If you're creature heavy, Domri Rade is a good replacement. He can draw you cards if you have enough creatures in your deck and operate as pseudo-removal with his -2.
Abbot of Keral Keep bears some snapcaster mage similarities, having nice tempo play, potential card advantage if you have extra mana open only for that turn, 2/1 base stats. It doesn't serve the same recursive purposes, but it does serve similar card advantage and tempo purposes. It can also potentially smooth out land drops early on occasionally.
I think the Abbot makes a better Bob impression than Snapcaster Mage; it's certainly not as good, but it basically reads "When this creature enters the battlefield, draw a card" with a fairly decent ability tacked on.
Sadly, my deck is not creature heavy at all so Domri won't work. Although, I was looking at Liliana, Heretical Healer a little bit ago and was wondering if she would make a decent replacement for Liliana of the Veil. She costs 3 mana, +2 says each player discards a card, -X is pretty sweet in my Jund deck considering besides my 1 Tasigur no creatures in the deck costs more than 4 mana. What do you guys think?
Just something to add to the op, I've been using Silumgar Sorcerer as a replacement for snap caster in my U/R Delver, works great with a young pyro out.
Here's something I thought of. For Liliana of the Veil budget options, why not Liliana, Heretical Healer? Same cost in mana, you get a 2/3 with lifelink, and her trigger is easy enough to get.
Here's something I thought of. For Liliana of the Veil budget options, why not Liliana, Heretical Healer? Same cost in mana, you get a 2/3 with lifelink, and her trigger is easy enough to get.
I think her sacrifice ability is the main resason people use her. Fleshbag Marauder is probably better.
Best replacement for Goyf in Jund? I have 3 Courser of Kruphix in there now but I am unimpressed by him. What about using Stormblood Berserker Quirion Druid or Vinelasher Kudzu?
Best replacement for Goyf in Jund? I have 3 Courser of Kruphix in there now but I am unimpressed by him. What about using Stormblood Berserker Quirion Druid or Vinelasher Kudzu?
Thats a tough call... You basically need a 2 mana creature that deals a LOT of damage and scales in size over time to remain relevent in the late game. Goyf is basically the only creature that does the latter effectively sooo to replace him you basically just need a solid 2 mana creature. what about Strangleroot Geist? I would recommend Scavenging Ooze but I'm assuming you're already running him. If not he's your guy! Abbot of Keral Keep might work too.
How about either Rakshasa Deathdealer or Putrid Leech?
I personally would go with deathdealer. He is an alright body in the early game, but late game (where jund wants to be) he is an amazing mana sink.
Best replacement for Goyf in Jund? I have 3 Courser of Kruphix in there now but I am unimpressed by him. What about using Stormblood Berserker Quirion Druid or Vinelasher Kudzu?
You will have to trade of something.You just will not be able to find a functional replacement. Some options are to either you go for speed / undying , with something like Strangleroot Geist, or you go slow and drop Thrun, the Last Troll on the board.
Going for Quirion Dryad or Vinelasher Kudzu will require you to heavily build around them to get the biggest effect out of them.
Awakening Zone is an interesting substitute for Bitterblossom. While the tokens are just 0/1, they A) have no color, B) can be sacked for a colorless mana, and C) give you the dude without taking your life or forcing them to attack.
Also, the Zone is much cheaper than Bitterblossom money wise
savage knuckleblade Is a great tarmo in rug lists. Your already running 4 hooters, so you want to rely on the grave yard as little as possible on games 2-3. And he steals the late game, and can sneak attack for 4 mana.
I think that brutal expulsion is a good budget card for Cryptic command in the same way Venser is or remand even though it's more expensive as a tempo bounce for the spell.
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MTG Junky... First packs being a starter of each 4th Edition and Ice Age. Good Grief, I've been playing since 1995? Where does the time go!
Quote from Xcric »
this is mtgs, where occam's razor is so blunt it can't cut jello any more.
I think the Abbot makes a better Bob impression than Snapcaster Mage; it's certainly not as good, but it basically reads "When this creature enters the battlefield, draw a card" with a fairly decent ability tacked on.
GW Emeria Titan
WB Tokens
GMono-Green Devotion Idea
RGU Temur Elementals
BUG Midrange
I think her sacrifice ability is the main resason people use her. Fleshbag Marauder is probably better.
BChainer, Dementia Master(Big Mana/Reanimator)
BRRakdos, The Showstopper (Mass Life Loss/Ramp)
BUThe Scarab God (Zombie Tribal/Control)
BWKarlov of the Ghost Council (Life Gain)
BGJarad, Golgari Lich Lord (Stompy/Dredge)
BRGProssh, Skyraider of Kher (Tokens/Non-infinite Combo)
Thats a tough call... You basically need a 2 mana creature that deals a LOT of damage and scales in size over time to remain relevent in the late game. Goyf is basically the only creature that does the latter effectively sooo to replace him you basically just need a solid 2 mana creature. what about Strangleroot Geist? I would recommend Scavenging Ooze but I'm assuming you're already running him. If not he's your guy! Abbot of Keral Keep might work too.
BChainer, Dementia Master(Big Mana/Reanimator)
BRRakdos, The Showstopper (Mass Life Loss/Ramp)
BUThe Scarab God (Zombie Tribal/Control)
BWKarlov of the Ghost Council (Life Gain)
BGJarad, Golgari Lich Lord (Stompy/Dredge)
BRGProssh, Skyraider of Kher (Tokens/Non-infinite Combo)
I personally would go with deathdealer. He is an alright body in the early game, but late game (where jund wants to be) he is an amazing mana sink.
RGW Naya Company
RWB Mardu Control
You will have to trade of something.You just will not be able to find a functional replacement. Some options are to either you go for speed / undying , with something like Strangleroot Geist, or you go slow and drop Thrun, the Last Troll on the board.
Going for Quirion Dryad or Vinelasher Kudzu will require you to heavily build around them to get the biggest effect out of them.
Oh if Terravore was modern legal!
Also, the Zone is much cheaper than Bitterblossom money wise
These are my ideas, anyway, y'all can hash it down to best of show.
BChainer, Dementia Master(Big Mana/Reanimator)
BRRakdos, The Showstopper (Mass Life Loss/Ramp)
BUThe Scarab God (Zombie Tribal/Control)
BWKarlov of the Ghost Council (Life Gain)
BGJarad, Golgari Lich Lord (Stompy/Dredge)
BRGProssh, Skyraider of Kher (Tokens/Non-infinite Combo)
the best is wall of roots roots is better 99% of the time anyways
Sorry, have not read all pages of the thread. Not sure if it has been suggested already..
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