If you start Soccer today, would you begin in the Premier League?
No, you have to start up from scratch. It's important to make a budgetwise decision and stick to it.
If you're talking about ownership, you do if you have the money to do it.
If you start Soccer today, would you begin in the Premier League?
No, you have to start up from scratch. It's important to make a budgetwise decision and stick to it.
If you're talking about ownership, you do if you have the money to do it.
If you haven't got teh money to buy yourself a pair of soccer shoes, a shirt and a couple of sport shorts you cannot kick the ball, do you?
Buying cheap clothes and shoes bears the risk of being inferior quality e.g. tearing apart, breaking,...
Likewise is Magic.
Less money investment results in less quality Cards.
there's nothing wrong about that, it's just that someone has to be aware of this fact.
If you haven't got teh money to buy yourself a pair of soccer shoes, a shirt and a couple of sport shorts you cannot kick the ball, do you?
Buying cheap clothes and shoes bears the risk of being inferior quality e.g. tearing apart, breaking,...
This is a complete side trek but shows a deep lack of knowledge on how players are born in south america or africa.
Anyway, yes, Magic is largely pay-to-win. I agree on that.
there has been plenty of Underdog Decks in Magics history which performed quite well.
I also saw a lot of Players with super-expensive decks struggling to pilot ther 60's to a win, because they just picked up the most expensive stuff, netdecked and thought they'd outperform anybody.
Nevertheless, the investment into the more expensive Cards is always a tradeoff.
I got an easy example for you, regarding myself:
Recently i bought into a Playset of Inquisiton of Kozilek, therefore i never played it before.
I've never played any kind of Midrange- or Discard-Deck and therefore made huge mistakes playing those Cards.
Noone will deny that IoK is a great Card.
But the truth is, that someone has to learn how to play it and evaluate different kinds of situations with other playlines.
I started from scratch too with a Mono Red Deck in Modern, maybe it was around $150 at the time.
Even if i did a ton of mistakes, i was able to outperform UWR Control (around $1500 at this time).
Good Cards are by no means auto-wins and even cheap cards doesn't mean a lot of auto-losses
So with so many budget land options, is their an optimum build for them? Excluding Fetchlands and Shocks what's the best two color land bases we could make with our many options available to us? Both Enemy and Allied colors? I think have some sort of optimized, sub optimal land base shells could really help newer players make the jump into modern. Check Lands Pain Lands Fast Lands Man Lands Rainbow Lands Scry Lands Tango Lands Shadow Lands
So with so many budget land options, is their an optimum build for them? Excluding Fetchlands and Shocks what's the best two color land bases we could make with our many options available to us? Both Enemy and Allied colors? I think have some sort of optimized, sub optimal land base shells could really help newer players make the jump into modern. Check Lands Pain Lands Fast Lands Man Lands Rainbow Lands Scry Lands Tango Lands Shadow Lands
I like Tango Lands with Check Lands. The Tangos have the card type checked by the Check Lands so that is a positive synergy. Also, If you ever buy the Fetch Lands then you can fetch the Tango Lands which is a nice little bonus.
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The following link is an invitation to join Pucatrade (card trading service though similar to TCGPLayer). If you follow the link then it awards me with tokens to exchange for actual cards. Thanks! https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/86097
Would Ancient Ziggurat be an OK replacement for Cavern of Souls in Bant Eldrazi (since we only have 8 spells?). I am working my way up to CoS (probably start with 1), and looking for filler. Ethan Miles used Corrupted Crossroads in his deck, but Ziggurats could be used to pay for nobles and birds.
Would Ancient Ziggurat be an OK replacement for Cavern of Souls in Bant Eldrazi (since we only have 8 spells?). I am working my way up to CoS (probably start with 1), and looking for filler. Ethan Miles used Corrupted Crossroads in his deck, but Ziggurats could be used to pay for nobles and birds.
I'm too noob to know
Ancient Ziggurat is a land that doesn't tap for mana at all for non-creatures. That could be a serious liability if you draw too many. It increases variance in a negative way. Corrupted Crossroads is the closest to Cavern because it can still tap for mana when not casting a creature. A step beyond that would put you in Mana Confluence/City of Brass territory but that just depends on the needs of your deck.
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The following link is an invitation to join Pucatrade (card trading service though similar to TCGPLayer). If you follow the link then it awards me with tokens to exchange for actual cards. Thanks! https://pucatrade.com/invite/gift/86097
there has been plenty of Underdog Decks in Magics history which performed quite well.
I also saw a lot of Players with super-expensive decks struggling to pilot ther 60's to a win, because they just picked up the most expensive stuff, netdecked and thought they'd outperform anybody.
Nevertheless, the investment into the more expensive Cards is always a tradeoff.
I got an easy example for you, regarding myself:
Recently i bought into a Playset of Inquisiton of Kozilek, therefore i never played it before.
I've never played any kind of Midrange- or Discard-Deck and therefore made huge mistakes playing those Cards.
Noone will deny that IoK is a great Card.
But the truth is, that someone has to learn how to play it and evaluate different kinds of situations with other playlines.
I started from scratch too with a Mono Red Deck in Modern, maybe it was around $150 at the time.
Even if i did a ton of mistakes, i was able to outperform UWR Control (around $1500 at this time).
Good Cards are by no means auto-wins and even cheap cards doesn't mean a lot of auto-losses
Yes, but that was before Wizards started nailing things down with how they want to handle standard and refuse to print cards on the same power level that they used to in large quantities. Case in point, we will never see another Mirrodin block on power level... ever...
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1. (Ravnica Allegiance): You can't keep a good esper control deck down... Or Wilderness Reclamation... or Gates...
2. (War of the Spark): Guys, I know what we need! We need a cycle of really idiotic flavor text victory cards! Jace's Triumph...
3. (War of the Spark): Lets make the format with control have even more control!
So I have a full bant eldrazi deck but I am using Corrupted Crossroads instead of Cavern of Souls and Birds of Paradise instead of the Noble Hierarch. I can buy a playset of one of them but I am not sure which one is most important. On one hand I think it might be good to get the Caverns because I don't see them ever going down without a reprint but on the other hand the exatled trigger is amazing on hierarch. Please help! Thank you!
So I have a full bant eldrazi deck but I am using Corrupted Crossroads instead of Cavern of Souls and Birds of Paradise instead of the Noble Hierarch. I can buy a playset of one of them but I am not sure which one is most important. On one hand I think it might be good to get the Caverns because I don't see them ever going down without a reprint but on the other hand the exatled trigger is amazing on hierarch. Please help! Thank you!
it really depends. if your lgs meta is full of counterspells then get the caverns. if not, i think hierarch would do. personally i would go for hierarch tho!
I have been using two Mockery of Nature as a budget replacement for Worldbreaker. It can't get rid of lands and no self revival ability, but MoN has been useful enough to get rid of things that I like to get rid of in my meta..
For example, sac tokens of Drowner of Hope to tap 2 opponent blockers. Then sac drowner to MoN to destroy a Worship.
unsubstantiate as a budget remand you don't get to draw a card but you essentially can counter uncountable things a gives you the bounce factor if you had to tap out for something on tour turn
There are 3 'replacements' for Bob: Pain Seer, Blood Scrivener, Asylum Visitor. These are creatures with the exact same casting cost and *roughly* the same P/T. Phyrexian Arena is a good card but takes card advantage in a different direction. It can be used in situations where Bob would be a death wish, like with a bunch of high-CMC cards in the deck.
Seer has the exact same ability as Bob, but you need a way to tap it turn after turn. Barring some cute free 'tap outlet' that means attacking, and a 2/2 is not going to fare well against pretty much any deck. If you're able to consistently get a 2/2 without any sort of evasion to survive combat, you're probably ahead of your opponent, and the extra cards are just gravy. If you're staring down a ton of elves or two 4/5 Goyfs, Seer is useless. When it works, the ability gets around card-draw restrictions (Spirit of the Labyrinth) but restricts you to lower-CMC cards.
Scrivener's ability is conditional on your hand size, so in order to take advantage of it consistently you can't be holding back cards. This rules out Scrivener for control decks or midrange decks which want to hold onto a few 'answers' most of the time. If you have a land in hand and keep drawing extras, Scrivener is useless. Scrivener does hurt less than Seer and doesn't have to suicidally fling itself into combat in order to work. Being a zombie pushes it towards a fast zombie tribal deck, where at least it's another body to be buffed by lords or used with things that care about creature type.
Visitor is the new hotness on the block and IMO the closest Wizards has come to printing an I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Bob. Same CMC, one more power (actually hurts when it connects!) and its ability has twice the chance to trigger. Once the excitement wears off, you'll realize that drawing a land on your opponents upkeep also screws you during yours. Like Scrivener, it's pushed towards a tribal strategy, a fairly specific one with the inclusion of Madness. Not that some sort of Madness Vamps build wouldn't be entertaining, what with Bloodghast and Necrogen Mists and Faithless Looting...
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GW Hatebears more like HateBROS BWR THE ARISTAHCRATZ!
Jötun Grunt as "replacement" for Scavenging Ooze? It's upside is his stats and you can use it to get yourself cards back, which is actually the biggest downside: While it shrinks the graveyard, it also gets them value back in their deck
Dunno, I think you could play it in a mono white deck.
If you're talking about ownership, you do if you have the money to do it.
If you haven't got teh money to buy yourself a pair of soccer shoes, a shirt and a couple of sport shorts you cannot kick the ball, do you?
Buying cheap clothes and shoes bears the risk of being inferior quality e.g. tearing apart, breaking,...
Likewise is Magic.
Less money investment results in less quality Cards.
there's nothing wrong about that, it's just that someone has to be aware of this fact.
Green @ it's best
This is a complete side trek but shows a deep lack of knowledge on how players are born in south america or africa.
Anyway, yes, Magic is largely pay-to-win. I agree on that.
there has been plenty of Underdog Decks in Magics history which performed quite well.
I also saw a lot of Players with super-expensive decks struggling to pilot ther 60's to a win, because they just picked up the most expensive stuff, netdecked and thought they'd outperform anybody.
Nevertheless, the investment into the more expensive Cards is always a tradeoff.
I got an easy example for you, regarding myself:
Recently i bought into a Playset of Inquisiton of Kozilek, therefore i never played it before.
I've never played any kind of Midrange- or Discard-Deck and therefore made huge mistakes playing those Cards.
Noone will deny that IoK is a great Card.
But the truth is, that someone has to learn how to play it and evaluate different kinds of situations with other playlines.
I started from scratch too with a Mono Red Deck in Modern, maybe it was around $150 at the time.
Even if i did a ton of mistakes, i was able to outperform UWR Control (around $1500 at this time).
Good Cards are by no means auto-wins and even cheap cards doesn't mean a lot of auto-losses
Green @ it's best
Check Lands
Pain Lands
Fast Lands
Man Lands
Rainbow Lands
Scry Lands
Tango Lands
Shadow Lands
Reid Duke's Level One
Who's the Beatdown
I like Tango Lands with Check Lands. The Tangos have the card type checked by the Check Lands so that is a positive synergy. Also, If you ever buy the Fetch Lands then you can fetch the Tango Lands which is a nice little bonus.
I'm too noob to know
Ancient Ziggurat is a land that doesn't tap for mana at all for non-creatures. That could be a serious liability if you draw too many. It increases variance in a negative way. Corrupted Crossroads is the closest to Cavern because it can still tap for mana when not casting a creature. A step beyond that would put you in Mana Confluence/City of Brass territory but that just depends on the needs of your deck.
Yes, but that was before Wizards started nailing things down with how they want to handle standard and refuse to print cards on the same power level that they used to in large quantities. Case in point, we will never see another Mirrodin block on power level... ever...
1. (Ravnica Allegiance): You can't keep a good esper control deck down... Or Wilderness Reclamation... or Gates...
2. (War of the Spark): Guys, I know what we need! We need a cycle of really idiotic flavor text victory cards! Jace's Triumph...
3. (War of the Spark): Lets make the format with control have even more control!
it really depends. if your lgs meta is full of counterspells then get the caverns. if not, i think hierarch would do. personally i would go for hierarch tho!
For example, sac tokens of Drowner of Hope to tap 2 opponent blockers. Then sac drowner to MoN to destroy a Worship.
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Want to play a UW control deck in modern, but don't have jace or snaps?
Please come visit us at the Emeria Titan control thread
Although personally, I must say I HIGHLY recommend pain seer
Seer has the exact same ability as Bob, but you need a way to tap it turn after turn. Barring some cute free 'tap outlet' that means attacking, and a 2/2 is not going to fare well against pretty much any deck. If you're able to consistently get a 2/2 without any sort of evasion to survive combat, you're probably ahead of your opponent, and the extra cards are just gravy. If you're staring down a ton of elves or two 4/5 Goyfs, Seer is useless. When it works, the ability gets around card-draw restrictions (Spirit of the Labyrinth) but restricts you to lower-CMC cards.
Scrivener's ability is conditional on your hand size, so in order to take advantage of it consistently you can't be holding back cards. This rules out Scrivener for control decks or midrange decks which want to hold onto a few 'answers' most of the time. If you have a land in hand and keep drawing extras, Scrivener is useless. Scrivener does hurt less than Seer and doesn't have to suicidally fling itself into combat in order to work. Being a zombie pushes it towards a fast zombie tribal deck, where at least it's another body to be buffed by lords or used with things that care about creature type.
Visitor is the new hotness on the block and IMO the closest Wizards has come to printing an I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Bob. Same CMC, one more power (actually hurts when it connects!) and its ability has twice the chance to trigger. Once the excitement wears off, you'll realize that drawing a land on your opponents upkeep also screws you during yours. Like Scrivener, it's pushed towards a tribal strategy, a fairly specific one with the inclusion of Madness. Not that some sort of Madness Vamps build wouldn't be entertaining, what with Bloodghast and Necrogen Mists and Faithless Looting...
Dunno, I think you could play it in a mono white deck.
UWRWorking on: Pyromancer AscensionUR