Wow, didnt realize that the deck would be so cheap on mtgo. I might throw together thay $17 list so i have an actual deck to play on mtgo. Petty much only used it for drafting until now and i could probably dump my draft picks for enough tix
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Legacy : WUGBBant DeathbladeBGUW
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
Hey guys, this isn't directly related to the deck itself, but playing the deck on MTGO. When you have multiple Rage Forger triggers, is there a way to set them all to target the opponent and set them all to yes for " do you want ot activate this ability" instead of having to click on stuff like 20 times per combat phase? Sorry if this is too off topic for the thread.
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Legacy : WUGBBant DeathbladeBGUW
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
Yep, same conclusions I came to Pizzap. Alot of shamans, none playbe. Which is saying alot, because the shamans deck is willing to play subpar creatures, that become above the curve because our shaman support.
Harden scales is the only card I could find that did something, but not enough, as it needs to be on a body for us (which would be sick...)
All the outlast stuff wasn't right for us either. There was one that gave trample in green, but it was 4 cmc, and we couldnt lower it because it wasnt a shaman.
I was hoping with outlast being a thing, we might find a good one in green, or at least some support, maybe even a reason to dip into black or white main deck to justify a splash for the sideboard tech, but alas, still nothing.
Alright, so this looks a little crazy, because it is. I'll gladdly admit the lightning crafter is experimental, but I'm testing it. With vial, 2 mutas, and 3 caverns, it actually might be an alright risk. If I don't use that there, I want a top ender at 4 cmc still, most likely thrun. Something that ends the game on its own. Suggestions?
I cut the Eternal witness, not because I didnt like it, but because I really needed a reclemation sage in the main board. It does exactly what this deck needs to do. I'm all in on tutor because I think the deck needs it. Most of the time, I'm getting rage forger, but it helps to be able to grab side answers.
I really would love to cut the 6 bolts for some way to give my creatures evasion. So I can be all in, on rush attacks. It may not look like it, but with 12 2 cmc ways to rush, this version gets really stupid really quick, and feels like a rush-tribal deck, exactly what I want it to be. But I wonder if I should be doing things like searing blood and blaze instead.
I cant bring myself to cut down on wolfskulls, that card is so good when half the deck triggers it. It really pushes that rush approche.
I'm trying to not treat the deck like a sligh deck, but more all in. I think thats where the deck can shine more.
wondering what you guys think about a more aggro Shaman list that uses 1 of Cytoplast Root-Kin? Seems awesome paired with rage forger. Probably will post a list soon, I'm really into this deck and its so damn cheap!
I can't believe I never thought of using the Root-Kin, I even have a set of them in a casual Graft deck I play! That's a cool idea. Also of note, is that it allows you to put counters on creatures that you play after the Rage-Forger (via Graft).
Pizzap, what makes you favor the Fulminator Mage over Goblin Ruinblaster? Is it simply that the Fulminator is an elemental? The lower cmc (including kicker)?
What do you guys think about Manamorphose? I'm using it in my current list. It makes me feel like I'm playing with a 56-cards deck, which is a nice advantage, although it can fail sometimes (like when I draw a land but I'm in need of something else, for example) and maybe it's occupying slots better used by other shamans/spells.
I'm not using Fauna Shamans due to budget reasons, and there aren't Reclamation Sages yet because I still have to buy my playset...
Anyway, I'm open for suggestions, so constructive criticism is very welcome. Thanks! And thank you a lot, pizzap, for this (and the other, older) thread; I couldn't believe how cheap it was to assemble my first rough draft of a Shaman deck at my LGS, and now I can say I have a good Modern deck without spending thousands of Brazilian Reais into it!
Pizzap, thank you for this thread. My girlfriend got into magic and loves to play but so far every deck type I've shown her or built for her didn't really "click." she didn't like them. She's always wanted a tribal deck that can be competitive with a way to get damage through even if there's a big nasty blocker on the field. I scratched my head at that one, unable to find a proper deck for her, and then I came across this thread. It's exactly what she's been looking for and she's fallen in love with the shaman deck. She's even able to get good results with them.
As she looked at the cards for the first time she stopped at rage forger, smiled, and said "This is the kind of effect I've been looking for!" Lol.
What do you guys think about Skinshifter, I know it is in the primer in the 2-drop section already, but it seems like most lists aren't running it. I have been trying it online in the casual play tournament practice room and I think that I like it better than wolf-skull shaman. I guess the main reason not to run it is because that one mana can be another creature if you have Bosk in play, but I think the versatility he provides is worth it.
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Legacy : WUGBBant DeathbladeBGUW
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
I finally was able to assemble a decent sideboard and take the following build to my local FNM. I based it off of a build I played back when Lorwyn block was new, and used this primer to fill in the gaps and update myself on the meta a little bit.
It was great fun, but I definitely need to make some changes based on the meta. I went 0-2-2, although I think both draws would have been wins if we had been able to finish the games. The big changes I am going to make are main decking the other two Burning-Tree Shamans, and main deck two more Burning-Tree Emissaries. I am probably going to either get rid of the Leaf-Crowned Elders entirely, or put one or two in the sideboard. I should main board more Essence Wardens also. Unfortunately I do not know many people in the area that play, so my play-testing is relatively limited aside from just going to FNM and seeing how it rolls.
The meta in my area seems to be very heavy on Twin decks, Tron, and the Valakut combo decks. Of course, there were a couple URW Control decks floating around too. Apropos of that, I am debating about main decking the Blood Moons since every match I ended up boarding them in. I am working on procuring Cavern of Souls, as that would be really helpful to avoid the mana leaks and rebounds. For the sideboard I think a second Guttural Response is warranted. I have even debated on a second Thrun or maybe a Troll Ascetic.
I would appreciate any and all feedback. I agree that there is not really anything in Khans worth adding to the deck. I have also considered tossing in a couple reflecting pools or mutavaults, but have not committed to that yet.
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Current Decks:
Standard: Abzan Control; Mardu Dragons
Modern: Zoo
Legacy: The Gate
Took this deck to a SCG invitational qualifier and went undefeated. The list is almost done, i'm only missing one cavern of souls, maybe fauna shamans and blood moons for the SB. My matchups were mostly favorable and I lucked out in many a game, but the deck can sure be powerful. Matches in order: Naya Zoo (2-0), UW control (2-1), Melira Pod (2-1), Ad nauseam (2-0, I was really lucky here). Cut to top 8, Enduring Ideal (2-0) and then top 4 split.
ALthough the core of the deck is strong, it was in the end the utility creatures that gave me the last bit of reach. Troll ascetic was great against control, to the point where that my opp used a terminus only on him after he had done around 7 damage. E witness also shined, winning me a game by flashing a bolt back, and reclamation sage was so good: one ate a phyrexian unlife and the other one a worship after an enduring ideal, both resulting in me winning. I think these are the cards that set us apart from any dumb aggro deck. The tribal theme and rage forger are so strong that we can afford to use creatures with great utility and still get value out of their most of the time mediocre bodies.
Picked up the cheaper side of the deck, and played around online with it tonight, ton of fun. When it goes off, it goes off, but it seems dramatically more at risk to board wipes than other aggro decks, is that an accurate feeling?
The Burning Tree Shaman helps a lot for surviving damage based sweepers like pyroclasm. Lead the Stampede and Commune with Nature can help with recovery.
On another note, what does everyone find preferable for artifact/enchantment hate not attached to creature (e.g. Reclamation Sage)? Destructive Revelry is versatile and deals damage, but the ability to get a two for one out of Ancient Grudge is nice also. I'm torn on side boarding one of each or two of one. I think two Reclamation Sages just makes sense no matter what.
I like the 2010 lands. With fetches they pretty much always function as a Taiga. I don't love the pain lands, but I think Fire-Lit Thicket would be decent. Aside from Cavern of Souls and the fetches I feel like the other non basics just add unnecessary complications to the mana base.
Actually grove of the burnwillows might be the best option. Yeah, it gives opponent a land, but it comes in untapped and doesn't require anything else to work.
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
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But when deathrite was legal, an i played it in jund colors, i played namless inversion too. Let me tutor a removal/ pumpspell.
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
Harden scales is the only card I could find that did something, but not enough, as it needs to be on a body for us (which would be sick...)
All the outlast stuff wasn't right for us either. There was one that gave trample in green, but it was 4 cmc, and we couldnt lower it because it wasnt a shaman.
I was hoping with outlast being a thing, we might find a good one in green, or at least some support, maybe even a reason to dip into black or white main deck to justify a splash for the sideboard tech, but alas, still nothing.
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 AEther Vial
Shaman Core:
3 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Rage Forger
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Wolf-Skull Shaman
Tutor Package
4 Fauna Shaman
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Lightning Crafter
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Dismember
Lands (20):
2 Forest
1 Mountain
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Wooded Foothills
3 Stomping Ground
1 Verdant Catacombs
2 Mutavault
3 Cavern of Souls
3 Blood Moon
1 Essence Warden
1 Cunning Sparkmage
3 Destructive Revelry
1 Grafdigger's Cage
1 Scavenging Ooze
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Vexing Shusher
1 Goblin Ruinblaster
1 Eternal Witness
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
Alright, so this looks a little crazy, because it is. I'll gladdly admit the lightning crafter is experimental, but I'm testing it. With vial, 2 mutas, and 3 caverns, it actually might be an alright risk. If I don't use that there, I want a top ender at 4 cmc still, most likely thrun. Something that ends the game on its own. Suggestions?
I cut the Eternal witness, not because I didnt like it, but because I really needed a reclemation sage in the main board. It does exactly what this deck needs to do. I'm all in on tutor because I think the deck needs it. Most of the time, I'm getting rage forger, but it helps to be able to grab side answers.
I really would love to cut the 6 bolts for some way to give my creatures evasion. So I can be all in, on rush attacks. It may not look like it, but with 12 2 cmc ways to rush, this version gets really stupid really quick, and feels like a rush-tribal deck, exactly what I want it to be. But I wonder if I should be doing things like searing blood and blaze instead.
I cant bring myself to cut down on wolfskulls, that card is so good when half the deck triggers it. It really pushes that rush approche.
I'm trying to not treat the deck like a sligh deck, but more all in. I think thats where the deck can shine more.
Pizzap, what makes you favor the Fulminator Mage over Goblin Ruinblaster? Is it simply that the Fulminator is an elemental? The lower cmc (including kicker)?
8x Forest
4x Karplusan Forest
1x Kessig Wolf Run
8x Mountain
4x Bosk Banneret
4x Burning-Tree Emissary
3x Burning-Tree Shaman
4x Elvish Visionary
2x Eternal Witness
4x Flamekin Harbinger
4x Rage Forger
4x Wolf-Skull Shaman
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Manamorphose
1x Rancor
1x Sarkhan Vol
1x Ancient Grudge
1x Back to Nature
1x Burning-Tree Shaman
1x Essence Warden
1x Goblin Ruinblaster
1x Molten Rain
1x Pillar of Flame
1x Pithing Needle
1x Relic of Progenitus
1x Shatterstorm
1x Skarrg Guildmage
1x Spike Feeder
1x Tormod's Crypt
1x Troll Ascetic
1x Vithian Renegades
I'm not using Fauna Shamans due to budget reasons, and there aren't Reclamation Sages yet because I still have to buy my playset...
Anyway, I'm open for suggestions, so constructive criticism is very welcome. Thanks! And thank you a lot, pizzap, for this (and the other, older) thread; I couldn't believe how cheap it was to assemble my first rough draft of a Shaman deck at my LGS, and now I can say I have a good Modern deck without spending thousands of Brazilian Reais into it!
Pizzap, thank you for this thread. My girlfriend got into magic and loves to play but so far every deck type I've shown her or built for her didn't really "click." she didn't like them. She's always wanted a tribal deck that can be competitive with a way to get damage through even if there's a big nasty blocker on the field. I scratched my head at that one, unable to find a proper deck for her, and then I came across this thread. It's exactly what she's been looking for and she's fallen in love with the shaman deck. She's even able to get good results with them.
As she looked at the cards for the first time she stopped at rage forger, smiled, and said "This is the kind of effect I've been looking for!" Lol.
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
I finally was able to assemble a decent sideboard and take the following build to my local FNM. I based it off of a build I played back when Lorwyn block was new, and used this primer to fill in the gaps and update myself on the meta a little bit.
1x Essence Warden
3x Flamekin Harbinger
4x Bosk Banneret
4x Elvish Visionary
2x Fauna Shaman
3x Wolf-Skull Shaman
1x Eternal Witness
2x Burning-Tree Emissary
4x Rage Forger
2x Burning-Tree Shaman
4x Leaf-Crowned Elder
4x Lightning Bolt
2x Commune with Nature
1x Lead the Stampede
3x Wooded Foothills
1x Verdant Catacombs
1x Scalding Tarn
4x Rootbound Crag
6x Forest
5x Mountain
1x Thrun, The Last Troll
2x Blood Moon
1x Sylvok Replica
1x Guttural Response
1x Molten Rain
1x Destructive Revelry
2x Ancient Grudge
2x Burning-Tree Shaman
1x Cunning Sparkmage
1x Grafdigger's Cage
It was great fun, but I definitely need to make some changes based on the meta. I went 0-2-2, although I think both draws would have been wins if we had been able to finish the games. The big changes I am going to make are main decking the other two Burning-Tree Shamans, and main deck two more Burning-Tree Emissaries. I am probably going to either get rid of the Leaf-Crowned Elders entirely, or put one or two in the sideboard. I should main board more Essence Wardens also. Unfortunately I do not know many people in the area that play, so my play-testing is relatively limited aside from just going to FNM and seeing how it rolls.
The meta in my area seems to be very heavy on Twin decks, Tron, and the Valakut combo decks. Of course, there were a couple URW Control decks floating around too. Apropos of that, I am debating about main decking the Blood Moons since every match I ended up boarding them in. I am working on procuring Cavern of Souls, as that would be really helpful to avoid the mana leaks and rebounds. For the sideboard I think a second Guttural Response is warranted. I have even debated on a second Thrun or maybe a Troll Ascetic.
I would appreciate any and all feedback. I agree that there is not really anything in Khans worth adding to the deck. I have also considered tossing in a couple reflecting pools or mutavaults, but have not committed to that yet.
Standard: Abzan Control; Mardu Dragons
Modern: Zoo
Legacy: The Gate
3x elvish mystic
4x lightning bolt
3x flamekin harbinger
2x experiment one
3x commune with nature
2cmc (16)
4x burning-tree emissary
3x elvish visionary
4x bosk banneret
1x skinshifter
3x wolf-skull shaman
1x stigma lasher
3cmc (8)
4x rage forger
2x burning-tree shaman
1x eternal witness
1x troll ascetic
4x copperline gorge
4x karplusan forest
3x Cavern of Souls
10x basics
2x relic of progenitus
2x reclamation sage
2x goblin ruinblaster
1x back to nature
2x magma spray
1x essence warden
2x lead the stampede
1x tattermunge witch
ALthough the core of the deck is strong, it was in the end the utility creatures that gave me the last bit of reach. Troll ascetic was great against control, to the point where that my opp used a terminus only on him after he had done around 7 damage. E witness also shined, winning me a game by flashing a bolt back, and reclamation sage was so good: one ate a phyrexian unlife and the other one a worship after an enduring ideal, both resulting in me winning. I think these are the cards that set us apart from any dumb aggro deck. The tribal theme and rage forger are so strong that we can afford to use creatures with great utility and still get value out of their most of the time mediocre bodies.
On another note, what does everyone find preferable for artifact/enchantment hate not attached to creature (e.g. Reclamation Sage)? Destructive Revelry is versatile and deals damage, but the ability to get a two for one out of Ancient Grudge is nice also. I'm torn on side boarding one of each or two of one. I think two Reclamation Sages just makes sense no matter what.
I like the 2010 lands. With fetches they pretty much always function as a Taiga. I don't love the pain lands, but I think Fire-Lit Thicket would be decent. Aside from Cavern of Souls and the fetches I feel like the other non basics just add unnecessary complications to the mana base.
Standard: Abzan Control; Mardu Dragons
Modern: Zoo
Legacy: The Gate
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins