Hi there!
First i'll consider Abzan Charm: is versitile, can save you creatures from bolt, can exile and make you some extra draw.
Scooze is for sure solid choise! I love anafenza too and i'm playng 2x, same for tasigur.
3x dismember is too much...think about it; same for hero's downfall.
About elspeth: i'm using new sorin wich is awsome; if you can afford duble W try the khint-errant: she is amaizing!
I'll look into abzan charm. Is there any reason as to why I don't want 3 dismember/hero's downfall? They're sort of replacements for path and deca as removal. I suppose I could choose some better ones, maybe. What would you suggest?
My main concern with ooze is that, if I have an anafenza out, then it won't be able to do as much. suppose it's still good. What do you suggest I take out for the scooze?
About Abzan Charm: help a lot exiling stuff, you can draw 2 extra cards in dead moments, and buff your own creatures if needed. Hero's downfall is nice but a CMC 3 removal is usually good in singleton more than multiple copyes.
About anafenza and scooze: anafenza exile only opponent's greveryard and this mean that you can recycle your own dead creatures! Scooze is nice 2 drop, consider it as replacement of Lions who are really slow.
Elspeth: i live her but 6 lands? Why not knight-errant? Or New Sorin? We play anough creature to use them nicely!
Yeah, I added in suns champion cause I felt like I needed to add something. I admit there's probably better options. Knight errant of Sorin, huh?
How is lion slow? It takes 2 mana to get out a 3/3 (with no babysitting required to get it stronger), and it has an ability that can force removal out of an opponent in some situations. It's not like I expect to actually have that ability resolve in most games. I feel like it serves pretty well as a goyf jr.
For the removal I just wanted could replacements for decay and path till I could buy copies. What would be better? I think dismember is good since it has the phyrexian mana. Maybe I'll use the abzan charms instead of the heroes downfall.
And yes, I would definitely run her rather than Sun's Champion. Although, these are still not exactly "cheap" cards. Cheaper than Tarmo, of course, but still $10-$15. Also, I fell like Elspeth is more about late game board control, where the theme of this deck leans more toward early drops, removal, and early hand destruction.
Some choices are supbar (Lion, Warden), but offers the possibility of gettin' into Abzan Colors without paying a Billion Dollars.
The Deck denies Handdisruption and ramping into Wilt-Leaf Liege for buffing out Creatures along with Combat Tricks.
It's creation is based on a huge GW Cardpool (Manabase, Hatebears, Utility Spells) and expands into a light Black Splash.
Therefore i didn't want to get into Black too far.
Siege RHino is the End-Curve Beater of Choice. Abupt Decay and Zealous Persecution serving as Spot- or Massremoval (Elves, Goblins, Affinity), Persecution
is a beautiful, tiny Combat trick as well.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos is dropping in Price and tends towards 10$ per pop.
I tested Knight of the Reliquary in the same slot before but concluded that Knight is a bit slow.
Brimaz does also work out with Persecution if he sticks on board.
The Mana Base is a work-in-progress.
After testing this for about a week it feels like a good entry point.
The Combo MU is a big problem because this deck is not able to race Combo.
The Maindeck Hatebears help a little bit, but doesn't turn it into a favourable MU.
Don't replace Hierarch, because replacing a Hierarch with a Geist doesn't work out the same. Noble Hierarch had the ability to ramp into a T2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos which is a pretty aggressive start.
W/o Noble this isn't so great.
Inquisition is a great start, but then the deck becomes more midrange.
Yo don't want to rush early but rather control the early game and then drop a Big-Ass Dude killing your opponent.
Tasigur, Angler, Hooting Mandrills are all great here. Tombstalker is great too.
Strangleroot Geist isn't the best right now.
Angler, Tas, Goyf, Knight, Smiter...all kills him.
I have no real Clue what you should aim for...hope you get some more advice here O.o
I tried four Werebear (totally unrelated to hierarch discussion) and two Gurmag Angler along with one Murderous Cut but I guess it's a little antisynergistic.
I tried four Werebear (totally unrelated to hierarch discussion) and two Gurmag Angler along with one Murderous Cut but I guess it's a little antisynergistic.
I would say "very" out of character, seeing how Gurmag, Murderous Cut, Tasiger, etc. all have Delve shenanigans.
I tried four Werebear (totally unrelated to hierarch discussion) and two Gurmag Angler along with one Murderous Cut but I guess it's a little antisynergistic.
I would say "very" out of character, seeing how Gurmag, Murderous Cut, Tasiger, etc. all have Delve shenanigans.
If only they wre modern legal i belive tarmogoyf woud'nt be so expensive guys
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My Decks on Paper: UWR Control/Midrange/Delver UWR Twin Miss you GBWJunk (still semi-budget; 3 tarmo only) GWAura Hexproof GWHatebears
Does anybody have a list that's great for going into a meta consisting mostly of Burn, Affinity, and some Twin and Control variants? I'm new to Junk and want to give it a try.
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"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
Hi. I am looking to getting into some modern tournaments and have already begun modifying my Abzan deck. I am aiming for a "midrangy" build and could use some advise as to what to do next as I have already added several things. Here is the current build:
Maybe cutting a scavenging ooze for an Abrupt Decay. I'm Not to sure on Languish in the deck. I rather also have a maelstrom Pulse in the deck. For Lands. Go down a couple of forests and Plains for Windswept Heath. If you could i would of added Kitchen Finks into the 75 somehow. I would just have Golgari Charm or Zealous Persecution in the Sb not both. The SB usually reflects what the meta you expect to face.
I've been looking for the right thread to ask this question in, and this seems as good as any I've found. I recently started playing Modern with Emeria Control. I enjoy the deck, but I don't see myself continuing purchasing into UW Control or UWR Midrange (no, not even with the GP win!); the game play is just a little bit too slow and reactive for my taste. The Abzan decks look like they play with some of the same concepts I really like about Emeria (value creatures, graveyard resources) while being overall faster, more proactive, and more generally successful decks.
Right now, my Modern staples consist of 4xFlooded Strand, 4xPath to Exile, 2xHallowed Fountain, 2xStony Silence, 1xAbbot of Keral Keep, and 1xBloodstained Mire.
Basically, I want to start buying into Abzan. I have a deck to play Modern with, so I'm willing to wait a while before having a playable deck, but I still need some help knowing what to prioritize buying both to a) be able to play the deck within the next 3-6 months and b) to make the soundest card investments. All that I really know is that I should probably pick up a play set of Thoughtseize and Windswept Heath due to the fresh rotation and recent reprint. I've also read that Noble Hierarch is at a recent low, but I have no idea why. What Khans fetches should I run in place of Verdant Catacombs, which I plan on purchasing when they're reprinted? I know that it's all speculation, but are there any other staples that are unlikely to be reprinted anytime soon?
Hey guys, looking to start investing in some staples, and I think a land-base is the first step for me. I'm planning on picking up some KTK fetches, and am interested in trying out Abzan. I have a playset of Gideon that I opened; is he any good in Midrange Abzan?
Hey guys, looking to start investing in some staples, and I think a land-base is the first step for me. I'm planning on picking up some KTK fetches, and am interested in trying out Abzan. I have a playset of Gideon that I opened; is he any good in Midrange Abzan?
gideon is seeing more and more play lately but definitely 1-2 of.
you could trade 2 of them for other stuff. there are a LOT of different ways you could take abzan so you have a lot of breathing room. problem is depending on your lgs and meta you could get blown out of the water.
so depending on your meta it could be decent
i love building junk in general because there are sooooo many routes a person could take that the number of deck possibilities are endless.
with the last couple of sets that have been released there have been some good new additions for cheap.
I am thinking of building a slightly less budget version of Abzan. I plan to pick up goyfs, Lili's, and a few pieces of the manabase for Junk gradually.
I play solely online, so the SB I have applies to that metagame. I wanted to see if anyone could provide some suggestions or feedback on the deck I have posted below. My budget is about 240 tx.
Yeah, I added in suns champion cause I felt like I needed to add something. I admit there's probably better options. Knight errant of Sorin, huh?
How is lion slow? It takes 2 mana to get out a 3/3 (with no babysitting required to get it stronger), and it has an ability that can force removal out of an opponent in some situations. It's not like I expect to actually have that ability resolve in most games. I feel like it serves pretty well as a goyf jr.
For the removal I just wanted could replacements for decay and path till I could buy copies. What would be better? I think dismember is good since it has the phyrexian mana. Maybe I'll use the abzan charms instead of the heroes downfall.
tryin' to build up Abzan.
Is it possible to run Off-Color Fetchlands?
I got all Khan's Fetches, so i'd like to run 4 Heath, 2 Mire and 2 Foothills.
Green @ it's best
You could to fetch some of the dual lands, but I'm not sure why you would unless you are wanting to run 4C.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
And yes, I would definitely run her rather than Sun's Champion. Although, these are still not exactly "cheap" cards. Cheaper than Tarmo, of course, but still $10-$15. Also, I fell like Elspeth is more about late game board control, where the theme of this deck leans more toward early drops, removal, and early hand destruction.
It's basing on some Zoo, BW Token and Hatebear Core-Cards and adds the fabolous Siege Rhino
for a real midrange Beater.
4 Windswept Heath
3 Temple Garden
2 Godless Shrine
2 Overgrown Tomb
2 Forest
2 Plains
1 Stirring Wildwood
1 Gavony Township
22 Lands
4 Noble Hierarch
1 Warden of the First Tree
3 Scavenging Ooze
2 Qasali Pridemage
1 Voice of Resurgence
1 Fleecemane lion
16 1- and 2-CC Creatures
3 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
4 Loxodon Smiter
4 Siege RHino
11 Big-Buff-Beaters
2 Zealous Persecution
4 Path to Exile
2 Dromoka's Command
1 Maelstrom Pulse
11 Removal & Utility
Some choices are supbar (Lion, Warden), but offers the possibility of gettin' into Abzan Colors without paying a Billion Dollars.
The Deck denies Handdisruption and ramping into Wilt-Leaf Liege for buffing out Creatures along with Combat Tricks.
It's creation is based on a huge GW Cardpool (Manabase, Hatebears, Utility Spells) and expands into a light Black Splash.
Therefore i didn't want to get into Black too far.
Siege RHino is the End-Curve Beater of Choice.
Abupt Decay and Zealous Persecution serving as Spot- or Massremoval (Elves, Goblins, Affinity), Persecution
is a beautiful, tiny Combat trick as well.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos is dropping in Price and tends towards 10$ per pop.
I tested Knight of the Reliquary in the same slot before but concluded that Knight is a bit slow.
Brimaz does also work out with Persecution if he sticks on board.
The Mana Base is a work-in-progress.
After testing this for about a week it feels like a good entry point.
The Combo MU is a big problem because this deck is not able to race Combo.
The Maindeck Hatebears help a little bit, but doesn't turn it into a favourable MU.
Green @ it's best
Before you ask further:
Birds of Paradise are far more worse and has no place here.
If you can't afford Hierarch try to be more aggressive or more disruptive.
Green @ it's best
Then maybe it is better to run extra 4 removal / discard spells or 4 Strangleroot Geist in its place?
Don't replace Hierarch, because replacing a Hierarch with a Geist doesn't work out the same.
Noble Hierarch had the ability to ramp into a T2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos which is a pretty aggressive start.
W/o Noble this isn't so great.
Inquisition is a great start, but then the deck becomes more midrange.
Yo don't want to rush early but rather control the early game and then drop a Big-Ass Dude killing your opponent.
Tasigur, Angler, Hooting Mandrills are all great here. Tombstalker is great too.
Strangleroot Geist isn't the best right now.
Angler, Tas, Goyf, Knight, Smiter...all kills him.
I have no real Clue what you should aim for...hope you get some more advice here O.o
Green @ it's best
I would say "very" out of character, seeing how Gurmag, Murderous Cut, Tasiger, etc. all have Delve shenanigans.
If only they wre modern legal i belive tarmogoyf woud'nt be so expensive guys
UWR Control/Midrange/Delver
UWR TwinMiss youGBWJunk (still semi-budget; 3 tarmo only)
GWAura Hexproof
I don't think the Tarmo gravy train is going anywhere. Delve or no Delve. They can have my kidneys, and I will gladly take my playset of Tarmos
03 Scavenging Ooze
03 Qasali Pridemage
02 Courser of Kruphix
03 Wilt-Leaf Liege
04 Siege Rhino
04 Path to Exile
02 Dismember
02 Languish
Hand Disruption=06
03 Inquisition of Kozilek
03 Thoughtseize
03 Lingering Souls
02 Abrupt Decay
02 Abzan Charm
02 Gavony Township
02 Godless Shrine
03 Overgrown Tomb
02 Stirring Wildwood
02 Temple Garden
05 Plains
02 Swamp
05 Forest
01 Erase
01 Oblivion Ring
01 Go for the Throat
02 Drown in Sorrow
01 Black Sun's Zenith
02 Stony Silence
02 Zealous Persecution
02 Golgari Charm
01 Feed the Clan
01 Relic of Progenitus
I realize I probably need probably another copy of Abrupt Decay? and for the mana base 3-4 Windswept Heath? Also am uncertain about the board. Thanks!
Right now, my Modern staples consist of 4xFlooded Strand, 4xPath to Exile, 2xHallowed Fountain, 2xStony Silence, 1xAbbot of Keral Keep, and 1xBloodstained Mire.
Basically, I want to start buying into Abzan. I have a deck to play Modern with, so I'm willing to wait a while before having a playable deck, but I still need some help knowing what to prioritize buying both to a) be able to play the deck within the next 3-6 months and b) to make the soundest card investments. All that I really know is that I should probably pick up a play set of Thoughtseize and Windswept Heath due to the fresh rotation and recent reprint. I've also read that Noble Hierarch is at a recent low, but I have no idea why. What Khans fetches should I run in place of Verdant Catacombs, which I plan on purchasing when they're reprinted? I know that it's all speculation, but are there any other staples that are unlikely to be reprinted anytime soon?
gideon is seeing more and more play lately but definitely 1-2 of.
you could trade 2 of them for other stuff. there are a LOT of different ways you could take abzan so you have a lot of breathing room. problem is depending on your lgs and meta you could get blown out of the water.
so depending on your meta it could be decent
i love building junk in general because there are sooooo many routes a person could take that the number of deck possibilities are endless.
with the last couple of sets that have been released there have been some good new additions for cheap.
Thanks you very much DarkNightCavalier for the Sig.
I am thinking of building a slightly less budget version of Abzan. I plan to pick up goyfs, Lili's, and a few pieces of the manabase for Junk gradually.
I play solely online, so the SB I have applies to that metagame. I wanted to see if anyone could provide some suggestions or feedback on the deck I have posted below. My budget is about 240 tx.
4 Scavenging Ooze
2 Courser of Kruphix
4 Siege Rhino
2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
2 Path to Exile
3 Thoughtseize
3 Abrupt Decay
2 Abzan Charm
2 Hero's Downfall
3 Lingering Souls
1 Maelstrom Pulse
1 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Caves of Koilos
2 Forest
2 Godless Shrine
1 Llanowar Wastes
3 Overgrown Tomb
1 Plains
1 Stirring Wildwood
1 Sunpetal Grove
3 Swamp
2 Temple Garden
4 Windswept Heath
2 Woodland Cemetery
2 Path to Exile
2 Surgical Extraction
2 Feed the Clan
1 Qasali Pridemage
2 Spellskite
2 Stony Silence
2 Rain of Tears
2 Wrath of God