I have blood moon in the sideboard, and it houses some decks, like Faeries or Tron (though Tron can still drop Wurmcoil pretty easy with all the fetch).
On Triumph...if it gives creatures infect doesn't that change the damage to poison counters? You would need to trample for 10 to make it worthwhile, otherwise next turn the opponent still has the same life (less rage forger direct damage). Unless the goal is to get counters on creatures that don't have them already.
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
It would be a good drop if you could swing for more than half of the opponents HP but not quite lethal. So basically if you cant end the game that turn, it's not worth it because then the poison counters will be useless as you said. I think the goal has to be win this turn, with that card. Also, I believe the rage forger pings would also do damage in poison counters with this sorcery effect.
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Legacy : WUGBBant DeathbladeBGUW
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
In pretty much any situation, I would rather drop another Rage forger than the Fanatic. Double Rage Forger pings are really good. Most of the time there are enough tools in hand to grab a second Rage Forger out of the deck by turn 4-5, and generally if I can get a second rage forger out at the start of my turn, I will win that turn.
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Legacy : WUGBBant DeathbladeBGUW
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
I don't think there's any debate about fanatic v. rage forger. The argument might be whether to run fanatic or leaf-crowned elder? Elder is not as much offense, though stout, but he does throw dudes on the field and blocks well. My build at 4cc has two elder and one Thrun, maybe thrun and fanatic trade out depending on the matchup?
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
For a bit of a change I took out Birds of Paradise and added Aether Vial. Vial is potent, especially if you can start with one and get it to three. It's awesome to vial in Fauna Shaman at their EOT, add one to vial, tutor for forger, vial it in, and swing. Or Vial in burning-tree shaman opp EOT, cast shared animosity next turn and vial in forger. Crazy explosive. It also allows you to run opening one land hands if it's nuts otherwise. Very fun.
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
Yeah, I only liked Birds in the opening hand, after that they're practically a dead draw. In some ways I'd prefer something like a Talisman of Impulse, but then you're eating up turn 2. No, I think getting the most dudes on the field is the right call, Birds helps with that. I wonder if something like M15s Generator Servant has a place...although it's still a turn 3 do something. What would be sweet is an Arbor Elf Shaman. Nothing too splashy, just some ramp.
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
I think Generator Servant may certainly have a shot in some future variant. It's an aggressive body that can be tutored up with Harbinger and gives you mana+haste. I like the idea of keeping an opening hand with a Harbinger, two lands and some high mana-cost beaters. If a toolbox version of this deck comes to light with more 3-5 drop creatures I would main-deck it in an instant.
Unfortunately though, right now the best variant just doesn't want it... Harbinger should always be fetching Rage Forger.
Did anyone ever test Twinflame? Even unkicked it can put a +1/+1 counter on everything if you copy Rage Forger. Bonus: if you copy Eternal Witness you can just put the card back in your hand.
Interesting for sure. Terrific with shared animosity too.
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
I'm a big fan of Leaf-Crowned Elder, since it amounts to free dudes frequently, but it is up the chain. Vial is sick with Fauna Shaman and E Witness, the end of turn action with those is just gross. Something else to consider might be something like Adaptive Automaton. Vial that in during combat step for extra punch.
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
I tried this deck and it's awesome, so budget friendly and Rage Forger it's IMPRESISVE. Mvp doubtless.
The only weakness I see is lifegain, since Scooze doesn't synergize with the rest, I prefer over Essence Warden the followin combo (running x4 of Flamekin and just a copy of this guy) Vigor and Lammastide Weave. With flamekin tutoring it's just impossible not to find (yes, yes, I also prefer Vengevine, for sure, but vine doesn't help you not to die).
Other nice synergy is...this: Nova Chaser + Rage Forger. Enter, champion Rage Forger, okay, 10/2. Bolt? Blocker? Even using the same turn to block? Return Rage forger and then trigger again to all your shamans. Also tutored by Flamekin.
So I tested a few lists Pizzap, and I like the rush approach more. just the gruul one. While White might add to it, sure, the list you dailed with last felt really solid. Id love to test a bit more, but I was trying it out for a video.
Speaking of that video, I do use your list in it and mention you by name (and direct people to this thread for the deck) so I'll show you all it.
Hey guys, I've been playing this deck on and off at FNM since May, and I'd love to get some feedback and suggestions on my current list. For the moment, I'd like to tune it to my store's meta. The decks that are currently most popular at my locals are Pod, BW Tokens, Red Deck/Goblin/Burn variants, Merfolk, and UWR Control, though just about every deck in Modern except for Scapeshift is represented. I've entered 6 times, earning 4 3-1 finishes and 2 2-2's. My problem matchups are Pod, Tron (which I beat for the first time today!), Affinity, Tokens, and Living End. I feel like my side tech is especially lacking in the Token, Red, Living End, and Pod matchups, so if anyone has any cards they really like in those matchups, I'd appreciate you letting me know. Here's my current list:
The sideboard is... a work in progress. I want to play 2 Essence Warden, 2 Blood Moon, 1 Magma Spray, 1 Dismember, 1 Tajuru Preserver, 1 Relic of Progenitus, 1 Burning-Tree Shaman, 1Reclamation Sage and 1 Grafdigger's Cage, but I'm not sure if all those options are solid, nor do I know what I want in the last 4 spots. I was mainboarding Birds of Paradise and Lead the Stampede at 4 and 3 respectively but I found both cards to be lackluster over time and cut them in an effort to slim down the curve and draw dead as infrequently as possible. I really like what Wolf-Skull Shaman contributes and I'm curious as to why he's been seeing less play as of late. Also, Reclamation Sage is really quite nice in most of the problem matchups and only ever really dead against hyper aggro and BGx. I hope they print more awesome Shamans like this in upcoming sets.
Also, one of my most common causes of defeat is Kitchen Finks followed by Podding the Finks into a Restoration Angel. Is there any solid out to this play pattern, especially in the form of some sort of Plummet effect on a creature?
Of the ones you mention as problems, Blood Moon is tough on Pod and Tron and basically anything running non-basics (most decks these days), Damping Matrix is hard on Tron and Affinity, something like Relic of Progenitus/Tormod's Crypt/Nihil Spellbomb against Living End (grafdigger doesn't stop it), I mean there are a lot of options depending how you want to go. Personally I like to try to keep my sideboard to just a few 3 or 4-of cards so I can be sure to find it. Unless you use creatures with skills ie. Reclamation Sage it's hard to tutor for anything else and having just one or two of something is a gamble. So my sideboard looks like this:
4 Leyline of Sanctity
3 Relic of Progenitus
3 Blood Moon
3 Damping Matrix (when my deck isn't running Aether Vial), otherwise it's 3 Defense Grid
2 Destructive Revelry (I also run Viridian Shaman main)
Yes, Leyline is white and I have no white mana, it's a pure gamble against burn or 8rack. If I don't get one and the hand is fast I race. If the hand is just alright I mulligan aggressively looking for one.
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
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On Triumph...if it gives creatures infect doesn't that change the damage to poison counters? You would need to trample for 10 to make it worthwhile, otherwise next turn the opponent still has the same life (less rage forger direct damage). Unless the goal is to get counters on creatures that don't have them already.
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
Modern : RGTitanshiftGR / UGWKnightfallWGU
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
Unfortunately though, right now the best variant just doesn't want it... Harbinger should always be fetching Rage Forger.
Interesting for sure. Terrific with shared animosity too.
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
The only weakness I see is lifegain, since Scooze doesn't synergize with the rest, I prefer over Essence Warden the followin combo (running x4 of Flamekin and just a copy of this guy) Vigor and Lammastide Weave. With flamekin tutoring it's just impossible not to find (yes, yes, I also prefer Vengevine, for sure, but vine doesn't help you not to die).
Other nice synergy is...this: Nova Chaser + Rage Forger. Enter, champion Rage Forger, okay, 10/2. Bolt? Blocker? Even using the same turn to block? Return Rage forger and then trigger again to all your shamans. Also tutored by Flamekin.
Speaking of that video, I do use your list in it and mention you by name (and direct people to this thread for the deck) so I'll show you all it.
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
4 Elvish Visionary
2 Essence Warden
1 Eternal Witness
2 Fauna Shaman
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Rage Forger
1 Scavenging Ooze
3 Wolf-Skull Shaman
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Fulminator Mage
3 Commune with Nature
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Pillar of Flame
Lands (20)
4 Cavern of Souls
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Forest
4 Stomping Ground
2 Karplusan Forest
1 Rootbound Crag
1 Pendelhaven
1 Tajuru Preserver
1 Blood Moon
1 Magma Spray
1 Ulvenwald Tracker
2 Destructive Revelry
1 Dismember
1 Grafdigger's Cage
2 Ancient Grudge
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Eternal Witness
2 Lead the Stampede
The sideboard is... a work in progress. I want to play 2 Essence Warden, 2 Blood Moon, 1 Magma Spray, 1 Dismember, 1 Tajuru Preserver, 1 Relic of Progenitus, 1 Burning-Tree Shaman, 1Reclamation Sage and 1 Grafdigger's Cage, but I'm not sure if all those options are solid, nor do I know what I want in the last 4 spots. I was mainboarding Birds of Paradise and Lead the Stampede at 4 and 3 respectively but I found both cards to be lackluster over time and cut them in an effort to slim down the curve and draw dead as infrequently as possible. I really like what Wolf-Skull Shaman contributes and I'm curious as to why he's been seeing less play as of late. Also, Reclamation Sage is really quite nice in most of the problem matchups and only ever really dead against hyper aggro and BGx. I hope they print more awesome Shamans like this in upcoming sets.
Also, one of my most common causes of defeat is Kitchen Finks followed by Podding the Finks into a Restoration Angel. Is there any solid out to this play pattern, especially in the form of some sort of Plummet effect on a creature?
4 Leyline of Sanctity
3 Relic of Progenitus
3 Blood Moon
3 Damping Matrix (when my deck isn't running Aether Vial), otherwise it's 3 Defense Grid
2 Destructive Revelry (I also run Viridian Shaman main)
Yes, Leyline is white and I have no white mana, it's a pure gamble against burn or 8rack. If I don't get one and the hand is fast I race. If the hand is just alright I mulligan aggressively looking for one.
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins