Shamanism is a tribal Shaman deck that focuses on swarming Shamans and using Rage Forger to push through enough damage to finish off the opponent. Other tribal decks may have more lords, but this deck should be able to see Rage Forger often enough. Almost every card in the deck provides some sort of card advantage, or at least card quality advantage. The main way of finding Rage Forger is by tutoring him up with Flamekin Harbinger, but Eternal Witness, Fauna Shaman and Lead the Stampede will help you find him as well.
The deck was born at the printing of Rage Forger, Bosk Banneret and Flamekin Harbinger when the Lorwyn block was in Standard. The deck was featured (part 2) as a budget deck on the Mother Ship. After Standard rotation, the deck continued as an extended deck and was featured here (SCG) and here (Mother Ship). At the start of Modern the deck was revived and it was of course stronger than ever. It had several good tournament performances when Bloodbraid Elf and Deathrite Shaman were Modern legal. It even went 4-0 on the very first MTGO Modern Daily event. Despite the bannings, this deck is absolutely still competitive.
Why play this deck?
Do you like swarming your opponent, do you like brewing, and most importantly, do you like to see a plan come together? Then this deck is something for you.
The deck itself plays very smoothly. Thanks to the tutors (Flamekin Harbinger and Fauna Shaman) you can find your win condition easily or in time of need you can find an answer. Therefore, there are many lines of play. There is also a vast selection of Shamans that can be included in your deck, so you can focus on explosiveness or consistency. Due to the variety in Shamans, you can shape your deck in such a way that it can handle other aggro decks, control decks and/or combo decks. As there are so many different Shamans, there is a lot of space for brewing and there is still a lot to be explored.
A quick and cheap start
This deck is all about Shamans and finding Rage Forger. So, Rage Forger and Flamekin Harbinger are the only cards that are absolutely essential. Bosk Banneret makes all your creatures 1 cheaper, which makes it semi-essential. Wolf-Skull Shaman synergizes enormously with the Shaman theme/team. For mana acceleration you can use Llanowar Elves, which are no Shamans, but Elves, that still synergize with Wolf-Skull Shaman. Elvish Visionary is a proven member of the Shaman team. It looks unimpressive, but it keeps the deck going. You will end up with a ton of creatures, so Lead the Stampede will be pure value and helps finding you Rage Forger. Commune with Nature is a smaller version of Lead the Stampede and is also worth trying. When you run Fauna Shaman on top of this, you will always find your Rage Forgers. Eternal Witness helps you to rescue Rage Forgers, recycle the waste of Fauna Shaman and to reuse Lead the Stampede. Add to this a bit of burn in the form of Lightning Bolt and other Shamans you happen to have lying around and you have something going on!
On MTGO this will cost you
±2 tix if you skip the Fauna Shamans/Eternal Witness which are nice but not essential.
±8 tix if you want to upgrade with Eternal Witness and Fauna Shaman.
(Flamekin Harbinger 4x 0.14 / Llanowar Elves 4x 0.02 / Bosk Banneret 4x 0.05 / Wolf-Skull Shaman 4x 0.08 / Elvish Visionary 4x 0.03 / Rage Forger 4x 0.05 / Lightning Bolt 4x 0.08 / Lead the Stampede 2x 0.04 / Eternal Witness 2x 1.80 / Fauna Shaman 2x 1.10)
The deck above means business in the "Just for Fun" room on MTGO and will crush many decks on the kitchen table.
Llandudno Elf wrote an article about Budget Shamans with nice price estimations for cardboard (total ~£65/$110). You can read it here.
Check also this deck that went 3-1 in an MTGO Daily Event for only 20 tix!
The cards
= Good and played often, = Playable and/or found in a few lists, = Experimental/Bre***enic, = banned or bad testing results
Birds of Paradise: Not a Shaman, but great mana acceleration. After a few turns you don't need the extra mana anymore and the Birds can function as an excellent flying chump blocker (don't underestimate this!).
Spikeshot Elder: Three mana activation is quite a lot in Modern, but with Rage Forger counters, this deals often more than 1 damage.
Kolaghan Stormsinger: Good early game thanks to the haste and if topdecked after Rage Forger, you can still get a +1/+1 counter via morph. It doesn't look super impressive, but I think it is playable.
Firedrinker Satyr: It may be better than Jackal Pup, but this is an extremely risky card in a format with so many Lightning Bolts, Pyroclasms and good blockers.
Experiment One: Not a Shaman, but since it can get a counter from nearly any creature in your deck, you still can deal the extra damage from Rage Forger.
Bosk Banneret: This card makes most of your cards cost 1 less. It also has a nice amount of toughness, so you dodge Pyroclasm and after a Rage Forger also Firespout.
Burning-Tree Emissary: Known from the Gruul Zoo deck, this also happens to be a Shaman. Recommended for RG based decks.
Elvish Visionary: This card is better than that it looks. Thanks to the cantrip it keeps the momentum going and helps to build up a swarm.
Wolf-Skull Shaman: This guy can really put you ahead in board position. This deck wants to have a swarm of creatures attacking, and even he doesn't make Shaman tokens, the tokens get in for a fair amount of damage.
/ Fauna Shaman: Fauna can find any creature in the deck, and would normally want to find Rage Forger. This may be a bit slow, but it does help to reliably play Rage Forger and it enables a toolbox of creatures. Fauna is at its best with Aether Vial, but it is slow and a popular Bolt target without it.
Ire Shaman: Rated it because it looks better than the average brew-around card. Because it fits so well on the entire curve, I think this is a solid playable.
Skinshifter: Skinshifter functions as a big body or an evasive beater. The mana needed to use his ability is a bit of a pain, but Skinshifter helps for dealing combat damage when the Shaman route fails.
Stigma Lasher: A lot of decks like to gain life in today's Modern meta, and Stigma Lasher helps to stop that. He can also be tutored by Flamekin Harbinger. It can be used as sideboard against Soul Sisters or decks that play a lot of Kitchen Finks. Remember you can deal damage via Rage Forger, so there is no need to connect with your opponent!
Scavenging Ooze: Not a Shaman, but it is a very good card on its own. It can get +1/+1 counters, so it still synergizes with Rage Forger in a way. Its size, the lifegain and the graveyard disruption make it an all-round card that is good against most Modern decks.
Beastcaller Savant: Ramsey Bolton with elven ears may cost about 1 too much to be a proper dork, but is still a playable.
Rattleclaw Mystic:For 1 mana cheaper with some reduced stats (like Noble Hierarch), this would have been an all-star autoinclude. Being it a two-drop makes it fit a lot worse on the curve, so it is hard to judge this. The problem is that this doesn't attack like your other two-drop accelerators (Bosk Banneret and Burning-Tree Emissary). Time will tell.
Vexing Shusher: Shusher is nice if you know that you'll be partaking in a blue-heavy meta. However, when you use Cavern of Souls or Aether Vial this card shouldn't be necessary.
Skarrg Guildmage: A more versatile but also more color intensive Tattermunge Witch
Young Pyromancer: This oozes potential, but the current lists don't have that many instants and sorceries. 10 points for the one that produces a nice brew with this one. In such an elemental/spell brew Guttersnipe and Incandescent Soulstoke might also be handy.
Tunnel Ignus: Tutorable (Harbinger) sideboard option against Scapeshift for instance.
Jade Mage: Late game mana sink in case you need one.
Dragon Whisperer: He can do a lot, but the mana is awkward for most decks here. In case you are brewing a mono-red devotion with Nyktos and Fanatic of Mogis, you will have with this card at least something to brew.
Ainok Survivalist: Hard to value this. I have the feeling that if you want to remove artifacts and enchantments you will usually just use Reclamation Sage. The interesting part on this card is that you can cast it for 2 mana and it is easy on the color requirements.
Akoum Stonewaker: NEW from BFZ! Puts some use in topdecked lands.
Rage Forger: Were you really planning to make this deck without this guy!??!
Eternal Witness: Witness is always a powerful card, and luckily she even fits into our tribal theme!
Goblin Ruinblaster: This is a very powerful (sideboard) card if you need more help against Tron decks.
Troll Ascetic: This is ideal against the current UWR control deck. It dodges really everything.
Loaming Shaman: Usually sideboard against graveyard-based decks.
Sylvok Replica: As sideboard against Splinter Twin or artifacts. It is at its best with Aether Vial, because then you usually have the mana to use it immediately.
Simian Spirit Guide: Not a Shaman, but it is fast mana for a fast start or a Lightning Bolt out of the blue. In case you don't need the mana, you can at least recycle it with Fauna Shaman.
Vithian Renegades: Sideboard card for fighting artifact-based decks. However you really must have an artifact problem to justify running this over Reclamation Sage.
Sensation Gorger: In case your deck is fast and need more gas. Can be good against control decks, but it usually needs to sit on the board for a full turn before you have a ±50% chance on new cards. Three-drops without immediate value which die to Lightning Bolt tend to be unplayable in Modern.
Prophetic Flamespeaker: Looks good at first sight, but unfortunately he doesn't pass the Bolt test. Sorry for the low rating, but, this gets you a potential card if you can connect with your opponent one turn after you cast it. Compare this to Eternal Witness where you get almost a guaranteed card and usually you can even choose. I am afraid this is a trap and is only useful when you were winning anyway.
Wild Beastmaster: Good in a swarming strategy and with a +1/+1 counter from Rage Forger this will be extra good. It is a bit of a win-more card though and the "dies to lightning bolt" argument starts to count for 3 mana creatures that don't provide immediate value.
Vampire Nighthawk: To my surprise, also this is a shaman. It is great when it hits the board, but the BB is really a thing. Remember that also his damage via Rage Forger gives you life. The Lightning Bolt argument (see above) also counts for this one.
Mul Daya Channelers: In our deck this is either a 5/5 for 3 mana, or it can tap for 2 mana.
Taurean Mauler: A shaman that can become huge. Dodges Pyroclasm.
Inner-Flame Acolyte: For the faster builds. It can be a 4/2 haste for a turn or gives something else +2/+0 and haste. Can be tutored with the Harbinger.
Doran, the Siege Tower: Unusual color combination, but if you can manage the colors, you have something huge for only 3 mana.
Shaman of Forgotten Ways: I suppose this is only playable in a slower version of the deck, because for most decks out here the extra mana comes too late.
Everything here is at most, as 4 mana is a lot in an aggro deck.
Thrun, the Last Troll: A bigger Troll Ascetic for when you really want to punish some control decks.
Shaman of the Great Hunt: Again a mythic, and again probably playable. It is a borderline case, but the Haste more or less saves him. You can use this as the one-of to spice up your deck.
Chameleon Colossus: Slow, but it can push through a lot of damage. Very usable in a black-heavy meta.
Hero of Oxid Ridge/Hellrider: No Shamans, but could work with a swarming plan. Both are easily removed, so don't expect too much from them.
Vengevine: My new experiment. Good early on as great discard material for Fauna Shaman and late it is nice topdeck action. It can technically be found by Harbinger, but so far I never did that.
Changeling Berserker: a hasty 5/3 that can be tutored by Harbinger, shaved by Bosk and pumped by Forger. Keep in mind it can get bolted and that championing in principle doesn't really fit with the swarm style, but if you champion a creature with a good ETB ability, you can at least get something out of the deal if it is removed.
Bloodbraid Elf: It was in every deck, but now it's BANNED in Modern.
What are you doing here?!?! Don't forget you are trying to build a fast aggro deck. Well there are still two playables because they are tutorable with Flamekin Harbinger and evokable:
Tasigur, the Golden Fang: Not sure where to put this one, because the CMC is 6, but nobody will actually cast him for 6. It requires black, but it could be a relatively cheap and large body. His ability gives late game gas, but 4 mana is nearly the same as infinite mana. So far it has been the sensation of Fate Reforged for the other decks (Junk, Loam, DredgeVine etc), and I am curious whether he will fit here. This deck has many permanents, so the Delve will be tricky, but perhaps with some more spells and fetches we can get him to work.
A typical Shaman deck has more than 25 creatures, so there is not so much room for noncreature spells.
Lightning Bolt: Modern's most played card can also be played here. Clears the way or finishes the opponent off.
Lead the Stampede: This is a great maindeck card to grab you a ton more creatures. A lot of people compare it to being slightly better than Divination, in that you will draw an average of 2.5 or so cards in most builds. The difference between this and a normal draw is that you'll always draw more gas, and you won't hit lands.
Commune with Nature: A mini Lead the Stampede, playable in case if you need more turn 1 action. Upgraded it to because helps optimizing the synergies in this deck.
Blood Moon: Just upgraded this from the general sideboard cards to because it just butchers decks. When you cast a BM against the right opponent, show is over immediately. Turn 1 forest Llanowar Elves/Birds of Paradise/Sakura-Tribe Scout, turn 2 BM is brutal. This deck is supposed to win on turn 4 or 5, but Blood Moon wins it often on turn 2. Excellent sideboard card.
Collected Company: This card has a lot of potential and I will rate it higher once it starts replacing Lead the Stampede or Commune with Nature in our decks. Chances you hit 2 creatures (calculated by Aazadan)
30 - 90%
27 - 85%
25 - 80%
23 - 75%
21 - 70%
Oath of Nissa: NEW from OGW!!! I'm not sure how to rate it. It seems a decent competitor with Commune with Nature, but it yet needs to show up in tournament lists.
Atarka's Command: The card will be playable without a doubt, because it can do a lot what we want to do. The question is how exactly this will fit in our deck. We don't have much space for non-creature spells and we already usually run 4 Bolts.
Domri Rade: A continuous Lead the Stampede with occasional removal. I had to downgrade him from to , because I am starting to think most builds want Lead the Stampede over Domri. Also unless you run Vampire Nighthawk and such, the Fight ability isn't that good with the small creatures in this deck. It is not only me that thinks like this about Domri, but also another user in this thread and someone from Reddit that tested him and was dissappointed.
Æther Vial: I love this card as it bypasses difficult color requirements and it allows you to play an uncounterable creature at the end of your opponent's turn (thus dodging removal). However, for some lists this is too slow.
Dead // Gone: for when you want to get rid of huge creatures and have no access to B.
Dismember: for when you want to get rid of big creatures and have no access to B.
Rancor: To make creatures dangerous without Rage Forger.
Inspiring Call: NEW from DTK!!! We do have a lot creatures with +1/+1 counters, so who knows this is a useful card to get more fuel late game?
Hardened Scales: New in KTK. It is the Rage Forger doubler. Looks fun, but keep in mind it eats a creature slot in your deck, so with this card you will end up with less creatures that can get the counters.
Nameless Inversion: Bonus: can be found with Harbinger and triggers kinship and costs 1 less with the Bosk Banneret. Went from to upon DRS banning.
Shared Animosity: This one works as a 5th Rage Forger and who doesn't want a 5th Rage Forger? I rated it when DRS was legal, but now with people playing Llanowar Elves/Birds of Paradise as one drop it is less good. However, people running Sakura-Tribe Scout as one drop should test this card. It can be really good.
Faithless Looting: Repairs sloppy draws. The Modern Goblin deck uses it, and probably our deck can use it as well.
Mark of Mutiny: I never tested it, but someone should test this as sideboard card. It should be sided in against decks with annoying blockers such as Wurmcoil Engine and it will allow you a crushing alpha strike.
Descendants' Path: It is not in many deck lists so far, but the synergy should be obvious.
Sarkhan Vol: Boosts your team and turns nasty blockers such as Wurmcoil Engine into a nasty attacker at your side.
Gruul War Chant: untested, but it should help you to get past your opponent's defenses.
Chandra, Pyromaster: untested, but definitely has potential for late game action and blocker removal.
Eyes of the Wisent: It can be tutored by Harbinger and can be sided in against blue decks. However, with Voice of Resurgence recently printed, this card starts to feel inefficient. This card also doesn't really put pressure on your opponent, so I think it is a very narrow sideboard card that is not so strong.
Bow of Nylea: It has a lot of abilities that can be good in various matchups and the deathtouch deals with big blockers such as Tarmogoyf. Still, this card is probably too expensive to cast and to activate. A user in this thread, Nedo92, tested it and was disappointed. It is really really slow.
Besides the usual Modern lands, here are some Shaman-specific suggestions.
Cavern of Souls: Name "Shaman" and cast your deck without problems. For the kitchen table you probably can go without it, but for high level tournaments it is recommended to run a few.
Ancient Ziggurat: Fixes mana as most of your cards are creatures
Mutavault: It is also a shaman so it receives a +1/+1 counter from Rage Forger. A nice bonus is that it usually gets pumped by Merfolk decks and their lords. It is currently very expensive, so better wait until it rotates out of Standard. Also without Aether Vial, the colorless mana is annoying and hard to activate it when Rage Forger comes down.
Raging Ravine: Fixes colors, but is a bit expensive in its activation. The +1/+1 counter of course synergizes with Rage Forger. That it enters the battlefield tapped could be a deal-breaker for the faster builds.
Pendelhaven: Enhances some shamans as many are 1/1. Not recommended in a color heavy deck.
Karplusan Forest: Budget mana fixing. The damage is optional and in general you don't care so much about your own life total anyway in this deck.
Kessig Wolf Run: To make of every little Shaman a decent threat.
Oran-Rief, the Vastwood: It is a stretch, but if you can get it to work (putting things in play by Burning-Tree Emissary or Aether Vial, or tokens from Wolf-Skull Shaman) you will have some bigger creatures. It also makes the Wolf tokens from Wolf-Skull Shaman synergizing with the Rage Forger.
Most Shaman players are on a budget, so to increase the accessibility I moved the thread to the budget forum, where budget discussion is allowed. The core of the deck is cheap anyway, because we don't need Goyfs or Lilies. The only thing that can make it really expensive is the mana base. For the sake of keeping discussion centralized, this is currently the only Shaman thread. This means you can post any Shaman deck, budget or not. Please discuss cheap decks and cheap suggestions, or discuss expensive decks and how to optimize them, but please don't demand from players to run fetches, caverns, goyfs etc. 9 May, 2014
This is a reboot of the Shamanism thread. The old thread started with 30 pages of discussion containing cards that are banned now and it was discussing matchups such as 12-post because the thread was 3 years old already. Link to the old thread.
I built a super cheap version of this deck without a sideboard to have something to play on Modern nights. So much fun. Also love that people have to constantly read what my cards do. I have been thinking of putting a bit more money into the deck to bring it to a somewhat competitive level locally instead of just being for fun.
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Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
“Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
Starting with the land base I am going to pick up some Stomping Grounds (full set?) and probably a pair of Cavern of Souls. I like keeping the land around 20 to help ensure that Lead packs in as many creatures as possible.
The Bow was just a drop in because I wanted to toss something else in the deck and needs to go. I would prefer to keep the full set of bolts, but would be willing to get one Lead go.
I like Birds over other dorks as a flying chump blocker if I need it. Skinshifter has proven to repeatedly be a workhorse and I do not really want to give them up. On the reverse, I love Wolf-Skull, but it rarely gets to stay on the field. Once people read the Kinship effect it becomes one giant bullseye for removal. I could probably also afford to go down to three Flamekin without being bothered.
If I drop all the Wolf-Skull, a Flamekin, a Lead and the Bow that gives me seven flex spots to fill. I want to stay straight GR for now. I definitely want to add at least two Eternal Witness. Is Burning-Tree Shaman worth fitting in the main for a on hand solution to Twin? Same question for Essence Warden. How would some of you who know the deck better suggest filling out those seven slots?
Sideboard wise my only "must haves" are at least two graveyard hate, two Pithing Needle and three artifact hate (both "hate" have plenty of options and I will pick out what appeals to me). Other than that I am really open, but just generally not very good at building sideboards.
I built a super cheap version of this deck without a sideboard to have something to play on Modern nights. So much fun. Also love that people have to constantly read what my cards do. I have been thinking of putting a bit more money into the deck to bring it to a somewhat competitive level locally instead of just being for fun.
Starting with the land base I am going to pick up some Stomping Grounds (full set?) and probably a pair of Cavern of Souls.
Cavern of Souls will indeed always be good in this deck. I don't know what the optimum is. I have currently 4, but in the past I had 3 because I needed often colored mana for activation costs. Also the less counterspells in your meta, the less Caverns you will need. I don't how many Stomping Ground you will need. I have currently 2, because I fetch, but the closely related Gruul Zoo deck runs the full 4. Also Copperline Gorge is good, because the restriction of 3 lands to be untapped is not really relevant in this deck.
I like keeping the land around 20 to help ensure that Lead packs in as many creatures as possible.
I currently run 21 lands. 22 is absolutely too much, but I don't know about 20. I feel like with 21 the floods and screws more or less cancel eachother out.
The Bow was just a drop in because I wanted to toss something else in the deck and needs to go. I would prefer to keep the full set of bolts, but would be willing to get one Lead go.
Bolts are good, I think the full 4 is fine. By the way, you should also give the Commune with Nature a try, because it is good to set up your game on turn 1 already. Also, if you topdeck it, you can usually immediately use it and cast a creature, while with Lead the Stampede the casting often costs you the whole turn. I would replace the bow for something else, because other users found the bow too slow. I myself never tried it, because I too think it would be too slow. A spicy replacement would be Domri Rade or Shared Animosity. Even Gruul War Chant would not be bad.
I like Birds over other dorks as a flying chump blocker if I need it.
Yes, the chump block is an often overlooked quality of Birds. Also its mana is the best you can get. On the other hand Llanowar Elves are better with Wolf-Skull Shaman (Elf Kinship).
Skinshifter has proven to repeatedly be a workhorse and I do not really want to give them up. On the reverse, I love Wolf-Skull, but it rarely gets to stay on the field. Once people read the Kinship effect it becomes one giant bullseye for removal.
In my experience Skinshifter also rarely stays. It gets electrolyzed very often. Another problem is that it gets often bolted in response to its activation (and you can activate him only once/turn). Four of them is a lot and hard to activate them in multiples. You could try some Fauna Shaman in that slot. It has also a nice synergy with useless topdecked Birds, which you can exchange for Rage Forger.
I could probably also afford to go down to three Flamekin without being bothered.
Absolutely. I also run only 3. The reasoning is that I want to draw one of them and never two. Also, after a Harbinger you know you will be drawing Rage Forger, but sometimes you really need land, and then Harbinger becomes awkward. Sometimes I even cast Harbinger and then I don't look up Rage Forger because I really need land. Harbinger is sometimes great, sometimes a useless 1/1.
If I drop all the Wolf-Skull, a Flamekin, a Lead and the Bow that gives me seven flex spots to fill. I want to stay straight GR for now. I definitely want to add at least two Eternal Witness. Is Burning-Tree Shaman worth fitting in the main for a on hand solution to Twin? Same question for Essence Warden. How would some of you who know the deck better suggest filling out those seven slots?
Fauna Shamans do excellent work for me. Burning-Tree Shaman is nowadays a lot better than in the past, because I think sweepers (anger of the gods) became more prevalent and Burning-Tree is one of the few that stays. Twin plays bolts and Anger, so it is for sure good against them. They will side in Flameslash, but often Burning-Tree is already 4/5 by then. Take into account that you will also take some damage from him (Skinshifter). Eternal Witness is always great. That is why I also run Commune with Nature over Lead the Stampede, because then there is at least always something in the grave,
Sideboard wise my only "must haves" are at least two graveyard hate, two Pithing Needle and three artifact hate (both "hate" have plenty of options and I will pick out what appeals to me). Other than that I am really open, but just generally not very good at building sideboards.
For artifact hate I think Ancient Grudge would be the best. Grafdigger's Cage is also a nice one for the grave, because on top of that it stops Pod decks completely. Not only Pod and Chord of Calling, but also persist from Kitchen Finks and Murderous Redcap. Be careful to not "oversideboard", because if you have 2 Pithing Needles out and two Grafdiggers Cages, you slowed down your opponent, but then you spend 4 cards for slowing down your opponent, instead of spending 4 cards for winning your own match. This is why I like cards such as Destructive Revelry so much, because besides slowing down your opponent, you are still progressing your own goal. Anyway, for your sideboard you also need to know your meta. My sideboard is constantly changing, because the MTGO meta is constantly changing.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I dislike drawing Harbinger all that often. Natural draw, 2 tutors and 4 dig spells are enough for me.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I dislike drawing Harbinger all that often. Natural draw, 2 tutors and 4 dig spells are enough for me.
The dig spells indeed help. That is why I like Commune with Nature so much. In case of emergency you can dig a Harbinger and get your Rage Forger anyway. However, be sure you draw enough Forgers. It is the thing that makes the deck and without it it is a lion without teeth. Also make sure you have enough turn 1 plays. Without DRS I went for the full creature rush and dump my hand ASAP. I always find it very unsatisfactory to just play a land and pass the turn. Currently, I have 3 Harbinger, 2 Essence Warden, 3 Commune with Nature, and 3 Birds (and 4 lightning bolt) = 11/15, whereas you have only 7/11. I don't know whether I have too many, or you have too few one-drops. Actually I think 7 is not so much when I look at our neighbor Gruul Zoo, which runs a lot more 1 drops than I do. Perhaps Gruul Zoo is an extreme case, but I like to build up pressure starting on turn 1. In case you don't want to play creatures turn 1, you could opt for a land that comes into play tapped, such as Raging Ravine, or Treetop Village. This way, you still have a useful turn 1.
What are your guy's thoughts on budget replacements for Fauna Shaman and Copperline Gorge? Does Karplusan Forest hurt too much? If any of you guys are running "budget budget" lists, what are you running, and how well is it working?
Here's the 75 I plan to play in my next Modern event (FNM level). Before anything, I don't have access to CoS or fetches.
It seems more or less fine. I like the Blood Moon in the side. However, are you sure about Skullcrack in the main? I think this would be for us a sideboard card. Maybe you can replace it by Bosk Banneret. Believe it or not, most of my wins are games where I had a Bosk Banneret online, because that will allow you to flood the opponent. I am curious by the way what you think about Tattermunge Witch, because I never played it and I don't know how good it is. EDIT: I think you can also cut a Guttural Response. I think it is great to counter things like Cryptic Command and Electrolyze, but you don't want to end up with multiples in your hand, because by themselves they don't generate pressure.
What are your guy's thoughts on budget replacements for Fauna Shaman and Copperline Gorge? Does Karplusan Forest hurt too much? If any of you guys are running "budget budget" lists, what are you running, and how well is it working?
I've seen many lists with Karplusan Forest, so I think it is a very legit land. I am sure it won't hurt too much. I am fetching and shocking myself a lot, but that doesn't matter. Remember who is the aggressor in your match, and usually it is you, so you can take a few hits. I am currently playing with Horizon Canopy and in my other deck with City of Brass. With those lands it is not optional to hurt yourself, and still it is not a problem as long as you are the aggressor. Karplusan Forest gives you even the option to use it without damage, so I think it will only hurt you for 1 or 2 damage in a game.
Fauna Shaman is unique and I don't have a replacement for that. The only thing is to run more Lead the Stampede/Commune with Nature for when you want to find the right creature.
I love the inclusion of Gutteral Response in the side. It is one of those cards everyone forgets about even though blue is such a dominant color to go against.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
“Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
I love the inclusion of Gutteral Response in the side. It is one of those cards everyone forgets about even though blue is such a dominant color to go against.
Actually countering Cryptic Command is a big deal. It is usually how Scapeshift decks stay alive: Cryptic, tap everything, another cryptic, tap everything, Snapcaster Cryptic, tap everything, Snapcaster Cryptic, tap everything, Scapeshift... I should give it a try, however, running 4 of them is quite a lot.
Any thoughts on running 4 Burning-Tree Shaman? I see a 4 of in one list in the OP.
Seems like your best main deck insulation against combo: stops Kiki, Seer, Spike Feeder and Twin. Seems solid against Affinity as well. Given the prevalence of Twin and Pod in the meta it seems like a good 4-of.
Also, unless I'm missing some interaction, does this deck just extend a hand if Scapeshift is on the other side of the table?
Edit: actually I guess it doesn't stop Pod/Seer unless they're low on life going for Redcap combo. Finks would still gain infinite life. Of course if you have two on board...
Running more BTS is always an option. It is a very cost effective card in general and may sometimes only have a cmc of 2 if you have a Bosk on the table. I have won games I never expected to win even with my super bargain version of this deck just because of how fast it often played (assuming no screw or flood of course).
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“Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
Any thoughts on running 4 Burning-Tree Shaman? I see a 4 of in one list in the OP.
Seems like your best main deck insulation against combo: stops Kiki, Seer, Spike Feeder and Twin. Seems solid against Affinity as well. Given the prevalence of Twin and Pod in the meta it seems like a good 4-of.
Also, unless I'm missing some interaction, does this deck just extend a hand if Scapeshift is on the other side of the table?
Edit: actually I guess it doesn't stop Pod/Seer unless they're low on life going for Redcap combo. Finks would still gain infinite life. Of course if you have two on board...
I am running 3 currently, and I am considering to add one in the sideboard as well. Running 4 would mean for me to cut Eternal Witness or a Rage Forger, and that is not going to happen. Main reason for running 4 would be the 4 Toughness. Passes Bolt test, Anger of the Gods, Pyroclasm, Firespout, etc. These are the hard bits that stay after a sweeper, which makes it more difficult for many decks to set us aside. It indeed stops Twin and just drains opponents. I played many Melira Pod matches and it has been a while since they came to the stage it could combo. I think the combo is not so relevant in Melira Pod, but still BTS is good for running into Kitchen Finks.
Scapeshift is quite annoying with Firespouts and all those Cryptics/Tap. Sometimes you win before they get their taps online, but in general this match is difficult. Last few matches, however, I failed to draw my Blood Moon and I think that this match looks quite different when there is a Blood Moon in charge.
It seems more or less fine. I like the Blood Moon in the side. However, are you sure about Skullcrack in the main? I think this would be for us a sideboard card. Maybe you can replace it by Bosk Banneret. Believe it or not, most of my wins are games where I had a Bosk Banneret online, because that will allow you to flood the opponent. I am curious by the way what you think about Tattermunge Witch, because I never played it and I don't know how good it is. EDIT: I think you can also cut a Guttural Response. I think it is great to counter things like Cryptic Command and Electrolyze, but you don't want to end up with multiples in your hand, because by themselves they don't generate pressure.
You are so damn right. The fact is that I actually play a set of bannerets. I just made the decklist off the top of my head when I posted my decklist. I ended up with 4 free slots and actually missed that I had forgotten this gem out.
Skullcrack is a meta choice, since soul sisters and martyr.proc homebrews both are quite popular budget choices in my area, from what I was told. Will try to squeezep them in the side, or even leyline of punishment.
The decklist should contain 4 bannerets and exclude 3 skullcrack and a single tattermunge witch (making it 3 witch). The latter is surprisingly effective to push some damages through when you go all-in and they try to block your key dudes.
PS: Sorry for missing card tag, too lazy switching back and for on my ipad k-board.
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Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"De potentia juvenis somniabat, nunc de Mundo somniat..."
That does seem a reasonable sideboard. You could try to squeeze in a Troll Ascetic or Thrun, the Last Troll in your 75, because they help a lot in those all-removal decks.
You are so damn right. The fact is that I actually play a set of bannerets. I just made the decklist off the top of my head when I posted my decklist. I ended up with 4 free slots and actually missed that I had forgotten this gem out.
Skullcrack is a meta choice, since soul sisters and martyr.proc homebrews both are quite popular budget choices in my area, from what I was told. Will try to squeezep them in the side, or even leyline of punishment.
The decklist should contain 4 bannerets and exclude 3 skullcrack and a single tattermunge witch (making it 3 witch). The latter is surprisingly effective to push some damages through when you go all-in and they try to block your key dudes.
PS: Sorry for missing card tag, too lazy switching back and for on my ipad k-board.
Ah, OK! I already was surprised by the absence of the Bosks. In a past version I didn't play so many Bosks, but that was when I used Aether Vial and with a lot of double-colored Shamans, and in such a situation Bosks become less good. In all other cases I would just run the full set.
Primer up to date with OGW
Shamanism is a tribal Shaman deck that focuses on swarming Shamans and using Rage Forger to push through enough damage to finish off the opponent. Other tribal decks may have more lords, but this deck should be able to see Rage Forger often enough. Almost every card in the deck provides some sort of card advantage, or at least card quality advantage. The main way of finding Rage Forger is by tutoring him up with Flamekin Harbinger, but Eternal Witness, Fauna Shaman and Lead the Stampede will help you find him as well.
Why play this deck?
Do you like swarming your opponent, do you like brewing, and most importantly, do you like to see a plan come together? Then this deck is something for you.
The deck itself plays very smoothly. Thanks to the tutors (Flamekin Harbinger and Fauna Shaman) you can find your win condition easily or in time of need you can find an answer. Therefore, there are many lines of play. There is also a vast selection of Shamans that can be included in your deck, so you can focus on explosiveness or consistency. Due to the variety in Shamans, you can shape your deck in such a way that it can handle other aggro decks, control decks and/or combo decks. As there are so many different Shamans, there is a lot of space for brewing and there is still a lot to be explored.
A quick and cheap start
This deck is all about Shamans and finding Rage Forger. So, Rage Forger and Flamekin Harbinger are the only cards that are absolutely essential. Bosk Banneret makes all your creatures 1 cheaper, which makes it semi-essential. Wolf-Skull Shaman synergizes enormously with the Shaman theme/team. For mana acceleration you can use Llanowar Elves, which are no Shamans, but Elves, that still synergize with Wolf-Skull Shaman. Elvish Visionary is a proven member of the Shaman team. It looks unimpressive, but it keeps the deck going. You will end up with a ton of creatures, so Lead the Stampede will be pure value and helps finding you Rage Forger. Commune with Nature is a smaller version of Lead the Stampede and is also worth trying. When you run Fauna Shaman on top of this, you will always find your Rage Forgers. Eternal Witness helps you to rescue Rage Forgers, recycle the waste of Fauna Shaman and to reuse Lead the Stampede. Add to this a bit of burn in the form of Lightning Bolt and other Shamans you happen to have lying around and you have something going on!
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Wolf-Skull Shaman
4 Elvish Visionary
2 Fauna Shaman
4 Rage Forger
2 Eternal Witness
4 to 6 Random shamans filling up your curve
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Lead the Stampede
20 to 22 Lands
On MTGO this will cost you
±2 tix if you skip the Fauna Shamans/Eternal Witness which are nice but not essential.
±8 tix if you want to upgrade with Eternal Witness and Fauna Shaman.
(Flamekin Harbinger 4x 0.14 / Llanowar Elves 4x 0.02 / Bosk Banneret 4x 0.05 / Wolf-Skull Shaman 4x 0.08 / Elvish Visionary 4x 0.03 / Rage Forger 4x 0.05 / Lightning Bolt 4x 0.08 / Lead the Stampede 2x 0.04 / Eternal Witness 2x 1.80 / Fauna Shaman 2x 1.10)
The deck above means business in the "Just for Fun" room on MTGO and will crush many decks on the kitchen table.
Llandudno Elf wrote an article about Budget Shamans with nice price estimations for cardboard (total ~£65/$110). You can read it here.
Check also this deck that went 3-1 in an MTGO Daily Event for only 20 tix!
The cards
Everything here is
What are you doing here?!?! Don't forget you are trying to build a fast aggro deck. Well there are still two playables because they are tutorable with Flamekin Harbinger and evokable:
A typical Shaman deck has more than 25 creatures, so there is not so much room for noncreature spells.
30 - 90%
27 - 85%
25 - 80%
23 - 75%
21 - 70%
Not Shaman specific, but general sideboard material that is proven in Modern and that you could use:
Golgari Charm/Rakdos Charm/Gruul Charm/Ancient Grudge/Destructive Revelry/Pithing Needle/Nihil Spellbomb/Tormod's Crypt/Relic of Progenitus/Grafdigger's Cage/Engineered Explosives/Thoughtseize/Duress/Magma Spray/Combust/Deathmark/Creeping Corrosion/Shatterstorm/Sowing Salt/Slaughter Games/Phyrexian Revoker/Spellskite/Abrupt Decay
Keep in mind it is easier to find creatures because of Fauna Shaman/Lead the Stampede/Domri etc.
4 Beastcaller Savant
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Wolf-Skull Shaman
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
2 Eternal Witness
3 Fauna Shaman
4 Flamekin Harbinger
1 Fulminator Mage
2 Goblin Ruinblaster
1 Master of the Wild Hunt
4 Rage Forger
3 Lightning Bolt
2 Collected Company
2 Cavern of Souls
4 Copperline Gorge
2 Forest
4 Mountain
1 Pendelhaven
1 Reflecting Pool
4 Stomping Ground
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Ancient Grudge
1 Chameleon Colossus
1 Destructive Revelry
2 Dismember
1 Fulminator Mage
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Lightning Crafter
1 Melira, Sylvok Outcast
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Spellskite
2 Sudden Shock
1 Surgical Extraction
3 Flamekin Harbinger
3 Bosk Banneret
2 Ire Shaman
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
2 Scavenging Ooze
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Simian Spirit Guide
1 Fulminator Mage
3 Wolf-Skull Shaman
4 Rage Forger
1 Prophetic Flamespeaker
2 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Eternal Witness
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Shared Animosity
2 Manamorphose
LAND (18)
1 Fire-Lit Thicket
1 Verdant Catacombs
2 Cavern of Souls
2 Mutavault
4 Stomping Ground
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Mountain
2 Forest
1 Destructive Revelry
1 Sword of War and Peace
1 Lead the Stampede
1 Leyline of Punishment
2 Combust
1 Guttural Response
2 Essence Warden
1 Ancient Grudge
2 Choke
2 Blood Moon
1 Reclamation Sage
3x Birds of Paradise
4x Bosk Banneret
4x Burning-Tree Emissary
3x Burning-Tree Shaman
4x Elvish Visionary
2x Essence Warden
3x Flamekin Harbinger
4x Rage Forger
1x Shaman of the Great Hunt
4x Wolf-Skull Shaman
4x Lightning Bolt
3x Lead the Stampede
Land (21)
4x Cavern of Souls
5x Forest
4x Mountain
4x Stomping Ground
4x Wooded Foothills
2x Combust
3x Destructive Revelry
1x Eternal Witness
1x Flamekin Harbinger
1x Ingot Chewer
1x Pithing Needle
1x Reclamation Sage
2x Relic of Progenitus
2x Spellskite
1x Stigma Lasher
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Elvish Visionary
2 Essence Warden
1 Eternal Witness
4 Fauna Shaman
3 Flamekin Harbinger
1 Goblin Ruinblaster
2 Leaf-Crowned Elder
4 Rage Forger
1 Reclamation Sage
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Mutavault
2 Snow-Covered Forest
1 Snow-Covered Mountain
4 Stomping Ground
1 Windswept Heath
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Aether Vial
1 Essence Warden
3 Goblin Ruinblaster
1 Back to Nature
2 Burning-Tree Shaman
3 Cunning Sparkmage
1 Destructive Revelry
2 Dismember
1 Stigma Lasher
1 Sulfur Elemental
3x Birds of Paradise
4x Flamekin Harbinger
4x Bosk Banneret
3x Elvish Visionary
2x Fauna Shaman
1x Scavenging Ooze
4x Burning-Tree Emissary
4x Rage Forger
4x Burning-Tree Shaman
1x Eternal Witness
1x Leaf-Crowned Elder
1x Thrun, the Last Troll
4x Lightning Bolt
2x Lead the Stampede
4x Wooded Foothills
1x Windswept Heath
4x Copperline Gorge
4x Cavern of Souls
1x Kessig Wolf Run
3x Forest
3x Mountain
1x Cunning Sparkmage
2x Blood Moon
2x Guttural Response
2x Electrickery
1x Relic of Progenitus
2x Grafdiggers Cage
2x Destructive Revelry
1x Ancient Grudge
1x Stigma Lasher
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Rage Forger
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Wolf-Skull Shaman
3 Fauna Shaman
2 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Skinshifter
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Lead the Stampede
2 Magma Spray
8 Forest
6 Mountain
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Ancient Grudge
4 Relic of Progenitus
2 Goblin Ruinblaster
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Eyes of the Wisent
1 Essence Warden
1 Stigma Lasher
1 Sylvok Replica
3x elvish mystic
4x lightning bolt
3x flamekin harbinger
2x experiment one
3x commune with nature
2cmc (16)
4x burning-tree emissary
3x elvish visionary
4x bosk banneret
1x skinshifter
3x wolf-skull shaman
1x stigma lasher
3cmc (8)
4x rage forger
2x burning-tree shaman
1x eternal witness
1x troll ascetic
4x copperline gorge
4x karplusan forest
3x Cavern of Souls
10x basics
2x relic of progenitus
2x reclamation sage
2x goblin ruinblaster
1x back to nature
2x magma spray
1x essence warden
2x lead the stampede
1x tattermunge witch
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Copperline Gorge
3 Stomping Grounds
4 Mutavault
3 Forest
1 Pendelhaven
1 Smoldering Spires
1 Dryad Arbor
4 Simian Spirit Guide
3 Flamekin Harbringer
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
3 Fauna Shaman
3 Ire Shaman
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Rage Forger
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Mitcutter Hydra
3 Collective Company
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Sensation Gorger
4 Blood Moon
2 Ancient Grudge
1 Reclamation Mage
1 Spike Feeder
2 Magma Spray
2 Rending Volley
1 Relic of Progenitus
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
3 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Commune with Nature
Two-drops (15)
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Elvish Visionary
3 Wolf-Skull Shaman
2 Fauna Shaman
3 Bosk Banneret
2 Sword of Body and Mind
3 Prophetic Flamespeaker
2 Eternal Witness
4 Rage Forger
Lands (20)
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Stomping Ground
3 Cavern of Souls
5 Forest
4 Mountain
2 Sword Package
2 Thrun, the Last Troll
2 Master of the Wild Hunt
1 Bosk Banneret
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Essence Warden
2 Burning-Tree Shaman
4x Llanowar Elves
3x Flamekin Harbinger
4x Bosk Banneret
4x Fauna Shaman
4x Burning-Tree Emissary
4x Elvish Visionary
3x Wolf-Skull Shaman
4x Rage Forger
1x Eternal Witness
1x Troll Ascetic
1x Burning-Tree Shaman
1x Scavenging Ooze
3x Aether Vial
3x Lightning Bolt
4x Cavern of Souls
3x Stomping Ground
3x Rootbound Crag
7x Forest
3x Mountain
2x Magma Spray
2x Destructive Revelry
2x Dismember
2x Molten Rain
2x Tormod'sCrypt
1x Stigma Lasher
1x Cunning Sparkmage
1x Loaming Shaman
1x Essence Warden
1x Vithian Renegades
4x Bosk Banneret
4x Burning-Tree Emissary
2x Burning-Tree Shaman
3x Elvish Mystic
2x Essence Warden
1x Eternal Witness
1x leaf-crowned elder
4x Elvish Visionary
2x Fauna Shaman
4x Flamekin Harbinger
4x Rage Forger
2x Wolf-Skull Shaman
4x Lightning Bolt
2x Commune with Nature
3x Cavern of Souls
5x Forest
5x Mountain
4x Rootbound Crag
4x Stomping Ground
2x Ancient Grudge
2x Lead the Stampede
2x Guttural Response
2x Reclamation Sage
2x Relic of Progenitus
2x Tattermunge Witch
2x Troll Ascetic
1x Stigma Lasher
4 Experiment One
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Skinshifter
4 Rage Forger
3 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Lead the Stampede
Land (21)
4 Karplusan Forest
4 Stomping Ground
4 Copperline Gorge
5 Forest
4 Mountain
1 Essence Warden
1 Troll Ascetic
3 Goblin Ruinblaster
1 Eyes of the Wisent
2 Dismember
2 Scavenging Ooze
1 Combust
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Heartwood Storyteller
3 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
4 Elvish Visionary
1 Eternal Witness
2 Fauna Shaman
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Rage Forger
4 Sakura-Tribe Scout
1 Skarrg Guildmage
1 Skinshifter
4 Wolf-Skull Shaman
1 Copperline Gorge
1 Fire-Lit Thicket
8 Forest
6 Mountain
1 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
2 Raging Ravine
4 Rootbound Crag
Instant (3)
3 Lightning Bolt
Sorcery (1)
1 Lead the Stampede
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Blood Moon
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Creeping Corrosion
1 Elvish Hexhunter
2 Fulminator Mage
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Skarrg Guildmage
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
1 Tormod's Crypt
2 Vexing Shusher
3 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Elvish Visionary
3 Wolf-Skull Shaman
3 Fauna Shaman
2 Tattermunge Witch
4 Rage Forger
2 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Eternal Witness
1 Troll Ascetic
3 Lightning Bolt
Lands (22)
4 Ancient Ziggurat
4 Rootbound Crag
8 Forest
6 Mountain
4 Guttural Response
2 Essence Warden
3 Ancient Grudge
2 Back to Nature
1 Tormod’s Crypt
1 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
1 Vithian Renegades
1 Destructive Revelry
More info here
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
4 Elvish Visionary
2 Essence Warden
1 Eternal Witness
2 Fauna Shaman
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Rage Forger
1 Scavenging Ooze
3 Wolf-Skull Shaman
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Fulminator Mage
3 Commune with Nature
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Pillar of Flame
Lands (20)
4 Cavern of Souls
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Forest
4 Stomping Ground
2 Karplusan Forest
1 Rootbound Crag
1 Pendelhaven
1 Tajuru Preserver
1 Blood Moon
1 Magma Spray
1 Ulvenwald Tracker
2 Destructive Revelry
1 Dismember
1 Grafdigger's Cage
2 Ancient Grudge
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Eternal Witness
2 Lead the Stampede
3 Birds of Paradise
2 Essence Warden
3 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Rage Forger
4 Fauna Shaman
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
3 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Eternal Witness
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Commune with Nature
1 Mountain
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Windswept Heath
2 Mutavault
2 Stomping Ground
4 Copperline Gorge
2 Forest
4 Cavern of Souls
1 Cunning Sparkmage
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
1 Dismember
3 Blood Moon
1 Scavenging Ooze
2 Destructive Revelry
1 Reclamation Sage
2 Essence Warden
1 Ancient Grudge
1 Choke
Most Shaman players are on a budget, so to increase the accessibility I moved the thread to the budget forum, where budget discussion is allowed. The core of the deck is cheap anyway, because we don't need Goyfs or Lilies. The only thing that can make it really expensive is the mana base. For the sake of keeping discussion centralized, this is currently the only Shaman thread. This means you can post any Shaman deck, budget or not. Please discuss cheap decks and cheap suggestions, or discuss expensive decks and how to optimize them, but please don't demand from players to run fetches, caverns, goyfs etc. 9 May, 2014
Link to the old thread.
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Wolf-Skull Shaman
4 Skinshifter
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Rage Forger
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Bow of Nylea
4 Rootbound Crag
16 Basics
Starting with the land base I am going to pick up some Stomping Grounds (full set?) and probably a pair of Cavern of Souls. I like keeping the land around 20 to help ensure that Lead packs in as many creatures as possible.
The Bow was just a drop in because I wanted to toss something else in the deck and needs to go. I would prefer to keep the full set of bolts, but would be willing to get one Lead go.
I like Birds over other dorks as a flying chump blocker if I need it. Skinshifter has proven to repeatedly be a workhorse and I do not really want to give them up. On the reverse, I love Wolf-Skull, but it rarely gets to stay on the field. Once people read the Kinship effect it becomes one giant bullseye for removal. I could probably also afford to go down to three Flamekin without being bothered.
If I drop all the Wolf-Skull, a Flamekin, a Lead and the Bow that gives me seven flex spots to fill. I want to stay straight GR for now. I definitely want to add at least two Eternal Witness. Is Burning-Tree Shaman worth fitting in the main for a on hand solution to Twin? Same question for Essence Warden. How would some of you who know the deck better suggest filling out those seven slots?
Sideboard wise my only "must haves" are at least two graveyard hate, two Pithing Needle and three artifact hate (both "hate" have plenty of options and I will pick out what appeals to me). Other than that I am really open, but just generally not very good at building sideboards.
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
Great! The more people play it, the merrier!
Cavern of Souls will indeed always be good in this deck. I don't know what the optimum is. I have currently 4, but in the past I had 3 because I needed often colored mana for activation costs. Also the less counterspells in your meta, the less Caverns you will need. I don't how many Stomping Ground you will need. I have currently 2, because I fetch, but the closely related Gruul Zoo deck runs the full 4. Also Copperline Gorge is good, because the restriction of 3 lands to be untapped is not really relevant in this deck.
I currently run 21 lands. 22 is absolutely too much, but I don't know about 20. I feel like with 21 the floods and screws more or less cancel eachother out.
Bolts are good, I think the full 4 is fine. By the way, you should also give the Commune with Nature a try, because it is good to set up your game on turn 1 already. Also, if you topdeck it, you can usually immediately use it and cast a creature, while with Lead the Stampede the casting often costs you the whole turn. I would replace the bow for something else, because other users found the bow too slow. I myself never tried it, because I too think it would be too slow. A spicy replacement would be Domri Rade or Shared Animosity. Even Gruul War Chant would not be bad.
Yes, the chump block is an often overlooked quality of Birds. Also its mana is the best you can get. On the other hand Llanowar Elves are better with Wolf-Skull Shaman (Elf Kinship).
In my experience Skinshifter also rarely stays. It gets electrolyzed very often. Another problem is that it gets often bolted in response to its activation (and you can activate him only once/turn). Four of them is a lot and hard to activate them in multiples. You could try some Fauna Shaman in that slot. It has also a nice synergy with useless topdecked Birds, which you can exchange for Rage Forger.
Absolutely. I also run only 3. The reasoning is that I want to draw one of them and never two. Also, after a Harbinger you know you will be drawing Rage Forger, but sometimes you really need land, and then Harbinger becomes awkward. Sometimes I even cast Harbinger and then I don't look up Rage Forger because I really need land. Harbinger is sometimes great, sometimes a useless 1/1.
Fauna Shamans do excellent work for me. Burning-Tree Shaman is nowadays a lot better than in the past, because I think sweepers (anger of the gods) became more prevalent and Burning-Tree is one of the few that stays. Twin plays bolts and Anger, so it is for sure good against them. They will side in Flameslash, but often Burning-Tree is already 4/5 by then. Take into account that you will also take some damage from him (Skinshifter). Eternal Witness is always great. That is why I also run Commune with Nature over Lead the Stampede, because then there is at least always something in the grave,
For artifact hate I think Ancient Grudge would be the best. Grafdigger's Cage is also a nice one for the grave, because on top of that it stops Pod decks completely. Not only Pod and Chord of Calling, but also persist from Kitchen Finks and Murderous Redcap. Be careful to not "oversideboard", because if you have 2 Pithing Needles out and two Grafdiggers Cages, you slowed down your opponent, but then you spend 4 cards for slowing down your opponent, instead of spending 4 cards for winning your own match. This is why I like cards such as Destructive Revelry so much, because besides slowing down your opponent, you are still progressing your own goal. Anyway, for your sideboard you also need to know your meta. My sideboard is constantly changing, because the MTGO meta is constantly changing.
3 Rootbound Crag
2 Copperline Gorge
2 Stomping Ground
8 Forest
4 Mountain
2 Wolf-Skull Shaman
3 Birds of Paradise
3 Skinshifter
4 Rage Forger
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Elvish Visionary
2 Eternal Witness
2 Burning-Tree Shaman
1 Fauna Shaman
2 Lead the Stampede
2 Commune with Nature
The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I dislike drawing Harbinger all that often. Natural draw, 2 tutors and 4 dig spells are enough for me.
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
The dig spells indeed help. That is why I like Commune with Nature so much. In case of emergency you can dig a Harbinger and get your Rage Forger anyway. However, be sure you draw enough Forgers. It is the thing that makes the deck and without it it is a lion without teeth. Also make sure you have enough turn 1 plays. Without DRS I went for the full creature rush and dump my hand ASAP. I always find it very unsatisfactory to just play a land and pass the turn. Currently, I have 3 Harbinger, 2 Essence Warden, 3 Commune with Nature, and 3 Birds (and 4 lightning bolt) = 11/15, whereas you have only 7/11. I don't know whether I have too many, or you have too few one-drops. Actually I think 7 is not so much when I look at our neighbor Gruul Zoo, which runs a lot more 1 drops than I do. Perhaps Gruul Zoo is an extreme case, but I like to build up pressure starting on turn 1. In case you don't want to play creatures turn 1, you could opt for a land that comes into play tapped, such as Raging Ravine, or Treetop Village. This way, you still have a useful turn 1.
6 Forest
5 Mountain
4 Stomping Ground
4 Rootbound Crag
2 Fire-Lit Thicket
Creatures (31)
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Elvish Visionnary
3 Fauna Shaman
4 Wolfskull Shaman
4 Tattermunge Witch
4 Rage Forger
2 Eternal Witness
1 Burning-Tree Shaman
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Skullcrack
2 Lead the Stampede
4 Guttural Response
3 Essence Warden
2 Relic of Progenitus
2 Destructive Revelry
2 Krosan Grip
2 Blood Moon
It seems more or less fine. I like the Blood Moon in the side. However, are you sure about Skullcrack in the main? I think this would be for us a sideboard card. Maybe you can replace it by Bosk Banneret. Believe it or not, most of my wins are games where I had a Bosk Banneret online, because that will allow you to flood the opponent. I am curious by the way what you think about Tattermunge Witch, because I never played it and I don't know how good it is. EDIT: I think you can also cut a Guttural Response. I think it is great to counter things like Cryptic Command and Electrolyze, but you don't want to end up with multiples in your hand, because by themselves they don't generate pressure.
I've seen many lists with Karplusan Forest, so I think it is a very legit land. I am sure it won't hurt too much. I am fetching and shocking myself a lot, but that doesn't matter. Remember who is the aggressor in your match, and usually it is you, so you can take a few hits. I am currently playing with Horizon Canopy and in my other deck with City of Brass. With those lands it is not optional to hurt yourself, and still it is not a problem as long as you are the aggressor. Karplusan Forest gives you even the option to use it without damage, so I think it will only hurt you for 1 or 2 damage in a game.
Fauna Shaman is unique and I don't have a replacement for that. The only thing is to run more Lead the Stampede/Commune with Nature for when you want to find the right creature.
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
Actually countering Cryptic Command is a big deal. It is usually how Scapeshift decks stay alive: Cryptic, tap everything, another cryptic, tap everything, Snapcaster Cryptic, tap everything, Snapcaster Cryptic, tap everything, Scapeshift... I should give it a try, however, running 4 of them is quite a lot.
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
Seems like your best main deck insulation against combo: stops Kiki, Seer, Spike Feeder and Twin. Seems solid against Affinity as well. Given the prevalence of Twin and Pod in the meta it seems like a good 4-of.
Also, unless I'm missing some interaction, does this deck just extend a hand if Scapeshift is on the other side of the table?
Edit: actually I guess it doesn't stop Pod/Seer unless they're low on life going for Redcap combo. Finks would still gain infinite life. Of course if you have two on board...
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― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
I am running 3 currently, and I am considering to add one in the sideboard as well. Running 4 would mean for me to cut Eternal Witness or a Rage Forger, and that is not going to happen. Main reason for running 4 would be the 4 Toughness. Passes Bolt test, Anger of the Gods, Pyroclasm, Firespout, etc. These are the hard bits that stay after a sweeper, which makes it more difficult for many decks to set us aside. It indeed stops Twin and just drains opponents. I played many Melira Pod matches and it has been a while since they came to the stage it could combo. I think the combo is not so relevant in Melira Pod, but still BTS is good for running into Kitchen Finks.
Scapeshift is quite annoying with Firespouts and all those Cryptics/Tap. Sometimes you win before they get their taps online, but in general this match is difficult. Last few matches, however, I failed to draw my Blood Moon and I think that this match looks quite different when there is a Blood Moon in charge.
1 Pithing Needle
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Gutteral Response
1 Essence Warden
1 Burning Tree Shaman
1 Stigma Lasher
2 Relic of Progentius
2 Blood Moon
1 Vexing Shusher
― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
I will always firmly stand by the belief that Magic is a game first and a collectable second.
You are so damn right. The fact is that I actually play a set of bannerets. I just made the decklist off the top of my head when I posted my decklist. I ended up with 4 free slots and actually missed that I had forgotten this gem out.
Skullcrack is a meta choice, since soul sisters and martyr.proc homebrews both are quite popular budget choices in my area, from what I was told. Will try to squeezep them in the side, or even leyline of punishment.
The decklist should contain 4 bannerets and exclude 3 skullcrack and a single tattermunge witch (making it 3 witch). The latter is surprisingly effective to push some damages through when you go all-in and they try to block your key dudes.
PS: Sorry for missing card tag, too lazy switching back and for on my ipad k-board.
That does seem a reasonable sideboard. You could try to squeeze in a Troll Ascetic or Thrun, the Last Troll in your 75, because they help a lot in those all-removal decks.
Ah, OK! I already was surprised by the absence of the Bosks. In a past version I didn't play so many Bosks, but that was when I used Aether Vial and with a lot of double-colored Shamans, and in such a situation Bosks become less good. In all other cases I would just run the full set.