First, thanks for all the work that went into this primer and the non-budget one. I've been thinking about getting into Modern and this looks like a fun deck to pilot.
I will probably end up with something between the budget and full bore version of this deck and I am curious on which parts to upgrade first. Basically, does it make more sense to get utility lands and the Urborg's, or get some Liliana's, or Bitterblossoms?
I would think the Liliana's, as those help more with the win condition.
Wondering if Zombie Infestation might be decent as a Bitterblossom replacement, probably in a build with 2x Dakmor. Perhaps the requirement is too much, making it unreliable, but thought I'd bring it up.
I recommend just using the primer list or something more similar...but at the least, you need to keep the Mists, even with Waste Not. Waste Not should replace Scrivener or Smallpox.
First off, thank you for all the work you have done building this very nice primer.
I did have a question, as I am on a tight budget for this deck. I dont have the cash to spring for Liliana, Bob, or the ensnaring bridges.
What about norn's annex? Whether you splash white or not, it could have some useful matchups making your opponent pay life in order to attack. It obviously isn't as strong as Ensnaring Bridge but in a budget version can it take its place?
If not, I'll probably wait for the release of Waste Not.
Killing Wave is terrible; don't give your opponent options. Don't use Smallpox if you're running Mutilate. I don't like the sideboard at all.
Increasing the land count to 23-24 and running Mutilate might be good. I'll test it and if it's great I'll probably change the primer. Something like this...
(Just use the 'deck' button on the far right to format it like this)
That looks pretty tight to me but it's hard to say without actual testing.
I may change Bile Blight to Extirpate in the primer as well; I don't like Blight much and Extirpate is a cheaper alternate to Extraction, and occasionally better. That said, it still costs a bit, and Cage has gone up recently as well (and likely will continue to), so I may just overhaul the whole thing soon.
Edit: Mutilate conflicts with Raven's Crime so I'm going to drop the land count and try Drown in Sorrow instead. Scry, 3cmc, and ability to run more nonlands is nice.
Edit: Drown misses too many things, and even more post-sideboard. Conclusion: you need Bridge if you want to be serious about the deck, but Drown is okay as a temporary measure.
Well, seeing as Urborg is getting reprinted in M15 (which looks to be a really exciting set that'll get opened a ton), the price is going to plummet and itll probably be able to be added to the budget lists!
I'm running budget 8rack (well, no Liliana or Bitterblossom anyway). What do people think about adding something like Augur of Skulls? Yes, creature removal is king, but a 1/1 that regenerates and gives you can option to make them discard is pretty good utility.
That makes sense. I think it's easy to reach too far looking for answers when you're trying not spend too much. The deck is cheap but for a few pieces, but those pieces...liliana...just so good.
Private Mod Note
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
Yeah, Lily is amazing; she does both of the things we want, and repeatedly. But Waste Not will for sure help the budget version a lot and compensate well for the lack of her, and Bridge too.
I'm interested to play with Waste Not. It seems like it should be terrific in the deck, but then I thought Liliana's Caress would be also and they rely on the same mechanic. How have you been playing it? Are you trying to get it out early and take advantage of your cheap discard or waiting and letting it nickel and dime them later? The additional mana generated from Waste Not certainly helps you keep after them if they ditch a land. If you're retracing Crime you could empty their hand and get something else in play like rack, torpor orb, or whatever. It also seems that you can use the tokens as a replacement for the "beat with Mutavault" strategy, added pressure and cheaper.
On a side note, are you simply playing around various enchantments? Have you considered adding something like Feast of Dreams to deal with things like Leyline? Or is that perhaps too specific for a sideboard spot?
Private Mod Note
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Modern UB Tezzerator UBW Gifts B 8Rack
Legacy RB Goblins
Waste Not does way more than Caress does. I've been arguing with people about how to play it over on the non-budget thread. I wait; they all think you shouldn't but I think they're bad.
The only enchantment we care about is Leyline. Feast doesn't deal with Leyline; black doesn't destroy enchantments.
I will probably end up with something between the budget and full bore version of this deck and I am curious on which parts to upgrade first. Basically, does it make more sense to get utility lands and the Urborg's, or get some Liliana's, or Bitterblossoms?
I would think the Liliana's, as those help more with the win condition.
I did have a question, as I am on a tight budget for this deck. I dont have the cash to spring for Liliana, Bob, or the ensnaring bridges.
What about norn's annex? Whether you splash white or not, it could have some useful matchups making your opponent pay life in order to attack. It obviously isn't as strong as Ensnaring Bridge but in a budget version can it take its place?
If not, I'll probably wait for the release of Waste Not.
If I'm lacking the Ensnaring Bridges, maybe I can consider boardwipes? I've been looking at the following:
Bile Blight
Drown in Sorrow
Killing Wave
Mutilate note, running 18x swamps in my list, which is here:
(I'm new to MTGS so excuse my poor formatting)
Increasing the land count to 23-24 and running Mutilate might be good. I'll test it and if it's great I'll probably change the primer. Something like this...
2x Duress
4x Victim of Night
4x Mutilate
4x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Raven's Crime
4x Shrieking Affliction
3x Delirium Skeins
1x Necrogen Mists
23x Swamp
1x Dakmor Salvage
4x The Rack
4x Wrench Mind
3x Extirpate
4x Darkblast
4x Sun Droplet
(Just use the 'deck' button on the far right to format it like this)
That looks pretty tight to me but it's hard to say without actual testing.
I may change Bile Blight to Extirpate in the primer as well; I don't like Blight much and Extirpate is a cheaper alternate to Extraction, and occasionally better. That said, it still costs a bit, and Cage has gone up recently as well (and likely will continue to), so I may just overhaul the whole thing soon.
Edit: Mutilate conflicts with Raven's Crime so I'm going to drop the land count and try Drown in Sorrow instead. Scry, 3cmc, and ability to run more nonlands is nice.
Edit: Drown misses too many things, and even more post-sideboard. Conclusion: you need Bridge if you want to be serious about the deck, but Drown is okay as a temporary measure.
Edited to add decklist
8 Rack
Spells (40)
4 Necrogen Mists
3 Funeral Charm
4 Raven’s Crime
3 Wrench Mind
4 Thoughtsieze
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
3 Smallpox
3 Ensnaring Bridge
4 Shrieking Affliction
4 The Rack
2 Delirium Skeins
2 Liliana’s Caress
Lands (20)
2 Dakmor Salvage
12 Swamp
4 Urborg
2 Buried Ruin
Sideboard (15)
3 Night of Souls’ Betrayal
4 Torpor Orb
4 Relic of Progenitus
4 Extirpate
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
On a side note, are you simply playing around various enchantments? Have you considered adding something like Feast of Dreams to deal with things like Leyline? Or is that perhaps too specific for a sideboard spot?
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins
The only enchantment we care about is Leyline. Feast doesn't deal with Leyline; black doesn't destroy enchantments.
UB Tezzerator
UBW Gifts
B 8Rack
RB Goblins