access to Noble Hierarch, so the substitute is a combo of Cathedral of War + Plague Myr (he can also attack)
3) Bile Blight: You can swap this for whatever removal fits. My meta is full of tokens, so this is a maindeck meta answer for me
4) Contagion Clasp: Can sometimes get you there in topdeck wars. Just like Skittles, you don't want to see this in multiples
TIMESTAMP: 4/22 @ 2058 HST
18 Swamp
4 Cathedral of War
4 Plague Stinger
4 Plague Myr
4 Phyrexian Crusader
2 Phyrexian Vatmother
1 Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
4 Duress
4 Virulent Swipe
2 Doom Blade
2 Go for the Throat
4 Night's Whisper
2 Bile Blight
2 Victim of Night
1 Contagion Clasp
2 Livewire Lash
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 8 / 23 / 4 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 0
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
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Timestamp 3/23/2015
Items: $47.65
Estimated Shipping: $1.48
Subtotal: $49.13
3 Life from the loam
2 Seismic Assault
4 Faithless Looting
3 Commune with the gods
3 Flame Jab
3 Raven's Crime
1 Bow of Nylea
2 Dismember
2 Terminate
1 Worm Harvest
1 Pithing Needle
3 Lotleth Troll
1 Eternal Witness
2 Vampire Nighthawk
3 Countryside Crusher
4 Savage Lands
3 Lavaclaw Reaches
2 Temple of Abandon
1 Raging Ravine
1 Dakmor Salvage
4 Evolving Wilds
1 Buried Ruin
1 Tectonic Edge
1 Ghost Quarter
3 Swamp
3 Forest
2 Mountain
Basic aggro loam list.
Its one of the most grindy decks ive ever played and i love it most people abhor playing against. So thats fun.
Buried ruin package with pithing needle/bow of nylea. Wish i could think of better artifacts to include as well but budget hurt here one could go with mindslaver but seemed likely too mana intensive.
The creatures(if able to upgrade them into things like tasigur the golden fang, courser of kruphex, scavenging ooze, would recommend doing so barring the lone e wit) are needed for commune to not be a blank on average. Lotleth is fine just as a blocker with regenerate basically wish i could find something better for his slot but i couldn't for his price. nighthawk/crusher are both fantastic in the deck. Nighthawk gives us some abilitly to gain life outside of bow which is needed verse burn and is decently positioned in the meta. Crusher is one way to steal games/ has a lot of things going for it with this deck and neat interactions.
Essentially with the spells you have 7 ways to dig; faithless/commune; to find life from the loam+any retrace/seismic assault to start getting value out of loam this is the main thing you want to be doing. Your hope is to have them boardless/handless and topdecking every turn, after that is set up you can start changing gears while being able to handle most things any deck can draw into with jab/crime.
Once you establish control and find tec edge/ghost quarter you want to start basically strip mining them every turn. Certain mu's that just won't work but the average deck in modern has ~3-4 basics so you can start strip mining them in a few turns with ghost quarter and once thats set up and you buried ruin back a bow and get that going that should be game.
4x Midnight Guard
4x Elvish Mystic
4x Llanowar Elves
4x Chord of Calling
4x Congregation at Dawn
4x Eternal Witness
4x Ranger's Guile
4x Commune with the Gods
1x Heliod's Pilgrim
1x Foundry Champion
10x Forest
8x Plains
1x Mountain
4x Evolving Wilds
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7): 12 / 4 / 21 / 0 / 0 / 1
A combo deck using Midnight Guard and Presence of Gond. If you have a Chord of Calling you can kill immediately by using the tokens to convoke it fetching Foundry Champion rather than having to wait until you can attack.
The Tokens deck we all know and love has been popular enough to be in Tier 2 for a long time since it's core cards all stars debut in Innistrad: Lingering Souls, one of the format's defining cards, and Intangible Virtue, a super powerful and cheap Anthem effect in the right deck. Alongside other token generators, the deck fights against the format boogiemen by fighting board advantage rather than card advantage: a single Lingering Souls requires at the very least two wraths to answer the tokens it produces, and can't be stopped by discards or counterspells. Sorin, Lord of Innistrad spews it's own tokens as well, alongside an irremovable emblem that can stack up, and a definitely reachable and useful ultimate. We also pack a ton of removal and disruption, and a Vault of the Archangel activation is likely game over for us.
Suggestions to expand on the budget, Marsh Flats and Godless Shrines aside, are a playset of Bitterblossom, which keeps generating more and more evasive tokens and demands an answer, and good removal and disruption in the form of Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Path to Exile. Sideboard could use some copies of Auriok Champion and Leyline of Sanctity as well.
2 Mirran Crusader
4 Tidehollow Sculler
Token Generators (14)
4 Midnight Haunting
4 Spectral Procession
4 Lingering Souls
2 Secure the Wastes
Anthem effects (6)
3 Intangible Virtue
3 Honor of the Pure
Planeswalkers (3)
3 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
3 Murderous Cut
2 Condemn
Disruption (4)
2 Castigate
2 Duress
Lands (22)
4 Caves of Koilos
4 Isolated Chapel
6 Plains
5 Swamp
1 Vault of the Archangel
2 Windbrisk Heights
2 Rest in Peace
2 Stain the Mind
3 Aegis of the Gods
3 Burrenton Forge-Tender
3 Kataki, War's Wage
2 Eidolon of Rhetoric
CURVE (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / X): 4 / 12 / 10 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 0 / 2
Thanks to DNC from Heroes of the Plane Studios for the sig
Check my Pauper Cube!
Also overlord think you can use some of the budget to upgrade land base such as sunpetal grove/razorverge thicket. seeing as you had 8+ left. Outside of that seemed good but you got me thinking on playing
Elves devotion
Timestamp: 3/23/2015
Items: $46.99
Estimated Shipping: $2.27
Subtotal: $49.26
4 Lead the Stampede
4 Genesis Wave
3 Arbor Elf
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Elvish Archdruid
2 Eternal Witness
4 Masked Admirers
4 Soul of the Harvest
2 Ezuri, Renegade leader
2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
19 Forest
Its a pretty simple deck. You should basically always have a hand with some number of mana dorks. The goal is to slowly gain value with visionary/masked admirers/archdruid while putting on pressure until you can either find a stampede/genesis wave/or be able to play a soul of the harvest and have it not get killed. Then you can start having some fun ezuri is the main win condition once you have your board established but you can also kill with archdruid and mana dork beats if necessary. E wit is here to get back either soul of the harvest/lead the stampede/genesis wave mainly as if you put it into play with a wave you can get back the wave. You really should never try to wave for anything less than 4+ and 6+ is ideal and should be fairly easy to do by turn 4. Masked admirers allows you to play a more grindy game verse decks.
Upgrades for deck-
you can either take the deck in about 2-3 different ways, go solely for the devotion plan with primeval titan/garruk wildspeaker and can still use the elves or go with land enchantments and just cards like voyaging stayr+arbor elf to gain value off that; go more in tune with the elf combo and pick up craterhoof behemoth, cloudstone curio, maybe garruk, caller of beasts over lead the stampede, nettle sentinel/heritage druid; or go into some crazy fun druid style value deck with Gilt-Leaf Archdruid and still be using most of the same type of cards as the elve combo version but be able to steal all their lands somewhere around turn 3-5 its much easier if you have splash for intruder alarm/beck//call beck replacing soul of the harvest and probably wanting to use summoner's pact. Etc etc its just the shell gives you a lot of wiggle room to mess around with while keeping most of the cards in here for different version of elf combo, mono green devotion, mixture of the two.
Won three off the back of Crusader, 1 game I saved myself with a clinch Bile Blight. Lost two, both pretty badly. The deck is the REAL DEAL.
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
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This will replace the old Extreme Budget Challenge. Thanks to shinbatsu for taking the lead on this one.
So I am a relatively new player to the competitive scene looking to get into Modern rather than Standard and I am liking Orzhov Tokens as the deck that I'd want to build first. My question is, is it worth to go for the Modern Event Deck instead of trying another budget list? Thanks.
Right now in terms of raw value, the Modern Event deck is worth it. It clocks in at about $90 tcgplayer "low", and is the base for a strong BW tokens deck. You can find copies on ebay for around $55 shipped.
Or you can try Zephyr Scarlet's list as well, it's solid. Or just get the Event Deck, and make tweaks based on Zephyr's deck. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions! Welcome to Modern!
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
And repeal might be a better version of into the roil but i really have no idea what the metagame is like right now just assume if its still full of junk that the average thing in their deck is 3cmc or less so repeal has more potential upsides to downsides(outside of tron)
I looked at Sky Hussar as a draw engine before, but the 5 mana casting cost is a bit hefty compared to the tempo and similar damage output of Lyev Skyknight. If I go the control route I'd include 1-2 of this card for sure.
Mistveil Plains is incredible for hawk synergy. I will be procuring one shortly. I'm not really concerned about the nonbo with Moorland Haunt, since it's only a 1 of. Either way I get more value out of the limited creature selection. Due to cost, I may end up having to cut moorland anyway.
Delver of Secrets while boosting the decks power significantly, is a no go. The wife thinks the art is disgusting.
My Metagame has a lot of fast aggro with 2-3 drops doing most of the damage. Repeal vs Roil is arguable on this front, to bounce a 2 drop Repeal is better, a 3 drop Roil is more flexible (can cast for 2 in an emergency) and at the 4 drop and higher Roil is better. Because this deck only runs 23 lands, I choose Roil for it's non scaling casting cost. Either way it's a budget, very limited Cryptic Command, which was it's intended purpose, to have at least 2 of the modes (Dismiss isn't modern legal)
Thanks for the suggestions, and I love your deck submissions so far!
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
***Are you looking for cards priced below TCG NM "LOW" and with FREE SHIPPING? - Click HERE! for my sales thread - 485 Feedback 100% positive!***
Isn't Storm Crow the most famous MTG Bird?
My Theros-M15-Khans-Origins Cube (Trimming)
I'd have to examine the actual tourney list to see, but I think it's possible to budgetize the deck w/o losing too much of the power level. The manabase wouldn't be as fluid, that's for sure. Something to work on this weekend, I'll let you know!
Modern ------------------------- WU Azorius Titan Midrange
Commander ------------------- WUG Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
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Gotta Go Fast!
Basically a modern port of Boss Sligh heroic in standard, what else is there to say?
Slap a turn 1 Foundry street denizen into 2 one drops
Get blown out by pyroclasm then procede to dash mardu scout 4tw
1) Akroan Crusader + Brute Force or Titan's Strength + Monastery Swiftspear + Foundry Street Denizen
2) Lightning Bolt + Dome
1) Goblin Guides: good upgrade for the deck
2) Ash Zealot: first strike + lightning bolt beats goyfs also has a very good grave hate ability
3) Ball Lightning: something to the dome is probably better but... ITS BALL LIGHTNING!
TimeStamp: 4/5/2015
LANDS - 18
18 Mountain
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Akroan Crusader
4 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Goblin Bushwhacker
4 Mardu Scout
4 Ball Lightning
4 Ash Zealot
4 Titan's Strength
4 Brute force
4 Lightning bolt
2 Searing Blaze
4 Rending Volley
4 Shattering Spree
4 Tormod's Crypt
3 Roast
CURVE (1/2/3): 28/12/4
AVERAGE CMC: 1.06666666667
CURRENT COST: $55.97 - $33 without sideboard