I've been goldfishing with Prodigy, and it seems good, but I had to cut some copies to make room for Anarchomancer. Time will tell which is the better additon.
Took Shamans to a FNM Modern night. I don't play modern much outside of between EDH games, so some decks and lingo may be off. If I name a deck wrong, I am sorry. I have had the deck together for quite some time and dusted it off because of our new toys. Here is a low detail recap:
3-1-0 for 3rd place finish.
Round 1 - UR Blitz (Undefeated winner).
Lost 0-2
Absolutely smoked me. I lost 0-2 to this type of deck previous week also. All the targeted removal kept my real threats off the board as I watched his 1 drop Dragon's Rage Channeler beat my in the air.
I think I need to run my EWits mainboard to help refuel my hand? I don't know what else to do.
Round 2 - Abzan Midrange
Win 2-1
Game 1, he beat me down with large Goyfs.
Game 2, boarded in Magus of the Moon, He miss played the last turn (Sword of Fire and Ice equip on a large ScOoze while I had Ignoble for blocks, tapped out with plenty of creatures in Yard) which I capitalized on and Rage Forger red zoned. Got him game 2.
Boarded in Magus of the Moon still. Hit it turn 2 off a turn 1 Ignoble. Easy win from there.
Round 3, GW Heliod Ballista what ever combo.
Win 2-1
Game 1, he hit a super early infinite life. Decided to scoop there.
Game 2, boarded in Fulminator Mage to snipe off his enchanted lands. Nah, he put it on a basic forest this game. Still took out his shock lands, which ended up being enough. He tried to keep up his life with his creatures, but I kept dropping bombs and he didn't draw all his pieces.
Game 3, risk it, T1 1 land, Ignoble. T2, no land drop, Prodigy. T3 Burning Tree to make 4 mana, CoCo. BTE + Ignoble, make 4 to cast a second CoCo. Hit gas and didn't look back. I forget the rest of the game, but it was over at that point regardless due to him not combo finishing early enough.
Round 4- UR Blitz again? But he had Lurrus as companion. Seemed like same as r1
Game 1- late game, shocked myself to bolt his Dragon's Rage Channeler (2 life rather than 3?), take a second one to the face to put me at 5. Shock myself again as a risky play (3 life, bolt range) to cast Harmonic Prodigy into Rage Forger. This was overkill, but I needed just one to stick to win. He ended up removing the Prodigy, which still allowed me to swing out with enough RForger triggers to win (had 2). If the Prodigy stayed, it would have doubled the 1st RForge to win still.
Game 2- Boarded in Leyline. Hit it.
Those DRCs are easy when they stay at 1 P/T. I bolted his Sprite Dragons (only threat) and took the easy win.
Thats it. Got 3rd thanks to a slightly higher win%. This was the second week I played, but last week the only thing I added from MH2 were the Ignobles. Now my deck is up to par with just some SB tweaks once I learn meta.
3 Leyline of the Void
3 Plague Crafter
1 Magus of the Moon
2 Fulminator Mage
2 Void Mirror
3 Reclamation Sage
1 Eternal Witness
So, as you can see. My sideboard is a work in progress. I am also going to drop 1-2 Rix Maadi in favor of EWit main. Not sure what else I need. Land aren't 100% perfect, but it has been working for me. Two more Wooded Foothills would be ideal I think. I was resistant against Prodigy due to it not being a shaman. It has proved itself. Double Draws, double Rage Forgers both ways, 4 mana from BTEs to cast CoCo to hit another BTE to cast another CoCo...
In all, is a super fun deck. New toys really helped it. Definitely a crowd favorite, too. Most of my opponents enjoyed their games and said they'd rather lose to Shamans than against "Such and such" deck.
I am looking at replacing lightning bolt with harder like Fury simply because it is tutorable with flamekin harbinger
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Decks I have in my bag of tricks- Needless to say, someone who wants to play will probably have a deck UB/x Faeries UR Storm XURWB Affinity G Elves UW control
Interesting that you're playing Winding Way instead of CoCo. Probably not correct. Plargg is an unusual choice too. Especially if you're playing 3 or more copies of EWit, CoCo gets even better.
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Always wear protection kids, sleeve up your deck.
LEGACY: Soldier Stompy WW // Blue Stompy UU // Fit Variants BGRW // Sol Land Brews BGRUWC MODERN: Pure Pili-ness GU // Red Devotion RR // Green Devotion Variants GRWUG // U/G Emerge CGU // Lots and Lots of Brews BGRUWC
That build is very lean and low to the ground. CoCo has been very meh for me and I wanted to break out of the 3 mana or less restriction.
Winding Way is cheaper to cast (cost G with Anarchomancer and casted off BTE) , has better upside (I think drawing 4 cards is better than putting 2 creatures into play), and works wells with the deck (BTE --> BTE --> WW is pretty good). This also opens a lot of option since I am not restricted to only play 3 mana or less. Now I can Harbinger for Fury, cast Winding Way naming creatures and clear blockers to attack or kill a Planeswalker.
I think to make this evolve we need to start exploring other options.
Plargg was an idea that not never saw action (it always died and I like playing random cards). That slot can be harmonic prodigy, it is probably better.
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4 Cavern of Souls
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Prismatic Vista
2 Bloodstained Mire
2 Stomping Ground
1 Blood Crypt
1 Overgrown Tomb
2 Forest
4 Mountain
4 Ignoble Hierarch
4 Flamekin Harbinger
3 Spikeshot Elder
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Goblin Anarchomancer
2 Rix Maadi Reveler
2 Harmonic Prodigy
4 Rage Forger
3 Judith, the Scourge Diva
4 lightning bolt
4 Collected Company
I've been goldfishing with Prodigy, and it seems good, but I had to cut some copies to make room for Anarchomancer. Time will tell which is the better additon.
2 Masked Vandal
2 Fulminator Mage
2 Rending Volley
2 Plaguecrafter
1 Eternal Witness
1 Scavenging Ooze
This is a slight update to the last sideboard I had, and it has 3 flexslots for whatever I find out I'm lacking.
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Elvish Visionary
3 Eternal Witness
4 Flamekin Harbinger
3 Goblin Anarchomancer
4 Harmonic Prodigy
4 Ignoble Hierarch
4 Rage Forger
4 Collected Company
4 Lightning Bolt
Land (22)
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Cragcrown Pathway
3 Forest
3 Mountain
4 Stomping Ground
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Dismember
4 Leyline of the Void
4 Magus of the Moon
3 Reclamation Sage
2 Void Mirror
BRG Shamans
3-1-0 for 3rd place finish.
Round 1 - UR Blitz (Undefeated winner).
Lost 0-2
Absolutely smoked me. I lost 0-2 to this type of deck previous week also. All the targeted removal kept my real threats off the board as I watched his 1 drop Dragon's Rage Channeler beat my in the air.
I think I need to run my EWits mainboard to help refuel my hand? I don't know what else to do.
Round 2 - Abzan Midrange
Win 2-1
Game 1, he beat me down with large Goyfs.
Game 2, boarded in Magus of the Moon, He miss played the last turn (Sword of Fire and Ice equip on a large ScOoze while I had Ignoble for blocks, tapped out with plenty of creatures in Yard) which I capitalized on and Rage Forger red zoned. Got him game 2.
Boarded in Magus of the Moon still. Hit it turn 2 off a turn 1 Ignoble. Easy win from there.
Round 3, GW Heliod Ballista what ever combo.
Win 2-1
Game 1, he hit a super early infinite life. Decided to scoop there.
Game 2, boarded in Fulminator Mage to snipe off his enchanted lands. Nah, he put it on a basic forest this game. Still took out his shock lands, which ended up being enough. He tried to keep up his life with his creatures, but I kept dropping bombs and he didn't draw all his pieces.
Game 3, risk it, T1 1 land, Ignoble. T2, no land drop, Prodigy. T3 Burning Tree to make 4 mana, CoCo. BTE + Ignoble, make 4 to cast a second CoCo. Hit gas and didn't look back. I forget the rest of the game, but it was over at that point regardless due to him not combo finishing early enough.
Round 4- UR Blitz again? But he had Lurrus as companion. Seemed like same as r1
Game 1- late game, shocked myself to bolt his Dragon's Rage Channeler (2 life rather than 3?), take a second one to the face to put me at 5. Shock myself again as a risky play (3 life, bolt range) to cast Harmonic Prodigy into Rage Forger. This was overkill, but I needed just one to stick to win. He ended up removing the Prodigy, which still allowed me to swing out with enough RForger triggers to win (had 2). If the Prodigy stayed, it would have doubled the 1st RForge to win still.
Game 2- Boarded in Leyline. Hit it.
Those DRCs are easy when they stay at 1 P/T. I bolted his Sprite Dragons (only threat) and took the easy win.
Thats it. Got 3rd thanks to a slightly higher win%. This was the second week I played, but last week the only thing I added from MH2 were the Ignobles. Now my deck is up to par with just some SB tweaks once I learn meta.
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Ignoble Hierarch
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Goblin Amarchomancer
4 Elvish Visionary
2 Harmonic Prodigy
2 Rix Maadi Reveler
4 Rage Forger
3 Judith, the Scourge Diva
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Collected Company
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Stomping Ground
1 Blood Crypt
1 Overgrown Tomb
4 Cavern of Souls
2 Wooded Foothills
2 Verdant Catacombs
1 Bloodstained Mire
2 Mountain
1 Forest
SB (weak)
3 Leyline of the Void
3 Plague Crafter
1 Magus of the Moon
2 Fulminator Mage
2 Void Mirror
3 Reclamation Sage
1 Eternal Witness
So, as you can see. My sideboard is a work in progress. I am also going to drop 1-2 Rix Maadi in favor of EWit main. Not sure what else I need. Land aren't 100% perfect, but it has been working for me. Two more Wooded Foothills would be ideal I think. I was resistant against Prodigy due to it not being a shaman. It has proved itself. Double Draws, double Rage Forgers both ways, 4 mana from BTEs to cast CoCo to hit another BTE to cast another CoCo...
In all, is a super fun deck. New toys really helped it. Definitely a crowd favorite, too. Most of my opponents enjoyed their games and said they'd rather lose to Shamans than against "Such and such" deck.
I welcome critiques.
My Peasant Cube Forum
My Riviera Live Draft Cube
UB/x Faeries
UR Storm
XURWB Affinity
G Elves
UW control
I played the 5-0 mtgo list for awhile and it just feels very clunky and slow.
This deck feels more "shamany"
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
3 Elvish Visionary
3 Eternal Witness
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Goblin Anarchomancer
4 Ignoble Hierarch
4 Rage Forger
3 Fury
4 Beastcaller Savant
3 Plargg, Dean of Chaos
4 Winding Way
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Cragcrown Pathway
2 Forest
2 Mountain
4 Stomping Ground
4 Wooded Foothills
3 Dismember
4 Leyline of the Void
3 Fulminator Mage
3 Reclamation Sage
2 Void Mirror
MODERN: Pure Pili-ness GU // Red Devotion RR // Green Devotion Variants GRWUG // U/G Emerge CGU // Lots and Lots of Brews BGRUWC
Winding Way is cheaper to cast (cost G with Anarchomancer and casted off BTE) , has better upside (I think drawing 4 cards is better than putting 2 creatures into play), and works wells with the deck (BTE --> BTE --> WW is pretty good). This also opens a lot of option since I am not restricted to only play 3 mana or less. Now I can Harbinger for Fury, cast Winding Way naming creatures and clear blockers to attack or kill a Planeswalker.
I think to make this evolve we need to start exploring other options.
Plargg was an idea that not never saw action (it always died and I like playing random cards). That slot can be harmonic prodigy, it is probably better.